This information is current as of June 14, 2017. Deficiency in β2-Microglobulin, But Not CD1, Accelerates Spontaneous Lupus Skin Disease While Inhibiting Nephritis in MRL-Faslpr Mice: An Example of Disease Regulation at the Organ Level Owen T. M. Chan, Vipin Paliwal, Jennifer M. McNiff, Se-Ho Park, Albert Bendelac and Mark J. Shlomchik References Subscription Permissions Email Alerts This article cites 74 articles, 36 of which you can access for free at: Information about subscribing to The Journal of Immunology is online at: Submit copyright permission requests at: Receive free email-alerts when new articles cite this article. Sign up at: The Journal of Immunology is published twice each month by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc., 1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650, Rockville, MD 20852 Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Immunologists All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0022-1767 Online ISSN: 1550-6606. Downloaded from by guest on June 14, 2017 J Immunol 2001; 167:2985-2990; ; doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.167.5.2985 Deficiency in 2-Microglobulin, But Not CD1, Accelerates Spontaneous Lupus Skin Disease While Inhibiting Nephritis in MRL-Faslpr Mice: An Example of Disease Regulation at the Organ Level1 Owen T. M. Chan,* Vipin Paliwal,† Jennifer M. McNiff,‡ Se-Ho Park,§ Albert Bendelac,§ and Mark J. Shlomchik2*† M RL-Faslpr mice (MRL/lpr)3 mice develop a spontaneous, lupus-like syndrome that affects a number of target organs. These mice develop glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, and vasculitis (1, 2). Cellular infiltrates occur in the salivary glands and joints (3– 6). MRL/lpr mice also develop spontaneous cutaneous lesions, resembling human discoid lupus erythematosus, whereas other lupus murine models rarely develop skin disease (7). Clinically, MRL/lpr mice experience hair loss and scab formation, typically on the dorsal neck region and the ears. Light microscopy demonstrates hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, hypergranulosis, liquefaction, dermal vasodilation, and dermal T cell infiltration (7). Ig deposition also occurs along the dermal-epidermal junction (8). Cellular infiltrates include CD4⫹ and CD8⫹ T cells as well as macrophages (9). Cutaneous lesions usually occur after the onset of renal disease (7, 10) (O. T. M. Chan, J. McNiff, and M. Shlomchik, manuscript in preparation). Various lupus-prone mouse strains bearing targeted mutations of genes important to immune function have generally demon- *Section of Immunobiology, Departments of †Laboratory Medicine and ‡Dermatology and Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520; and § Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 Received for publication January 4, 2001. Accepted for publication June 26, 2001. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 1 This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AR44077 (to M.J.S.) and AI38339 (to A.B.) and was supported in part by a Pilot/Feasibility Award from the Yale Skin Diseases Research Core Center, P30AR41942. O.T.M.C. was supported by National Institutes of Health Training Grant AI07019. 2 Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Mark J. Shlomchik, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, P.O. Box 208035, New Haven, CT 06520-8035. E-mail address: [email protected] Abbreviations used in this paper: MRL/lpr, MRL-Faslpr; 2m, 2-microglobulin; 2m⫺/⫺/lpr, 2m-deficient MRL/lpr mice. 3 Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Immunologists strated a uniform amelioration or exacerbation of autoimmune disease among the target organs studied (11). An example of uniform disease down-regulation is the ␣ T cell-deficient MRL/lpr strain, which has milder renal disease, delayed skin lesions, reduced lymphoaccumulation, and reduced Ig production (12, 13). Similarly, IFN-␥-knockout MRL/lpr mice have ameliorated renal and salivary gland disease in addition to decreased lymphoaccumulation and autoantibody production (14). Examples of uniform disease up-regulation include MRL/lpr mice deficient in perforin, which have increased kidney, liver, and salivary gland infiltrates (15), and TNF receptor type I-deficient C57BL/6-Faslpr mice, which develop increased cellular infiltration in the kidney, liver, lung, and knee joints (16). These previous studies suggest that end-organ disease is an inevitable consequence of initial autoreactive cell activation and loss of tolerance in secondary lymphoid tissues. Under this hypothesis, for example, B cell autoantibody secretion would lead to deposition and damage in multiple target organs (i.e., kidney and skin), after which a program of end-organ disease ensues in proportion to Ig deposition. Observations we report here regarding 2-microglobulin (2m)-deficient MRL/lpr mice (2m⫺/⫺/lpr) differ from the findings in these other knockout strains and suggest a model in which local conditions in target organs can control disease manifestations. Christianson et al. (17) reported that certain aspects of autoimmunity were ameliorated in MRL/lpr mice deficient in 2m. They noted that 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice have only mild glomerulonephritis and reduced numbers of CD3⫹CD4⫺CD8⫺B220⫹ lymph node T cells. 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice also have reduced total IgG1, rheumatoid factor, anti-dsDNA, and anti-Smith. However, total IgM, IgG2a, and IgG3 levels remained comparable to those of age-matched MRL/lpr mice. Although renal disease was assessed in these mice, no spontaneous skin disease was described. 0022-1767/01/$02.00 Downloaded from by guest on June 14, 2017 When mutations that inactivate molecules that function in the immune system have been crossed to murine lupus strains, the result has generally been a uniform up-regulation or down-regulation of autoimmune disease in the end organs. In the current work we report an interesting dissociation of target organ disease in 2-microglobulin (2m)-deficient MRL-Faslpr (MRL/lpr) mice: lupus skin lesions are accelerated, whereas nephritis is ameliorated. 2m deficiency affects the expression of classical and nonclassical MHC molecules and thus prevents the normal development of CD8- as well as CD1-dependent NK1ⴙ T cells. To further define the mechanism by which 2m deficiency accelerates skin disease, we studied CD1-deficient MRL/lpr mice. These mice do not have accelerated skin disease, excluding a CD1 or NK1ⴙ T cell-dependent mechanism of 2m deficiency. The data indicate that the regulation of systemic disease is not solely governed by regulation of initial activation of autoreactive lymphocytes in secondary lymphoid tissue, as this is equally relevant to renal and skin diseases. Rather, regulation of autoimmunity can also occur at the target organ level, explaining the divergence of disease in skin and kidney in 2m-deficient mice. The Journal of Immunology, 2001, 167: 2985–2990. 2986 2m DEFICIENCY ACCELERATES LUPUS SKIN DISEASE AND INHIBITS NEPHRITIS Here we analyze skin disease in 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice and report an interesting dissociation in end-organ disease. 2m deficiency reduces kidney disease; however, the deficiency accelerates, rather than suppresses, the onset of skin lesions. Thus, 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice, in having divergent disease in the kidney and skin, differ from other knockout lupus models. 2m noncovalently associates with classical and nonclassical MHC class I proteins and is required for optimal expression of the protein complex (18). 2m deficiency can affect several molecules and cellular compartments, prominently including CD8 T cells and CD1-dependent NK1⫹ T cells. Therefore, we further investigated how 2m deficiency leads to accelerated skin disease by studying CD1⫺/⫺ mice, which we crossed onto the MRL/lpr background. These mice do not have accelerated skin disease, indicating that 2m deficiency is not working via regulatory NK T cells that depend on CD1 or on CD1 expression itself as on Langerhans or B cells. We discuss the implications of these findings for the pathogenesis of disease in target organs. Mice Mice used in the study were progeny of brother-sister matings of homozygous 2m-deficient MRL/lpr mice obtained from The Jackson Laboratory (http:// ⫽ framedetail&stock ⫽ 002453). The strain was derived from N10 crossed to MRL/lpr and thus has 99.9% MRL background genes. 2m-intact (i.e., wild-type) MRL/lpr mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME) or were B cell-sufficient progeny derived during backcrossing of the hemizygous JHD allele to MRL/lpr. These latter mice were from the N7 to N13 generation and thus also had 99% MRL background genes. These mice were bred in our specific pathogen-free animal colony at Yale University School of Medicine (New Haven, CT). MRL/lpr.CD1⫺/⫺ mice were derived by crossing the CD1-targeted allele (19) onto the MRL/lpr background. Homozygosity for lpr was fixed at the first BC generation. To obtain homozygotes, mice were intercrossed at either N6 (98.5% MRL genes) or N10 (99.9% MRL genes) and were typed by PCR. Data obtained both cohorts of mice were pooled, as there were no differences between them. These mice were bred initially at Princeton University, but were observed for skin disease as adults at Yale University, housed under the same conditions as other mice in this study. Thus, all mice were aged and followed for disease in the same animal housing room at Yale. Photography Clinical observations were recorded using an EOS Rebel G camera (Canon, Tokyo, Japan) with a 90-mm F2.8 macro lens (Sigma, Tokyo, Japan). The camera and lens were mounted on a copy stand (model CS-2; Testrite, Newark, NJ), while the subject lay below on the base. Photographs were taken with Kodak Gold ASA 100 film (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY). Renal disease grading H&E-stained, formalin-fixed sections were graded as we have previously described (20). Skin disease grading Skin samples from the shaved dorsal neck region were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The severity of skin disease was graded based on a semiquantitative scale using the following parameters: acanthosis: 1) mildly, 2) markedly, or 3) very markedly thickened dermis; hyperkeratosis: 1) mildly or 2) markedly increased amount of keratin; interface (liquefaction): 1) focal or 2) extensive damage to basal cell layer; inflammation: 1) sparse or 2) heavy infiltrates of dermal cells resembling lymphocytes; mast cells: numbers of dermal mast cells counted at ⫻20 (0.5 mm) in five fields and averaged for number of mast cells per 0.5 mm, measurements made sequentially in areas of greatest histologic change; fibrosis: increased dermal cellularity with 1) slight or 2) markedly thickened dermis; vessels: presence of dilated vessels with hemorrhage, 1) focal or 2) diffuse; and ulcer: epidermal erosion or ulcer recorded when present (0 or 1). The averages plus 1 SD were generated. For comparative purposes, all tissue sections were scored by one observer (J.M.M.), who was blinded to their origin. Scores for MRL/lpr Skin disease incidence and statistical analysis Cohorts of 2m-deficient or CD1-deficient MRL/lpr mice and wild-type MRL/lpr mice were followed in time, and the onset of macroscopic skin disease was recorded along with the ages of the animals. Mice were considered affected when an area ⱖ0.5 cm of hair loss, ulceration, and induration typical of MRL/lpr skin disease (our unpublished observations) was noted. All data was recorded in Microsoft Excel 98 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) for the Macintosh. Survival-type curves of the mouse strains were plotted using the KaplanMeier method and were examined for significance with the Mantel-Cox log-rank test using StatView 4.5 (Abacus Software, Berkeley, CA) for the Macintosh. Values of p ⬍ 0.05 were considered significant. Results 2m deficiency in MRL/lpr mice suppresses spontaneous lupus nephritis Glomerulonephritis was previously shown to be reduced in 2m⫺/⫺/ lpr mice as expected (17). We confirmed that a similar phenomenon was occurring in our mice, as expected, by formal scoring of a small cohort; 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice had lower scores for glomerulonephritis ( p ⫽ 0.049; Fig. 1, A and B) (17). In addition, interstitial nephritis and vasculitis (17), which had not been previously evaluated, were reduced (Fig. 1, C and D). Inflammatory cellular infiltrates were noticeably decreased compared with those in agematched, diseased MRL/lpr controls. These data are summarized in Fig. 1E. Thus, both Ab-mediated and cell-mediated diseases were ameliorated. However, it should be noted that 2m-deficiency did not completely abrogate disease, because mild glomerulonephritis and cellular infiltrates were still present. 2m deficiency in MRL/lpr mice accelerates spontaneous lupus skin disease In contrast to the reduced renal disease, the kinetics of skin disease onset as well as the penetrance of skin disease were dramatically accelerated by 2m deficiency ( p ⬍ 0.0001; Fig. 2). A significant difference emerged at 12–14 wk, when none of the 2m-intact mice had skin disease, but one-third of 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice already had clinical disease. There was very little mortality in either cohort at this age (data not shown), thus ruling out selective survival as a reason for differences in skin disease incidence. The 50% incidence of disease was 15 wk of age for 2m-deficient mice and 31 wk for 2m-intact mice. By 28 wk of age, all 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice were affected, whereas, one-fourth of the original 2m-intact cohort remained unaffected at 44 wk, an age when most mice in the 2m-intact cohort had already succumbed to disease in other organs (data not shown). There was no significant difference between males and females in either the 2m-intact ( p ⫽ 0.55) or 2mdeficient ( p ⫽ 0.55) cohorts. It is unlikely that a foreign pathogen was responsible for initiating the onset of accelerated skin disease in the 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice. Lesions were never observed in our other nonautoimmunity-prone strains housed in the same room. Furthermore, all the mice were raised under specific pathogen-free conditions. It was also unlikely that disease was caused by fighting, as we had numerous examples of affected mice that were singly housed, and disease was similar in males and females, whereas females are rarely observed to fight. Finally, neither T nor B cell-deficient MRL/lpr mice, which are more immunocompromised than 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice, develop skin disease despite being housed in the same colony, again strongly arguing against a role for pathogen-induced lesions. Downloaded from by guest on June 14, 2017 Materials and Methods mice lacking B cells (no disease control) were 0 for all parameters except mast cells (4/0.5 mm; our unpublished observations, and O. T. M. Chan, J. M. McNiff, and M. J. Shlomchik, manuscript in preparation). Similarly, clinically unaffected skin from several mice was observed to be essentially normal (data not shown). The Journal of Immunology 2987 incidence of skin disease in MRL/lpr mice acquired from The Jackson Laboratory (32 wk) and bred in our facility (27 wk) were similar, with overall curves being statistically indistinguishable ( p ⫽ 0.40; data not shown). If anything, disease may have occurred faster in our BC mice than in mice acquired from Jackson, but certainly not the reverse. These incidence rates are somewhat slower than those reported by Furukawa and colleagues, most likely due to different husbandry conditions, a factor thought to affect the incidence of autoimmunity in MRL/lpr mice, as suggested by Furukawa and colleagues (21). Pathological characteristics of lupus skin disease of 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice are similar to those of MRL/lpr mice CD1-deficient mice have neither accelerated skin disease nor ameliorated kidney disease The expression of both classical MHC class I and CD1 molecules is absent or markedly reduced in the absence of 2m; 2m-deficient mice are also deficient in CD8 and NK1⫹ T cells that depend on these class I molecules (23–27). To distinguish whether 2m As the 2m-intact control group included mice derived during backcross of a JHD allele (although with 99% MRL background genes), we considered that the incidence of skin disease may have been affected in some unexpected way and that this could have affected our conclusions. However, in our colony, the times to 50% FIGURE 2. 2m deficiency accelerates the appearance of skin lesions in MRL/lpr mice. Survival-type curves were generated as described in Materials and Methods using the Kaplan-Meier method and were examined for statistical significance using the Mantel-Cox log-rank test. Spontaneous skin lesions on 2m-deficient MRL/lpr mice developed earlier than on 2m-intact MRL/lpr mice (p ⬍ 0.0001). The 50% incidences of disease were 15 wk of age for the 2m-deficient mice and 31 wk for the 2m-intact mice. The sample sizes were: 2m⫺/⫺/lpr, n ⫽ 86; and MRL/lpr, n ⫽ 110. FIGURE 3. 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice have comparable spontaneous cutaneous disease as MRL/lpr mice. Clinically, skin lesions formed primarily at the dorsal neck region of 2m⫺/⫺/lpr (A) and MRL/lpr (B) mice. The ears also experienced disease at times. Neck skin with clinical lesions was biopsied and fixed in 10% formalin. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Light microscopy demonstrated that both 2m⫺/⫺/lpr (C) and MRL/ lpr (D) mice developed comparable histopathology. The 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice were 17 wk of age (A and C), and the MRL/lpr mice were 22 wk (B and D). C and D, ⫻200. Downloaded from by guest on June 14, 2017 FIGURE 1. 2m deficiency inhibits nephritis in MRL/lpr mice. Kidneys from 2m-deficient and 2m-intact mice were fixed in 10% formalin, and sections were stained with H&E. Light microscopy revealed an amelioration of glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, and vasculitis in 2m⫺/⫺/ lpr mice (A and C) compared with MRL/lpr mice (B and D). Although overall renal disease was decreased in 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice, there remained some areas of focal cellular infiltration (C). E, Summary of histologic grading (20). Shown are the mean and SD. There were 10 mice in each group. o, 2m⫺/⫺/lpr; 䡺, control 2m-intact mice. p values are: glomeruli, 0.049; vessels, 0.012; tubules, 0.047. The mice were 22 wk of age. Magnification: A and B, ⫻500; C and D, ⫻200. Clinically, the skin lesions in 2m-deficient and 2m-intact mice were similar (Fig. 3). Lesions were localized to the dorsal neck region and ears and typically were not observed elsewhere. However, disease was usually more aggressive in the 2m-deficient mice, which had more total skin area affected than the MRL/lpr controls (Fig. 3). Histologically, lesions in the two types of mice were indistinguishable. This was evaluated formally by the reading of coded slides (see Materials and Methods). The data are summarized in Table I. Overall, disease most resembled discoid lupus erythematosus lesions (22), with prominent acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, and interface change. This is consistent with previous reports (7); our data add to those from previous studies of MRL/lpr skin disease by using a more systematic classification according to criteria used to evaluate human discoid lupus erythematosus lesions. In addition, Ig was deposited in the dermis and along the dermal-epidermal junction of both strains, as assayed by immunofluorescence (data not shown). 2m DEFICIENCY ACCELERATES LUPUS SKIN DISEASE AND INHIBITS NEPHRITIS 2988 Table I. Skin disease scores for MRL/lpr and 2m⫺/⫺/lpr micea Range Acanthosis (0-3) Hyperkeratosis (0-2) Interface (0-2) Inflammation (0-2) Mast Cells (no. per 0.5 mm) Fibrosis (0-2) Vessels (0-2) Ulcer (0-1) MRL/lpr (n ⫽ 10) 2m⫺/⫺/lpr (n ⫽ 8) 2.0 ⫾ 0.7 2.1 ⫾ 0.6 1.9 ⫾ 0.3 1.9 ⫾ 0.4 1.7 ⫾ 0.5 1.9 ⫾ 0.4 1.7 ⫾ 0.5 2.0 ⫾ 0.5 21 ⫾ 16 14 ⫾ 8 1.8 ⫾ 0.4 1.8 ⫾ 0.5 1.6 ⫾ 0.5 1.9 ⫾ 0.4 0.4 ⫾ 0.5 0.6 ⫾ 0.7 a Average scores and one standard deviation are listed for each strain. Score ranges are listed in parentheses under each disease category, except for mast cells. Comparisons of each category were not statistically different. Ages for the mice were: MRL/lpr, 16 – 48 wk, 2m⫺/⫺/lpr, 17–24 wk. Discussion The current study reports an interesting discordance in spontaneous end-organ disease. Nephritis is inhibited in 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice, whereas cutaneous disease is accelerated, rather than suppressed. The 2m⫺/⫺/lpr strain is the first reported lupus model with exacerbated skin disease coupled with diminished renal disease. Nearly all published knockout autoimmunity-prone strains demonstrated either a uniform up-regulation or down-regulation of end-organ pathology (11). CD40L⫺/⫺ MRL/lpr mice have reduced kidney disease (nephritis, vasculitis, and renal Ig deposition), like 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice (13). Cutaneous lesions in CD40 ligand-deficient mice are not inhibited and are comparable to those in MRL/lpr controls. However, as far as can be discerned, skin disease is not accelerated as it is in the 2m⫺/⫺/lpr strain. The phenotypes of both the 2m⫺/⫺/lpr and CD40 ligand⫺/⫺ MRL/lpr strains support the hypothesis that regulation of autoimmune pathogenesis, presumably at the level of the effector cell, occurs in individual target organs. A number of mechanisms exist that could potentially explain the up-regulation of skin disease in the 2m⫺/⫺/lpr strain. For example, the presence of 2m-dependent molecules on the target tissue might have suppressive effects on pathogenic effector cells (28). The absence of these 2m-dependent proteins in 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice would prevent any such inhibition. Indeed, target cell lysis by NK cells is inhibited upon interaction with classical MHC class I molecules (29 –33). However, this mechanism does not readily explain why skin vs kidney would be more susceptible to immune cell attack. The MHC class I-related receptor, FcRB, plays a role in the regulation of serum Ig levels, possibly by preventing the catabolism of IgG (34). Indeed, serum IgG has a short half-life in 2mdeficient mice (35–37). 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice have a decrease in total IgG1 (17), which could explain the ameliorated renal disease (Fig. 1) (17). However, this observation would not account for their exacerbated skin disease (Fig. 2). Another possibility is that the absence of 2m prevents the maturation of suppressive, regulatory cells. One candidate is the NK1⫹ T cell, the development of which is dependent on the expression of CD1 (23–27), a 2m-associated molecule. NK1⫹ T cells are important for the early production of IL-4, a Th2 cytokine capable of down-regulating Th1 cytokines (25, 38 – 40), and lupus pathogenesis has been argued to be augmented by Th1 cytokines (41– 45). We constructed CD1-deficient MRL/lpr mice to directly test this idea. However, we found that CD1 deficiency does not contribute to the 2m-deficient phenotype of accelerated skin disease, excluding a role for NK1⫹ T cells and CD1 expression on APCs and target tissue. ␥␦⫹ T cells also have the potential to suppress or regulate lupus. Peng et al. (46) demonstrated that ␥␦⫹ T cell-deficient MRL/lpr mice developed exacerbated autoimmune renal disease, suggesting that such T cells play a regulatory role. Evidence that a subset of ␥␦⫹ T cells may be positively selected in development by MHC class I molecules comes from transgenic mice bearing TCR␥␦ transgenes specific for MHC class I (47, 48). However, it should be noted that ␥␦⫹ T cells do not generally require positive selection via MHC class I, as shown by the detection of ␥␦⫹ T cells in the thymus, secondary lymphoid organs, and epithelia of 2m-deficient mice (49 –51). Thus, the potential role of ␥␦⫹ T cells in modulating lupus skin disease requires further investigation. FIGURE 4. CD1 deficiency does not affect the appearance of skin lesions in MRL/lpr mice. Survival-type curves were generated as described in Fig. 2. The sample sizes were: CD1⫺/⫺/lpr, n ⫽ 13; and CD1-sufficient MRL/lpr, n ⫽ 36. There was no difference between the groups (p ⫽ 0.246). Downloaded from by guest on June 14, 2017 deficiency mediated its effects on skin disease through lack of CD1 and/or CD1-dependent NK1⫹ T cells, we studied cohorts of CD1deficient mice. CD1-deficient MRL/lpr mice did not demonstrate accelerated skin disease (Fig. 4; p ⫽ 0.246), as disease incidence was equivalent to that in CD1-sufficient mice derived as littermates of heterozygote intercrosses. Incidence in both CD1-sufficient and -deficient mice was somewhat more accelerated than that in the MRL/lpr control cohorts used to compare with the 2m-deficient mice (see above). This could be due to the less backcrossed nature of the CD1 cohorts. As these data were acquired after the 2mintact data, we cannot formally rule out a change in the overall rate within the colony, although there were no specific changes made in husbandry conditions during this time. Regardless, the internal comparison between CD1-deficient and -sufficient mice was conducted in concert and showed no difference. Most importantly, disease occurred more slowly in the CD1 cohort than in the 2mdeficient mice ( p ⫽ 0.0001), thus ruling out that CD1 plays a major role in the 2m-deficient phenotype. These data exclude a role for NK1⫹ T cells and CD1 expression in controlling skin disease. Similarly, grading of nephritis and vasculitis in a small subset of CD1-deficient and -sufficient mice revealed equivalent, severe disease (data not shown). Again, the CD1-deficient mice contrast with the 2m-deficient mice, in which nephritis and vasculitis were markedly reduced (17). Thus, CD1 and NK1⫹ T cells do not play a role in the amelioration of kidney disease observed in 2m-deficient mice. The Journal of Immunology Gene-mapping studies (72–74) should consider this possibility, as it may be that distinct loci control disease in particular target organs. Acknowledgments We thank Drs. Joseph Craft, Ann Haberman, and Robert Tigelaar for critically reading this manuscript. References 1. Theofilopoulos, A. N., and F. J. Dixon. 1985. Murine models of systemic lupus erthematosus. Adv. Immunol. 37:269. 2. Andrews, B. S., R. A. Eisenberg, A. N. Theofilopoulos, S. Izui, C. B. Wilson, P. J. McConahey, E. D. Murphy, J. B. Roths, and F. J. Dixon. 1978. Spontaneous murine lupus-like syndromes: clinical and immunopathological manifestations in several strains. J. Exp. Med. 148:1198. 3. Gilkeson, G. S., R. Spurney, T. M. Coffman, R. Kurlander, P. Ruiz, and D. S. Pisetsky. 1992. Effect of anti-CD4 antibody treatment on inflammatory arthritis in MRL-lpr/lpr mice. Clin. 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In addition, CD8⫹ T cells regulate T cell responses through nonclassical MHC class I molecules, such as Qa-1, which depend on 2m for proper expression. CD8⫹ T cells are induced by recognition of Qa-1-Ag complexes (57, 58) and delete Qa-1⫹, CD4⫹ T cells in an Ag-restricted manner after superantigen administration. Interestingly, stimulation of CD8⫹ T cells via Qa-1 on activated B cells induced the production of IFN-␥ (52), which could suppress Th2 cells (59) and IgM and IgG1 Ab responses (60, 61). Given these defined regulatory roles of CD8⫹ T cells along with the clear dependence of CD8⫹ T cell development on 2m, CD8⫹ T cells are strong candidates for regulating skin disease in our model. Although we were able to use CD1 knockout mice to rule out a role for NK1⫹ T cells and CD1, maturation of a subset of ␥␦⫹ T cells and CD8⫹ T cells is also affected by 2m deficiency. To investigate the regulatory role of each cell type will require analysis of disease in each of the respective knockout mice. CD8⫺/⫺ MRL/lpr mice were reported to develop skin vasculitis (62). Unfortunately, the study did not characterize the kinetics of the cutaneous disease; whether skin lesion onset was accelerated is unknown. We were unable to establish successful breeding of CD8⫺/⫺ MRL/lpr mice. This strain may be extinct and will need to be remade. Characterization of spontaneous skin disease has not been conducted in ␥␦⫹ T cell-deficient MRL/lpr mice. Qa-1 knockout mice, which would also be of interest, do not yet exist as far as we are aware. A key question raised by our findings in the 2m⫺/⫺/lpr mice is why there is differential immunoregulation in skin and kidneys. The most obvious answer is that skin is a barrier organ, whereas kidney is not. Barrier sites, such as skin, gut, and respiratory tract, have specialized immune systems (63– 65). These systems are designed to respond efficiently to breach of the barrier, but are also prone to inflammatory diseases, such as asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases, lupus, and graft-vs-host disease. Perhaps to prevent overly exuberant responses, these local immune systems have a variety of embedded, regulatory mechanisms as well. For example, immune responses in the lung may be preferentially deviated toward Th2-type responses (66 – 68). In the skin and gut, ␥␦⫹ T cells may play a regulatory role (69, 70). A similar role is possible for other lymphocytes, as discussed above. The most likely interpretation of our data is that a 2m-dependent, regulatory cell operates in skin, but not in the kidney. Thus, in skin the natural proinflammatory tendency, presumably not found in the nonbarrier organs (i.e., kidney), may be unopposed in the absence of 2m. If this concept is correct, it would fit with a modified view of pathogenesis for systemic autoimmunity. 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