AP European History KTCs Chapter 9: The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown 1300-1453 Avignon Papacy Battle of Crecy Battle of Sluys Black Death Boyars Burgundy Clericus Laicos Conciliar Theory Council of Constance Dante Alighieri Decameron Donatism Edward III-England Estates General-medieval Four Articles of Prague Geoffrey Chaucer Giovanni Boccaccio Great Schism Hanseatic League Henry V-England Hundred Years War Jacquerie Key Terms and Concepts Joan of Arc John Ball John Huss John Wycliffe lay investiture Lollards Marsilius of Padua papal bull Papal States Peace of Bretigny Pope Boniface VIII Roger Bacon scholasticism Taille The Canterbury Tales The Divine Comedy Unan Sanctum vernacular Wat Tyler William of Ockham Chapter 10: Renaissance & Discovery Key Terms and Concepts Albrecht Dürer Aragon & Castile Botticelli Brittany Brunelleschi Burgundy Cardinal Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros Cesare Borgia Charles VIII-France Christian Humanism civic humanism condottieri Cosimo de' Medici Court of Star Chamber Desiderius Erasmus Don Quixote Donatello Essays Ferdinand of Aragon François Rabelais gabelle Gargantua Giotto Girolamo Savonarola Henry VII-England High Renaissance historiography Holy Roman Empire humanism/humanities In Praise of Folly Isabella of Castile Jan van Eyck Johan Huizinga Johannes Gutenberg League of Venice Leonardo da Vinci liberal arts Lorenzo de Medici Mannerism Manuel Chrysoloras Michel de Montaigne Michelangelo Miguel de Cervantes Neo-Platonism Niccolo Machiavelli Northern Humanism Northern Renaissance oligarchy Oration on the Dignity of Man Petrarch Pico della Mirandola Platonism Raphael Renaissance secularism The Book of the Courtier The Prince Thomas More Tudor Dynasty Utopia William Shakespeare 2 Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation Key Terms and Concepts Act of Supremacy 1534 Mary I-England Anababtists Mary Stuart (Mary Queen of Scots) Anne Bloeyn Meister Eckhart Augsburg Confession millenarianism Baroque Ninety-Five Theses Book of Common Prayer Peace of Augsburg Caravaggio Peasant Revolt Charles V-Holy Roman Empire Peter Paul Rubens consubstantiation Peter's Pence Council of Trent Philip Melanchthon Counter-Reformation Philip of Hesse cujus regio, ejus religio Pope Paul III Defensor Pacis predestination Diego Velázquez presbyters Diet of Worms purgatory dispensations Reformation Ecclesiastical Ordinances Reformation Parliament Edict of Worms Schmalkaldic League Edward VI-England simony English Reformation Society of Jesus (Jesuits) GianLorenzo Bernini St. Francis Xavier Henry VIII-England St. Ignatius Loyola Ignatius of Loyola Swiss Confederation Index of Prohibited Books the elect indulgences The Imitation of Christ Inquisition theocracy Institutes of the Christian Religion Thomas à Kempis Jan Hus Thomas Cranmer Jesuits Thomas Cromwell Johann Tetzel transubstantiation John Calvin Ulrich Zwingli Martin Luther Vulgate 3 Chapter 12: The Age of Religious Wars Key Terms and Concepts Albrecht von Wallenstein Battle of Lepantro Bohemia Cardinal Richelieu Catherine de Medici Catholic League Defenestration of Prague Duke of Alba Edict of Nantes El Escorial Elizabeth I Francis Drake Gustavus Adolphus Henry IV of Navarre-France Huguenots John Knox Malleus Maleficarum Peace of Westphalia 1648 Philip II Philip III politiques predestination Protestant Union Spanish Armada St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre The Bourbons The Guises Thirty Years' War 1618-1648 Treaty of Westphalia United Provinces Virgin Queen William of Orange 4 Chapter 13: European State Consolidations in the 17th & 18th Centuries Key Terms and Concepts "Contract theory" of government "Glorious Revolution" "Popery" "Rump" Parliament Act of Settlement (1701) Battle of Poltava Bill of Rights (1688-89) Boussuet boyars Cardinal Mazarin Cardinal Richelieu Cavaliers Clarendon Code Colbert Fronde Grand Remonstrance Hanoverians intendants Jansenists Junkers Triennial Act Ulster Plantation War of Devolution Whigs Long Parliament Mercantilism Navigation Act (1651) New Model Army Nobless d'Eppe Nobless d'Robe oligarchy Petition of Rights (1628) Pragmatic Sanctions Pugachev Rebellion Puritans Roundheads ship money strelsi Sully Test Act (1673) Toleration Act (1689) Tories Oliver Cromwell Charles II (Stuart) 5 Chapter 14: New Directions in Thought & Culture in the 16th & 17th Centuries Key Terms and Concepts Baruch Spinoza Blaise Pascal Cartesian dualism Copernicus deductive reasoning Deism Don Quixote emperical observation Epicycle Francis Bacon Galileo Galilei heliocentrism inductive reasoning Johannes Kepler John Bunyon John Locke John Milton Leviathan panentheism Paradise Lost Pilgrim's Progress Principia Mathematica Ptolemy Rene Descartes Robert Boyle Thomas Hobbes Tycho Brahe William Harvey 6 Chapter 15: Society & Economy Under the Old Regime in the 18th Century Key Terms and Concepts Agricultural Revolution ancien regime aristocratic resurgence banalities bourgeoise Charles 'Turnip' Townsend corvee Edmund Cartwright enclosure family economy game laws ghettos hobereaux Industrial Revolution James Hargreaves James Watt Jethro Tull Junker neolocalism Pugachev putting-out [domestic] system Richard Arkwright Robert Bakewell robot spinning jenny sumptuary laws taille Thomas Newcomen waterframe 7 Chapter 17: The Age of Enlightenment: 18th Century Thought Key Terms and Concepts "Philosopher-King" "the first servant of the state" Adam Smith Baron de Montesquieu Calas affair Candide Catherine the Great constitutionalism. cosmology cosmopolitanism Deism Denis Diderot Encyclopedia Enlightened absolutism Francois Quesnay Franz Joseph Hayden Frederick I (1714-1740) Prussia Frederick II (1740-1786) Prussia General Will Henry Fielding Immanuel Kant Issac Newton Jean-Jacques Rousseau John Locke John Wesley Joseph II (1765-1790) Austria laissez-faire Ludwig von Beethovan Maria Theresa (1740-1780) Austria Mary Wollstonecraft Methodism Montesquieu Peter the Great (1682-1725) Russia philosophes Physiocrats Pietism rationalism rococo salons Samuel Johnson The Social Contract utilitarianism Voltaire Wealth of Nations William Hogarth Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 8 Chapter 18: The French Revolution Key Terms and Concepts Abbé Sieyès Ancien Regime Assembly of Notables assignats August 4 Decree Bastille Brunswick Manifesto cahiers Charles Calonne Civil Constitution of the Clergy Committee of Public Safety Commune Constituent Assembly Constitution of Year III Cult of Reason Danton de-Christianization Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen Directory Edmund Burke émigrés Estates General First Coalition French Constitution of 1791 Girondists Great Fear guillotine Jacobins Jacques Necker 9 Jacques Turgot Jean-Paul Marat July 14, 1789 Law of Maximum Legislative Assembly lettres de cachet levée en masse Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité! Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Maximillian Robespierre Montagnards National Assembly National Convention oligarchy Olympe de Gouges Paris Commune Reflections on the Revolution in France Reign of Terror Republic of Virtue Revolutionary Tribunal sans-culotte Tennis Court Oath Thermidorean Reaction Toussaint-L'Ouverture tricolor Tuileries Vendée Year 1 Chapter 19: The Age of Napoleon & the Triumph of Romanticism Key Terms and Concepts Admiral Nelson Austerlitz Battle of Trafalgar Battle of Waterloo Castlereagh categorical imperative compensation Concordat of 1801 Continential System Duke of Wellington Hegel Jacques-Louis David Jena Legion of Honor Methodism Napoleonic Code Quadruple Alliance Rosetta Stone Talleyrand Treaty of Tilst 10 Chapter 20: The Conservative Order & the Challenges of Reform 1815-1832 Key Terms and Concepts Carlsbad Decrees Chartism Congress of Vienna Congress System Decemberist Revolt Decembrists eastern question' Fichte Hegelian dialectic Herder Kant liberalism liberalism Lord Palmerston Louis Phillippe Metternich Quadruple Alliance Reform Bill of 1832 Romanticism Simon Boliovar Six Acts The Charter Volkgeist 11 Chapter 21: Economic Advance & Social Unrest 1830-1850 Key Terms and Concepts anarchists Chartism classical economics Communist Manifesto David Ricardo Frankfurt Parliament Franz Joseph Frederick William IV Friedrich Engles General Radetzky Giuseppe Garibaldi kleindeutsch Louis Kosseth Louis Napoleon Magyars Marxism Pan-Slavic Conference Pan-Slavism proletariat Robert Owen Saint-Simon Second French Empire Second French Republic Thomas Malthus utilitaranism utopian socialists Zollverein Giuseppe Mazzini grossdeutsch Iron Law of Wages Jeremy Bentham Karl Marx 12 Chapter 22: The Age of Nation States Key Terms and Concepts "Blood and Iron" "Sick Man of Europe" Alsace & Lorraine Austro-Prussian [7 Weeks] War, 1866 Battle of Balaklava Battle of Sedan Battle of Sevastopol Benjamin Disraeli Compromise of 1867 Count Camillo Cavour Crimean War [1853-1856] Dreyfus Affair Dual Monarchy Ems Telegram Franco-Prussian War [1870-1871] Frankfurt Assembly Franz Josef II Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe Mazzini Irish Question Kulturkampf Leopold von Ranke Louis Blanc Louis Napoleon Bonaparte [Napoleon III] Magyarization Northern German Confederation Otto von Bismarck "the Iron Prince" Paris Commune Piedmont-Sardinia pogrom Realpolitik Red Shirts Risorgimento Schleswig-Holstein Second French Republic Second Reich Social Democratic Party-Germany Tsar Alexander III Victor Emmanuel II Volksgeist 13 Chapter 23: The Building of European Supremacy Society & Politics to WWI Key Terms and Concepts "The New Paris" "Victorian" Age Beatrice & Sydney Webb Bessemer process Bloody Sunday Bolsheviks Cholera Cult of Domesticity Duma Edwrd Bernstein Émile Zola Emmeline Pankhurst Erfurt Program Fabian Society finance capitalism First International Georges Haussmann Jean Jaures La Belle Epoque London Great Exposition-1851 Mensheviks petite bourgeoise Revisionism Rothschilds Second Industrial Revolution Sergei Witte soviets SPD syndicalism The Subjection of Women Vladimir Lenin 14 Chapter 24: The Birth of Modern European Thought Key Terms and Concepts Albert Einstein Anton Chekhov August Comte Bloomsbury Group Carl Jung Charles Darwin Claude Debussy Claude Monet Cubism Curies-Marie & Pierre Edgar Degas Edouard Manet Edvard Munch Edward Manet Emile Zola Ernest Rutherford Friedrich Nietzsche George Bernard Shaw Georges Seurat Gustave Flaubert H.S. Chamberlain Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Henrik Ibsen id Impressionism J.J. Thompson Jamal al-din Al-Afghani John Maynary Keynes-Keynesian Economics 15 Josephine Butler Jules Verne Marcel Proust Max Weber modernism-literature Pablo Pacaso papal infallibility Paul Cezanne Paul Gauguin Pierre Renoir Pope Leo XIII Pope Pius IX pre-Raphaelites Realism or realist & naturalist writers Rerum Novarum Sigmund Freud Social Darwinism superego T.H. Huxley Theodor Herzl Theory of Relativity Thomas Mann Ubermensch Vincent Van Gogh Virginia Woolf Werner Heisenberg Wilhelm Roentgen Zionism Chapter 25: Imperialism, Alliances, & War Key Terms and Concepts "Big Four" Allied Powers Archduke Franz Ferdinand Armenian Genocide Article 231 Balfour Declaration Battle of Gallipoli Battle of Jutland Battle of Somme Battle of the Argonne Battle of Verdun Boer War Bosnian Crisis [1908-9] British 'Raj' Central Powers Congress of Berlin, 1878 Danzig Dreadnought Eastern Rebellion-Ireland Entente Cordiale Erich Maria Remarque Fourteen Points Gavrilo Princip General Ferdinand Foch General Helmuth von Moltke General Henri-Philippe Pétain General Joseph Joffre General Paul von Hindenburg Georges Clemenceau German "blank check" Irish Easter Rebellion League of Nations Lusitania Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Pan-Slavism Paris Peace Conference Polish Corridor Rhineland Schlieffen Plan Serbia Sudetenland T. E. Lawrence Triple Alliance Triple Entente U-boats ultimatum Vittorio Orlando Vladimir Ilich Lenin Young Turks Zimmermann Telegram 16 Chapter 26: Political Experiments of the 1920s Key Terms and Concepts "Black and Tans" "Stab-in-the-Back" Theory Adolf Hitler Beer Hall Putsch British Commonwealth Comintern Cubism D. H. Lawrence Dail Eireann David Lloyd George Dawes Plan Eamonn de Valera facism Franz Kafka Friedrich Ebert General Strike of 1926 Georges Braque Gustav Stresemann Irish Home Rule Irish Republican Army (IRA) James Connolly James Joyce Josef Pilsudski Kafkaesque Kellogg-Briand Pact Lateran Pact Little Entente Locarno Agreement Maginot Line Marcel Proust March on Rome-1921 Mein Kampf Michael Collins Miklós Horthy NEP Pablo Picasso Raymond Poincare Rosa Luxemburg Ruhr Crisis Salvador Dali Sigmund Freud Sine Fein Spartacus League Stanley Baldwin Statute of Westminster Surrealism Third International Thomas Masaryk Ulysses Washington Naval Conference Walter Grőpius Wassily Kandinsky Weimar Republic Young Plan Yugoslavia 17 Chapter 27: Europe & the Great Depression of the 1930s Key Terms and Concepts Leon Blum "Guernica" "The Triumph of the Will" Abraham Lincoln Battalion Action Francais Anschluss appeasement Aryans Benito Mussolini Black Shirts Joachim von Ribbentrop John Maynard Keynes José Antonio Primo de Rivera Joseph Goebbels Kristallnacht kulaks Lebensborn Leni Riefenstahl Max Weber Munich Agreement Dadaism Der Führer Edward VIII Ernest Hemingway Falange fascism Fauvism Five Year Plans-USSR Franz von Papen Futurism General Francisco Franco Gestapo Haile Sellasie Heinrich Himmler Herman Goering Hitler Youth Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression Pact Il Duce International Brigades Neville Chamberlain Night of the Long Knives Nuremberg Laws Pablo Picasso Paul von Hindenburg Popular Front Reichstag Fire Rome-Berlin Axis ["Pact of Steel"] Schutzstaffel (SS) Sir Oswald Mosley Spanish Civil War Storm Troopers [SA] Strength Through Joy Sudetenland swastika Third Reich totalitarianism Wallis Simpson National Socialist German Workers Party [NAZIS] 18 Chapter 28: World War II Key Terms and Concepts Afrikakorps Anschluss appeasement Arbeit Macht Frei! Auschwitz Battle of Britain Battle of El Alamein Battle of the Bulge Blitzkreig Bretton Woods Conference Casablanca Conference Charles de Gaulle Clement Attlee D-Day denazification Final Solution Francisco Franco General Bernard Montgomery General Erwin Rommel International Monetary Fund [IMF] Lebensraum Maquis Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Nuremberg Wars Crimes Tribunals Operation Barbarossa Potsdam Conference Rhineland Stalingrad Sudentenland Tehran Conference Vichy France Waffen SS Wannsee Conference World Bank Yalta Conference Zyklon-B 19 Chapter 29: The Cold War & the Emergence of a New Europe Key Terms and Concepts Afghanistan-USSR Invasion Aleksander Solzhenitsyn Andrei Sakharov Balfour Declaration Baltic Republics-Reassert Independence Berlin Airlift Boris Yeltsin Camp David Accords Chechen War COMECON Commonwealth of Independent States containment Dayton Accords decolonization Détente European Economic Community FLN-Algeria German Reunification-Fall of the Wall Glasnost Helmut Kohl Hungarian Revolt Imre Nagy Iranian Revolution Iron Curtain Josip Bronz Tito Khrushchev's Secret Speech Lech Walesa Leonid Brezhnev & Brezhnev Doctrine Marshall Plan Mikhail Gorbachev NATO Nicolae Ceausescu Nikita Khrushchev Perestroika Prague Spring-1968 Russian Federation Sarajevo-Siege of Slobodan Milosevic Solidarity Sputnik Suez Crisis Truman Doctrine USSR-August 1991 Coup Vaclav Havel Velvet Revolution Vladimir Putin Warsaw Pact Yugoslavia-Collapse of 20
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