Photobiocathode Proteins: main properties and their immobilization on the surfaces Most enzymes are proteins Attachment of enzyme molecules to the surface Chemical adsorption (covalent bond) enzyme Physical adsorption (van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrophobic, DLVO, non-DLVO) linking molecule enzyme- substrate Au, Si, carbon, polymer Thiol group (Au-S-(CxHyRz)-HN2-enzyme) Si-C bond (Si-C- (CxHyRz)-HN2-enzyme) Enzyme film on electrode surface Site specific adsorption Protein immobilization Physical adsorption Chemical adsorption - hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions - covalent bonding of the protein -electrostatic interactions to the solid phase - van der Waals interactions - experimentally complicated - experimentally simple - can alter the conformational structure - often retain the activity of the proteins - proteins can be easily removed and active center of the protein (activity) The DLVO-theory is named after Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek. It was developed in the 1940s. The theory describes the force between surfaces interacting through a liquid medium. It combines the effects of the van der Waals attraction and the repulsion. assumes the stability of a dispersion of particles as consequence of the algebraic sum of potential energies leading to repulsive and attractive (electrostatic, van der Waals) interactions. DLVO (long range electrostatic vs. short range (1/r6van der Waals interactions) and non-DLVO (surface texture, nanotopographies, surface chemistry, steric hydration forces) forces, the dominating influence is specific to the respective biomolecule-surface chemistry and structure Proteins The linear polymers built of monomer units called amino acids. C – α carbon (chiral) H NH3+ C R O COO- αC - COOH αC - C O H I αC-N: I H H I [αC-N H]+ I H R – side chain }- H NH3+ C H COOH NH3+ R >pH Both groups protonated C H COO- R neutral pH Zwitterionic form NH2 C COO- R <pH Both groups deprotonated Isoelectric point (pI) of a protein is the pH at which its net charge is zero. The protein does not migrate in the electrical field. All proteins in all species are constructed from the same set of 20 amino acids α– carbon atom is achiral Amino acids with aliphatic side chains The large aliphatic side chains are hydrophobic. They tend to cluster together rather than contact water. Stabilization by hydrophobic effect. The side chain is bonded to both the nitrogen and the α-carbon atoms. Influence protein architecture because its ring structure makes it more conformational restricted than other amino acids. Amino acids with aromatic side chains hydrophobic Less hydrophobic due to hydroxyl and NH groups. Indole ring The aromatic ring contains delocalized π electrons. Amino acids with aliphatic hydroxyl side chains The hydroxyl group makes them much more hydrophilic and reactive than ananine and valine Amino acids with aliphatic thiol side chains The sulfhydryl group is much more reactive than –OH. Pairs of sulfhydryl groups may come together to form disulfide bonds, which are particularly important in stabilizing some proteins. The basic amino acids Histidine often found in the active sites of enzymes, where the imidazole ring can bind and release protons in the course of enzymatic reactions. -very polar side chains, highly hydrophilic - positively charged at neutral pH imidazole group Amino acids with side chain carboxylates and carboxamides Acidic side chains Amino acids with side chain carboxylates and carboxamides Peptide bonds - quite stable kinetically, resistant to hydrolysis - planar, six atoms lie in the same plane C-N bond has double-bond character -rotation about the bond between α – carbon and nitrogen α – carbon and carbonyl carbon Proteins – polypeptide chains contain between 50 and 2000 amino acids Peptides – polypeptides made of small number of amino acids Proteins have multiple levels structure. Primary structure order of amino acids in protein Secondary Structure Stabilization role of hydrogen bond CO of carboxyl groups of amino acid are hydrogen bonded to the NH in amino groups. Alpha Helix Hydrogen bond between n-CO and (n+4)NH. Chain tightly coiled The side chains extend outwards in a helical array. Each residue is related to the next one by a rise of 1.5A along the helix axis. 100 degrees rotation 3.6 amino acids per turn α-helix is right-handed (clockwise) and is more stable than left-handed β-helix 75% α helix in feritine Secondary Structure Beta Sheet Chain almost fully extended Is formed by linking two or more β strands by hydrogen bonds The distance between adjacent amino acids along a β strand is approximately 3.5A. The fatty acid-binding proteins (lipid metabolism) are built Almost entirely from β sheets. Loop Hydrogen bond between n-CO and (n+3)NH. Loops lie on the surface of proteins and often participate in interactions between proteins and other molecules. Tertiary Structure Is the full 3-dimensional folded structure of the polypeptide chain. Hexokinase – metabolic protein Ferritin – iron storage protein Quaternary Structure Is only present if there is more than one polypeptide chain. With multiple polypeptide chains, quaternary structure is their interconnections and organization. Hemoglobin – four polypeptides and heme groups Enzymes which bind metal ions are known as metallo-enzymes: in these enzymes the metal cofactor is usually found at the active site of the enzyme, where it may have either a structural or a catalytic role. Redox-active Metallo-enzymes The other common role of metal ions is as redox reagents. Since none of the 20 common amino acids are able to perform any useful catalytic redox chemistry, it is not surprising that many redox enzymes employ redox-active metal ions. P R O T E I N F I L M V O LTA M M E T R Y A Photobiocathode Energy flow in nature ORR ATP ADP Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate(NADPH) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) nicotinamide ribose ribose adenine +2e-+H+ Flavin adenine dinucleotide FAD- redox cofactor Riboflavin Adenosine diphosphate oxygen reduction reaction: ORR Laccase 1.229 V vs.NHE 0.67 V vs. NHE Horseradish peroxidase HRP 1.77 V vs. NHE Biomimetic approach organic – inorganic hybrid to mimic light involved processes systems based on semiconductor materials charge transfer semiconductor – enzyme active center ??? Electrochemistry at semiconductor surfaces material for photoanode material for photocathode [V] P H O T O B I O C AT H O D E Enzyme activation by photo-induced electrons from semiconductor conduction band Device concept for direct charge transfer substrates inorganic active center products enzyme Enzyme absorption on semiconductor surface without linker molecules maintaining the activity of enzyme Substrate Step Bunched p-Si Surface (SBpSiS):Substrate for enzyme adsorption Photo-Electro-Nanostructuring in NaOH solution p-Si(111) Terrace: height 1.5-2 nm (majority) widths 150-200 nm Less defined structure than for n-type Si - oxidation at OCP - synchronization oxidation / etchingTM AFM TEM cross section “In system” surface analysis Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy (SRPS) low CxHy coverage (<1Å) after electrochem. conditioning Bessy U49/2 K. Skorupska, J. Solid State Electrochem. 13(2009)205 Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy (SERPS) analysis Si 2p hν=150 eV λ=2Å =Si Si-H =Si H H H Electronic situation valence band onset =Si H OH suboxides oxide negative charge at the surface site-specific adsorption enzyme molecules at the semiconductor surface: Reverse Transcriptase RT + _ Laccase from Trametes versicolor Cu atoms at the laccase active center copper-containing oxidase T1 (Cu1), T3(Cu1, Cu2), T2(Cu4) Oxygen reduction 60-70 kDa diameter about 5 nm α-helices β-strands His – Cys -His Biosensors and bioelectronics 20(2005)2517 T1 center, which is the substrate reaction site and e- acceptor site T3 binuclear type T2 center is labile, and reduction can selectively remove this copper ion generating the T2 depleted T2 and T3 centers are close together and form a trinuclear cluster, which is the site of dioxygen reduction T1 connected to trinuclear T2, T3 by His-Cys-His tripeptide Chem. Rev. 96(1996)2563 reaction with J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124(2002)6180 decays to the resting oxidized Experimental protocol for PhotoBioCathode preparation enzyme Coating with Nafion inhibiting desorption of enzyme from surface Without Nafion the photobiocathode is much less efficient enzyme Activity of enzyme molecules at the semiconductor surface are preserved due to presence of biological water I -static water layer (directly bound (0.4 nm)) II – quasi-free (0.7 nm)) III bulk water – III Lw the border between the direct and the quasi free water shells (Lw≈ 0.4 nm) K. Skorupska et al J. Electroanal. Chem. 662(2011)169 PhotoBioCathode: TM AFM investigations E- donor substrate binds in a small negatively charged cavity near T1 Cu site 7Å below the surface of enzyme indication of side specific adsorption Laccase - diameter about 5 nm Tip – diameter ~10nm no Nafion overcoating blue for cations red for anions polar uncharged (violet) and hydrophobic (gray) (Photo)electrochemical analysis of the semiconductor-enzyme hybrids I. Laccase – Step Bunched pSi Surface forward current 0.1 M citric acid and a 0.2 M K2HPO4 pH 5.2. I-W lamp 50 mW cm-2 0.1 M citric acid and a 0.2 M K2HPO4 pH 5.2. I-W lamp 50 mW cm-2 Charge transfer via Carbon NanoTubes p-Si : CNT : laccase p-Si : CNT illumination: I-W lamp 60 mW cm-2 Electrolyte: citric acid, K2HPO4, pH=5.2 O2 saturated 55 Electrochemical characterization of photobiocathode for different light energies 0.1 M citric acid and a 0.2 M K2HPO4 pH 5.2. (Photo)electrochemical analysis of the semiconductor-enzyme hybrids II HRP – Step Bunched pSi Surface HRP (Horseradish peroxidase) Horseradish peroxidase HRP heme as a cofactor porphyrin Hydrogen peroxide reduction N2 H2O2 with enzyme phosphate buffer pH=6.0 I-W lamp 50 mW cm-2 N2 H2O2 enzyme free phosphate buffer pH=6.0 I-W lamp 50 mW cm-2 HRP enzyme free phosphate buffer pH=6.0 I-W lamp 50 mW cm-2 Origin of overpotential at photobiocathode To determine flat band potentials Efb pH = 5.2 1 2 kT = E − E fb − C SC eεε 0 N e Csc - capacitance of the space charge region εdielectric constant of the semiconductor permittivity of free space εo Ndonor density (hole acceptor concentration for a p-type semiconductor) Eapplied potential flatband potential Efb Mott-Schottky plots (1/C2 vs. E) Efb=-0.42 Efb=-0.23 V Efb=-0.32 V The value of the redox potential of the T1 Cu-site has been determined using potentiometric titrations with redox mediators for a great number of different Lcs and varies between 430 and 780 mV versus NHE Hydrogenase at p-Si surface oxygen-tolerant [NiFe]-hydrogenase In collaboration with: Johannes Fritsch, Oliver Lenz Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institute of Biology / Microbiology, Berlin, Germany hν J. 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