A Cultural Adventure (sample page) T he Italian word for Christmas is “Natale” meaning “birth”. In Italy the celebration of Christmas has its own unique flavour, combining historical traditions, cultural beliefs, and a strong spiritual and religious focus. Christmas celebrations officially start on the 8th of December th and end on the 6 of January. Novena The three‐week festivity starts 8 days before Christmas known as the “Novena”. Italians usually decorate their Christmas tree on the 1st of December in preparation of the upcoming Christmas season. The week before Christmas children go from house to house dressed as shepherds, playing pipes, singing Christmas carols and reciting Christmas poems. In return, they are given money to buy presents. Bagpipes are the most common sound of Christmas in Italy. In some parts of Italy the “zampognari” (shepherds who play bagpipes), come down from their mountain homes at Christmas time and perform in market squares. The tradition of bagpipes goes back to ancient Roman times. The playing of bagpipes is most popular in the regions of Calabria and Abruzzo, and in the piazzas of Rome. Christmas Eve Italians usually fast for 24 hours before Christmas Eve dinner. This is called “cenone”, meaning “big dinner”. This feast includes fish, pasta, vegetables, fresh fruits, special sweets and cakes. No meat is allowed to be eaten on this day. Depending on the region and traditions there may be as many as 10 to 20 fish dishes prepared. The most traditional fish dishes eaten on Christmas Eve are “capitone” (a large female eel), or “baccala” (salted cod) which can be eaten fried, boiled or steamed. Other fish dishes may include “fritto misto” (mixed fried fish) dressed with lemon, calamari or pasta with anchovies. These main dishes are usually accompanied by either cooked or fresh vegetables. The meal is followed with Italian Christmas sweets such as “panettone” (cake with candied fruit); Copyright © 2005 Green Octopus – www.greenoctopus.com.au “panforte” (similar to gingerbread); “torrone” (nougat); “pandoro” (raised yeast cake); or “struffoli” (honey pastry). Dessert is normally enjoyed with a glass of “spumante” (Italian champagne). Panettone The “cenone” is traditionally eaten late at night, to finish in time for midnight mass. It is also traditional for a child to write a letter to their parents telling them how much he or she loves them. This is usually placed under the father's dinner plate to then be read after the meal. At midnight on Christmas Eve is also the time to celebrate the “presepe” (nativity scene). The “presepe” consists of figurines made of clay or plaster depicting the birth of Jesus. It shows Jesus in the manger, Joseph and Mary in the stable with a donkey and an ox. The scene also usually includes the Magi (Three Wise Men) with a camel, shepherds and sheep, angels and the shooting star of Bethlehem. Almost every church in Italy would have a “presepe”. They are often displayed outdoors in squares or other public areas. Many people also set up small nativity scenes in their home. Although the “presepe” is usually set up before Christmas, the baby Jesus figurine is added to the crib in the manger at midnight on Christmas Eve representing the birth of Jesus. Presepe The first nativity scene was created by artist Giovanni Vellita in the village of Greccio in the year 1224. Saint Francis of Assisi asked Giovanni to create a manger scene for a mass service. The “presepe” quickly became a 68 T h e L a n g u a g e C o m p a n y Fax: (08) 8178 0238 - Post: PO Box 806 BLACKWOOD SA 5051 – Web: www.greenoctopus.com.au – ABN: 77 380 274 127 ORDER FORM FAX: (08) 8178 0238 DELIVERY DETAILS Name: ________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________ ______________________ State:_______ Post Code:________ Phone: _(_____)_____________________________________ School: _______________________ Fax: _(_____)_________________________________________ Email (Receive delivery status):_________________________________________________________ German Coming next term Order now! LANGUAGE French Indonesian Italian Spanish German BOOKS CODE 8819 9455 2962 4505 1087 4925 4782 8367 5089 ITEM DESCRIPTION Over 140 beautifully presented, fun and ready‐ Language Star to‐use language activity sheets set in themes. Extension worksheets designed in an extremely Bonus Point System effective “Bonus Points” system. Homework activities based on Language Star Homework Magic book. Language puzzles based on Language Star. Puzzle Mania Language Star revision sheets, pre‐tests, tests Test Book and answer sheets. Language games making learning engaging and Let’s Play! fun! Cultural texts accompanied by questions, A Cultural Adventure activity and puzzles. A must! A set of comprehensive research project. Can Project Jet‐Pack be used with “A Cultural Adventure” book. Fun Practical In‐class practical fun projects to enhance and reinforce cultural experience. Projects OFFER SPECIAL OFFER Orders above $300 will receive 1 (one) free item of your choice from this order form. 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Language Star Over 100 ready to use activity sheets Set in language themes Beautifully presented Includes lots of fun activities Easy to follow instructions Can be easily incorporated into existing curriculum Bonus Point System Puzzle Mania 40 fun puzzles Includes crosswords, word‐finds, mazes and many more types of puzzles Challenging and rewarding Includes easy to follow instructions Can be used with“Language Star” Brilliantly presented cultural resource sheets Each chapter Includes: o Question sheets o Activities o Fun puzzles Clear and easy to understand Can be used with “Project Jet‐ Pack” & “Fun Practical Projects” Test Book A Cultural Adventure Extension activities to challenge and engage students Works on a Bonus Point System to encourage further learning Includes a class chart to keep track of student point progress Can be used with “Language Star” Homework Magic Language tests based on “Language Star” Includes: o Revision notes o Pre‐tests o Tests o Answer sheets Includes test results record sheet Let’s Play! Project Jet‐Pack 20 innovative and fun research projects Beautifully designed to develop cultural knowledge Step‐by step‐instructions Assessment criteria included Can be used with “A Cultural Adventure” Student homework book Mini activity sheets that can be completed at home Easy to follow instructions Fun and engaging activities Can be used with “Language Star” Fun and engaging games to promote practice of new language learnt Includes game phrases and terminology Caters for all language levels Games for two or more players Can be used with “Language Star” Fun Practical Projects Fun practical projects to gain a cultural experience Easy to follow step‐by‐step instructions Requires materials which are readily available Can be used with “A Cultural Adventure” & “Project Jet‐Pack”
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