July 2015

DR - Dining Room
ER - Entertainment Room
K - Kitchen
LR - Living Room
10:30 Beach ball Bowling with John
10:45 Out and About with Cosme &
11:00 Finish the Lyrics (LR)
11:30 Cliche Trivia (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility with Gina (ER
4th fl)
2:00 Kindle Games with John (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
6:00 The Critics Choice (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John (ER)
11:15 Words within a Word with John
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:30 Cliche Trivia with John (ER)
1:45 Crafts with Donna (LR)
2:15 Math Challenge with John (ER)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Balancing Act with Gina
4:45 Finish the Phrase (LR)
6:15 Movie of the Week (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 Beach ball Bowling with John
10:45 Out and About with Cosme &
11:00 Finish the Lyrics (LR)
11:30 Cliche Trivia (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility with Gina (ER
4th fl)
2:00 Kindle Games with John (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
6:00 The Critics Choice (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John
11:15 Words within a Word with
John (ER)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:30 Fact or Fiction with John (ER)
1:45 Crafts with Donna (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Balancing Act with Gina
4:45 Finish the Phrase (LR)
6:15 Movie of the Week (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 Beach ball Bowling with John
10:45 Out and About with Cosme &
11:00 Finish the Lyrics (LR)
11:30 Cliche Trivia (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility with Gina (ER
4th fl)
2:00 Kindle Games with John (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
6:00 The Critics Choice (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John (ER)
11:15 Words within a Word with John
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:30 Cliche Trivia with John (ER)
1:45 Crafts with Donna (LR)
2:15 Math Challenge with John (ER)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Balancing Act with Gina
4:45 Finish the Phrase (LR)
6:15 Movie of the Week (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
Pi Approximation Day
10:30 Beach ball Bowling with John (LR)
10:45 Out and About with Cosme &
11:00 Finish the Lyrics (LR)
11:30 Cliche Trivia (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility with Gina (ER 4th
2:00 Kindle Games with John (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
6:00 The Critics Choice (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
Gorgeous Grandma Day
10:30 News and Views with John (ER)
11:15 Words within a Word with John
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:30 Fact or Fiction with John (ER)
1:45 Crafts with Donna (LR)
2:15 Music with Libby (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Balancing Act with Gina
4:45 Finish the Phrase (LR)
6:15 Movie of the Week (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 Beach ball Bowling with John
10:45 Out and About with Cosme &
11:00 Finish the Lyrics (LR)
11:30 Cliche Trivia (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility with Gina (ER
4th fl)
2:00 Kindle Games with John (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
6:00 The Critics Choice (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John (ER)
11:15 Words within a Word with John
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:30 Cliche Trivia with John (ER)
1:45 Crafts with Donna (LR)
2:15 Math Challenge with John (ER)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Balancing Act with Gina
4:45 Finish the Phrase (LR)
6:15 Movie of the Week (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:00 Sunday Mass at St. Bernards
10:30 Morning News and Views with
Donna (LR)
11:00 The Ultimate Challenge Trivia (LR)
11:30 Beach ball games with Donna (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:15 Music Through the Decades with Chris (ER)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:30 Protestant Services with Hitchcock
Presbyterian Church (2nd floor Community
3:45 Baking with Donna (K)
4:00 Apple TV - The Smithsonian Channel (LR)
6:30 Sunday Night Movie Musicals
10:30 Sit to be Fit with Gina (LR)
11:30 Finish the Lyrics with Donna
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility
with Gina (ER 4th fl)
2:00 Group Discussion with Mercy College
Grads (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Tai Chi with Thomas (LR)
6:15 Monday Night at the Drive in with Staff
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John
11:00 Beach Ball Games (LR)
11:30 Sit and Stretch (LR)
12:45 Piano Concert with Tim (ER)
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:45 Deal or No Deal with John
2:30 Word Games with John (LR)
3:00 Ice Cream Social (DR)
4:00 Sit and Salsa with Gina (LR)
4:30 Mind Joggers with John
6:00 Tuesday Nights Feature Film (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:00 Sunday Mass at St. Bernards
10:30 Morning News and Views with
Donna (LR)
11:15 Beach Ball Volleyball with Krys
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Musical Trivia with Donna (LR)
2:00 Kindle Games with Donna (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Baking with Donna (K)
4:00 Apple TV - The Smithsonian Channel (LR)
6:30 Sunday Night Movie Musicals
10:30 Sit to be Fit with Gina (LR)
11:00 Name 10 things with Donna
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility
with Gina (ER 4th fl)
2:00 Group Discussion with Mercy College
Grads (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Tai Chi with Thomas (LR)
6:15 Monday Night at the Drive in with Staff
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John (ER)
11:00 Beach Ball Games (LR)
11:30 Sit and Stretch (LR)
12:45 Piano Concert with Tim (ER)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:45 Deal or No Deal with John
2:30 Word Games with John (LR)
3:00 Ice Cream Social (DR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:00 Sit and Salsa with Gina (LR)
6:00 Tuesday Nights Feature Film (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:00 Sunday Mass at St. Bernards
10:30 Morning News and Views with
Donna (LR)
11:00 The Ultimate Challenge Trivia
11:30 Beach ball games with Donna (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:15 Music Through the Decades with Chris
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Baking with Donna (K)
4:00 Apple TV - The Smithsonian Channel (LR)
6:30 Sunday Night Movie Musicals
10:30 Sit to be Fit with Gina (LR)
11:30 Finish the Lyrics with Donna
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility
with Gina (ER 4th fl)
2:00 Group Discussion with Mercy College
Grads (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Tai Chi with Thomas (LR)
6:15 Monday Night at the Drive in with Staff
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John (ER)
11:00 Beach Ball Games (LR)
11:30 Sit and Stretch (LR)
12:45 Piano Concert with Tim (ER)
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:45 Deal or No Deal with John
2:30 Word Games with John (LR)
3:00 Ice Cream Social (DR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:00 Sit and Salsa with Gina (LR)
4:30 Mind Joggers with John
6:00 Tuesday Nights Feature Film (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
Parents' Day
10:00 Sunday Mass at St. Bernards
10:30 Morning News and Views with
Donna (LR)
11:15 Beach Ball Volleyball with Krys
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Musical Trivia with Donna (LR)
2:00 Kindle Games with Donna (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Baking with Donna (K)
4:00 Apple TV - The Smithsonian Channel (LR)
6:30 Sunday Night Movie Musicals
10:30 Sit to be Fit with Gina (LR)
11:00 Name 10 things with Donna
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Strength, Balance & Mobility
with Gina (ER 4th fl)
2:00 Group Discussion with Mercy College
Grads (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:15 Tai Chi with Thomas (LR)
6:15 Monday Night at the Drive in with Staff
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 News and Views with John
11:00 Beach Ball Games (LR)
11:30 Sit and Stretch (LR)
12:45 Piano Concert with Tim (ER)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:45 Deal or No Deal with John
2:30 Word Games with John (LR)
3:00 Ice Cream Social (DR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
6:00 Tuesday Nights Feature Film (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
July 2015
Connections Calendar
Always Available: Puzzles, Coffee, Tea, Snacks & Newspaper, Books
10:30 Movin and Groovin with John
11:00 X-Box Wheel of Fortune (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Horse races with John (LR)
2:15 Memories Through Music with Linda (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:00 Shabbat Services with John (ER)
4:30 Brain Quests with John (LR)
6:15 Friday Night Flick (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
Independence Day
10:30 Current Events with John (LR)
11:00 Apple TV (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Dear Abby with John (LR)
2:00 4th of July Celebration with Gary! (ER)
2:00 Catholic Mass (2nd floor Community
2:15 Active Games (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
4:30 Hulu TV (LR)
6:45 Saturday Night at the Movies- (LR)
10:30 Movin and Groovin with John
11:00 X-Box Wheel of Fortune (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:30 Active Games with John (LR)
2:15 Memories Through Music with Linda (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:00 Shabbat Services with John (ER)
4:30 Brain Quests with John (LR)
6:15 Friday Night Flick (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 Current Events with John (LR)
11:00 Apple TV (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:15 Communion and Prayers with
the Eucharistic Minister (LR)
1:30 This day in History with John (LR)
2:15 The Kentucky Derby With John
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
4:30 Hulu TV (LR)
6:45 Saturday Night at the Movies- (LR)
10:30 Movin and Groovin with John
11:00 X-Box Wheel of Fortune (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Horse races with John (LR)
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
2:15 Memories Through Music with Linda (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:00 Shabbat Services with John (ER)
4:30 Brain Quests with John (LR)
6:15 Friday Night Flick (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
10:30 Current Events with John (LR)
11:00 Apple TV (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Dear Abby with John (LR)
2:00 Catholic Mass (2nd floor
Community Room)
2:15 Active Games (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
4:30 Hulu TV (LR)
6:45 Saturday Night at the Movies- (LR)
10:30 Movin and Groovin with John
11:00 X-Box Wheel of Fortune (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
1:30 Active Games with John (LR)
2:15 Memories Through Music with Linda (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:00 Shabbat Services with John (ER)
4:30 Brain Quests with John (LR)
6:15 Friday Night Flick (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)
Tish'a B'Av Begins at Sundown
10:30 Current Events with John (LR)
11:00 Apple TV (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:15 Communion and Prayers with
the Eucharistic Minister (LR)
1:30 This day in History with John (LR)
2:15 The Kentucky Derby With John
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
3:45 Bingo (DR)
4:30 Hulu TV (LR)
6:45 Saturday Night at the Movies- (LR)
10:30 Movin and Groovin with John
11:00 X-Box Wheel of Fortune (LR)
1:00 Independent Socialization
1:30 Horse races with John (LR)
1:30 Walk and Roll Club with Gina
2:15 Memories Through Music with Linda (LR)
3:00 Social Hour (DR)
4:00 Shabbat Services with John (ER)
4:30 Brain Quests with John (LR)
6:15 Friday Night Flick (LR)
7:30 Wheel of Fortune (LR)