4 CD6: New low/negative surface marker forFigure human FOXP3+ naturally-occurring regulatory T-cells Lymphocytes Carlos A. Garcia Santana M.D., Ph.D. , James W. Tung Ph.D.2, and Sergei Gulnik Ph.D.1 1 1 FIG. 4 Figure 7A B CD4+ cells Life Science Research; 2Life Science Development, Beckman Coulter, Inc., Miami, FL., USA CD4+CD25hi cells CD6-nTreg CD127-nTreg CD4+CD25hi CD4+CD25hi subsets CD4 CD25 1. CD6 lo/-CD127lo/+ CD6lo/-CD127lo/- CD6+CD127+ 94.9% FIG. 4 B D A CD4+ cells C CD4 CD25 FIG. 4 FIG. 4 CD6-nTreg CD127-nTreg CD25 Figure 7A Figure 7 CD4 + B B A CD4 cells CD4 cells + Treg transcript BioLegend 18 0 (Positive Control) A 18 nTreg: T-responder ratio 0 CD127-nTreg 1:1 CD4+ cells CD4+ cells C 1:1 C 1:2 FULL STAIN CD25 FSC-W FSC-W SSC-A SSC-A SSC-W SSC-W Figure 1. Fluorescense minus one for FOXP3 and CD6 staining CD25 SSC-A CD6-nTreg CD127-nTreg CD4+ cells CD39 CCR4 B CTLA-4 CTLA-4 CD127-nTreg CD39 CCR4 CCR4 CD4+CD25hi % positive cells % positive cells % positive cells % positive cells CD127 CD127-nTreg CD6 CD6-nTreg 1:4 % FOXP3+ % FOXP3+ cells cells + % FOXP3 % FOXP3++ % FOXP3 cells cells cells %FOXP3 FOXP3++ % cells cells % FOXP3+ cells % FOXP3+ cells HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR Note: arrows show B marker N/R CD392. expression pathway N/R 86.1 Note: 6.76.7 arrows show marker I/Me 2.4 4.8 86.1 CD39 31.8% expression pathway 20.8% 86.1 6.7 could Dexpression TD pathway 2.4 CD39 4.8 CD45RA Pop2 I/Me 3D: 19.1% CCR4 N/R I/Me N/R I/Me HLA-DR HLA-DR Pop3 3D: 16.8% 3D: 16.8% 3D: 16.8% GARP Pop1 3D: 16.8% B Pop2 GARP Ma/E Pop3 Pop2 GARP -CCR4hiHLA-DR+ lo lo hi lo Ma/E lo hi hi Pop2 lo lo GARP CCR4 Differentiation? CD39+ memory effectors CCR4 Terminal Naïve/ Immature/ Mature/ Regulation blocking Treg 3D: 19.1% 3D: 16.8% hi ++ hi Regulation Treg FOXP3 ++ CCR4 FOXP3 FOXP3 CD39 FOXP3 Differentiation? R R Terminal suppression ? -D hi resting memory effectors suppression ? -D HLA CCR4 Naïve/ Mature/ CCR4 LA Figure 10Immature/ CCR4 lo lo lo H CD25 hi Differentiation? CD25 blocking + CD39+ CD25 resting memory effectors + CD39 CCR4 FOXP3hi + FOXP3 CD45RA FOXP3 FOXP3 Terminal CD45RA CD6Naïve/ CD127 CD6 CD127 Immature/ Mature/ blocking FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 CD39 hi CD39 hi Differentiation? CCR4 Regulation Treg + CCR4 +effectors CCR4 resting memory hiCCR4 hi R CCR4 CCR4 suppression ? -D lo CD25++ lo/- lo CCR4lo CD25++ lo/-lo/+ lo/CD6 CD127 CD6lo/-CD127 CD45RA lo FOXP3hi CD25++ FOXP3 CD25++ CD6lo/-CD127lo/- CD45RA+ CD4+CD25hi CD6-Treg -Treg CD127 + hi CD45RA CD6lo/-CD127lo/- Explains anergy in nTreg cells CD4 CD25 CD6-Treg CD6lo/-CD127lo/CD25++ hi CD25++ CD6 Treg CD127-Treg lo CD25++ +CD39loCCR4lo CD25++ CCR4 hi Figure 10 CD39 CD25++ CCR4lo lo CD25++ CD6lo/-CD127lo/- CD4+CD25hi CD127-Treg CD6-Treg CD127-Treg CD39lo CCR4 lo CD39 CD25++ lo blocking FOXP3lo CD25 + CD25 + CCR4 CD25 hi CCR4 CD25 hi Naïve/ resting CCR4lo CD39+ hi CD25CCR4 hi CD25++ CD6lo/-CD127lo/- lo hiH-L CCR4 HLA CCR4lo CD45RA+ + CD39+CD6+CD127 CD6+ +CD127+ blocking Regulation FOXP3+hi+ ++ Regulation TregTreg FOXP3lo R suppression ? DAR-D suppression ? hi CCR4 Regulation Treg + ++ CD39 suppression ? + -DR hi CD25 + HLA CD25CD39 Regulation Treg ++ CCR4Rhi hi ? -D CD6+CD127+ CCR4suppression CD39+ HLAhi FOXP3lo CD25++ + CD45RA LA H hi CD25 hiCD25 FOXP3lo ++ CD25++ CD25 + hi lo lo lo FOXP3lo + ++ lo lo/- lo CD4+CD25hi CD6-Treg CD127-Treg FOXP3lo CD6lo/- CD25 hi + CCR4 CD6+CD127+ hi CD25 + CCR4 CD25 + hi CCR4 + + CD6 CD127 Immature/ CD25 memory CD6 CD127 + hi CD6+CD127 CD25 + + SSC-A CD6 CD45RA lo hi T Diffe FOXP3lo ++ -DR HLA CD39+ CCR4 hi lo + CD6 CD6 Sorted Populations in Sorted Populations in supplemented media supplemented media Mature/ effectors FOXP3hi FOXP3lo Mechanism to induce tolerance Mechanism to induce tolerance nTreg FS INT FSC-W CD25 CD25 FS INT CD25 FSC-W CD25 SSC-A Treg cells CD4 CD4 CD25 SSC-A CD4+ + Explains anergy in nTreg cells untouched nTreg without cells without loosing untouched nTreg cells loosing lo/lymphoid progenitors and could deplet + progenitors and could deplet In vitro suppression assay. Sorting regulatory T-suppressor cells. After PBMC staining,lymphoid CD4+CD25-CD6 Depletion of bone marrow with anti-CD6 Depletion of bone marrow with anti-CD6 inflammatory/ cytotoxic T-cells PBMC mL cellcells culture media. Stained cellsinflammatory/ cells were pelleted and resuspended at 10 × 106 perNon-Treg cytotoxic T-cells PBMC cells c Terminal CCR4 CCR4 Immature/ Mature/ blocking Regulation Treg ++ blocking FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 R Differentiation? Pop3 suppression ? -DFOXP3 Terminal memory effectors HLA Immature/ Mature/ FOXP3lo CD6lo/-: New insights into nTreg Explains cell biology anergy lo/-lo/-in nTreg cells -CD6+cells CD4+CD25 +CD6 Non-Treg Figure 2. Gating strategy for 10-color panel analysis. CD4+CD25 PBMC nTreg Non-Treg cells Note: ar express CD39 GARP CCR4 CD39lo CD127-nTreg HLA-Dr Thymus Treg selection Thymus Treg selection 2.4 4.8 86.1 6.7 16.8% 3D: 16.8% 3D:Pop3 lo + Pop2 Pop1 Pop3 lo FOXP3CD4 CD25 Pop3 GARP GARP Pop1B TD 60.0% could cells 3D: 16.8% Pop2Pop3 Pop3 GARP CCR4 CCR4 Naïve/ FOXP3 resting Naïve/ Figure 10 CD4+CD25hi CD6-Treg CD127-Treg CD6-nTreg CD25 Lymph Lymph FSC-W SSC-A SSC-A SSC-W SSC-W SSC-A SSC-W FS TOF SSC-A SS TOF Lymph CD25 FSC-W SSC-A SS TOF SSC-A SSC-W FS INT SSC-A SS INT FS INT SS INT Lymph FS TOF SSC-A FSC-W SSC-W SSC-A + 66.8 31.3 HLA-DR CD45RA CD45RA Ma/E hiPop3 Pop2 CD6 CD6 nTreg nTreg Depletion of bone marrow with anti-CD6 Identification and isolation of high CD39 CD4 population was analyzed (Figure 2) CTLA-4 + Treg selection will enrichThymus the cell preparation with CD45RA pure FOXP3+ population Mechanism to induce tolerance Figure 3. Treg isolation by MoFlo XDP high speed cell sorting Thymus Treg selection untouched nTreg cells without loosing CD39 CD4 PC7 Explains anergy inIdentification nTregMechanism cells and isolation Figure 3. Treg isolation by MoFlo XDP high speed cell sorting to induce tolerance Depletion of of bone marrow with anti-CD6 Staining of high FSC-A Depletion bone marrow with anti-CD6 CD6 SSC-H FSC-H speed cellstrategy sorting Figure 3. Treg isolation by APC MoFlo XDP high Explains in nTreg cells CD25 PE Sorting Gate Identification and isolation of highCCR4 lymphoid progenitors and could deplet anergy Staining +CD25+CD6CD4 + will enrich the cell preparation with Explains anergy in nTreg cells Sorting Gate strategy Accurate evaluation of nTreg FSC-A CD6 APC SSC-H FSC-H population pure FOXP3 CD4 CD25 + population willinflammatory/ enrich the cell preparation with Treg cells Staining CD25++ CD25++ pure FOXP3 lo/- nTreg cytotoxic T-cells +CD6CD25 Sorting Gate strategy CD4+CD4+ CD6-Treg SSC-Gate FSC-Gate CD6 untouched nTreg cells without loosing subset Treg cells CD6lo/-CD127lo/-Treg untouched nTreg cells without loosing lo/SSC-Gate FSC-Gate CD4+CD25-CD6+ CD127 Thymus Treg selection CCR4 CD4+ CD4 PC7 CD6 nTreg Mechanism to induce tolerance Non-Treg cells Thymus Treg selection lymphoid progenitors and could deplet CD4 PC7 PBMC CD4+CD25-CD6+ Mechanism induce tolerance lymphoid progenitors and could deplet Accurate evaluation of to nTreg CD25 PE SSC-Gate FSC-Gate Non-Treg cells CD4 CD6 Accurate evaluation of nTreg PBMC CD25 PE inflammatory/ cytotoxic T-cells Sorted Populations in Thymus Treg selection FSC-A CD6 APC SSC-H FSC-H CD4 CD6 CD4 PC7 inflammatory/ cytotoxic T-cells subset Mechanism to induce tolerance media FSC-ASortedSSC-H Populations in supplemented CD6 APC FSC-H subset +CD25+CD6CD4CD4-KrO Depletion of bone marrow with anti-CD6 SS INT supplemented FS INT 7AAD media +CD6 Identification and isolation of high CD25 PE FS INT CD4+CD25 Treg cells Depletion of bone marrow with anti-CD6CD6lo/- lo/Treg cells Identification and isolation of high SS INT FS INT CD4+ 7AAD CD4-KrO FS INT nTreg CD4+ will enrich the cell preparation with FSC-A CD6 APC SSC-H FSC-H Figure 2. Gating strategy for 10-color nTreg panel analysis. CD6 nTreg + + pure FOXP3+ population CD4 CD25 CD6 will enrich the cell preparation with + selected as 7AAD negative cells, side and forward scatter doublets were excluded, and Staining Sorting Gate strategy 90.5 7.9 Pop2 + Pop1 Pop2 +CD127 + GARP CD6Pop1 -B hiHLA-DR + CCR4 Pop1 Thymus Treg selection Explains anergy in nTreg cells Explains anergy in nTreg cells Mechanism to induce tolerance DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION 0.5 1.4 B CCR4 HLA-DR cells could CD4 CD25 3D: 19.1% Ma/E resting Figure 10 CD45RA+ CD127 CD6 I/Me 1.1 0.4 HLA-DR HLA-DR CD45RA CD45RA CD45RA N/R I/Me Ma/E FOXP3lo 1:8 C 35.8 Terminal 3D:Immature/ 19.1% 3D: 16.8% Naïve/ Mature/ Differentiation? resting memory effectors Figure 10 Figure 10 FigureA9maturation pathway Postulated nTreg functional modelCCR4 B Terminal Pop1 blocking Terminal Naïve/ Immature/ Mature/ N/R FOXP3 FOXP3 Immature/ FOXP3 FOXP3 Naïve/ Mature/ I/Me Differentiation? Differentiation? resting memory effectors Figure 10 memory resting effectors CD4hi+CD25hi CD4+CD25 CD6-Treg CD6-Treg CD127-CD127 Treg -Treg CTLA-4 B lo HLA-Dr CTLA-4 HLA-Dr CTLA-4 Ma/E Ma/E CCR4 Figure 10 CTLA-4 CTLA-4 HLA-Dr 1.1 1.114.0 35.8 47.1 14.0 47.1 66.8 31.3 HLA-DR cells could 60.0% N/R I/Me Figure 10 CTLA-4 % positive cells CD45RA CD45RA CD45RA CD127 CD127-nTreg 90.5 7.9 86.1 6.7 CCR4 HLA-DR cells could CD39 expression pathway 3D: 19.1% 3D: 19.1% nTreg: T-responder ratio FOXP3 HLA-Dr FOXP3 HLA-Dr CD127-nTreg CD6 CCR4 CCR4CCR4 CD4+CD25hi FOXP3 CD127-nTreg % positive cells % positive cells GARP CCR4 SSC-H FSC-HCD4-KrO FS INT SS INTFS INT 7AAD SSC-Gate SSC-Gate FSC-Gate FSC-Gate CD4+CD25+CD6SS for INT 10-color FS INT 7AAD CD4-KrO FS INT Figure Treg cells CD4 PC7 Gating strategy nTreg panel analysis. CD42. PC7 CD4+ CD25 PE Lymph Figure 2. Gating CD6 Lymph nTreg panel analysis. CD4+CD25-CD6+ CD25strategy PECD4 for 10-color CD4 Non-Treg cells CD6 SSC-H FSC-H PBMC FSC-A FSC-A CD6APC APC SSC-H FSC-H +CD25+CD6CD4 CD4 CD6 +Sorted +CD6CD4 CD25 in Treg cellsPopulations Treg cells CD4+ supplemented media CD4+ -CD6+ CD4+CD25 -CD6+ CD4+CD25 SSC-Gate FSC-Gate Non-Treg cells PBMC Non-Treg cells PBMC CD4 PC7 CD4 CD6 SSC-Gate FSC-Gate CD4 CD6 Sorted Populations in Sorted Populations CD25 PE Lymph supplemented media in supplemented media Figure 2. Gating strategy for 10-color nTreg panel analysis. Figure 3. Treg isolation by MoFlo XDP high speed cell sorting Lymphocytes were gatedStaining based on forward and side light scatter, viable cells were XDP high speed cell sorting Figure 3. Treg isolation byminus MoFlo Figure 1. Fluorescense one for FOXP3 and CD6 staining Sorting Gate strategy CD127 CD127-nTreg GARP FSC-A SSCD4-KrO INT CD6-nTreg CD6-nTreg FS INT FS INT FSC-W FS TOF SSC-W SSC-A CD6 APC 7AAD FS INT FS TOF SS TOF SS FSTOF INT FS INT FS TOF FS INT FS INT FOXP3 FS TOF FOXP3 SS TOF SS INT SS INT SS TOF FS INT FS INT FOXP3 FS INT CD4 Lymph CD4+CD25hi CD39 GARP CD45RA GARP CD45RA CD45RA FS INT FS TOF FS INT SS INT Figure 6 CD39 CD39 A FMOXDP high speed cell sorting Figure 3. Treg isolation by MoFlo FMO SS INT INT 7AAD Staining CD4-KrO FS INT SortingFSGate strategy CCR4 A. FOXP3 FMOFigure 2. Gating B. CD6 FMO strategy for nTreg panel analysis. + cells CD410-color + cells CD4 SS INT FS INT 7AAD CD4-KrO SSC-Gate FSC-Gate FS INT XDP high speed cell sorting Figure bybyMoFlo XDP high speed cell sorting Figure3.3.Treg Tregisolation isolation MoFlo FULL STAIN CD4 PC7panel FMO Figure 2. Gating for nTreg analysis. FULLstrategy STAIN Staining FMO10-color Staining Sorting Gate CD6 Sorting Gatestrategy strategy CD25 PE CD4 FULL STAIN FOXP3 SS INT SS INT SS TOF B.Gating CD6 FMOfor10-color Figure strategy nTreg panel analysis. Figure2.2.Gating strategyfor 10-color nTreg panel analysis. CD4+ cells FULL STAIN B CD4-KrO CD4 2. Gating strategy for 10-color nTreg panel analysis. Figure CD6FOXP3 and CD6 staining Figure 1. Fluorescense minus CD4 one for CD4 CD4+ cells CD6-nTreg B + CD127 CD39CD39 CD6-nTreg CD4+CD25hi INTINT INT 7AAD SS FS INT staining 7AAD CD4-KrO FSFS INT CD4-KrO INT Figure 1. Fluorescense minus one for SS FOXP3 andFSCD6 A. FOXP3 FMO CD4+CD25hi CD25 FS INT FS INT FS TOF FS TOF SS TOF SS TOF FS INT FS INT FS INT CD4+CD25hi GARP GARP FMO SS INT 7AADstaining Figure1. 1.Fluorescense Fluorescenseminus minusone onefor forFOXP3 FOXP3 andCD6 CD6 staining FS INT and Figure CD6 CD4 SS INT SS INT FS INT FS TOF SS TOF CD6 FULL STAIN CD6 CD39 CD127 Ma/E Ma/E 1.4 expression pathway Pop1 CCR4 HLA-DR cellsCD39could hi + N/R I/Me 1:8 hi CD6-nTreg CD6 CD4+ cells FOXP3 FS INT FOXP3 SS INT FOXP3 FOXP3 CD6 CD6 FMO B B. CD6 FMO FULL STAIN A. FOXP3 FMO B. CD6 FMO B FMO FMO + cells CD4+ cells Figure 1. Fluorescense minus one for CD4 FOXP3 and CD6 stainingB FULL STAIN CD4 CD4 CD4 flow cytometry panels CD4 Table 2. Multicolor CD6 CD45RA FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 A. FOXP3 FMO 1:4 FOXP3 hi hi TD TD 3D: 19.1% FigureA9Ma/E Ma/E (n=5) + GARP A CD25 FMO CD6 CD6 CD4 CD4 Table Multicolor flow cytometry A. 2. FOXP3 FMO B.panels CD6 FMO Figure Fluorescenseminus minus one FOXP3 and CD6 staining Figure 1.1.Fluorescense one forfor FOXP3 and CD6 staining + + CD45RA FULL STAIN CD25 + D TD TD 0.5 0.5 66.81.431.3 86.1 6.7 60.0% -CCR4hiHLA-DR + cells could 2.4 4.8 hi TD + cells + Note: arrows show 86.1 marker 6.7 CCR4hiHLA-DR could FigureA9 CCR4 B FigureA9 3D: 19.1% 19.1% N/R 3D: + GARP CD25 FOXP3 FOXP3 B. CD6 FMO + TD -CCR4 N/R I/Me A FOXP3 + CD25 GARP FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 FOXP3 A. FOXP3 FMO + FULL STAIN FULL STAIN Figure 9 FigureA9 A Figure 9 1:8 70 nTreg: T-responder ratio FOXP3 35 the percentage of cells above CD6-nTreg CD127-nTreg CD6-nTreg CD6 FMO CD127-Treg Figure 6 CD127-nTreg B.B. CD6 FMO CD6-nTreg CD127-nTreg HLA-Dr CD4 cells for each C the negative Figure 6 B CD4 CD25 CD4region cells 18 (Positive CD4 cells A FOXP3 C CD6 CD127 FMO CD6 CD127 CD6 FMO CD4 CD4 cells Control) mAb; alternatively, results were A FOXP30 -nTreg CD6 6 CD127 nTreg A. FOXP3 FMO 1. Fluorescense B. CD6 FMO minus one for FOXP3 and CD6 staining Figure B C -nTregCD6-nTreg CD25 CD6-nTregCD127-nTreg CD127-nTreg HLA-Dr expressed as the mean of fluorescenceFigure intensity (MFI) of discrete CD6 CD4 populations. cells 1:1 1:2 CD4 CD4 CD25 HLA-Dr B CD127-nTreg CD4 cells FOXP3FMO FMO A.A.FOXP3 DD I/Me N/R 1.1 0.4 1.1 0.4 90.5 7.9 2.4 4.8 CD6nTreg hi CD39 Note: arrows show marker HLA-DRB+ cells could represent a mature effector CD45RA FigureCCR4 A9 CD39 expression pathway Pop1 N/R I/Me Figure C B Note: arrows D show marker stageA9of the nTreg population TD hi + (n=9) Figure 6 CD6 No differences in-nTreg the expression markers in CD127-nTreg of nTreg-associated R² = 0.9927 CD6-nTreg C CD127-nTregC 53 CD4+ cells (n=9) A CD4+ cells and CD127-Treg CD6-Treg populations CD6 CD127 + CD4+CD25+ lo/CD127 1.1 35.847.1 14.0 Ma/E 31.3 14.0 47.1 1.1 35.8 Note: arrows show marker Ma/E hi + CD39 show marker D 86.1 TDNote: arrows TD pathway CD6lo/-CD127lo/- CD39 6.7expression arrows show 33.8% marker CD39Note: expression pathway 60.0% C (n=5) 1:8 60.0% 60.0% 60.0% CCR4 CCR4 1:4 CD39 CD39 lo/- CD127 Ma/E CD6 1.1lo/-35.8 CD39 -CCR4 hiHLA-DR + hi 2.4 4.8 cells CD4+CD25 1:8 1:2 nTreg 14.0 47.1 nTreg 0.5 1.431.3 Ma/E 66.8 I/Me 66.8 TD B TD D 33.8% CD39 TD TD CD4+CD25hi CD6+CD127+ (n=9) 30.0000 N/R 90.5 7.9 0.4 D nTreg 66.8 31.3 I/Me CD1270.5 1.4 nTreg 1.1 0.4 7.9 I/Me N/R 90.5 Figure 33.8% A 8 D Ma/E TD lo/-CD127lo/CD6 +CD25 +CD25 hihi CD4 CD4 CD6 CD127 CD4+CD25hi CD6+CD127+ R² = 0.9914 35 CD6-Treg 0 CD127-Treg 15.0000 1:4 C 1:2 1:1 1:41:2 1:8 18 + cells (Positive CD41:1 0 Control) nTreg: T-responder ratio nTreg: T-responder ratio CD6-nTreg 35.8 14.0 47.1 lo/- CD4+CD25+ CD6CD127CD6lo/lo/1.1 35.8 nTreg lo/Ma/E nTreg CD127 N/R 90.5 7.9 +CD25hi B1.1 CD39 Ma/E 60.0% CD6+CD127+ 1:4 1:8 nTreg: T-responder ratio 60.0000 B 33.8% 31.8% 20.8% TD + C +CD25hi CD4 0 0 % =Suppression 1:4 1:1 1:8 R² 0.9927 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 R² 1:1 = 0.9927 1:2 1:4 1:8(n=9) 53 hi Ma/E CD6lo/- 66.8 - 31.3 CD127 CD6lo/- + 0.5+CD25 CD4 I/Me1.4 1.1 0.4 lo/- N/RCD61.1 0.4 CD39 I/Me lo/CD6lo/-CD127 CD4+CD25hi C (n=9) (n=9) 1:8(n=9) 1:4 1:4 1:2 CD4 Ma/E CD45RA CD127-Treg % FOXP3+ cells % FOXP3+ cells % FOXP3+ cells 1:8 I/Me B 60.0% N/R Ma/E I/Me hi CC CD4+CD6 CD25 CD127 C 1:4(n=5) 1:8 1:4 lo/- CD45RA 53 0 CD6- * CD127- lo/nTreg - CD127 CD127 0.5 1.4 CD6 1.1 nTreg CD127lo/- CD127 nTreg - CD6lo/- nTreg CD127 CD4+CD25+ CD6 CD6lo/lo/CD4+CD25+ CD6nTregCD127 CD127 nTregCD127 lo/nTreg nTreg 33.8% 31.8% N/R 20.8% CD6+CD127+ (n=9) nTreg: T-responder ratio 70 nTreg: T-responder ratio 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 35 nTreg: T-responder ratio 35 CD127-Treg 45.0000 R² = 0.9927 (Positive Control) Figure 6 Figure 6 FOXP3 FMO B. CD6 FMO BDA. PharMingen CD4 cells CD4 cellsThe results were expressed BD PharMingen as A R&D Systems FMO FOXP3-Pacific Blue signal 206D Inhibitory 0 Control) 1:2 1:1 + D I/Me CD6- CD4+CD25+ CD4 CD25 lo/- 20.8% I/Me +CD127 +hi ++ CD6 CD4+CD25 R² = 0.9914 R² = 0.9927 1:2 8 + (n=5) R² R² ==0.9927 0.9927 1:1 18 (Positive 70 Control) 18 (Positive Control) 70 1:1 1:2 53 Figure 6 Figure 6 A A 0 53 CD127 CD4+CD25hi CD25 +CD127 + CD6CD4 2. CD6+CD127+ FOXP3 CD45RA BNI3 53 45.0000 Control) 53 0 15.0000 22.6% nTreg CD6 + CD4+CD25 1.1 0.4 p<0.009 nTreg lo/- 31.8% 20.8% CD4+CD25hi (n=5) 1:2 1:4 1:81:8 1:1 1:2 1:4 R² 1:1 = 0.9914 (n=9) (n=5) 35 CD6-Treg 70 R²R² == 0.9927 70 0.9914 35 30.0000 (n=5) 15.0000 18 (Positive 0 CD25 CTLA-4-PCy5 (CD152) CD6 CD127 +CD25 CD4Figure CAhi CD6lo/-CD127lo/- CD127-Treg 60.0000 35 30.0000 (Positive 18 0 CD127-Treg 35 CD6-Treg CD127-Treg 35 15.0000 18 1:1 1:2 Control) FigureCD127-Treg 5 (Positive BCI 1:1 2. 22.6% 0.5 1.4 I/Me Ma/E 31.8% +CD25lo/hi lo/-CD127 CD4 7.9 0.4 CD6 N/R 20.8% 66.8 0.5 31.31.4 14.0 1.1 47.1 35.8 Ma/E 33.8% 90.5 1.1 I/Me CD6lo/CD127lo/-31.8% 2.4 4.8 +CD25 hi +CD25 hi 20.8%Ma/E 33.8% CD4 90.5 7.9 66.8 31.3 14.0 47.1 CD4 CD39 Figure 8 lo/TD CD6lo/ACD127 B N/R + + 33.8% 86.1 6.7I/Me CD45RA CD127-Treg CD6-Treg 53 0 hi Figure CA 8 + hi N/R CD4 CD25 = 0.9914 1:2 hi + Figure A 8 + N/R CD4 CD25hi Figure N/R A 8 CD6lo/-CD127lo/- 31.8% 30.0000 70 45.0000 CD6+CD127+ FOXP3 90.5+ 7.9+ CD127CD6 CD4 CD25 N/RCD6-I/MenTreg CD127 Figure A 8 CD4 CD25nTreg B CD127 nTreg nTreg 31.8% 20.8% + 0 R² = 0.9927 45.0000 % Suppression 53 60.0000 CD45-PE A1 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD39-APC Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend CD45-PE J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI R BCI R34.34 IL-7J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-ECD J.33 Pan Leukocyte CD127-PE BCI FOXP3-Pacific BlueCD45-ECD 206D Treg transcript BioLegend R BCI CD127-APC-AF700 R34.34 IL-7J.33 CD45-PC5 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-PC5 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI HLA-Dr-PacificBCI Blue Immu-357 Activation BCI CD45-PC7 J.33 Pan Leukocyte CD45-PC7 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-APC J.33 Pan Leukocyte CD45-FITCBCI CD45-APC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-PE J.33 (CD152) Pan Leukocyte BCI CTLA-4-PCy5 (CD152) BNI3 SFCI12T4D11 Inhibitory signal BD CTLA-4-PCy5 BNI3 Inhibitory signal BD PharMingen CD4-PC7 MHCII PharMingen R BCI CD45-ECD J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI GARP-PE 7B11 Activation BD PharMingen GARP-PE 7B11 Activation BD PharMingen CD4-Krome Orange 13B8.2 MHCII R BCI CD45-PC5 Pan Leukocyte BCI CCR4-PE (CD194) 205410 Homing R R&D Systems J.33 CCR4-PE (CD194) 205410 Homing R R&D Systems CD6-APC 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI CD39-APC A1 Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend CD45-PC7 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD39-APC A1 Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend FOXP3-PacificCD6-FITC Blue 206D Treg transcript BioLegend CD45-APC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI CTLA-4-PCy5 BNI3 Inhibitory signal BD PharMingen CD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I R(CD152) BCI + GARP-PE 7B11 Activation BD PharMingen 7B11 Activation CD25-PE GARP-PE B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI CCR4-PE (CD194) 205410 Homing R R&D Systems CD25-APC B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI Table 2. Multicolor cytometry panels CCR4-PEflow (CD194) 205410 Homing R CD39-APC A1 Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend FULL STAIN FMO Table 2. Multicolor flow cytometry CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI FOXP3-Pacific Blue 206D Treg transcript BioLegend panels CD39-APC A1 Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI FOXP3-Pacific 2H4 Blue 206D Treg transcript BioLegend CD45RA-AF750 Naïve/memory BCI + cells CD4 + CD62L-ECD DREG56 LN Homing R BCI CD4 cells Table 2. Multicolor flow cytometry panels CD127-PE R34.34 IL-7 R BCI FULL STAIN FMO FULL STAIN BCI CD127-APC-AF700 R34.34 IL-7 R CD4FMO HLA-Dr-Pacific Blue Immu-357 Activation BCI CD45-FITC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD4+ cells CD45-PE J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-ECD J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI + CD45-PC5 J.33 + cells Pan Leukocyte BCI FULL STAIN CD4 cells FMO CD4 CD4 CD4 CD45-PC7 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI FULL STAIN CD45-APC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI + cells FMO CD4 + cells FULL STAIN CD4 CTLA-4-PCy5 (CD152) BNI3 Inhibitory FMO signal BD PharMingen GARP-PE 7B11 Activation BD PharMingen FULL STAIN FMO CCR4-PE (CD194) FULL STAIN 205410 Homing R&D Systems FMO R CD4+ cells CD39-APC A1 Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend CD4 CD4 FOXP3-Pacific Blue 206D Treg transcript BioLegend FULL STAIN 15.0000 60.0000 15.0000 % Suppression 0 31.8% 20.8% CD6CD127- CD6 CD6 CD127 FOXP3 D D N/R B CD6lo/- ** CD45RA LN Homing R Figure 5 70 CD127 94.9% CD45RA DREG56 70 1:8 1:1 % Suppression CD127- hi CD6 CD127 33.8%compartments defined by CD45RA/ nTreg functional maturation Figure 8 I/Me CCR4 analysis Ma/E Abivariate B N/R CD6CD127CD6 CD6CD127CD6 15.0000 CD6-Treg CD6-Treg CD4+CD25hi CD6 94.9% lo/- lo/p<0.009 CD6CD127CD6 CD127 nTreg p<0.009 N/RnTreg I/Me CD127lo/nTreg nTreg CD45RA CD62L-ECD 30.0000 CD6-Treg 30.0000 Figure 5 C CD6- CD4+CD25hi + FOXP3 CD6lo/-CD127lo/- D * CD6lo/CD4+CD25hi CD127lo/nTreg nTreg CD6CD127CD6lo/+CD25 +CD25hi hi CD6CD4 CD127CD6lo/- lo/CD4 CD4+CD25hi CD127 nTreg nTreg nTreg CD127 lo/-Ma/E nTreg lo/lo/- (n=5) R² 45.0000 % Suppression % Suppression 1:1 Source FOXP3 D * * C CD45RA Function CD4 CD25 hi CD4+CD25hi CD4+CD25 + + subsets 1. 2. 2. CD6+CD127+ subsets lo/lo/- CD6 CD127 lo/-+CD25hi CD4 22.6% CD6lo/CD127 DFOXP3 D p<0.009 p<0.009 p<0.009 D + CD6+CD25 CD6+CD127+ lo/- hi FOXP3 CD6CD127- CD4 CD6CD127 + + 1. CD127 +CD25 hi CD4+CD25hi 22.6% CD4 CD25 lo/-CD127 lo/lo/2. nTregCD6 + nTreg ++ 1. CD4 94.9% lo/- 22.6% lo/lo/- CD6 CD127 + lo/- lo/CD12794.9% * * CD45RA CD45RA Clone 94.9% CD127nTreg CD4+CD25hi cells hi + CD6+CD127+ 22.6% CD6lo/-CD127lo/- FOXP3 CD6+CD127+ CD6lo/- + + + + % positive cells AntibodyConjugate lo/- lo/- CD127 nTreg CD6lo/-CD127lo/- p<0.009 p<0.009 C Figure A 8 % positive cells Source CD25 Function CD6nTreg CD4+CD25hi C CD45RA Flow cytometry analysis was performed using a Gallios* flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter) equipped with 405nm, 488nm, and 633nm lasers. Autofluorescence, isotype and FMO controls were used to establish negative and positive fluorescent events (Figure1A, B), Compensation controls were performed using single tube Table 1. Conjugated monoclonal antibodies Table 2. Multicolor flow BCI cytometry panels staining with antibodies conjuCD45-PE J.33 Pan Leukocyte Table 2. Multicolor flow cytometry panels AntibodyCD45-ECD J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI Clone Function Source gated with the fluorochromes Table 2.Conjugate Multicolor flow cytometry panels CD45-PC5 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI Table 2. Multicolor flow cytometry panels CD45-PC7 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI used in our staining protocols. CD45-APC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI Clone Table 1. Conjugated monoclonal antibodies lo/- + 94.9% C C 60.0000 CD25 AntibodyConjugate CD4-PC7 SFCI12T4D11 MHC- II R BCI CD4-PC7 SFCI12T4D11 MHC- II R BCI CD4-Krome Orange 13B8.2 MHC- II R BCI CD4-Krome Orange 13B8.2 MHC- II R BCI CD6-APC 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI Table 1. Conjugated monoclonal antibodies CD6-APC 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI CD6-FITC 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI 1. Conjugated Table monoclonal 1.AntibodyConjugatedantibodies monoclonal antibodies AntibodyCD8-APC B9.11 MHC-ISource R BCI CD6-FITC 6D3 TCR Costimulation TableBCI Clone Function Conjugate CD25-PE B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI CloneAntibodyFunction Source AntibodyCD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I R BCI CD25-APC B1.49.9 activation BCI CD4-PC7 SFCI12T4D11 Function MHCII R IL-2R,Source BCI Clone Conjugate Clone Function Source Conjugate Conjugate CD25-PE B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI B1.49.9 BCI CD4-Krome OrangeCD25-PC7 13B8.2 MHC- II R IL-2R, activation BCI CD4-PC7 SFCI12T4D11 MHCII R BCI BCI CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI CD4-PC7 IL-2R, activation SFCI12T4D11 MHCII R BCI CD6-APC TCR Costimulation CD4-PC7 SFCI12T4D11 MHC-6D3 II R BCI CD25-APC B1.49.9 BCI CD4-Krome Orange CD45RA-AF750 13B8.2 MHCII R BCI 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI CD6-FITC TCR Costimulation BCI CD4-Krome 13B8.2 MHC-6D3 II R BCI CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 Orange IL-2R, activation 13B8.2 BCI Orange MHCCD6-APC 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI CD4-Krome II R BCI CD62L-ECD DREG56 R BCI CD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I CD6-APC 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI R LN HomingBCI CD6-FITC 6D3 TCR Costimulation R BCI BCI CD127-PE R34.34activation IL-7 BCI CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI CD25-PE B1.49.9 IL-2R, 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI Table Conjugated monoclonal antibodies CD6-APC 6D3 CD6-FITC TCR1. Costimulation BCI CD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I R R BCI BCI R34.34activation IL-7 BCI CD25-APC CD127-APC-AF700 B1.49.9 IL-2R, CD45RA-AF750 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI CD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I R BCI CD25-PE HLA-Dr-Pacific B1.49.9Blue IL-2R, activation BCI Immu-357 BCI CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation ActivationBCI AntibodyCD6-FITC LN 6D3 BCI Costimulation BCI CD25-APC B1.49.9 activation BCI CD25-PETCR B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation IL-2R, BCI CD62L-ECD DREG56 Homing R CD45-FITC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI Table 1. Conjugated monoclonal antibodies CD45RA-ECD Clone 2H4 Naïve/memory Source BCI Function CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 IL-2R,J.33 activation BCI CD25-APC Conjugate B1.49.9 R IL-2R, activation BCI CD45-PE Pan Leukocyte BCI R BCI CD127-PE R34.34 IL-7 CD45RA-AF750 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI CD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I BCI CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI AntibodyCD45-ECD Leukocyte BCI CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 SFCI12T4D11 IL-2R, activationMHCBCI RPanBCI CD4-PC7 IIJ.33 RHoming CD62L-ECD DREG56 LN BCI Clone Function Source CD127-APC-AF700 R34.34 IL-7 R BCI CD45RA-AF750 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI CD45-PC5 Leukocyte BCI Conjugate CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory BCIR PanBCI CD25-PE B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI CD127-PE R34.34 MHCBCI CD4-Krome Orange 13B8.2 IIJ.33 RIL-7 CD62L-ECD DREG56 LN Homing R BCI 1. Conjugated monoclonal HLA-Dr-Pacific Immu-357 Activation BCI CD45-PC7 J.33 Leukocyte BCI CD4-PC7Blue SFCI12T4D11 MHC- IITable R BCI CD45RA-AF750 2H4 antibodies Naïve/memory BCI R PanBCI BCI CD127-APC-AF700 R34.34 IL-7 CD6-APC 6D3R34.34 TCR Costimulation R BCI CD127-PE IL-7 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD25-APC IL-2R, activation BCI CD4-Krome Orange 13B8.2 MHC- II R B1.49.9 BCI HLA-Dr-Pacific BlueCD45-APC Immu-357 Activation BCI CD45-FITC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD62L-ECD DREG56 LNR34.34 Homing R Costimulation BCI R CD127-APC-AF700 IL-7 AntibodyCD6-FITC 6D3 TCR BCI BCI CTLA-4-PCy5 (CD152) BNI3 Inhibitory signal BD PharMingen CD6-APC 6D3 TCR Costimulation BCI CD45-FITC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI Clone Function Source R BCI CD127-PE R34.34 IL-7 CD45-PE J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI HLA-Dr-Pacific Blue Immu-357 Activation BCI CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI CD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I R Leukocyte Activation BCI GARP-PE 7B11 BD PharMingen ConjugateBCI CD6-FITC 6D3 TCR Costimulation CD45-PE J.33 Pan CD127-APC-AF700 R34.34 IL-7 R IL-2R,Pan BCI CD45-FITC J.33 Leukocyte BCIRBCI CCR4-PE (CD194) 205410 Homing R&D Systems CD45-ECD J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD25-PE B1.49.9 activation BCI CD4-PC7 BCI SFCI12T4D11 BCI CD45-ECD MHC- II R Pan Leukocyte CD8-APC B9.11 MHC-I R CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI CD45-PE J.33J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI BCI HLA-Dr-Pacific Blue Immu-357 Activation CD39-APC A1 BCI Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend CD25-APC B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI CD45-PC5 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-PC5 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD4-Krome Orange 13B8.2 MHCII R BCI CD25-PE B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI CD45-ECD J.33 Blue Pan 206D Leukocyte BCI CD45-FITC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI FOXP3-Pacific Treg transcript BioLegend CD45-PC7 Pan Leukocyte BCI BCI BCI CD25-PC7 B1.49.9J.33J.33 IL-2R,Pan activation CD45RA-AF750 Naïve/memory BCI CD25-APC B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation 2H4 BCI CD6-APC 6D3CD45-PC5 TCR Costimulation BCI Leukocyte CD45-PC7 J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-PE J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-APC Pan Leukocyte CD45RA-ECD 2H4 J.33J.33 Naïve/memory BCI BCI BCI CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation CD6-FITCBCI PanBCI Leukocyte 6D3CD45-PC7 TCR Costimulation CD45-ECD LN J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD45-APC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI CD62L-ECD DREG56 Homing R BCI CTLA-4-PCy5 BNI3 Naïve/memory Inhibitory signal BCI BDBCI PharMingen CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory CD8-APC BCI CD45-APC (CD152) Pan Leukocyte CD45RA-AF750 2H4RJ.33 B9.11 MHC-I BCI CD45-PC5 J.33(CD152) Pan BNI3 Leukocyte BCI GARP-PE 7B11 Activation BD PharMingen CTLA-4-PCy5 (CD152) BNI3 Inhibitory signal R34.34 BD PharMingen CTLA-4-PCy5 BDBCI PharMingen CD45RA-AF750 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI α IL-2R, CD62L-ECD DREG56 LN Inhibitory Homing CD25-PE B1.49.9 activation BCI Rsignal CD127-PE IL-7 R Table BCI 2. Multicolor flow panels CD45-PC7 J.33 (CD194) Pan 7B11 Leukocyte BCI CCR4-PE 205410 Homing R cytometry R&D Systems GARP-PE Activation BD PharMingen CD62L-ECD DREG56 LN Homing R CD25-APC BCI GARP-PE 7B11 Activation BD PharMingen CD127-PE R34.34 IL-7 R BCI B1.49.9 IL-2R, activation BCI CD39-APC A1 Ecto-nucleotidase CD45-APC J.33 Pan205410 Leukocyte α CCR4-PE (CD194) HomingBCI R R&D BioLegend Systems BCI CD127-PE R34.34 IL-7 R R34.34 IL-7 R Blueactivation CD25-PC7 B1.49.9 IL-2R, BCI RPharMingen CD127-APC-AF700 R34.34 IL-7BCI CCR4-PE (CD194) CD127-APC-AF700 205410 Homing R R&D Systems Treg transcript BCI BioLegend CD39-APC A1206D BioLegend CTLA-4-PCy5 BNI3 Inhibitory signalEcto-nucleotidase BD BCI (CD152) FOXP3-Pacific CD127-APC-AF700 R34.34 IL-7 R CD45RA-ECD 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI HLA-Dr-Pacific Blue Immu-357 Activation BCI FOXP3-Pacific Blue 206D Treg transcript BioLegend CD39-APC A1 Ecto-nucleotidase BioLegend HLA-Dr-Pacific Blue Immu-357 Activation BCI GARP-PE 7B11 Activation BD PharMingen HLA-Dr-Pacific Blue Immu-357 Activation BCI CD45RA-AF750 2H4 Naïve/memory BCI J.33 CCR4-PE 205410 Homing RPan Leukocyte R&D Systems BCI CD45-FITC J.33 Pantranscript Leukocyte BCI (CD194)CD45-FITC FOXP3-Pacific Blue 206D Treg BioLegend CD45-FITC J.33 Pan Leukocyte BCI lo/- lo/- + CD6-nTreg - CD4 CD25 1.subsets +CD25 hiCD127lo/CD6lo/CD4 B +CD25hi +CD25 hi lo/CD4 22.6% CD6 94.9% CD127 CD6 CD127 1.hi CD6 lo/CD4 2.CD127 CD4+CD25 cells +CD127 + B +CD25 hi CD6 CD4 +CD25 hi CD6 nTreg CD127 CD6 CD127 22.6% CD127 CD4 94.9% hi cells subsets 1. +CD25hi CD4+CD25 lo/lo/2. CD6CD6 CD127 +CD127 + CD4 CD4+CD25hi cells -nTreg CD4 cells hi CD6 CD4+CD25 CD4+CD25hi C C CD4+CD25 cells lo/- -nTreg CD6-nTreg CD127 + cells CD4 CD4+CD25hi subsets + hi Bhi CD25CD25 CD4+CD4 CD4+CD25hi subsets 1. subsets lo/-CD127 + hi CD6 CD127 nTreg CD25 lo/CD4 hi CD6 nTreg BCD4+CD25 CD6 CD127 CD6 CD127 % FOXP3+ cells % FOXP3+ cells FIG. 4 Figure 7 A Figure hi lo/– 5 (n=5) 15.0000 CD4+CD25CD6-Treg CD6 cells show suppressive % Suppression function Treg-suppresCD6-Treg 60.0000 = 0.9914 R² =R²0.9914 sion assay Figure 50 R² = 0.9914 45.0000 Table 1. Conjugated monoclonal antibodies CD4+ cells hi + cells CD4 hi CD6-nTreg CD127-nTreg CD4+CD25hi + B + Figure 7A CD4 CD25 lo/PBMCs. Bars represent mean ± SD from E. FOXP3 expression60.0000 in Figure CD6+ and 5 CD6 R² = 0.9914 % Suppression four healthy donors; *45.0000 p<0.03, U-Mann Whitney test. 30.0000 60.0000 15.0000 60.000045.0000 0 1:230.0000 1:4 45.0000 + FIG. 4 Figure 7A FIG. 4 % Suppression Figure 30.0000 Figure 5 5 Figure 7 *A CD4 cells +CD25hi cells hi cells CD4 CD4+CD25 -nTreg hi FIG. 4 - CD127-nTreg p<0.009 CD6 CD4 CD25 -nTreg hi +CD6 CD127 nTreg FIG. 4 CD25 Figure 7 CD4 A C. CD4+CD25hiCD6low/- lymphocytes have significantly higher % of FOXP3 positive cells compared to CD4+CD25–CD6lo/– and CD4+CD25–CD6+. Figure 5 Multicolor Flow Cytometry. Conjugated monoclonal antibodies used are summarized in Table 1. Staining was performed according Grant et al. protocol[2]. Multicolor flow cytometry used to evaluate Treg markers using the panels show in Table 2. Table 1. Conjugated monoclonalwas antibodies cells hi + B. MFI analysis reveals low CD6 expression CD6 on CD4+FOXP3+ and CD6 CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ cells Subjects. Heparinized blood samples were obtained with informed consent with Institutional Review Board approval at Blood Service, Beckman Coulter, + hi % FOXP3+ cells Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Natural T-regulatory cells, nTreg, are responsible for the maintenance of dominant self tolerFigure 4 negative expression Low/ of CD6 in nTreg. Figure 4 Lymphocytes ance. nTreg cells play an important role in the prevention of autoimmune disorders, allergy, Lymphocytes Figure 4 and in maintenance of fetal maternal tolerance and organ graft tolerance. For these reasons Lymphocytes Figure 4 Lymphocytes nTreg cells have been the subject of extensive research in the past decade[1]. While Figure the 4 Lymphocytes nuclear transcription factor, FOXP3, uniquely defines nTreg cells, there is a need for more convenient surface markers that can be used for nTreg isolation. Several surface markers have been already identified. Among them, CD25 and CD127 are the most commonly CD6 CD6 used. We report here the identification of CD6 as a low/negative surface marker for natural occurring regulatory T-cell (nTreg). CD6 is an important costimulatory molecule in T cell response. Lack of CD6 expression on nTreg may have significant biological consequences as it could explain anergy and peripheral antigen-induced tolerance, a central characteristic of nTreg suppressor cells. The high level of FOXP3+ cells afforded by CD4+CD25+CD6lo/-CD127lo/- marker combination provides a new approach for identification, enrichment and isolation of nTreg by surface staining. In addition, CD4+CD25+CD6lo/-CD127lo/- nTreg functional CD6 CD6 CD6 CD6 differentiation stages can be assessed based on the expression of CD45RA and CCR4 CD6 CD6 markers, where CD45RA-CCR4hiHLA-DR+ cells could represent a mature effector stage of CD6 CD6 CD6 CD6 the nTreg population. This allows analysis of nTreg differentiation using only surface markers. Lack of or low CD6 expression on nTreg could contribute to a better understanding of CD6 CD6 CD6 CD6 the biology of nTreg immune regulation. MATERIAL & METHOD CD4+CD25hi CD6+CD127+ Highly enriched FOXP3+ population identified by surface nTreg FOXP3 markers. Figure 7 Lymphocytes Figure 4Figure 4 CD45RA RESULTS + cells % FOXP3+ cells % FOXP3 % FOXP3+ cells Figure 4 SUMMARY 2. 22.6% hi CD25 hi CCR4 CD25 CD6+CD pure FOXP3 population nTreg Accurate evaluation of nTreg Accurate evaluation of Identification and isolation ofnTreg high of high Identification and isolation subset subset + will enrich the cell preparation with + will enrich the cell preparation with population purepure FOXP3 population FOXP3 Sorted Inc.) Populations in were isolated using a MoFlo* XDP (Beckman Coulter, high speed cell sorter. supplemented media untouched nTreg without loosing nTregcells cells without loosing Depletionuntouched of bone marrow with anti-CD6 Identification and isolation of high Figure 3. Treg isolation by MoFlo XDP high speed cell sorting lymphoid progenitors deplet lymphoid progenitorsand andcould could deplet Accurate evaluation of nTreg Accurate of nTreg Explains anergy in+evaluation nTreg cells will enrichinflammatory/ the cell preparation with population pure FOXP3 Staining inflammatory/ cytotoxic T-cells cytotoxic T-cells Sorting Gate strategy subset subset CD4 CD4+ CD4 FSC-Gate FSC-H CD25 SSC-H FSC-W SSC-W SSC-Gate Lymph FSC-A SSC-A PBMC SSC-A CD4 PC7 CD25 PE CD6 APC CD6 untouched nTreg cells without loosing lymphoid progenitors and could deplet Thymus Treg selection Accurate evaluation of nTreg to induce tolerance Mechanism inflammatory/ cytotoxic T-cells subset CD4+CD25+CD6Treg cells CD4+CD25-CD6+ Non-Treg cells CD6 Sorted Populations in supplemented media In vitro suppression assay was performed based on the capacity of added nTreg to suppress the proliferation of allogeneic CD8+ responder T-cells stimulated with CD3/CD28 soluble mAbs[3]. A carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-based proliferation assay was used[4]. A CFSE histogram of unstimulated responder cells defined the parent population, and the proliferation of activated responders was determined by calculation of precursor frequency (pf) using ModFit LT software (Verity Software House, v3.0; Topsham ME). Results are expressed as % suppression of pf for each nTreg:Tresp ratio sample. Methods of analysis. Flow cytometric analysis was performed using Kaluza* software (v1.2; Beckman Coulter, Inc., USA). Statistical analyses included mean, standard deviation and regression testing using Excel (Microsoft Office 2003) and U-Mann Whitney non parametric tests (GraphPad Software, Inc., USA). Proliferation of activated responders was determined by calculation of precursor frequency (pf) using ModFit LT software (Verity Software House, v3.0; Topsham ME). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CD6lo/nTreg REFERENCES We wish to acknowledge Dr Tewfik Miloud and David Bloodgood for preparation of anti-CD6 conjugates, and Dianne with Prendergast and Joe Depletion of bone marrow anti-CD6 Gao for MoFlo* XDP assistance. We thank Dr Vincent T. Shankey for will enrich theandcell preparation with his valuable discussions suggestions, and Dr. William Godfrey, Dr Li Yang and Dr. Mike Reed forcells their useful comments.loosing The authors untouched nTreg without are employees of Beckman Coulter, Inc., and presented research was lymphoid progenitors and could deplet undertaken under context of their employment. inflammatory/ cytotoxic T-cells 1. 2. 3. 4. Sakaguchi et al. (2004) Annu Rev Immunol 22, 531-562. Grant, J. et. al.Cytometry B Clin Cytom. (2009) Mar;76(2):69-78). Putnam, A. et al. (2009) Diabetes 58, 652-662. Lyons and Parish, (1994) J Immunol Methods 171, 131-137. Identification and isolation of high pure FOXP3+ population *Gallios, MoFlo XDP and Kaluza are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Accurate evaluation of nTreg subset Gallios, MoFlo XDP and Kaluza are trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. Biomek and the stylized logo are registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. and are registered in the USPTO.
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