January 2011 News from the Sacramento meeting

January 2011
Ed reminded members that Roundtable membership is on a
calendar year basis and that it was time to renew. Only
about 65% of last year’s members have renewed to date.
Times are tough with the roll back of Stage 3 funding but
hopefully members will be able to see the value of continued
membership. The Roundtable is solely supported by
membership dues and conference registrations. Members
have access to regular informative meetings and newsletters,
advocacy action alerts and program bulletins and updates.
In addition members receive discounts on conference
registration. If any member has been hesitant to renew this
year due to fiscal hardship let Ed know and he will discuss
individual circumstances with the board. A membership/
renewal form is attached to this newsletter.
2011 will be an important year with all of the changes brought
about by implementation of the new Child Nutrition
Reauthorization Bill. The Roundtable will also be able to
keep members informed of any program cuts proposed by
the new Congress so that hopefully we can advocate strongly
against them when the time comes. Stay informed; keep
your program in compliance; be sure to sign up to receive
our informative newsletter and advocacy alerts!
Advisory Committee
California Department of Education
CNR Recap
Management Bulletin Update
DCH Expansion Grants
CNIPS Update
Cash Advance Update
New DUNS Number Requirement
School-age Child Home 4 Lunch Discussion
Q &A
Sacramento, January 20, 2011
Paula James welcomed the Roundtable and gave the
following brief introductory remarks and announcements.
She thanked Carol Whittington, Denise Weldemere and staff
from Choices for Children’s Cameron Park Office for
providing the refreshments and CDE NSD for the nice
meeting room.
Changes in CA State Education: Paula reported that we
now have a new Superintendent of Education – Tom
Torlakson from the Contra Costa area. She also reminded
members that Governor Brown has eliminated the Secretary
of Education’s office as a cost cutting move.
Vitamin Settlement Grant Update:
• Best Practices Training - Paula reported that as
a result of recent surveys we have indications from
23 sponsoring organizations from throughout the
state that they are interested in receiving best
practices training. She said she will be contacting
sponsors shortly to try to set up training dates
probably in March/April. She has to try to
coordinate with the staff conducting the training
sessions and their busy schedules, as well as
coordinate with CDE for possible additional funding.
Tentatively training sessions will be in the Bay Area,
the Central Valley, Los Angeles/San Diego and
possibly in one or more rural Northern CA cities
(Ukiah, Redding, or Chico).
Marketing Plan Update – Paula reminded
members to take a look at all the changes to the
website and the new links to Roundtable Facebook
and Youtube pages. New content is being added
every day. If there are web sites or data that you
use that are not on the website now please let Ed
know. Stephanie Clarke said she was able to get
some useful data from the Roundtable and CFPA’s
website for a recent grant she was writing. Paula
also encouraged members to take videos to post to
our new Youtube page. Subjects might include
observation of a meal service, monitoring visits,
provider training. You be the judge. A new
Roundtable Photo Release form can be found on
the website under Resources/Publications.
The mission of the Child Care Food Program
Roundtable is to promote health and wellbeing
of children in child care through providing leadership and advocating for enhanced and
expanded CACFP.
CDPH California Obesity Prevention Plan: Paula
reported that the California Obesity Prevention Program of
the California Department of Public Health has offered the
Roundtable the opportunity to submit a proposal for
Leadership Grant funding. This funding is available for the
development of a work plan for the Child Care Sector, which
will support implementation of the 2010 California Obesity
Prevention Plan. The grant funds will be administered
through UCSF. She reported that Lorrene Ritchie will
20th Annual CACFP Conference
Sheraton Anaheim
October 17-19, 2011
IOM Response: Paula said she was part of a group of
stakeholders, including representatives from TSA, The
National CACFP Forum, and the National Professionals
Association that gave feedback to USDA on the IOM
standards. She reassured members that she feels that
implementation will be slow and thoughtful.
Read more about it on page 8
Sesame Workshop Healthy Habits for Life Key
Message - Healthy Habits Begin at Birth: Barbara
Longo, Deputy Division Chief for the CA WIC Program,
attended the meeting and presented “Partnership for a
Healthier Community.” She shared some tips on how to
navigate and find all of the great materials on
www.wicrorks.ca.gov website. By searching under “nutrition
education” members can find a Nutrition Education Tool
Kit and other education materials. By searching under “WIC
Lesson Plans” members can find 4 pages of lesson plans in
WORD format that they can adapt and use, including
learner-centered lesson plans. By searching under “Healthy
Habits” members can find all of the Sesame Workshop
The CCFP Roundtable News is a bimonthly publication
for members of the Child Care Food Program Roundtable,
an affiliate organization of the California Food Policy Advocates, 436 14th Street, Suite 1220, Oakland, CA 94612.
Edward Mattson
Membership is from Jan 1 to Dec 31 every year. For more
information please contact Ed at 530-677-9410 or
[email protected]. Find out more about the
Roundtable at www.ccfproundtable.org.
Barbara highlighted the Surgeon General’s January 20, 2011
call to action to support breastfeeding (http://www.hhs.gov/
news/press/2011pres/01/20110120a.html) which outlines
evidence-based steps that all sectors of a community can
take to remove obstacles faced by women who want to
breastfeed their babies. While 75% of U.S. mothers
breastfeed at the start, only 13% of babies are exclusively
breastfed at six months. Many moms say their efforts to
breastfeed are hindered by several factors, such as lack of
support at home and at work, as well as lack of
breastfeeding instruction from health care professionals.
Given that breastfeeding provides health benefits for both
baby and mother, it is important that family members,
clinicians, friends, and employers know how they can help
make breastfeeding easier.
Child Nutrition Reauthorization CACFP Recap: Ed
briefly recapped the CACFP provisions of the new law and
shared USDA’s plans, from the FRAC Webinar on Jan 13,
for implementation. Some of the CACFP highlights include
(from FRAC analyses):
o Eliminates the burdensome block claiming requirement
– USDA has issued policy memo CACFP 03-2011.
o Establishes a simplified method of determining sponsor
administrative funding (homes times rates) – USDA has
issued policy memo CACFP 06-2011.
o Permits sponsors to carry over up to 10% of
administrative funds from one year into the following
year – no guidance yet.
o Allows use of high school and middle school data to
determine Tier 1 area eligibility – USDA has issued policy
memo CACFP 05-2011.
o Allows providers to facilitate return of participating
children’s family size and income forms – no guidance
o Expands to all states the option to serve meals in
Afterschool programs in low-income areas (only 13
states had previously been authorized to do so) – USDA
has issued policy memo CACFP 04-2011
o Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to issue proposed
regulations updating the CACFP meal pattern within
18 months of publication of the IOM CACFP Report
on November 4, 2010.
o Directs USDA to issue guidance by 2012 encouraging
participating providers to offer healthier meals and
snacks with an emphasis on increasing the consumption
of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lower fat proteins,
and to provide opportunities for adequate physical
o Allows only lower-fat milk options to be served to
children over age two – no guidance yet.
o Ensures that water will be available throughout the day
– no guidance yet.
o Makes a number of changes regarding training on and
provision of materials about new nutrition and wellness
o Continues USDA paperwork reduction efforts.
Healthy Habits Begin at Birth supports the breastfeeding
mom and her baby. Barbara said the key concepts include:
o Support for mom
o Support introduction of solids at 6 months
o WIC does not support juice for babies under 12 months
o WIC may not provide all the formula a baby needs
o Babies taking only breastmilk receive more than twice
the amount of food at 6 months that those receiving
Barbara pointed out that August is breastfeeding awareness
month. Kelley Knapp suggested that the excellent guide
“Breastfed Babies WELCOME Here! A Child Care
Providers” is available at NFSMI.
Barbara pointed out that an upcoming WIC Initiative will
be on baby behavior. Babies can tell moms what they want
by using their bodies and noises as cues. Babies are not
always hungry when they cry. Learning a baby’s cues and
how to respond will make both the mom and the baby
happier. One early source of the obesity problem is that
moms often believe that babies cry or wake up because of
hunger and think that formula and cereal will prevent this.
Mothers often feel pressure by others to feed their babies.
It is important to realize that healthy infants will try to control
their own state and give cues to tell others what they need.
Caregivers can thus play an important role in helping infants
feel comfortable and safe. Crying is normal. Babies cry for
many reasons, not just because they’re hungry.
Stay tuned. The Roundtable will share with you the latest
information on these provisions as soon we hear it. Plan on
attending the meetings this year to network with others trying
to implement the new changes and ask questions of CDE
and USDA representatives.
from the entire school district are not eligible. Terry Talavera
also suggested that a new letter she can share with school
officials when asking for this new data would be very helpful.
Laurie Pennings was ill so Mike Smith, along with Janice
Hunt and Janet Jendrejack, welcomed the participants and
gave the state report.
Management Bulletin (MB) Update:
USDA CACFP 02-2011 Expansion of At-Risk
After School Meals – This MB notifies sponsors that
they can claim a meal in the At-Risk program retroactive
to October 1, 2010. CDE is in the process of getting an
analysis from the contractor on modifying the CNIPS
to accommodate these changes. A MB has been posted
and a listserv distributed to sponsors.
USDA CACFP 03-2011 Elimination of Block
Claim Edit Checks in the CACFP – This MB
notifies sponsors that they no longer are required to
conduct edit checks designed to detect block claims.
The draft MB is in the approval process. During
discussion of this issue CDE staff clarified that effective
immediately all actions on this are to cease. No followup reviews that are scheduled for a block claim detected
on an Oct-Dec claim need to be completed.
USDA Policy Memo 06-2011 Administrative
Payments to Family Day Care Home Sponsoring
Organizations – DCH sponsor administrative payment
is now rates times the number of homes, not the lowest
of four calculations. CDE is in the process of determining
adjustments and modifications needed to CNIPS and
waiting for clarification from USDA prior to drafting
this MB. If a FDCH sponsor was previously reimbursed
for less than the number of homes by rate calculation
for October or later, an additional administrative payment
will be made for the difference.
It is anticipated that a MB will be issued for each of the
Reauthorization policies no later than early February 2011.
NSD will draft an additional MB to address changes to
CNIPS, such as procedures for Site Change Requests.
Information Alert (IA) Update/Day Care Home
Expansion Grants:
USDA’s CACFP 05-2011 Area Eligibility for
Family Day Care Homes. This MB notifies sponsors
of new tiering determinations. DCH providers are eligible
as tier 1 if they are located in an area served by eligible
elementary, middle or high school’s attendance area
boundaries in which at least 50 percent of the enrolled
children are certified eligible for free and reduced-price
school meals. This MB is in the approval process and
steps outlining the approval process for retroactive
claims have been distributed via listserv.
NSD-CACFP-02-2011 Day Care Home
Expansion Grant – NSD had previously informed
sponsors that we would be posting and RFA for this
grant. Further clarification from USDA revealed that
an RFA is not necessary. We are told that sponsors
may apply for this grant anytime. We have asked USDA
for written guidance on this process. As soon as we
are provided with this information, we will let sponsors
know. We are pressing USDA for a timely response
due to the large number of sponsors that have indicated
an interest in expansion grants.
October Claims Payment Update/CNIPs
Implementation Update: All claims which have been
accepted and processed in the CNIPS have been scheduled
and paid. A listserv was sent with the details for the first two
sets of schedules. There are not any anticipated delays with
payments from now on.
During the discussion of this MB Ed pointed out to members
that the timeframe for complying will be very short (sometime
in mid-February) and members should begin work on
reviewing the area eligibility of all Tier II homes immediately
(the Roundtable sent out a heads up to all CA FDCH
sponsors on Jan 26). Mike shared the CDE website where
sponsors can find the latest school information:
www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sh/cw/filesafdc.asp .There was also a
discussion of the eligibility of magnet, charter and
continuation schools. CDE clarified that schools used must
have definite attendance boundaries. Schools that draw
The Claim Process - Once you have a claim accepted
and processed within CNIPS, you must allow two to
three weeks to receive payment.
1. Claims are grouped and processed on
Fridays (the cutoff time is between 8 and
9:00 AM).
2. Claims are scheduled on the following
Monday or Tuesday
3. The schedules are reviewed and forwarded
for signature approval Wednesday and
4. The approved schedules are then sent to the
SCO for payment
5. SCO reviews/audits the schedules to ensure
there are correct names and payments on
the warrants being issued
6. SCO has three days to issue warrants
7. Warrants are mailed either the day they are
issued or the next day
8. Sponsors receive their warrants dependent
upon the mail system where they are
been turned on yet but is expected to roll out this Spring.
It will be used for recording reviews of sponsors by the
CNC staff and by sponsors for submitting their corrective
action plans. NSD does not plan to enter old reviews
into the system but use it going forward. A “How To”
video is being completed and may be posted in 3-4
Status of Cash Advance and Recovery & Reissuance:
• 2009-2010 Cash Advances CNFS billed the remaining balances for the 2009-2010
cash advances the second week of January 16. If
payment is not received within the 30 days, CNFS will
capture future reimbursements to pay the invoice.
Please note this schedule does not include any potential
delay related to holidays.
The following additional points should be considered:
1. The process still takes 2 – 3 weeks; what
has changed is the time it used to take for
the mail.
2. When viewing the claim be sure to use the
“view” mode rather than the “modify” mode.
If you opened it in “modify” mode you will
have to recertify the claim.
3. If Friday is a holiday then Thursday will be
batch day and the system will be locked
down in the morning just like on Fridays.
4. The CNIPS manual will be finished and
posted shortly. It may include a Q & A. If
you have questions send them in the Laurie.
2010-2011 Cash Advances CNFS sent all October 2010 Cash Advances. When
your October original claim is processed the CNIPS
will calculate the next advance using your most recently
processed claim month’s administrative reimbursement
(not based on adjusted claims). The percentage of
allowed cash advance is then applied. The amount will
be the same, more, or less. If the calculated advance is
less, a recoupment will occur. If the amount is more,
you will receive additional advance funds. At the end
of the year the advance will be recouped from August
and September claims – 50% each month.
Federal Funds Accountability & Transparency Act
(FFATA): USDA has a new reporting requirement called
Federal Funds Accountability & Transparency Act.
Beginning with the month of October 2010 all states will be
required to report cumulative Child Nutrition Program
sponsor reimbursements by the sponsors’ DUNS number
and CFDA program number.” All nutrition sponsors will be
required to have a DUNS number by the end of January
2011. We will provide procedures shortly. Dave Paillette
advised members that every sponsor that has submitted an
audit has a DUNS number already. An Information Alert
on this went out on February 1.
E-Mail Confirmation - CACFP is the only program
which currently receives the e-mail confirmation. It was
an added modification by our system contractor, CCG.
The e-mails can only be sent from one source in the
application and must be the same for all sponsors. It
does not at this time distinguish between FDC and
Centers. We are reviewing a possible change with CCG.
When the claim preparer submits the claim and it is
accepted, they immediately receive the notification on
the screen and can print it.
Policy Discussions during Advisory Committee
• Debit Cards vs. Direct Deposit for Providers CDE needs more internal discussion on this topic before
making a decision.
CNIPS Compliance Module - NSD reported that
this is the final module is nearly completed. It has not
• Revised Standard Agreement – The sample
agreement was changed to include more detailed
instructions for record retention requirements for DCH
providers. It is posted on the web and was attached to
MB CACFP-05-2010. The DCH sponsor/provider
agreement is located at the following NSD website: http:/
Therefore, the regulatory requirement that a
child be in care provides sufficient basis for
disallowing meals served to children that leave
school for the purpose of taking their meals
elsewhere, because the child is not at the facility
for the purpose of receiving child care services.
We recognize and support exceptions, such as
periods when the school is closed or the child
is held out of school due to illness, etc. In such
cases the child would be receiving child care
services and, consequently, the child’s meals
would be eligible for reimbursement. However,
taking ones lunch at a day care home, as a
matter of choice, does not qualify as being “in
care” at the facility and the State agency is well
justified in requiring documentation to support
that the meals are being claimed on an exception
During the AC meeting there was a discussion about
enrollment forms as it relates to bullets number 2 & 3
under “The Provider Agrees To” section. Ed suggested
the confusion about these forms may have begun with
the Second Interim Rule where USDA, in response to
OIG recommendations, stated their belief that, “it is
prudent to require both annual updating of the enrollment
form with parental signature and the inclusion of
additional information (normal days in care and meals
received) on the enrollment form” (see pages 53514-5
of the Second Interim Rule preamble dated September
1, 2004). Janice Hunt underscored that children are
enrolled for care not in the CACFP and that all children
in a home or center must have an enrollment form that is
updated annually and signed by the parent. As an
integrity measure USDA also required that for all
enrolled children information be obtained on normal days
in care and meals served. It was recommended that
that information be included on the enrollment for care
Q & A:
Q1. Please define low-income and rural for expansion grant.
A. Low-income means an area where at least 50% of the
children in the area school are eligible for free or reducedprice meals (just like Tier I in family day care component of
program, or eligible areas for the Summer Food Service
Program). Rural is defined at 226.2 as any geographical
area in a county which is not part of a Metropolitan Statistical
Area (MSA) or any pocket within an MSA which, at the
option of the State agency and with concurrence of the
FNSRO, is determined to be geographically isolated from
urban areas. Find more information on MSA’s here: http:/
Policy Discussion: School-Age Children Coming
Home for Lunch - Can children coming home for lunch
that are not enrolled in child care be claimed for
reimbursement? No (see USDA response below).
FNS position on this matter is based on the
regulatory expectation that a child be “in care”
at a child care facility to participate in the
CACFP. The core issue is the intent of the law
that the CACFP provide support for meals
served to children enrolled and “in care” in a
child care facility. While being enrolled for child
care is required, it is not sufficient to justify a
claim for participation in a meal service.
Children, including but not limited to the
provider’s own children, must be receiving
child care services at the time of the meal service
or the meals they consume are not eligible for
Q2. Will the new directive for low-fat and non-fat milk be
implemented soon? Will we need to disallow the meal or
snack if whole milk is offered? A. USDA is expected to
issue policy guidance on this matter soon.
Q3. How can a provider obtain the percentage of population
participating in the school districts where they live? Can the
provider Google this or is there a website to try to get the
Tier I rates for day care homes? (This question was asked
by a FDCH provider in the audience) A. CDE has posted
school data at the following website: www.cde.ca.gov/ds/
sh/cw/filesafdc.asp . Reimbursement rates are posted here:
http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/nu/rs/rates1011.asp .
Q4. When is the last block claim? When can we stop
validating block claims? A. All activity may stop immediately.
Sponsors do not need to complete validation reviews for
block claims detected on earlier claims.
Q12. Are sponsors required by policy to provide the
Integrity Unit with an English version of letters written to
providers in Serious Deficiency in other languages? A. The
Program Integrity Unit issued an email to Day Care Home
sponsors regarding this issue on January 27th. If you have
not received it, please contact [email protected] .
Q5. What type of ID is needed in the family child care
provider’s file indicating what tier they live in? A. Sponsors
must maintain documentation of eligibility if a provider is
determined to be tier I. If a provider is tier II there would
not be a need for documentation except for the choice tier
II providers are given about whether they wish to receive
straight tier II reimbursement for all meals or whether they
wish to collect family size and income information and be
considered “tier II mixed.” It is up to the sponsor to
determine how to document the file as tier I or II.
Q13. If expansion grant proposals are going to be due in
March, when will the funds be issued? A. See revised
information regarding the day care home expansion grant
Processed Foods/CN Labels: At the AC meeting Jerry
Bowers suggested that it would be nice to put together a
binder with all the food specs sponsors use. He volunteered
to do the work if members submit their food specs to him.
He said he does not need any food specs from Schwanns.
His plan is to scan all of them and put the entire binder up
on the Roundtable website. Members should send a copy
of the food specs they use to Jerry Bowers, FRAMAX,
815 G Street, Modesto, CA 95354
Q6. How often does CCLD licensing information get
uploaded to CNIPS? A. NSD is in the process of clarifying
the timeline and will distribute that information shortly.
Q7. What should a sponsor do if a provider is added but is
not approved due to the licensing information not being
updated? A.
Q8. When can we begin using all school types within
provider school boundaries? Currently we are only allowed
to use Elementary school free and reduced-price
information. A. Immediately, and retroactive to October
2010. See MB and listserv on this issue.
At the statewide level, CFPA does not plan on pursuing
child care nutrition related legislation. However, CFPA does
plan on working to implement both the nutrition licensing
standards arising from AB 2084 as well as CACFP
provisions from the child nutrition reauthorization. CFPA
also plans to support efforts to restore child care subsidy
Q9. When will parents be able to return their Meal Benefit
Forms directly to the provider? Currently they can only send
them directly to the sponsor. A. USDA has not yet issued
guidance on this.
In Los Angeles, CFPA’s office is continuing to work with
the county department of public health on a nutrition training
curriculum. Our LA office expects this training to begin
later this winter.
Q10. The Meal Benefit Form on the CDE website is not a
“clean” version available to print and use. Can we have a
version provided on the site that can be printed? And in
Spanish as well? A. We will provide a listserv informing
sponsors of the revised & Spanish version as soon as it is
posted to our website. We do not have an estimated timeline
at present.
CFPA is wrapping up work on two reports on access and
participation in CACFP: one focuses on homes in LA County
and a second focuses on centers across the state.
Q11. Can charter, magnet or continuation schools be used
to qualify for Tier I? A. Only schools that have a defined
attendance area and that do not draw from the entire district
may be used.
Libby Albert, State Program Manager for USDA, WRO,
was unable to attend the meeting due to a surgical procedure
so there was no USDA Report. She hopes to attend the
March 17 meeting in Baldwin Park. We wish her well.
The Roundtable’s 20th Annual CACFP Conference location
and date have been finalized. Our conference this year will
be Monday October 17 to Wednesday October 19, 2011,
in Anaheim at the newly remodeled Sheraton Anaheim next
to Disneyland. The room rate is an astonishing $119. Start
planning today to attend. A call for presenters will be going
out in the Spring. Start working on your workshop ideas
now and avoid the rush. This being our 20th year we are
planning something special. You won’t want to miss out.
Check out the hotel here: http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/
Book/CCFPR . We were last here in 2005 and all the
rooms, the lobby and restaurant areas have been redone
since then. It looks terrific! The hotel itself is a short walk
from the restaurants and shops of Downtown Disney.
New Guest Rooms
New Lobby
WEB SITES FOR January 2011:
New Restaurant
www.facebook/childcarefoodprogramroundtable Check out our new Facebook page. Become a fan!
www.youtube.com/CCFPRoundtable?feature=mhum –
Check out our new Youtube page. Post your CACFPrelated videos.
www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sh/cw/filesafdc.asp - Find the latest
CA school data for redetermining Tier II to Tier I area
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM **
Options Child Care
13100 Brooks Drive #200, Baldwin Park, CA 91706
9:30 – Chair & CFPA Report
10:00 - Sesame Workshop’s Healthy Habits for Life Key Message – Healthy Habits Begin at Birth
10:30 - Presentation by PayCard International
11:00 – CDE, USDA & AC Reports
12:00 – Lunch Break
** 1:00 – 4:00 Best Practices Training: “Nutrition & Physical Activity Self-Assessment: An Essential Step for
Change.” This additional training session is optional and in presented as Part 1 of a 2-part training session. Part 2 – “The
Feeding Relationship: Helping Children to Eat Well” - is Friday March 18 from 10:00 – 1:00 at the Chicano Federation,
3180 University Ave., in San Diego.
• Hampton Inn, 311 E. Huntington Dr., Arcadia (is a great value and good location near several restaurants) 626-574-5600.
DIRECTIONS: Suggest you look this up on MapQuest
• From LAX: Take 105 east (16 miles); take 605 north (14 miles); exit Lower Azusa Rd./Los Angeles St; keep right on
Rivergrade Rd towards Rivergrade Rd; turn right onto Brooks Dr; fast right into first parking lot.
• From Burbank Airport: Take 5 south (9 miles); take 134 east (4 miles); take 210 east (11 miles); take 605 south (4 miles);
exit Lower Azusa Rd/Los Angeles St. (turn right); turn left onto Lower Azusa Rd, then immediately bear left onto ramp;
keep right onto Rivergrade Rd towards Rivergrade Rd; turn right onto Brooks Dr; fast right into first parking lot.
• From Ontario Airport: Take 10 west (22 miles); take 605 north (5 miles); exit Lower Azusa Rd/Los Angeles St; keep right
on Rivergrade Rd towards Rivergrade Rd; turn right onto Brooks Dr; fast right into first parking lot.
The Advisory Committee Meeting is at the same location, Wednesday, March 16, at 10:00 a.m. Call Terry Talavera at
(626) 338-4165 x 628 for more information.
THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
The California Endowment’s Oakland Conference Center
1111 Broadway, 7th Floor, Oakland, CA 94607
AGENDA: The agenda has not yet been set. We are considering offering best practices training in the afternoon from 1:004:00 but nothing has been confirmed at this point.
• Oakland Marriott City Center, 1001 Broadway – kind of pricey but very close.
• Courtyard by Marriott Oakland Downtown, 988 Broadway – same
• Washington Inn Hotel, 495 10th Street – close and more reasonably priced older hotel
Save yourself a headache and take public transportation.
• BART – get off at 12th Street Oakland City Center Station; use 11th Street/Broadway exit. The Center is at
Broadway and 11th on the 7th Floor.
CAPITOL CORRIDOR – get off at Richmond and take BART from there or Jack London Square. This is a bit of a
walk, maybe a half mile but entirely doable.
PARKING – There is quite a lot of parking downtown. Download a map from www.oaklandcitycenter.com/pdf/
DRIVING – See below
From Contra Costa
Take Highway 24 west through the Caldecott Tunnel
Take Highway 980 south to the 11th Street exit
Turn left onto 11th Street and continue through three lights.
Make a Left on Broadway
The Oakland Conference Center is located on the 7th floor of 1111 Broadway (on the corner of 11th and Broadway (across the street from the
Marriott Hotel)).
From Marin
Take the San Rafael Bridge to Highway 580 and merge into to Interstate 80 W
At the San Francisco /Oakland Interchange, take Highway 580 E
Merge onto I-980 W
Continue to the 11th Street exit.
Turn left onto 11th Street and continue through three lights
Make a Left on Broadway
The Oakland Conference Center is located on the 7th floor of 1111 Broadway (on the corner of 11th and Broadway (across the street from the
Marriott Hotel)).
From Pleasanton/Livermore
Take Highway 580 to Oakland.
Merge onto I-980 W
Continue to the 11th Street exit.
Turn left onto 11th Street and continue through three lights
Make a Left on Broadway
The Oakland Conference Center is located on the 7th floor of 1111 Broadway (on the corner of 11th and Broadway (across the street from the
Marriott Hotel)).
From Sacramento
Take I-80 W to San Francisco
Take the exit to I-580 E towards Alameda/Downtown Oakland/San Jose/Hayward/Stockton/Airport
Merge onto I-980 W
Continue to the 11th Street exit.
Turn left onto 11th Street and continue through three lights
Make a Left on Broadway
The Oakland Conference Center is located on the 7th floor of 1111 Broadway (on the corner of 11th and Broadway (across the street from the
Marriott Hotel)).
From San Francisco/Bay Bridge
Take the Bay Bridge/Oakland to I-80 E
Take the exit to I-580 E towards Alameda/Downtown Oakland/San Jose/Hayward/Stockton/Airport
Merge onto I-980 W
Continue to the 11th Street exit.
Turn left onto 11th Street and continue through three lights
Make a Left on Broadway
The Oakland Conference Center is located on the 7th floor of 1111 Broadway (on the corner of 11th and Broadway (across the street from the
Marriott Hotel)).
The Advisory Committee Meeting is at the offices of CFPA at 436 14th Street, Ste 1220, Oakland, CA 94612, on
Wednesday May 18th at 10:00 AM.
To join or renew, please complete this form and return it with your check, made payable to the California Food Policy Advocates,
to: CCFP Roundtable, c/o Ed Mattson, 4772 French Creek Road, Shingle Springs, CA 95682. For more information please
call 530-677-9410 or email [email protected].
Membership Fees Based on Following Schedule (check all that apply but pay only the one highest fee - e.g., with 4
centers and 175 homes a sponsor would pay only $50, not $75):
____ Center or Head Start with 1-5 sites = $25.
____ Home sponsor with 1-150 homes = $25.
____ Individual affiliate, newsletter only = $25.
____ Center or Head Start with 6-15 sites = $50.
____ Home sponsor with 151-500 homes = $50.
____ Individual affiliate with full membership benefits = $50.
____ Center or Head Start with 16-25 sites = $75.
____ Home sponsor with 501-1000 homes = $75.
____ Centers or Head Start with 26+ sites = $100.
____ Home sponsor with 1001+ homes = $100.
____ State agency = $100
____ Corporation (nonsponsor) = $100
Total Amount Enclosed: _______________
Membership Information (please complete ALL information):
Org Name:
Org Address:
City, State, Zip:
Primary Contact:
Primary Contact’s Email (CRITICAL):
Tel Number:
Fax Number:
ALL other persons/emails to be included on mailing lists/listserves (maximum of 3):
1. Name:
2. Name:
3. Name:
Number of centers/homes: ______/______