Undertaking from the Attorney General`s Office

123-reg Webmail - FW_ Undertaking Request- IFI investigation into the death of Mr Ahmed Jabbar Kareem Ali Printout
John G,.alis
FW: Undertaking Request- IFI investigation into the death of Mr Ahmed Jabbar
Kareem Ali
11111111111111111 Copy
Dear Ben,
Thank you for the request for the terms of Kevin McGinty's letter dated 4th August 2014 to be brought to the attention of soldiers
giving evidence before him in the investigation into the death of M r Jabbar Ahmed Kareem Ali contained on the list annexed to the
Having consulted the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Director of Service Prosecutions, the Attorney General has agreed with
this request.
John Greatis
1-k!ad or Superinlendcnco
Cnminal Law & POlicy Team
lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiii•••020 727; 2403
20 Victoria Sl~eet londort SW1 H ONF
F~: .~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Sent: 28 January 2016 16:52
To: James Jenkins
SUbject: RE: Undertaking ReqUest- IF! investigation into the death of Mr Ahmed Jabbar Kareem Ali
Thank you James.
On 28 Jan11ary 1QI6 at 08:15 James Jenkins
Good morning Ben.
Apologies for the delay in responding but I have spoken to John Grealis who is considering the matter and will respond shortly.
James Jenkins
leg.lll Adviser. Crimin~l law & Policy Team
20 Vieloria Stroet. london SWI-f ONF
I :<J20 7271 245-8
Sent: 21 January 2016 15:20
To: James JenQ1s
SUbject: Fwd: Undertaking Request - lA investigation Into the death of Mr Ahmed Jabbar Kareem Ali
Dear Mr Jenkins,
Please find attached the documents referred to in Sir George's letter dated 5111 January 2016. The terms of Kevin McGinty's letter
dated 4th August 2014 are broad enough to extend the benefit of the undertaking contained in the letter to any person who
provides evidence before the IFI. Sir George's specific purpose is to obtain the Attorney General's confirmation that that letter can
be d"'wn to the <!tlention of $91diers giving evidene<~ ~ore hirn in the current investig.,tion into the death or Mr J!lbbar Ahrned
Kareem Aii.
Kind regardi,
------- Original Message --------From: "
. u tin
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123-reg Webmail- FW_ Undertaking Request - IFI investigation into the death of Mr Ahmed Jabbar Kareem Ali Printout
To: Jobn Grealis • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Date: 05 January 2016 at 11 :10
Subject: Undertaking Request -IF! investigation into the death ofMr Ahmed Jabbar Kareem Ali
Dear John,
Please fmd attached letter and enclosures referred to tberein. I should be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt.
Kind regards,
Ben Dustin
Assistant to the Inspector I Iraq Judicial Investigations
HQ London District, Horse Guards, Whitehall, U>ndon, SWIA 2AX
Telephone: +44 (0)207 414 2091
Ben Dustin
Assistant to the Inspector I Iraq J udicial Investigations
HQ London DisUict, Horse Guards, Whitehall, London, SWJ A 2AX
Telephone: +44 (0)207 414 2091
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Sen Dustin
Assistant to the Inspector !Iraq Judicial Investigations
HQ London District, Horse Guards, Whitehall, London, SWIA 2AX
Telephone: +44 (0)207 414 2091
The Attorney General's Office is located at 20 Victoria Street, U>ndon SWIH ONF.
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