Logo Guidelines

Logo Guidelines
We need your help to ensure that our visual presentation is consistent and contributes to a single and unified
statement. By effectively employing the standards detailed below, we can accomplish three important
Create a high-quality, professional look and feel for our communications
Strengthen our institutional identity
Achieve certain production economies by establishing standards such as physical sizes, formats, color and
design palettes
Anyone using the Dana-Farber and/or Jimmy Fund logo must have the logo use approved by their Special
Events liaison. For example, if you put our logo on your website, you would need to forward the link to your
Special Events liaison and they would take a look and approve it. Below are the guidelines you should follow
when using our logos:
Our identity is an essential ingredient in the process of communication because it creates a framework around
which all of our institutional communications should be constructed. Only through the consistent application
of this system can we achieve our objectives.
The basic visual components
of the Dana-Farber
identification system are the
Dana-Farber and Jimmy
Fund logos. It is vital that
these logos be used in a
consistent manner
throughout all applications.
The signature of DanaFarber Cancer Institute and
the Jimmy Fund is a
combination of the symbol
and name set in a special
type style. These logos
should not be altered or redrawn.
Acceptable configurations of
the logos are shown on this
sheet. They should never be
recreated by redrawing or
resetting the type. Always use
approved reproducible copies
of the signatures.
The following color palettes apply to the Dana-Farber and Jimmy Fund logos. It is important that the logos
appear only in these approved color options.
The basic color palette is:
All black
Combination of PMS
201 symbol with black
All PMS 201 burgundy
Reverse white out of
Jimmy Fund
All black
Combination of PMS
286 symbol with black
All PMS 286 blue
The Jimmy Fund logo
should never be used in