Victoria Further Objection Number 85 Chris Raptopoulos 1 page

The Federal Redistribution 2010
Further Objection Number 85
Chris Raptopoulos
1 page
Objection to the Augmented Electorol Commission 's Proposo
OCT 2010
Redistribution Secretariat
Australian Electoral Commission
GPO Box 9867
Melbourne Victo ria 8060
Dear Committee Me mber s,
As a Victo rian registered vote r in the Federal Electorate of Calwell , I wi sh to strongly
object to the propo sed splitting of the suburb of Craigieburn via t he main road of
Craigieburn (Craigieburn Road West) into t wo separate Federal Electorat es being
Calwell and Mcewen.
I wish t o point out t hat Craigieburn is one t own , one community and that it should
not be divided by electora l boun daries. This w ill split our communit y into two.
Key reasons for th is objection include:
1. A Federal M ember of Parliament provid es a voice for the commun ity in the
Austra lian Parliament. Craigieburn residen ts should be represented by one
voice, whe t her th ey live nort h or sout h of th e main road.
Craigieburn is a growing urban ised community and to ensure we receive
adequat e inf rast ructu re th at grows as t he community does, we need one
voice representin g our views.
Craigieburn is a histor ically significan t t own that has had recent community
work t o bridge older Craigieburn w it h new er areas of th is growing to wn. Your
proposed division t akes a sledgehammer to th e work of our communit y
volunteers wo rking to unit e our tow n.
Craigieburn is one suburb, one community, and dividing it w ould be very
detrimental to our neighbourhood, our sense of pride and our communi ty
----spirit .
Craigieburn is a growi ng urbanised comm unity and including part of it in t he
predominantly rur al electorate of McEwen would result in McEwen havlng
two ext remely different commu nities , w it h differing needs, wit hin one single
electorate (urbanised and rural).
I ask that the comm ission return to its or iginal decision publ ished on the so" of July
2010 to place t he entire suburb of Craigieburn int o the new Fed eral Victorian
Electorate of Burke w it h ot her geographically and demographically similar suburbs of
Roxburgh Park, Sunbury, and Sout h M orang. Failing that, I ask that t he enti re suburb
of Cra igieburn of be return ed t o th e elect orat e of Calwell.