Veronica`s Licensing and welcome - C of E Parish of Wootton Bridge

Sun 8th
No 8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist (St Edmund’s)
2.45pm Service of Remembrance—meet at the War
Memorial, followed by a Service in St Edmund’s Church
6pm Evensong (St Edmund’s)
Mon 9th
10am Village Coffee Morning (Wootton Bridge Methodist)
Tues 10th
10.30am—12noon Tuesday Discussion Group (Witz End)
2.30pm IOW Trading Standards (St John’s Church Hall)
Wed 11th
9.30am Holy Communion (St Edmund’s)
11am Observance of two-minute’s silence (War Memorial)
11am—2pm Open House (Wootton Bridge Methodist)
12noon Light lunches (Wootton Bridge Methodist)
2pm—3pm Craft Afternoon (WB Methodist)
Thu 12th
7pm Christmas Choir Practice (St Edmund’s)
Fri 13th
10am—12noon Art Group for Beginners (St Mark’s)
Sat 14th
5.30pm Veronica’s Licensing Service (Holy Cross Binstead)
Sun 15th
No 8am Holy Communion
9.30am Service of Welcome (St Mark’s)
No 10am Sung Eucharist
6pm Evensong (St Edmund’s)
Mon 16th
10am Village Coffee Morning (Wootton Bridge Methodist)
Tues 17th
10.30am—12noon Tuesday Discussion Group (Witz End)
Wed 18th
9.30am Holy Communion (St Edmund’s)
Visit our website:
Parish of St Edmund's and St Mark's Wootton Bridge
Parish Priest: During the period of Interregnum please contact either
of the Churchwardens for help. Thank you.
Churchwardens: Mary Peters (882595) and Margaret Frost (240772)
Weekly Sheet co-ordinator: Helen Davison (882330)
If you are new to our church - welcome! Please make yourself known to
a churchwarden or sides person. If you are visiting and pay tax, please
consider using a Gift Aid envelope for your offering. Thank you.
Welcome to our worship: please use the
time before the service starts for quiet
prayer. You are welcome to join us for
refreshments after the 10am Service.
8 November 2015
Hearing Aid Loop (both churches)
St Edmund’s: please sit on the left hand
side of the church. Please switch your
hearing aid to the “T” position.
Veronica’s Licensing and welcome
The Licensing Service for Veronica will take place at 5.30pm
next Saturday— 14th November—at Holy Cross Binstead.
This will be followed by a reception at Binstead Primary
School. (To alleviate parking problems a minibus will run
between the school and the Church, as it should be possible
to park near the school.) Each Church will then welcome
Veronica on Sunday 15th November:
8am Holy Communion: Holy Cross, Binstead
9.30-10am Service of Welcome: St Mark’s Wootton
11.30-12noon Service of Welcome: St Peter’s
6pm Evensong: St Edmund’s Wootton
Please note that due to the timings of these Services
there will be no 8am or 10am Service next Sunday.
Wootton Bridge Methodist Church are having a packing day on
Saturday 14th November for the 2015 Shoebox Appeal. This will
be combined with a coffee morning to raise funds for the transport
of the Shoeboxes. All are welcome to come along from
10am—12noon to partake of the refreshments or help pack or
both! Gifts for the boxes will also be appreciated. There are
plenty of empty shoeboxes available if needed!
Jonah 3: 1-5. 10; Hebrews 9: 24-28; Mark 1: 14-20
Wednesday, 11th November 9.30am St Edmund’s
Titus 3: 1 - 7 (NT p213)
Sunday, 15th November Second Sunday before Advent
Daniel 12: 1-3; Hebrews 10: 11-14 [15-18], 19-25; Mark 13: 1-8
… Bishop Christopher, God’s mission and our ministry in Wootton,
Clergy supporting us during our Interregnum, Street Pastors,
East Wight Deanery Officers
…those who are sick or in any kind of need: Hayden, Dawn,
David and Hazel, Gladys, Isaac, Roger
…those who are in Our Year’s Mind: 11th Tom King
If you would like a name to be added to the prayer list (with the
consent of the person named) please let Helen Davison know. Names will
remain on the list for an initial period of 4 weeks. Please inform Helen if
you wish a name to be included after this time, or when prayers have
been answered or are no longer needed. The intercessions books in each
Church may be used for additional prayers to be offered silently during
the Services. Names in our ‘Year’s Mind’ will be published for three years
and then removed unless otherwise requested. Thank you.
Choir at Christmas!
Do you love to sing? Why not join the Church Choir this
Christmas to learn some easy to sing carols? Rehearsals are
held at St Edmund’s Church on Thursday evenings—phone David
McCulloch on 079 6414 7142 for details.
… Ann Jolliffe for organising the Jumble Sale held last
week, and to all who supported it. £ 340.78 was raised
for Church Funds.
… all who participated in the Photo Competition
yesterday, and in particular Manda for organising it.
Concerned about Doorstep Crime, postal or telephone Scams?
IOW Trading Standards will be at St John’s Church Hall, High Park
Road, Ryde on Tuesday 10th November 2.30 – 4pm. They will talk
about how you can protect yourself and others from falling victim to
doorstep crime and scams. Everyone is welcome to come along (no
need to book). Further info from Revd Sue Theobald on 242162.
Friendship Tea @ 3
The next Friendship Tea @ 3 will be held at St Mark’s
Church, 3pm on Saturday 21st November. All ages welcome to join
in! Please phone Joan on 883565 to book a place, or see Ann Jollifffe.
Offers of either of cakes or of help on the day would be appreciated!
We will be holding a Christmas event at St Mark’s from
10am—1pm on Saturday 5th December. Come along to enjoy
a coffee morning, light lunches, seasonal stalls, craft stalls, & tombola.
To book a stall please phone Joan on 883565 or see Ann Jolliffe.
Donations of bottles of drinks for the tombola are required, please!
Zombies vs Aliens
The generation gap can make young people seem like aliens to older
people and older people look like zombies to the young! You are
invited to a special one-off event ‘Zombies vs Aliens’ to think about
how we can understand and engage people of every generation in a
changing world. Discover the key changes impacting on churches, the
common motivations of different generations, and how churches can
connect better in the world as it is. Come and discover positive,
achievable and dynamic ideas for growth and engagement. Bishop
Christopher will open the event, and every parish is asked to send
along two lay people (if possible one from a younger generation).
This is a unique opportunity to consider issues which affect us all,
and to work together on strategies for tackling them. It takes place on
Saturday 5th December from 10am-4pm, is free, but needs to be
booked by November 23rd. (More info is on the Diocesan website).