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 331 August 2015 1.
mmission con
nsults on excisse rules for al coholic beverrages On 228 August 201
15, the Europe
ean Commissiion launched a public e‐con
nsultation to aassess whethe
er some of the rules on excisse duty on alcoholic beveraages should be
e changed to ffight tax fraudd and reduce tthe sale of e issues unde r discussion are exemptions and commoon reduced rattes, counterfeit alcohol. Among the
mall producers and home‐bbrewers. The cconsultation w
will be open uuntil 27 Novem
mber 2015. partticularly for sm
There are different questionna
aires for operaators in the se
ector and for o
other interestted stakeholders. ‐
Press release: EN (DE, FR available) ‐
n website : EN
N (DE, FR avail able) ‐
n document : EN 2.
Taxx fraud: Danissh treasury facces damage oof € 830 millio
on due to false
e double tax rrefund claimss On 226 August 201
15, it emerged
d that the Dannish revenue, since 2012, h
has lost an esttimated € 830 million to tax fraudsters usiing on‐line forrms for refundd of taxes alle
egedly paid on
n dividends froom non‐existing anies. An estim
mated 2,000 ffalse requestss were made, using falsified
d sharreholdings in Danish compa
documents. Shareholders in Danish compannies are subject to a 27% ta
ax on dividendds but non‐ressidents, der double taxxation agreem
ments, are entiitled to a refund of taxes pa
aid. Reported ly, there has b
been no und
crosss‐checking w
with the compa
anies in whichh the alleged sshares were held. The rapidd increase in ttax refunds to fo
oreign shareh
holders had no
ot been left unnnoticed by th
he Danish trea
asury´s internnal audit which
h already repo
orted this inciidence in 2013
3. ‐
EU Observerr article: EN ***** The seleection of the remitted mate
erial has been prepared by P
Piergiorgio Va
alente / Filipa Correia / Rud
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