Science Teaching Kit for Senior Secondary Curriculum Force and Motion Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers [Student Notes] Organizer Sponsor Research Team Preamble Learning plan i Lesson 1 : Model Making Workshop - Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers 1.1 Introduction to Tall Buildings 1.2 Loads and Forces on Buildings 01 02 1.2.1 Vertical Forces 02 1.2.2 Horizontal Forces 02 1.2.3 Internal Forces 02 Exercise: Forces on the Structure 1.3 Typical Structural Systems in Tall Buildings 03 04 Project Brief on Tower-Making Workshop 06 Summary, Key words and Further reading 07 Disclaimer Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. © 2012 Hong Kong Institute of Architects Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers Contents Topic 03 Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers Major teaching areas Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinaryteaching teachingareas areas Physics: Chapter II Force and Motion Design Designand andApplied AppliedTechnology Technology •• Strand Strand1 1Design Designand andInnovation Innovation Force and motion •• Strand Strand2 2Technological TechnologicalPrinciples Principles Related teaching areas Physics: Chapter X Investigative Study in Physics Learning objectives • To understand the forces acting on a stable structure • To learn the major structural systems for buildings • To apply new knowledge in a hands-on exercise Learning plan Lesson Lesson 1 Contents • 1.1 Introduction to tall buildings Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers • 1.2 Explanation of the forces that act on buildings • Exercise Understanding of internal and shear forces, structural elements, and the relationship between action and reaction • 1.3 Examples of typical structural systems for high-rise buildings • Project Brief and assessment methods for tower-making workshop Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers • i Lesson 1 Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers 1.1 Introduction to Tall Buildings Tall buildings are symbolic elements within any city, carrying significant political, social, cultural and even religious meanings. Today cities compete to produce the tallest building in the world as a way of showcasing financial and economic power. Understanding the structures of these buildings, and how they support themselves as well as the loads imposed on them by the environment, is a fascinating way to see the real-life applications of physics. p The Eiffel Tower is a 320-m-high steel structure that was completed in 1889 as the entrance arch for that year’s World’s Fair. u The 36-storey Equitable Building in New York was completed in 1915. Its architect, Ernest R. Graham, used a Neoclassical style despite the building’s modernity: it was the first building equipped with elevators in New York. t The modernist Wainwright Building in St. Louis was completed in 1891 by architects Dankmar Adler & Louis Sullivan. Its 10 storeys are supported by an early steel framing system. Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers p The Leaning Tower of Pisa (55.86 m) was built in 1372, using marble stone in a Romanesque style. Its current leaning appearance is due to sub-soil settlement. t The 90-m-high Royal Liver Building in Liverpool was one of the first concrete buildings in the world. It was completed in 1911 after a Neoclassical design by Walter A. Thomas. © Chowells - Wikipedia User 01 1.2 Loads and Forces on Buildings The statics of a building deal with its structural stability. According to Newton’s First Law, when an object is in equilibrium, the sum of all forces equals zero. Dead loads e.g. Weight of the building Dead Load Source: Nature: Live Load Source: Environmental Loads e.g. Wind Nature: Environmental Load Source: Nature:. 1.2.1 Vertical Forces p Live loads, dead loads and environmental loads are the three major types of forces on the Bank of China Tower. The loads are transferred to the ground via columns and pilings. Compressive force Vertical loads are transferred from the floors to the columns and walls, and eventually to the soil or underground. At times, environmental loads also act vertically. Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers Live loads e.g. Weight of people in the building 1.2.2 Horizontal Forces In architecture the horizontal forces on the building are called shear forces, which may be resisted by adding cross bracing or shear walls. Tensile force 1.2.3 Internal Forces The internal strength of the entire structure must be equal to or larger than the total forces applied on the building in order to stay in equilibrium. The ability to withstand all forces depends on the structural component’s dimensions and the solidity and elasticity of the material. Internal forces include compressive force, tensile force, and torque. Torque p Internal forces in a structural element 02 [Exercise] Forces on the structure 1 Illustrate the action and reaction pairs, and distinguish dead loads and live loads acting on the following structure. Assume the weight of the mass is FA and the weight of each building block is FB , and the structure is in equilibrium. Can you identify the internal forces acting on each piece of the structure? What paths do they take? Loads 3 How would you modify the below structure to resist shear force? Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers 2 Shear Force 03 1.3 Typical Structural Systems in Tall Buildings Outrigger Core Columns Core and outrigger structure The International Commerce Centre is built using a ‘Core and Outrigger’ concept. The core at the centre of the building bears most of the vertical load, while columns at the perimeter carry less weight and are thus smaller in dimension. Loads are transferred to the core through steel outriggers that balance the lateral forces on the whole building. p Outrigger connecting the core and the columns Columns at the perimeter carry less weight. Weight is centralised to the core. Outriggers help balancing lateral forces. p Plan of International Commerce Centre Steel Steel is a common construction material for tall buildings because it has good performance in withstanding compressive and tensile forces, as opposed to concrete’s low tensile strength in compression. Steel bars can be used to reinforce concrete to add extra structural performance. However, steel is relatively weak in fire-resistance. The Bank of China Tower is a steel trussed-tube structure. The whole building acts as a single tubular truss, with the diagonals wrapping the building to transfer loads. p Bank of China Tower Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers p Installation of outriggers at the International Commerce Centre © Raymond Wong 04 result External force External force result External force Co m pr es sio n External force m Co Tension Truss Trusses are a very common structural element in architecture. Steel members are joined together into triangular shapes, which are very strong and able to resist external forces. When joined together, these triangles can form large truss systems that can span long distances. n io s es pr Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers q Common types of truss © Structural Building Components Association 05 Project Model Making Workshop — Tower The class will be divided into groups of four to five students. Each group is required to build a tower that should be: • structurally stable and aesthetically pleasing • tall • lightweight • resistant to horizontal forces • able to support a heavy load Submit a laboratory group report after the workshop. needed Sketching papers and pencil Scissors, cutters, tape, glue Different weights (10 g/ 50 g/ 100 g/ 500 g/ 1 kg) Weight scale Measuring tape Electric fans Suggested materials • Cardboard • Bamboo sticks • Recycled cans • Recycled plastic bottles • Fishing line Assessment criterias: Tests Structural stability (20) Aesthetics (10) Height (20) Weight-height ratio (20) Resistance to wind (10) Load supporting (20) p Using rope to join the components Descriptions The tower should be free-standing without external supports. The teacher will judge the beauty of the tower and will give a score. Measure the height of the tower from the ground to the highest point. The tallest tower gets the highest score. Weigh the tower and find out the weight-height ratio. The tower with the smallest ratio will get the highest score. R= Your Score Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers Tools • • • • • • W H Blow the tower from the side with an electric fan. The tower that does not fall will get the highest score. Test the maximum weight that the tower can support. The weight needs to be placed above the ground. Students should be able to explain how load is transferred to the ground. Total score 06 Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. Although humans have long attempted to build tall structures, skyscrapers began to appear in our cities in the late 19th century as a result of technological breakthroughs in building materials and methods, including reinforced concrete, steel, and elevators. Buildings bear three types of loads: dead loads, live loads and environmental loads All loads are resolved into vertical and horizontal forces on the structure. Typical structural systems used in tall buildings include core and outrigger structures, steel frames and trusses. Key words Further reading 1. Foster, Jack Stroud, Raymond Harington, and Roger Greeno. Structure and Fabric. 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. 2. Brotrueck, Tanja, Basic: Roof construction. Basel: Birhaeuser, 2007. Organizer Sponsor Research Team Science | Model Making Workshop — Structure of Tall Buildings and Towers High-rise buildings Skyscraper Tower Structure Force Equilibrium
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