Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2014 June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, California, USA OMAE2014-23499 UNIVERSAL CRANE MODEL FOR THE SHIP DESIGN SYSTEM E4 * Hendrik Vorhölter Mareval AG Hamburg, Germany Email: [email protected] Jakob Christiansen HeavyLift@Sea GmbH Hamburg, Germany Email: [email protected] Hannes Hatecke Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) Hamburg, Germany Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT For the ship design system E4 a universal crane model was developed. With the help of this model the design of crane vessels and cranes can be harmonised better and lifting operations can be analysed more precisely. The model is able to handle any type of cranes which are used in the shipping and offshore industry and provides the input for every simulations method within E4 which needs to consider crane operations. Special focus was given on keeping a common user interface both for the designer of a crane vessel and the planning engineer for lifting operations independently of the type and functionalities of the crane. Such a universal crane model has not been implemented in any other ship design software until now. In this article the motivation for the development of the model is described together with the requirements for a universal crane model. The principle of the model explained and its functionality is demonstrated in several examples. Keywords: Ship Design, Software, Offshore, Lifting, Crane INTRODUCTION In recent years more and more heavy lifting crane operations in the offshore industry have been performed by floating vessels. On the one hand, the oil and gas industry is exploring deeper water depth where the use of jack-up or fixed platforms is not feasible any more. On the other hand, the offshore wind industry requires cost efficient solutions for heavy lifting operations. In order to increase the usability and * the operational range of floating crane vessels new ship designs have to be developed and the reliability of the prediction of the operational capability for lifting operations has to be increased. In most cases the crane and the vessel on which it is installed are designed independently from each other. This is for several reasons: Very often the crane and the vessel are designed from independent companies or the crane shall be suitable for the installation on different ship types and vice versa. Hence, the crane is very often incorporated into the ship design process only by its required space, weight and a load chart. But if the operational capability of a crane vessel in offshore lifting operations shall be driven to its maximum, ship and crane have to harmonised in their dynamic behaviour. This requires an integrated crane model for the ship design process, which most ship design systems do not have. In order to overcome this problem a universal crane model was developed as part of the joint research and development project “HoOK” for the ship design system E4 [2]. The aim of the HoOK project is to provide an integrated simulation tool for lifting operations with ships for the early ship design as well as the planning of lifting operations offshore and inshore (see also [3]). The aims of the HoOK project are described below. This is followed by a description of the ship design system E4 and its underlaying philosophy. After defining the requirements for a universal crane model the implemented crane model is described. The article concludes with some application examples and an outlook on future work. Address all correspondence to this author 1 Copyright © 2014 by ASME competence of TUHH in the development of software for dynamic ship simulations. The project is scheduled for a three year period and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in its program “Maritime Technologien der nächsten Generation” (“Next-Generation Maritime Technologies”). FIGURE 1. PLATFORM LIFTING WITH FLOATING SHEER LEG MATADOR 3 FIGURE 2: INSTALLATION OF A TIDAL TURBINE WITH A CONVENTIONAL HEAVY LIFT CARRIER SIETAS TYPE 183 (COPYRIGHT SAL HEAVYLIFT GMBH) R&D PROJECT HOOK There are a large number of different tools for the simulation of different aspects of transport and installation operations. But, there is a lack of comprehensive, fast and reliable simulations tools that are suitable for the early design and planning phase. In order to fill this gap, the research and development project “Hochsee-Operationen mit Kranen” (Offshore operations with cranes) – in short “HoOK” – has been started in spring 2013 (see also [3] and [7]). It aims at the development of new simulation tools for offshore lifting operations. The project consortium consists of the ship design office HeavyLift@Sea, the Institute of Ship Design and Ship Safety of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the marine consultancy office MAREVAL as project coordinator. In this consortium, the different strengths of the three partners are combined: MAREVAL’s experience in offshore operations and offshore technology, HeavyLift@Sea’s experience in the design of heavy lift vessels and the SHIP DESIGN SYSTEM E4 E4 is a ship design system especially developed for the early design phase. The early design phase in the ship building industry is characterized by extremely short lead times for a rather complex task. Within a few days or weeks all key elements of the ship and its major systems have to be analysed with respect to their functionality, weight and space requirements as well as costs. This can only be achieved by the coordinated work of experts from various disciplines. Therefore, the main features of E4 are multi-user functionality, the use of a common data base for all embedded tools and the use of first principal based direct simulation methods already for the early design. The design of the common data base follows the philosophy that only the original data is stored. Any information which can be derived from the original data quickly is generated only if it is required. The embedded tools in E4 can address all topics which are part of the traditional work of a project department or design office, e.g. hull form development, loading conditions, intact and damage stability as well as speed power performance. But manoeuvring, dynamic positioning and sea keeping analysis both in frequency and in time domain can also be performed with E4. Until now no explicit crane model exists for E4. Crane operations can only be analysed by modifying the light ship weight distribution and the loading conditions manually. This is for some hydrostatic analysis sufficient but with low performance. And for dynamic analysis it is inadequate. The crane model to be developed shall provide the common data base for the description of cranes and crane loads for any analysis tools used in E4. Additionally the crane model shall comply to the needs of tools to be developed in the future. For instance, within the HoOK-project a module will be developed which allows the chronological description of lifting operations including water ballast operations. REQUIREMENTS FOR A UNIVERSAL CRANE MODEL The first step for the development of a universal crane model is to define the requirements for the model. Most of the requirements are a consequence of the above described philosophy of E4 and the aspired use of the model. The requirements identified by the project consortium are as follows: The model shall be suitability for the early design phase which requires simple modelling of the basic cases like a single hook operation of one crane and the 2 Copyright © 2014 by ASME possibility for fast modifications of the key parameters like the load or outreach. Advanced simulations require more detailed information about the velocities and limits of the crane components, which need to be provided. It must be possible to handle all types of cranes used in the shipping and offshore industry, like pedestal crane and A-frames, cylinder and wire luffing cranes, knuckle-boom and gantry cranes. The necessary input must be restricted to data, which is available for the ship designer, i.e. no internal knowhow from the crane manufacturer should be required. The definition of a crane and crane load with its functionality and geometry must be quick via a user interface. The model must be suitable for modelling and handling multiple cranes or hooks lifting operations. Data transfer from one project to another must be possible like the replacement of the crane information within one project. The model must be able to compute the equilibrium condition for the free hanging load with the resulting loads for the crane(s) and tugger winches. For advanced high-performance time domain simulations it maybe necessary to generate adopted, simplified models automatically from the available information. The model must provide mass, COG and mass moment of inertia as well as upper block position and free rope length at any time during a lifting operation for time domain simulations. There should be different modes for the control of the crane, e.g. direct control by defining geometric properties like a luffing angle or indirect control by defining a lateral position on and a height above the deck for the hook. Fulfilling these requirements implies that the crane model consists of a data basis and a set of basic functionalities. These functionalities are for instance used to compute the equilibrium condition for the free hanging lifting gear. bodies. Whereas the lifting gear consist of pulleys, which of course can be multi-reeven. As the model should not be used as a crane design tool, the crane bodies and wire ropes are handled as rigid for a start. The consideration of the stiffness of the crane would require detailed information about the crane structure. But this information is usually not available for a ship designer or operator. And for the largest part of possible lifting operations neglecting of the stiffness is acceptable as long as the precise modelling of the moment of lift-off and touch-down is not required. In the following the key elements of the crane model are described, which are the kinematic model, the actuators for manipulating the model, the solution scheme for the determination of the equilibrium condition as well as the controlling mechanisms. Kinematic Model The kinematic model of the crane is set up by rigid bodies which are coupled to each other. Each body of the crane has one parent body, which can be the ship, and each body can have multiple child bodies. Each body has its one local coordinate system. The COG and moment of inertia of the body and further vertices as well as the geometry are defined in this local body frame. A geometry description is used for the visualisation and for the determination of wind loads. The position and orientation of the child body is defined relative to a vertex of the parent body via translatory and rotatory offsets in the local body frame. The offsets can either be fixed, or manipulable, or the respective degree of freedom (DOF) can be free. If a DOF is fixed between two bodies, this results in a coupling force or moment in the respective axis direction. With this model the kinematics of a single crane can be described. If multiple hook operations on one load should be possible it is required that one body can be coupled to multiple bodies. These additional couplings result not only in coupling forces but also in kinematic constraints. This will be explained with the following example. DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODEL In order to be able to develop a universal crane model which can be adapted to different crane types and lifting operations one has to ask oneself what the common definition of a crane is. The dictionary says that a crane is “a device for lifting and moving heavy objects, typically consisting of a moving boom, beam, or gantry from which lifting gear is suspended” [5]. The definition implies that in order to be able to model a crane one must be able to model one or several bodies, which can be manipulated in their alignment with respect to other bodies or the ship. Furthermore, one needs to model lifting gear and further gear for the manipulation of the 3 Copyright © 2014 by ASME x x y z y Body 1 z Body 2 (Parent) Vertex 1 Vertex 2 x Vertex 3 Body 3 y Pulleys consist of a rope with a start and an end point. The start and end point are either thimble or winches. The rope can be reeven around multiple sheaves. Each sheave or winch is defined by a vertex in a body, an axis and a diameter. The definition of the thimble requires only the body and vertex. The enlacement of the rope around the sheave follows the right hand rule around the defining axis. As the position of the vertices is known from the kinematic model the mass and COG of the pulley can be determined with a weight per length of the rope. Figure 4 shows a pulley starting from the winch touching three sheaves and ending at a thimble. Vertex 4 (Child) z Sheave 2 Sheave 1 Body 2 Defining Vertex Kinematic offset and kinetic coupling Thimbel Kinetic coupling and kinematic constraint Body 1 FIGURE 3: BODY WITH COUPLING TO TWO OTHER BODIES Figure 3 shows the model of a spreader bar (body 3) hanging on the hooks of two different cranes (bodies 1 and 2). In this case body 2 shall be the parent body of body 3 in the kinematic model. Thus, the kinematics of the rigid body 3 is defined by the rotation of the body frame of body 2 into the body frame of body 3 and the offset vector between the vertices 2 and 4. For the kinetic coupling between body 2 and 3 it is assumed that the translatory DOF are suppressed whereas the rotatory DOF are free. The second coupling of body 3 is between vertices 1 and 3. For this coupling also the translator DOF shall be suppressed whereas the rotatory DOF shall be free. The sum of the number suppressed DOF from the two couplings must be less or equal six, which is given in this case. Otherwise the load balance for the body would not be solvable. As the kinematics of body 3 is already defined with respect to body 2, the second coupling between vertices 1 and 3 leads the already mentioned kinematic constraint. This requires that thile seeking the equilibrium position of body 3 not only the load balance must be fulfilled but also the offset between vertex 1 and vertex 3 must be kept as defined by the user. The modelling scheme is similar to models used in the analysis of multi-body systems in the robotics. Further details can be found amongst other by Woernle [9]. As the model is rigid precautions have to be made that the model cannot be overdetermined, as mentioned above in the example. Actuators As stated above the offsets between the bodies can be manipulable. For these manipulations actuators are defined. For a start three types of actuators are included in the model. These are pulleys, cylinders and slewing gears, which are described in detail below. Dynamic simulations require also information about the allowable speed for the actuators. The maximum allowable speed is defined depending on the actuator load, as most heavy lift cranes are restricted in this way. Sheave 3 Defining Vertex Defining Axis Winch FIGURE 4: MULTI-REEVEN PULLEY WITH WINCH, SHEAVES AND THIMBLE For some types of crane like offshore knuckle-boom cranes not every sheave is touched by the rope at any time (see also Figure 9 and Figure 10). These sheaves need to be identified automatically. The load acting on the pulley is computed from the load balance of all bodies (see the following section also). Therefore, the pulley’s load is considered in the balance at every thimble, winch or sheave in the direction of the rope. For the sheaves it is considered twice: at the point of arrival and at the point of departure. The catenary of the ropes or chains is neglected, as for usual crane configurations the catenary is small during operations. Cylinders are defined as a link between two vertices of two bodies. The cylinder is acting as a coupling force between these two vertices. 4 Copyright © 2014 by ASME Body 2 Body 1 Cylinder Defining Vertex Defining Axis FIGURE 5: DEFINTION OF A CYLINDER BETWEEN TWO BODIES Figure 5 shows the definition of a cylinder between two vertices of two bodies. The axis of the cylinder is defined by the actual position of the two vertices. The diameter of the piston rod and barrel are only required for the visualisation. Slewing gears are modelled as a moment of force acting on the two coupled bodies. The axis of the moment is defined by the plane of the slewing gear. Determination of the Equilibrium The most essential part of the crane is the lifting gear. The lifting gear consists of one or several hooks which are lowered by a pulley from a upper block which is attached to a beam. The distance of the hook to the beam is controlled with the pulley. But the rotational DOF of the hook with respect to the beam are usually free within certain restrictions. The hook aligns itself in the equilibrium condition. For a single hook lift, i.e. one piece of load attached to one hook, the static equilibrium is defined as the position in which the combined centre of gravity of the load, the hook and the lifting gear is below the upper block in the direction of gravity. In case of multiple hook lifts, i.e. several hooks of one or multiple cranes are attached to one load, the computation of the equilibrium can be more complicated. This is especially the case if tugger winches are used as well as diagonal pull or varying heel and trim conditions need to be considered. A solution for the above described problem for the static condition lies in solving the load balance for the multi-bodysystem. Therefore, for each body the load balance is set up in all six DOF. The balances are combined in one equation system, which than can be solved. The coupling forces and moments as well as the actuator loads are the free variables. During the generation of the crane model care has to be taken that the system is not under-determined. Over-determination has to be considered due to the usually high number of free DOF. Furthermore, the non-linearity of the pulleys needs to be considered. A pulley can only bear tensile loads, compressions loads are not possible. If this should be considered, non-linear solving schemes need to be used and the user has to be warned of slack lines. The equations system is solved for the actually defined kinematic description of the multi-body-system. If the crane system is not in the equilibrium, this results in a defect for the solution. This is also the case if the kinematic constraints for the bodies attached to multiple bodies are not fulfilled. By performing an outer iteration in which the not fixed kinematic couplings are varied, the load balance is equalised. With this solving scheme the static equilibrium for any crane system defined with the model described above can be found. Controllers The various types of crane which are used in the heavy lift and offshore industry allow different types of operations. A way has to be found that these different types of operations can be modelled easy in the ship design or lifting operations planning process. A simple example for this problem is that in the kinematic model the position of the hook is defined by the distance between the hook and the upper block on the jib. The designer or operator usually does not want to define this distance but for instance the height of the hook above the deck. Therefore, controllers are introduced in the model. The controllers regulate the actuators depending on reference quantities. These references quantities can be for example the height of the hook above deck or the angular deflection of a spreader bar with respect to the ship’s axis. It is also possible to define controllers which act on several actuators depending on the same number of reference quantities. APPLICATION OF THE MODEL In the following four examples for the application of the model are presented. The first example is a simple model for the early design, followed by a detailed crane model for a heavy lift vessel and the model of a knuckle-boom-crane of an offshore construction vessel (OCV). The last example is a multi-hook operation with a floating sheer leg while lifting an offshore platform. Simple Model for the Early Design The effort which can be spend in the early design phase for modelling is very restricted. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a model with limited input parameters. But, still all required computations for instance with regard to ship stability or longitudinal strength must be possible. A simple case for the early design could be for example a wire luffing, revolving crane with a single hook, as this is the most common crane in the shipping industry. The model of the crane would consist of four bodies, which are the crane column, the crane house, the jib and the hook. If the crane is adapted from a previous project only the following input would be required. 5 Copyright © 2014 by ASME -1 Reactionmoments [MNm] -40 0 -30 -20 -10 0 Reactionforces [MN] 1 2 3 4 10 5 20 6 Height of the crane column and crane house as well as length of the jib Weight and COG of the four bodies Weight and COG of the load Geometric properties and drag coefficients, if wind loads need to be considered The crane has two single reeven pulleys one for the jib and one for the hook. Controllers are defined for the regulation of the three actuators depending on the slewing angle, the outreach and the hook height above deck. But, these parts of the model remain probably the same for each project, and can therefore be adapted. Figure 6 shows the visualisation of the crane model. For the each body the defining vertices, the COG and the body frame are shown. The data for the crane is given in the Annex. 30 0 90 180 270 Slewing angle [°] Mx My Fx Fy FIGURE 7: REACTION FORCES DEPENDING ON THE SLEWING ANGLE 360 Mz Fz AND MOMENTS It can be seen that the reaction forces are independent from the slewing angle whereas the moments vary with a phase shift of 90° as it was expected. The x-moments are not zero for 0° slewing and the y-moments for 90° slewing due the heel and trim of the vessel. FIGURE 6: SIMPLE CRANE MODEL FOR THE EARLY DESIGN With this crane model the reaction forces and moments at the crane base can be computed for different positions of the crane and varying floating conditions. Figure 7 shows the reactions forces and moments depending on the slewing angle for the crane with a load of 160 t and a luffing angle of 45°. The necessary input data for the crane is shown in the annex. The reactions are computed for a floating condition with 5° heel to port side and 5° trim on the bow. The x-axis is pointing towards the bow, the y-axis to port side and the z-axis upwards. A slewing angle of 0° is pointing towards the bow and 90° towards port side. The origin is at the base point of the crane column. Detailed Model for Heavy Lift Vessel If the capabilities of a crane vessel shall be utilised to the maximum for a heavy lifting operation, simulations performed in beforehand must be as precise as possible. This requires more detailed models of the crane, as described in the example above. The second example is such a detailed crane model for a Sietas Type 183 heavy lift vessel [4] with two NMF DK IV Heavy cranes with 1000 t lifting capacity at 16 m outreach [6]. The cranes have two hooks, one main hook and one auxiliary hook, which can be manipulated independently from each other. The complete reeving of the cranes is considered in the model. Thus, the correct loads on the ropes can be computed for any lifting configuration. Figure 8 shows the situation during a lift operation when a load, which is longer as the distance between the two cranes, is slewed inboards. 6 Copyright © 2014 by ASME Figure 10 show the crane in two different positions. The outreach is varied by unfolding the beams without varying the hook height as it is done typically for knuckle-boom cranes. It can be seen that depending on the outreach the sheave which is last touched by the rope varies. It has to noted, that this is done automatically without user interference. FIGURE 8: SLEWING LONG LOAD INBOARDS WITH SIETAS TYPE 183 VESSEL OCV with Knuckle-Boom Crane For offshore operations a wider spectrum of cranes is used. Very often knuckle-boom cranes are used. One advantage of knuckle-boom cranes is that they allow to keep the distance between the jib tip and the water surface constant within a certain outreach range. Therefore, the hoist ropes is usually guided by two sheaves at the tip of the jib as shown in Figure 9. Depending on the alignment of the second jib the hoist rope touches only one or both of these sheaves. FIGURE 10: OCV KNUCKLE-BOOM-CRANE AT LOWER OUTREACH Multi-Hook Operation with Floating Crane The forth example is for demonstrating the full functionalities of the new developed crane model. Therefore, the lifting of the topside from an offshore platform with the floating sheer leg “Matador 3”[8] was remodelled. The lifting operation was performed on the North Sea in spring 2013 and is shown in Figure 1. The crane model itself consists of 15 different bodies for the A-frame, the span bracing, the flying jib, and the four hooks and the blocks for the pulleys. For the lifting operation two spreader bars have been used to regulate the distance between the two main hooks and the two hooks on the fly jib respectively. These spreader bars, the platform and the shackles are modelled as additional bodies which are coupled to the hooks and the platform. The grommets are modelled as pulleys without sheaves. In the model the luffing angle for the A-frame and the flying jib as well as the hook height for each of the four hooks can be controlled independently. FIGURE 9: OCV KNUCKLE-BOOM-CRANE AT HIGHER OUTREACH This is shown in the third example which is the knuckleboom offshore crane of the OCV BOA Sub C [1]. Figure 9 and 7 Copyright © 2014 by ASME model was developed for the ship design system E4, which fulfils the defined requirements. The model delivers the necessary input for the simulations tools within E4 whenever crane operations need to be considered. Future work within the HoOK project will focus on the development of simulations tools for complete lifting operations in time domain. Therefore, loads and movements caused by waves, current and wind will be considered. Concerning the model it has to be evaluated whether the stiffness at least of the ropes needs to be considered. NOMENCLATURE COG Centre of gravity DOF Degree of freedom Fi Reaction forces at the crane base in direction i Mi Reaction moment at the crane base around axis i OCV Offshore construction vessel ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank our co-workers in the R&D project HoOK with special thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Krüger. Furthermore, we would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology which provided funding for the R&D project in its program “Maritime Technologien der nächsten Generation” (“Next-Generation Maritime Technologies”). FIGURE 11: TOTAL VIEW OF THE SHEER LEG MODEL WHILE LIFTING THE PLATFORM FIGURE 12: DETAIL VIEW OF UPPER BLOCKS OF THE SHEER LEG MODEL CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK Harmonising the capabilities of crane vessels and cranes in the ship design requires a crane model for the ship design software. The needs from the ship design process and the planning process for lifting operations lead to requirements for such a crane model. In the presented work a universal crane REFERENCES [1] BOA, 2009. “BOA Sub C”. Boa Group. Trondheim. Norway. [2] Bühr, W., Keil, H., Krüger, S., 1988. “Rechnereinsatz im Projekt“. Jahrbuch der Schiffbau Technischen Gesellschaft 82. p 352 et seqq. SpringerVerlag. Berlin, Heidelberg. Germany. (in German) [3] Shipbuilding Tribune, 2013. “Germany: Research Project HoOK Underway“. [Online; accessed 20-November-2013] [4] SAL Heavylift, 2013. “MV LONE Ship’s Particulars”. SAL Heavylift GmbH. Hamburg. Germany. [5] The free dictionary, 2013. [Online; accessed 25-11-2013] [6] TTS NMF, 2010. “Heavy Cargo Crane Super Lift DKSL 1000016”. TTS-NMF GmbH. Hamburg. Germany. (not published) [7] Vorhölter, H., Günther, J.-H., 2013. “Direct Simulation of Offshore Lifting Operations”. Offshore Wind, Vol IV, No 04 October 2013. pp 34-38. Rotterdam. The Netherlands. [8] Vuyk Engineering, 2007. “Matador 3 Capacity Diagram”, Bonn & Mees. http://www.bonn- 8 Copyright © 2014 by ASME [9] / [Online; accessed 25November-2013] Woernle, C., 2011. “Mehrkörpersysteme – Eine Einführung in die Kinematik und Dynamik von Systemen starrer Körper”. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg. Germany. (in German) ANNEX A: DATA FOR SIMPLE CRANE MODEL TABLE 1: DESIGN DATA FOR SIMPLE CRANE MODEL Dimension Value Column height 10 m Column COG 5m Column weight 50 t Crane house height 20 m Crane house COG 10 m Crane house weight 150 t Jib lenght 20 m Jib COG 10 m Jib weight 75 t Hook weight 5t Sheave diameter 0.5 m TABLE 2: LOAD CASE PARAMETER Dimension Luffing angle Value 45° Distance hook jib tip 20 m Load mass 160 t Heel 5° Trim 5° 9 Copyright © 2014 by ASME
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