Bridge to Success - Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Bridge to Success
Hartford Foundation
Scholarship Program
Scholarship Recipients
Thank you to the members of the Hartford Foundation’s Volunteer
Thank You!
Hartford Foundation College
Scholarship Program
Theus McBee
Hartford Foundation College
Scholarship Program Award
Scholarship Committee for all of their hard work in interviewing
finalists and recommending recipients for the Hartford Foundation
College Scholarship awards.
18 First-time recipients from funds
held at the Hartford Foundation
20 Hartford Foundation Community
College Scholarship Program
21 Graduate student recipients
22 Donors to funds awarding
24 List of Colleges and Universities
photo: Some of the 2014 scholarship recipients with Yvette
Meléndez, Hartford Foundation Board chair, and Jennyfer Holmes,
2014 Scholarship Program Volunteers
Tokunbo Akinbajo
Gemma Baker
Bobbie Bartucca
Beverly Boyle
Stacy Cloud
Britt-Marie Cole-Johnson
Melvyn Colón
Nick Criscitelli
Booker DeVaughn
Elena DeVaughn
Judith Dobai
Carol Dupuis
Kristen Horrigan
Peggy Jacobson
David Klein
Jan Klein
Tom Mahoney
Walter Menjivar
Harry Meyer
Susan Myers
John Norman
Chris Pandolfe
Richard Pinder
Tyler Polk
Nelson Rodriguez
Rosalie Roth
Sue Shepard
Gail Stafford
Dougie Trumble
Sherwood Willard
Hartford Foundation scholarship and donor services officer
Scholarship recipients with Yvette Meléndez, Hartford
Foundation Board Member Bob Goldfarb, and Jennyfer Holmes at
the 10th annual scholarship recipient reception
Photos by Riley Johnson III
Thank You!
Nelson Mandela once stated that
“Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.”
Gifts to the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving through a scholarship fund acknowledge the work of our
students and help them with the rising costs of education. Higher education is necessary for our students to
attain financial stability, and to be able to save for retirement and allow our nation to compete in the global
economy. Every time one of our scholarship recipients earns a college degree, we improve the economy, and
reduce the costs of crime, poverty and health care. Children who see their parents earn college degrees are
more likely to earn a degree themselves. Our communities thrive when the educational levels of the residents
are increased. A scholarship has a positive snowball effect—the benefits keep growing, long after the award
is received.
On behalf of the scholarship recipients, thank you! Your generosity has shown them how much the people of
their community care and believe in them. The Hartford Foundation and donors to scholarship funds offer
these students an opportunity to change their lives. Together, this year, we will award nearly $1.3 million in
scholarships to residents of our community attending two-year and four-year colleges and universities.
Your gift is changing our community, and also the world.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Hartford Foundation College
Scholarship Program
Our scholarship funds were created by people and organizations of all types
and from all across Greater Hartford. Their situations vary greatly. But they all
share one motivation — to help students afford a college education.
Because of these donors’ generosity, last year the Hartford Foundation awarded nearly
$1.3 million in support of college scholarships to more than 600 traditional-aged students
and adult learners at four-year and two-year colleges, as well as local community colleges.
Most of the scholarships for traditional-aged students are renewable, enabling students
to receive significant support for each of their years in college as long as they maintain a
good academic record. Moreover, these funds are endowed, which means that the
Foundation can continue to award scholarships to area students.
There are three ways to make a substantial impact on area students through the
Hartford Foundation:
You can create a named fund or contribute any amount to the Hartford
Foundation’s General Scholarship Endowment Fund. Contributions are invested
in our broadly diversified portfolio and the Fund makes four-year scholarship
awards—currently of $3,000 per year—for residents of Greater Hartford.
You can create a named fund or contribute any amount to the Community
College Scholarship Endowment Fund. Contributions are invested in our
broadly diversified portfolio and the Fund makes three-year escalating scholarship
awards. The awards are for graduating high school seniors attending a community
college in the fall after their graduation from high school. We also award
scholarships to non-traditional adult learners as well.
With a sizeable gift, you can create an Individual Scholarship Fund (like those
listed in this brochure) and name specific selection criteria for your scholar. The
Foundation can help you decide how to participate in reviewing or nominating
potential recipients. We will also handle scholarship distributions and renewal
applications, and help you communicate with your scholar if you choose.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Inspired to Achieve Greatness
“I always had the mindset that I was going to college, but
receiving this award assured me that I was actually going to
be successful in college, which is a major difference,” says
Theus McBee, a 2012 Hartford Foundation scholarship
So far, Theus has been very successful.
A graduate of Classical Magnet School in Hartford,
Theus is now beginning his junior year at the University of
Connecticut, where he has been accepted into the Neag
School of Education as a Sport Management major.
His high school counselor said, “[Theus] possesses an
unwavering sense of purpose and has consistently
demonstrated gravitas in all academic endeavors … He has
distinguished himself as a leader amongst his peers and in
the larger school community.” Theus has carried that same
drive into his college career.
At UConn, Theus is involved in numerous extracurricular
activities, including serving as president of the university’s
Sport Business Association, an organization designed for
students with an interest in the business aspect of sports.
In addition to organizing trips to athletic events, the
Association brings in speakers to talk about their careers
and offer advice.
Theus aspires to become head coach for a college
basketball program, and is already taking steps to realize that
goal. He is a manager for the renowned UConn men’s
basketball team, and has spent the last two summers
coaching middle school-aged children at camps with UConn
coaches and players. This summer, Theus also worked as an
operations assistant at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall
of Fame in Springfield, MA.
In June, Theus addressed the Hartford Foundation’s
2014-15 scholarship awardees at the 10th annual Scholarship
Recipient Reception, held at the University of Saint Joseph in
West Hartford.
He shared his collegiate experiences and talked about
the importance of relationship building, urging this year’s
recipients to take advantage of the opportunity to meet and
network with a diverse group of individuals on their
respective college campuses.
Theus had a chance to meet two of his Hartford
Foundation scholarship donors, Kerry and Janice Foster,
when he was honored in 2012, and the three reconnected at
this year’s reception.
“The Fosters are a couple that I am so thankful to have
met; not just as donors, but as human beings,” says Theus.
“The more I told them about how well I was doing in school,
the harder they smiled—my success and happiness brought
joy to them. They inspire me to not just achieve greatness
for myself, but to help others along the way as well.”
“There are plenty of people who need assistance,” he
says, “but if I can just help one person at a time, then I'm
doing a good job.”
“Every student that gets selected as a
Hartford Foundation scholarship recipient
is a part of an elite group of future leaders
in society, and to be chosen as one of
them certainly means a lot to me. It has
made me challenge myself to be better.”
~Theus McBee
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Hartford Foundation College Scholarship Program
The scholarship funds listed above the recipients' names were pooled
to provide one four-year renewable scholarship award.
Frederick G. Adams Scholarship Fund
Alice M. Neenan Memorial Scholarship Fund
MassMutual Foundation for Hartford, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Murtha Cullina LLP Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Angelica Torres-Maldonado With strong support from her mother and her church, Angelica has plans to pursue dance in college with the
Greater Hartford Academy of
Mathematics and Science
hopes of opening a nonprofit dance school for underprivileged children. She feels that this art form will
provide an outlet for young people to break away from their circumstances in a positive way and gain
important perspective on the world. In high school, Angelica was a member of the National Honor Society and
participated in the Spanish Club and student council. She was also named SMART Girl of 2010 by the Trinity
Boys and Girls Club, and Young Philanthropist of the Year by the Aurora Foundation for Women and Girls.
Angelica will attend Palm Beach Atlantic University.
Alliance Française of Hartford Harpin/Rohinsky Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Sybelclelia Moise
Bloomfield High School
Four years ago, after the 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti, Sybel arrived in Bloomfield, CT. However, as
Sybel puts it, more devastating than the earthquake was the loss of her mother two years earlier. Despite her
incredible losses and challenges, Sybel is a survivor. She remains driven and focused on becoming a successful
member of society, setting her sights on ways to improve others’ lives and finding ways to give back to the
country of Haiti that she loves. While at Bloomfield High School, she was a member of the National Honor
Society, the Future Business Leaders of America and the soccer team. She maintained high academic scores
while learning English, learning a new culture and being a teenager in America. Sybel understands that
education is key to achieving her goals. She will be the first in her family to attend college, where she will focus
her studies on politics and international relations with the goal of one day becoming United States Ambassador
to Haiti.
Sybelclelia is attending the University of Saint Joseph.
W. Philip Braender and Nancy Coleman Braender Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Dominic Marino
RHAM (Regional Hebron,
Andover, Marlborough)
High School
Dominic “Dino” Marino was a section leader in the jazz band and in the wind ensemble throughout his years in
high school. In addition, he led and composed for his own rock band. The band gave a number of benefit
concerts, including a successful fundraiser for the Andover, Hebron, Marlborough Youth Services Bureau.
Dino says, “I have a deep and profound interest in music, and would like to pursue my music and study different
genres and improve my playing.” But, in college, Dino wants music to be a pastime and not his major, which he
hopes will be cyber-security or data risk analysis.
Dominic will attend Monmouth University.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Maria Gonzalez Borrero Scholarship Fund
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Kelly Laska
Sport and Medical
Sciences Academy, Hartford
Described as an outgoing, people person, Kelly is excited by the prospect of attending college. Her mother’s
tenacity and dedication as a nurse continues to inspire and motivate her. Kelly’s capstone project in high
school was to get students interested and involved in rowing. She has an interest in increasing rowing programs
in urban and public schools. She earned an internship with Riverfront Recapture and was one of 15 students
who participated in the UConn HOLDUP Program, and was a member of the indoor track and swim teams. She
also managed the boys’ basketball team. Impressed by the dedication, energy and knowledge she witnessed
during an emergency room internship, Kelly plans to pursue a career as a nurse practitioner. With her passion
for rowing realized as a member of the UConn Rowing Program, Kelly is motivated by all that team sports offer,
including providing opportunities for youth to overcome personal challenges and achieving what is seemingly
impossible through teamwork.
Kelly will attend the University of Connecticut.
Clark Family Fund
Vincent Villano Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Elisha Feenstra
Ellington High School
During high school, Elisha was inspired by her parents and by her running coach who taught her a great deal
about proper nutrition. As a scholar-athlete in high school, she excelled at tennis, cross-country, indoor and
outdoor track. Elisha is proud of her work helping her older sister renovate a church nursery. She was one of
20 youth selected to participate in an Episcopal Youth Event in Philadelphia. Elisha has also been trained as a
peer mediator, and, in her senior year, worked on an anti-cyberbullying campaign. She looks forward to
pursuing a degree in nutrition and plans to work with youth suffering from eating disorders and other healthrelated problems. Her dream is to work with and educate those in impoverished countries.
Elisha will study at the University of Vermont.
Connecticut Mortgage Bankers Social Affairs Committee Scholarship Fund
KR Wealth Management Scholarship Fund
Keith Szabo
University High School of Science
and Engineering, Hartford
“I am a good communicator, ambitious, and a hard worker,” said Keith Szabo. These qualities are reflected in
Keith’s activities within and outside of the classroom. “He sees knowledge as his route to action and….he uses
everything he learns, applying it immediately in his work,” said his English teacher. Keith has many goals,
including owning his own business, but his first goal, at age five, was to become an Eagle Scout. En route to
reaching this goal, he gained leadership and communication skills that will serve him well in college and in
future career endeavors. Keith is also an athlete. He played baseball and ran indoor track. He is very proud of
being named an All-State player in his senior year, when the soccer team was undefeated in the regular season.
Keith will attend the University of Hartford.
Day Pitney LLP Scholarship Fund
Asha Chen-Phang
Asha is determined and focused on achieving her dream of becoming an electrical engineer. Her drive to
become an engineer stems from excelling in math and sciences early on and the influences of her mother and
Academy of Aerospace &
Engineering High School, Hartford grandmother. They encouraged Asha to be deliberate in her educational choices and served as models of hard
work and perseverance. Asha has always been interested in how things work, and engineering in particular. Asha
was a member of the National Honor Society and was elected secretary of her high school class. She believes in
helping younger students excel in school and has devoted time to volunteering as a mentor.
Asha will attend Northeastern University.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Drs. Booker T. and Elena L. DeVaughn Scholarship Fund
James A. Jones Memorial Fund
AB Club Scholarship Foundation Fund established by John D. Wardlaw
Wendy and Boyd Hinds Memorial Scholarship Fund
Karizma Rose
Hartford Public High School
Academy of Nursing and
Health Sciences
Theater has become one of Karizma’s passions. She started a theater
club during her freshman year in high school. Her time on the student
council was enhanced by these experiences. Karizma plans to double
major in theater and psychology. Her goal is to help students and adults
prosper by finding a positive form of expression, especially during their
most difficult and challenging times. Her first introduction to expressive
writing and poetry helped her know that her future will involve assisting
those who are betrayed, bullied or ignored by the most important
people in their lives. Karizma has overcome many personal obstacles
and was ranked third in her high school class. She was a varsity soccer
player who also found time to volunteer in her community.
Karizma Rose:
“I want people to know that
no matter how many times
they are lied to, betrayed or
forgotten, there is always
something positive to
turn to.”
Karizma will study at the University of Connecticut.
Symee Ruth Feinberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Herb Sheintop Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Michelle Vela
Sport and Medical
Sciences Academy, Hartford
Michelle is a quiet young woman with a lot to offer the world. She is described as thoughtful, mature and
tenacious. She is a strong student who has an empathetic heart and a commitment to service. She hopes to
become a speech pathologist and work with children. Michelle was a very busy high school student—serving as
captain of her basketball team, volunteering at her church, working a part-time job and coordinating activities
at a senior housing center. She has worked hard and succeeded in all these efforts. She is a humble leader with
a strong work ethic, and will be successful in her pursuits.
Michelle is enrolled at the University of Connecticut.
Charles, Sophie and Helen Fine Family Fund
Nesma Mohamed
Windsor Locks High School
Inspired by a family member surviving breast cancer, Nesma plans to pursue a degree and career in radiology.
After job shadowing at Hartford Hospital through her EMT class, Nesma’s passion for radiology was solidified.
Nesma is an Advanced Placement (AP) scholar and has taken a class at a community college to expand her
academic and medical experience. In high school, Nesma played basketball and tennis and even started an antibullying program that later became a leadership program in the high school. She completed EMT training this
past May and plans to pursue an MBA after her undergraduate studies. Nesma hopes to one day develop
funding to have medical technology readily available in third world countries.
Nesma plans to study at the University of Hartford.
Amanda Morris
Farmington High School
Amanda Morris is friendly,
attentive and happy. She
approached school with
enthusiasm and is especially proud
of her contributions to the
Farmington High School
newspaper, where she has served
as staff writer, copy designer,
editor-in-chief and copy editor-inchief. She also served as news
anchor and reporter for the
school’s weekly news broadcast. A
leader by nature, Amanda served
Recipients Amanda Morris (left) and Zachary Sayah (right) with
volunteer Bobbie Bartucca
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
as captain of the track team for long jump and field, and as a member of the swim team. She also co-founded
the ASL (American Sign Language) Club so she could teach others to sign. Amanda’s love of big cities
motivated her to attend a college in New York. She also hopes to earn internships to gain “real life” experience,
and plans to pursue a degree in journalism/communications, with a minor in a business-related field. Amanda
aspires to serve the community as a humanitarian journalist to raise public awareness of global and national
issues, and to improve public communication. She hopes to write compelling articles that not only highlight
human injustices, but also offer ways to help.
Amanda is enrolled at New York University.
Harry A. Donn Scholarship Fund
Lillian C. Donn Scholarship Fund
Fontana Family Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
So-Hyeon Park
Simsbury High School
So-Hyeon accepted a huge amount of family responsibility and turned it into a positive force toward her life
and career goals. Acting as the family interpreter for her disabled sister, So-Hyeon learned to navigate and
advocate in medical situations. She obtained her EMT certificate and plans to pursue a career in the medical
field so that she can research and produce viable solutions for curing illnesses in the future. Ultimately, her goal
is not really “medicine,” but to alleviate unnecessary suffering for sick and disabled people. She credits her
relationship with her sister for teaching her maturity, selflessness and love without conditions.
So-Hyeon will attend Boston College.
Irving Goldberg Latin Scholar Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Christine George
Conard High School,
West Hartford
When asked how friends would describe her, Christine George said “caring, energetic and inquisitive.” Christine
is a sensitive student who has reached out to others in a compassionate way and loves to talk about almost
any subject. As she searches to learn about new ideas, Christine has found her passion and will be pursuing a
speech, language and hearing science major. Her participation with her school’s Multicultural Club, teaching
catechism to third graders and passion for language speak to her determination to make the world a better
place for all. A six-semester 4.0 student, Christine models exceptional academics and has taken honors and AP
courses to prepare for the rigors of college.
Christine will attend Boston University.
Robert B. and Francine L. Goldfarb Family Scholarship Fund
Bert and Betty Rosen Scholarship Fund
Josh Wittenburg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Amy Eitelman
Rockville High School, Vernon
Inspired by an accounting teacher in her freshman year, Amy looks forward to a career in corporate
accounting. Amy has a passion for preventing teenage alcohol abuse and was an active participant in a mock
car crash that demonstrated the risk of drinking and driving. In her spare time, Amy played as the only girl on
the boys’ golf team and even won the Coach’s Award. During her time on the girls’ volleyball team, through
many losses, Amy learned the valuable lesson of determination. Amy noted that “it is not a winning record that
makes you a good leader, but it is whether or not those you lead view you as someone they can trust and
Amy is enrolled at Bryant University.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Alan E. Green Hartford Housing Authority Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Shanai Chambers
Windsor High School
Inspired by her mother, Shanai learned at a young age the importance of overcoming adversity. This is evident
in all she has accomplished and in the positive attitude she exudes. Shanai proudly participated in activities in
high school as captain of the cheerleading squad, president of the National Honor Society and a volunteer in
the guidance office. Her dedication to community is apparent in the many projects she undertook, including
the renovation of the high school’s courtyard, for which she secured a grant from Lowe’s. As a result, she
helped the school earn a second place award in the World Community Problem Solvers program. Shanai will
major in social work, with a focus on child welfare or school social work, followed by enrollment in law school.
Learning through her personal circumstances, Shanai’s goal is to speak up and guide others faced with
Shanai will attend Central Connecticut State University.
Ida L. Hartenberg Charitable Fund
Wendy and Boyd Hinds Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roland S. Harris, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Lorena Jimenez
Hartford Public High School Law
and Government Academy
Lorena chose her university for its education program because she is thinking about becoming a history
teacher. Her educational goals are inspired by her father, the youngest of eighteen children, who stopped going
to school as a child in Costa Rica and only finished his education when he came to the United States as an adult.
Lorena embraces diversity and is excited about the prospect of learning about different cultures. She says, “It
amazes me how many different kinds of people walk the earth and although we may be very different, we all
share common characteristics.” She looks to college to “open her world” and introduce her to new challenges.
Lorena will study at Central Connecticut State University.
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Everton James
Bulkeley High School, Hartford
Everton’s parents instilled in him the value and importance of education. He took their advice to heart, followed
through on his goals, graduated as the valedictorian of his high school class, and will soon be the first person in
his family to attend college. Everton participated in, and completed, numerous enrichment programs
throughout high school to assist him in his academic work and help him achieve his goals. He is also an athlete
who played both varsity volleyball and soccer for four years. Leadership roles in his school demonstrate what a
well-rounded individual Everton has become. He was senior class vice president, a member of the Key Club, a
tutor, and completed Our Piece of the Pie community service projects. His interest in music, playing in the
percussion ensemble and marching band and playing drums at his church, led to his plan to become a music
Everton will attend Central Connecticut State University.
The Harugari Lodge of Broad Brook Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Clay Harman
East Windsor High School
When asked who inspired him to go to college, Clay does not hesitate to name his mother and father, both of
whom stress the importance of a college education. As a result, Clay made the most of his high school years.
He excelled and helped build the cross-country team from his freshman year, when he was the only member, to
his senior year when there were 20 members of the team. Clay served as vice president of the Class of 2014
Executive Board, a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the Peer Advisory Program, and he
earned a Rotary Youth Leadership Award. Clay plans to pursue a career as a civil engineer, with a degree in math
and a minor in political science. He speaks with passion about his interest in helping others, and is concerned
about the deterioration of his city’s infrastructure. His quiet confidence and leadership will serve him well in the
years ahead.
Clay is enrolled at Wentworth Institute of Technology.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Wendy and Boyd Hinds Memorial Scholarship
Imane Alexander
Hartford Public High School
Law and Government Academy
Imane is a leader who combines academic excellence with community involvement. She credits her father with
giving her the inspiration to attend college and, in turn, she has passed on this inspiration as a mentor to other
teenage girls. She was a member of the National Honor Society and the Math Club, and was the student
government treasurer and captain of the cheerleading squad. As captain, she has guided the squad to
participate in fundraising events for Cure for Cancer, March of Dimes and the American Heart Association.
Imane is especially proud of her work with the Digital Literacy Program where she made home visits to the
elderly to teach them how to use computers. She will major in actuarial sciences and is determined to start her
own company and become a philanthropist.
Imane is enrolled at the University of Connecticut.
Yahaira Escribano
Hartford Public High School
Law and Government Academy
Yahaira is described by her teacher as a “successful multitasker who, in addition to maintaining excellent grades,
has superb time management and organizational skills.” These skills have served her well in her many volunteer
activities. She was president of student government and a member of the Gay Straight Alliance. Her work in the
community with a teen pregnancy prevention program has taught her about leadership, activism, public
speaking and networking. Yahaira credits her mother, who was a teenage mom, and her teachers as her
inspirations. Recently, Yahaira had an empowering and transformational life experience that cemented her
desire to be a leader who advocates for justice and human rights. She was one of five students chosen to
attend the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Warsaw, Poland, where she had the opportunity to meet
the Dalai Lama. In college, she will focus her work on international studies and political science and looks
forward to her ultimate goal of becoming the mayor of Hartford.
Yahaira will attend the University of Connecticut.
Gerald and Phyllis Hughes Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Lebert Lester III
Manchester High School
Lebert is “a learner at heart. He takes challenging classes that interest him….He is a hard worker, compassionate
leader, and active citizen,” said his mentoring supervisor. Lebert was an active participant in many groups in high
school—the Young Men’s Leadership Group, the Student Support Center, the Mentoring Lab and the MultiCultural Club—and worked part time. He has been a role model, a leader, a peer mediator and a mentor. From
community service projects to interpersonal relationship building, Lebert has been a resource and a leader for
other students. He is very proud of helping other students to become leaders. In college, Lebert will be
exploring many interests, including psychology, business and marketing.
Lebert will attend Morehouse College.
Walter “Doc” Hurley Scholarship Fund for Greater Hartford
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Woodlyn Joachim
Journalism and Media
Academy Magnet School,
Woodlyn lights up the room with
her passion and excitement for
the future. A native of Haiti, she
survived the terrible earthquake of
2010 and the daunting challenges
of living through the aftermath.
When her mother brought her to
Hartford, she entered the
Journalism and Media Academy
Magnet School. Unable to speak
English, Woodlyn again overcame
great odds and performed well
academically. She embraced every
opportunity offered by her school,
knowing that many children in the
world do not have such access.
Recipient Woodlyn Joachim (second from right) with donors
Dr. Stanley Battle, Judith Rozie-Battle and Yvette Meléndez,
Hartford Foundation Board chair
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Woodlyn was active in the Boys & Girls Clubs and was selected as the Connecticut State Youth of the Year. She
graduated as class salutatorian and also earned college credits while still in high school. Her intelligence and
strength of spirit have been invaluable. She plans to become a pediatrician and open an orphanage in Haiti
Woodlyn will study at the University of Connecticut.
The Interracial Scholarship Fund of Greater Hartford
Day Pitney LLP Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Rizvan Mujic
A. I. Prince Technical High School,
A passionate spokesperson for humanitarian ideals, Rizvan came to the
Rizvan Mujic:
United States at age seven from Bosnia. He is dedicated to improving his
want to help everyone and
life and the lives of those around him. He witnessed countless atrocities
them hope. I hope to be
in the Bosnian civil war and lost both his father and grandfather. Never
to decrease the
embittered or deterred, Rizvan arrived in this country with
and hazard wastes
determination and enthusiasm. He sees every day as “beautiful and
inspiring” and wants to make a difference in his community. A dedicated
student, Rizvan takes his education seriously. He learned to speak
English when he came to the U.S. and credits the teachers and mentors
who taught him English for his ability to excel. Rizvan looks forward to pursuing a degree in mechanical
engineering and changing the world one day at a time. He feels strong ties to Bosnia and eventually wants to
give back to that country as well.
Rizvan will attend the University of Connecticut Greater Hartford Campus.
Ilene and Marty Kaplan Scholarship Fund
Fred H. Greenwood Engineering Scholarship Fund
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Oghomwen Ohenhen
Sport and Medical Sciences
Academy, Hartford
Oghomwen credits living without cable television and watching broadcast shows like PBS’ Nova and Scientific
American with sparking his curiosity and creativity at a young age. Dismantling, building, rebuilding and
inventing electronics were fascinating projects that have evolved into an education and career passion.
Oghomwen’s scientific creations and entrepreneurial business skills have won him awards and recognition,
including an invitation to the White House to meet the president. Oghomwen is not a one-dimensional person.
He also played varsity soccer for all four years of high school and is an active volunteer at his church.
Community service is a priority in Oghomwen’s life as he looks ahead to college and his career.
Oghomwen plans to attend the University of Hartford.
Herman P. Kopplemann Scholarship Fund
Aaron Beber
South Windsor High School
Aaron defines integrity as “what you do when no one is looking” and
Aaron Beber:
strives to have a consistently positive
“I hope to work
attitude. He is very proud of his work with Unified Sports, a program for
internationally to unite
special needs students at South Windsor High School. He strives to
others by music…”
serve as a role model for younger students, just as his older sister has
done for him. Aaron has been inspired by his older sister and as she
made honors, he wanted to as well. As he pursues a combined music
and language education major, Aaron hopes to inspire both the young and the young at heart to remedy what
ails them through music.
Aaron will attend Hofstra University.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Ryan Fitzpatrick
Metropolitan Learning Center,
The fact that neither of Ryan’s parents attended college motivated him to work hard in high school and
prepare for a successful college experience. He is also inspired by his brother who received scholarships to
attend college. Popular, funny and adventurous, Ryan participated in an outdoor learning program, which
allowed him to challenge himself emotionally and physically while learning leadership skills. He was also a vocal
leader and role model for younger students at his high school. Ryan sees himself as an activist in the future and
is considering pursuing a law degree after college. He is passionate about public policy, international relations
and gender fairness issues. With a degree in international relations, Ryan plans to work for the U.S. Department
of State and someday improve American foreign policy.
Ryan will attend the University of Miami.
Ashley Fydendevez
Connecticut International
Baccalaureate Academy,
East Hartford
Ashley excelled academically in high school and graduated with a 4.0 GPA. She was a varsity athlete in soccer
and swimming, and is described by one teacher as ambitious and driven. Ashley dreams one day of joining the
FBI after majoring in criminal justice in college, where she also will pursue two languages: Russian and Spanish.
As part of the ROTC program, Ashley will likely serve in the military before pursuing a law enforcement career.
Ashley writes, “I want to save lives, not change the world.”
Ashley will attend the University of Maryland.
Christopher Philopena
Manchester High School
Christopher plans to major in journalism. He dreams of making a mark in modern American literature or in the
kind of journalism that shows the tragic but honest sides of life, especially in war-torn countries. As editor of
the school newspaper, Christopher pushed himself and the other writers to question and think critically. He
debated topics and often asked “Why?” just to get a conversation going. His friends called Chris “the talker,” as
he was articulate and persuasive in his communications. Chris’s plans following college include getting a
master’s degree and possibly joining the military as part of the press corps.
Christopher is attending Southern Connecticut State University.
Sylvia H. Koski Scholarship Fund
James Frazier
Glastonbury High School
James “Tre” Frazier has been focused on music and theater from a very young age. He is an energetic,
passionate, hardworking singer, dancer and actor. Tre is also an excellent student, finishing his high school
career with an extraordinary grade point average. When his school counselor asked Tre what he would most
want college admission professionals to know about him, Tre replied, “I give 110% every time.” He has brought
this energy to singing in choirs, dancing in the Ballroom Club, performing in high school, town and regional
theater productions, participating in two intensive summer theater programs and exceling at classwork that
would prepare him for college. Tre’s school counselor said he has never “worked with a student with so much
love for something that he almost can’t contain himself when he talks about it.”
James will attend Baldwin Wallace University in Ohio.
Noble E. and Emma Belknap Lord Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dakili Barnett
Capital Preparatory Magnet
School, Hartford
Dakili learned early how hard it can be to hold on to hopes and dreams. As a child in Jamaica, she waited
anxiously for several years before finally immigrating to the United States with her family. Dakili, who learned
from her mother that an education is the way to better their lives, was fierce in her determination to make the
best of this new opportunity. Dakili is motivated by her mother’s support and encouragement, and her own
commitment to her education. Dakili dreams of becoming a cardiologist and working to improve the quality of
life for people who are suffering. Her hopes and dreams are on their way to becoming realities.
Dakili will attend Southern Connecticut State University.
Thomas DeAngelo
Wethersfield High School
Tom is a sensitive, thoughtful and determined young man. In high school, he enjoyed being the
bass clarinet player in the marching band and participating in an anti-bullying program. After much effort, Tom
became an Eagle Scout, and he now serves as a leader for younger scouts. For his Eagle Scout project, he
restored the town’s dog park by coordinating funding, arranging volunteers and supervising the restoration
work. Though a death in the family caused him to have a rough start in high school, Tom chose to work hard
and move forward. He has consistently demonstrated strong intellect and sound academic habits, which should
serve him well in his higher-level studies. Tom plans to pursue a career as a child psychologist.
Thomas will study at the University of Massachusetts.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Antoinette Shippen Mason Scholarship Fund
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Precious Iriaghomo
Sport and Medical Sciences
Academy, Hartford
A stellar student, Precious is on a path to become a nurse and lawyer, combining her compassionate nature
with her leadership talents. She enjoys motivating others to succeed. Precious is extremely proud of her senior
capstone project, which turned from a school requirement into a personal achievement: she organized a school
supply drive to support Rock Hall All Age School in Jamaica. Hundreds of notebooks, pens, pencils and other
items were collected through these efforts. Precious was senior class president and took her leadership
position very seriously. She believes in “turning negatives into positives,” and her can-do attitude will serve her
well in her future endeavors.
Precious will attend Charleston Southern University.
Meyer-Kimball Memorial Scholarship Fund
Darragh Geoghegan
RHAM (Regional Hebron,
Andover, Marlborough)
High School
Darragh’s high school accomplishments indicate that he will be a future leader in the business world. He placed
first in the state in the DECA Financial Services event, participated in Peer Helpers and Mock Trial, and has an
excellent record of academic achievement. He has also been a loyal member of his church, participating in
service activities and teaching younger children. Darragh’s accomplishments are inspired by his parents, who
came to the United States from Ireland equipped with little but faith, determination and aspirations. Their hard
work and persistence made a huge impression on their son. Darragh looks forward to pursuing studies in
finance or law. His intelligence and strong work ethic will take him far.
Darragh will attend Northeastern University in the fall.
Joseph Leslie, Jr.
Ellington High School
Mature, highly motivated and
determined, Joseph has mapped a
path to college to become an
electrical engineer. He is a talented
athlete who plays football, baseball
and basketball, and is especially
proud of his National Scholar
Athlete award from the National
Football Foundation. People
describe him as fun, respectable,
honest, athletic and intelligent.
Joseph is resilient and has already
overcome many obstacles in his
life. He worked after school to
Recipient Joseph Leslie, Jr. with volunteer Gail Stafford
help his family, while focusing his
attention on his dream of
attending college. Using his athletic and intellectual abilities, Joseph plans to work in a management position so
he can use his strategic skills to make a difference in a company.
Joseph plans to attend the University of Connecticut.
Rhoda L. Miller Music Scholarship Fund
Janet B. Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Stearns Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Peter Kohanski
Rocky Hill High School
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Peter is passionate about his faith and music. As he puts it, “it is near impossible to live without either one.”
Peter credits his mother, a middle school music teacher, with influencing him musically, and his dad with
inspiring him religiously. Attending a college that would combine both of these passions was his priority. Peter
will double major in music and theology. He is also very involved with extracurricular activities. In his town,
Peter is the President of the Tri-Music Society. As president of his school’s National Honor Society chapter,
College Scholarship Recipients
Peter led the group to a new level of community involvement. In addition, Peter was a member of the track
team and greatly enjoyed participating in the marching band, which he counts as one of his best experiences in
high school.
Peter will attend The Catholic University of America.
Murtha Cullina LLP Scholarship Fund
Jodieann McIntosh
A. I. Prince Technical High School,
This bright, engaging young woman is eager to take on the challenges of
Jodieann McIntosh:
a rigorous academic experience. Jodieann struggled with math for some
“I plan on specializing in
time before learning how to ask for help. She says that “failure is a
pediatrics with a focus on
lesson on the way to success.” She is glad that she learned to ask
a natural cure for
questions when confused, and to be open to challenges even if she
faltered. Jodieann was very involved in building a positive school climate
by mentoring younger students and promoting anti-bullying awareness.
She was an honor student throughout high school. It is clear that she
has the perseverance and intelligence to reach her goals. She will be the first in her family to attend college. She
plans to pursue a medical profession.
Jodieann is attending the University of Hartford.
Juliana Rivera
Bulkeley High School, Hartford
Juliana presents herself with confidence and speaks with conviction.
She is a strong student and a well-rounded young woman. She is a natural leader who loves to help people.
Juliana’s goal is to become a music teacher, and she has been laying the foundation to achieve that. Music lifts
her spirit, and she wants other people to feel that inspiration. She was the manager of Bulkeley High School’s
marching band, and plays the flute and guitar. In addition, she enjoyed an internship in the music department of
Naylor School (K-8), and reading to elementary school students as part of the Third Grade Reading Promise
program. Juliana is the first in her family to graduate from high school.
Juliana will attend Central Connecticut State University.
Vartan K. and Beatrice Omartian Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Erica Beavers
Connecticut River Academy at
Goodwin College, East Hartford
Erica was a force to be reckoned with in her high school community. She is energetic, passionate and curious.
She has been inspired by her hard-working Jamaican grandmother. A natural leader, Erica was class president,
vice president of the National Honor Society and instrumental in the founding of her school’s volleyball team
and environmental club. Not one to back down from a challenge, she took on the task of getting her school
ready for Green LEAF certification, which is awarded to buildings that meet certain environmental and recycling
standards. Despite some setbacks, Erica maintained a near-perfect GPA and held down a part-time job. Her zest
for life is contagious.
Erica plans to attend Gordon College.
Maxine Rothe Schortman Award
Shayla Schoeneberger
Rockville High School, Vernon
Shayla already knows that she will be working part time to help pay for college. With the help of a family friend,
along with encouragement from family, coaches and teachers, Shayla is motivated to succeed in college and in
life. Since middle school, she has planned to enter the Peace Corps and travel to several African countries after
college. She believes these experiences will help her creative writing flourish. Shayla has received several awards
for creative writing, including plays, poetry and flash fiction. She is also active in cross-country and track and
field. Her active participation in high school sports and clubs has fueled her ability to be a public speaker and
express herself with an outgoing personality.
Shayla plans to study community and international development at the University of Vermont.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Herb Sheintop Memorial Scholarship Fund
Zachary Sayah
Classical Magnet School,
Zachary will be a first-generation college student. He is very determined to ensure that he uses his education
to better his community—the global community. With an entrepreneurial spirit, Zachary plans to change the
world. As a mechanical engineering major, Zachary is looking forward to continuing to work with others around
him to advance science, mechanics and technology. His service to the community is exemplified by his Eagle
Scout Award. He volunteers in a hospital and proudly served his classmates as a student senator. He is gifted
musically as well; he plays the trumpet and served as a head drum major in the band. He also participated in a
ski club and played varsity golf in high school.
Zachary will study at Union College.
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Psi Boulé Scholarship Fund
KJ Foster Scholarship Fund
Nina L. Hartin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Samson Babalola
Classical Magnet School,
Samson was inspired to pursue his education by his parents, who valued education. His father attended college
in Nigeria—and was the first in his family to do so. Following in his father’s footsteps, Samson plans to major in
business. Outgoing, optimistic and interested in people, Samson is engaged in many civic and recreational
activities. He is especially proud of his work with Common Ground, an organization that performs community
services, his participation in a community forum on sickle cell awareness and his weekly volunteerism as a
soccer coach for younger children. Samson plans to combine a career in business with giving back to the
community. He knows it will be hard work, but is committed to this path.
Samson will attend Providence College.
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Psi Boulé Scholarship Fund No.2
Day Pitney LLP Scholarship Fund
Anthon Davis, Jr.
University High School of
Science and Engineering,
Anthon aspires to obtain a
degree in chemical engineering
and continue on to medical
school. In high school, Anthon
selected as many science classes
as were open to him. He studied
hard and became a member of the
National Honor Society, an
accomplishment of which he is
extremely proud. He would like to
combine his interests in medicine
and engineering by working in
research to try to find cures for
diseases. Attending and
succeeding in college has always
been a goal for Anthon, whose
parents are Jamaican-born
Recipient Anthon Davis, Jr. with his parents, recipient Samson
Babalola with his father, Dr. Booker DeVaughn and Glenn Cassis
Anthon will attend the University of Connecticut Greater Hartford Campus.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
George F. Stevens Education Fund
Sylvia H. Koski Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Samantha Gilbert
Granby Memorial High School
Busy, hardworking, motivated
and dedicated are the words that
Samantha’s friends would use to
describe her. Samantha’s passion is
music, and she wants to share that
passion as a music educator in an
urban environment where she
feels she can make a difference.
As a jazz saxophonist, she is
committed to perfecting her craft
through practice and performance.
Samantha travels regularly to New
York City where she performs with
the Jazz at Lincoln Center Youth
Orchestra. In addition, Samantha
Recipient Samantha Gilbert with Beth and Brian Berry (left) and Jill
was able to perform at the
Stevens (right)
London Olympics with a jazz
ensemble from her school.
Recently, in addition to spending
time on her music and her academic studies, Samantha also found time to chair a highly successful fundraiser
for a local food bank. The fundraiser, which was sponsored by the National Honor Society, included live music
from the performing arts academy and was considered the best of recent fundraisers. Samantha names her
mother and her teachers as her inspirations for continuing on to college.
Samantha is attending Temple University.
Dorothy L. and Justin R. Tucker Scholarship Fund
Monique Atkinson
East Hartford High School
Monique has a dream of becoming a journalist. She wants to be a voice
for those who cannot speak for themselves and travel around the world
as a foreign correspondent. She sees herself as an “advocate for those
who deserve liberty and freedom from harm.” During her high school
years, Monique was involved in a variety of school activities. She was a
member of the National Honor Society and a College Board AP Scholar.
Monique also wrote a monthly column concentrating on the field of
education for her town’s newspaper. She focused on providing the
student’s point of view. Inspired by her mother, Monique is determined
to succeed in making the world a better place. As an entering freshman
majoring in journalism, with a minor in international studies, she will
soon be on her way to realizing her dream.
Monique Atkinson:
“I radiate with excitement
when I think of the
possibilities my pen has to
make an impact. When I
become a journalist I will be a
voice for those who cannot
speak for themselves.”
Monique will attend Boston University.
Alan Davis
Bloomfield High School
Alan set a school record in the Pinewood Derby for distance traveled by a mousetrap car that he built for a
physics competition, but his goals are much bigger than that. Having to create for himself a way out of an
unstable living arrangement, Alan would say that “adversities do not define who you are; it is what you do with
the challenges you face that makes you who you are.” Being his own self-advocate, keeping himself focused on
school, and finding places to live were all challenges that Alan accepted. Although he is certainly mature,
intelligent and resourceful, recognizing the distance traveled more accurately predicts success in Alan’s future.
Alan is attending Duke University.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Dorothy L. and Justin R. Tucker Scholarship Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Korinne Fruster
East Hartford High School
According to her school counselor, “Korinne has a strong sense of leadership, with kindness in her approach.”
Although her parents taught her to speak up if she had something to say, it took Korinne years to find her
voice. Korinne had to gain confidence and security before she could be brave enough to stand up for herself.
Now she has turned that energy outward and become a voice for others who need one. Korinne says, “a voice
brings the potential to move mountains and open eyes and minds to new worlds.” It’s no wonder that
communications in her intended major.
Korrine will attend Lasell College.
Thomas J. Villano Scholarship Fund
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Joshua Crittenden
Metropolitan Learning Center,
Josh is a well-rounded young man. His grades speak for themselves, with many advanced placement and honors
classes to make his grade point average even more admirable. Josh’s school counselor praised his persistence
and leadership skills, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. “He revels in the intellectual
exchange of ideas,” said one teacher. Josh is also an athlete who participated on the varsity cross-country,
indoor and outdoor track teams. His after-school activities included working with Student Abolitionists
Stopping Slavery, the school newspaper and the Global Connections program. In his community, Josh has been
a member of the Windsor Police Cadets for five years, gaining leadership and decision-making skills, and
volunteering in community programs. He also participated in the Greater Hartford Male Youth Leadership
Program and is a member of his church youth group.
Joshua is attending the University of Connecticut.
Elmer Cooke Young – Ethel Taylor Young Scholarship Fund
Janae Baker
Windsor High School
Janae’s school counselor said, “She possesses a calm maturity that is rarely seen in high school…and it is no
surprise that she was elected student council president.” In her two years on the council, she encouraged other
students to get involved and increased participation in student government. Janae channeled this same
enthusiasm into her volunteer work with the Windsor Giants youth football team and cheerleaders, leading
fitness routines and choreographing, as well as encouraging the youth to do well in school. Her strong interest
in pharmacology as a college major influenced her choice of classes in high school. Encouraged and inspired by
her parents, Janae’s pre-calculus teacher said her “intelligence and strong foundation” made her the top
student in the class. Her chemistry teacher said her “ability and persistent hard work have prepared her for
rigorous college work.”
Janae is attending Northeastern University.
Stacy Bawuah
Glastonbury High School
Stacy’s list of extracurricular activities includes Student Council, the Cultural Diversity Club, Big Sisters, the
Debate Club and the Peer Educators Club. She represented her high school at a Connecticut Girls State
Conference and has participated in Common Ground, a leadership program for youth. Stacy describes herself
as someone who loves to learn, a trait that will serve her well in her pre-med program. Her high school advisor,
who describes Stacy as “well-rounded, creative and hardworking,” is confident that Stacy has what it takes to
succeed in college.
Stacy will attend the University of Connecticut.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Emily Bengtson
Glastonbury High School
Emily has always loved working with children. In addition to being a 4H
Emily Bengtson:
camper, serving as a 4H counselor and basketball coach, she has also
“I want to ensure that the
worked with children with special needs. Her college search focused on
children I work with have
schools that had strong education programs. Teaching will be a natural
equal opportunities to live
way for Emily to continue what she loves doing. In high school, where
their lives to the fullest.”
she participated in sports and volunteered for various causes, Emily also
took on the leadership role of president of the student body. Since the
death of a classmate in a drunk driving accident, Emily has been
volunteering with the Safe Kids project and is passionate about its mission. Emily had the opportunity to
participate in a French exchange program and her French teacher describes her as a student who “has the
ability to collaborate with others in such a way that everyone achieves their highest potential.”
Emily will attend the University of Delaware.
David Jardim
Windsor High School
David comes from a family of educators, so he has always been inspired to go to college and look for
challenging learning opportunities. David is most proud of his extensive work in his school’s robotics program,
where he learned time management and teamwork, and felt a sense of accomplishment after reaching goals.
He got his first computer at age five and was mesmerized by its ability to save information. Many words used to
describe David seem to be opposites, but they actually highlight the balance in his life—serious/joking;
musical/math; action/reaction; technology/brainpower. The most important combination of them all may be
David’s natural intelligence paired with his work ethic.
David is attending the University of Connecticut.
Stefan Keilich
Windsor High School
With family support and advocacy for him as a student with dyslexia, Stefan has excelled academically. He feels
that dyslexia has given him an incredible drive to succeed and views it as a gift, not an adversity. As an active
volunteer, Stefan is a well-rounded student who ranked seventh in his class. He served as a student
representative to the Board of Education in Windsor. Stefan wants to make history like Ford or Edison and
hopes to benefit all mankind. He was involved with the Electronathon Club in high school and built two cars for
a welder competition. After 90 hours on the project, Stefan proudly drove the vehicles in the Lime Rock Park
driving race competition. He plans to major in mechanical engineering, with a minor in electrical engineering.
Stefan will attend the University of Hartford.
Peyton Tiroff
Glastonbury High School
Maturity comes in many forms. Some students complete college before they fully appreciate the opportunities
available to them. Not Peyton. He is serious about his college career and plans to utilize all possible resources
to help him succeed. His intellectual curiosity will drive Peyton to explore and experiment in many areas, not
just in his intended computer science major. He will continue to challenge himself to think outside the box.
When Peyton faces a challenge and starts to question his abilities, he will remember to ask himself, “why not?”
because he believes the greatest barrier would be refusing to try.
Peyton is attending Northeastern University.
Leonard Lockhart, Jr.
Windsor High School
Knowing exactly what you want to do with your life is a rare gift. After years of being a member of the Windsor
Fire Explorers and participating in the Connecticut Fire Academy, Leonard plans to go to college for critical
training in Fire Science and then become a firefighter and advance through the ranks into leadership positions.
“Exuberance” is the word used to describe his excitement for this work; “charisma” is what enables him to
share this passion with others. There’s no doubt that he will be a positive force in his community as he works
toward his goal of protecting property and saving lives.
Leonard will attend the University of New Haven.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
First-time recipients from funds held at
the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
The Hartford Foundation congratulates the following students and acknowledges
the generosity of the individuals, families and organizations that have created funds
to make these scholarships possible.
This list includes students who have received first-time awards as of
July 1, 2014 for the 2014-15 academic year.
Joyce and Philip Acquaviva Fund
Kirstin Carr
Audrey Gallo
Kelley Miller
Nikole Prescott
Suffield High School
Farmington High School
Glastonbury High School
Bloomfield High School
Brian A. Aselton Memorial Scholarship
Emily Buyak
Dakotah Manson
Richard Medina, Jr.
Joseph Mormino
Morgan O'Connell
Jamie Sanzo
Matthew Sauvron
Kelly Stoldt
Wethersfield High School
Torrington High School
Newington High School
Simsbury High School
Tolland High School
Wethersfield High School
Plainville High School
East Hampton High School
Jackson-Batchelder Family Scholarship
Orlando Romero Escobar
University High School of
Science and Engineering,
John Bell and Lawrence Thornton Scholarship
Laina Rivers
Hampton University
Lebbeus F. Bissell Scholarship
Catherine Bartol
Matthew Bilmes
Michelle Correia
Olivia Whitehead
Rockville High School, Vernon
Rockville High School, Vernon
Rockville High School, Vernon
Rockville High School, Vernon
David T. Black Memorial Fund
Samuel Merrill
Gina DiBenedetto
William H. Hall High School,
West Hartford
Franklin and Marshall College
J. Leo Bodo Scholarship
Desiree Penrod
Mackenzie Zapata
Killingly High School
Killingly High School
Donald and Dorothy Bonelli Puerto Rican
Education Fund
Yodiel Cruz
A. I. Prince Technical High
School, Hartford
Patricia L. Coombs Scholarship Fund
Vania Legall
University of Saint Joseph
Phyllis Kosiorek Cordner and Roy R. Cordner
Alexis Campbell
Kaylee Campbell
Tiease Furze
Mackenzie Granger
Clara Ramirez (center) with her mother (left) and donor
Michael Decicco
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Craig Lauzon
Manchester High School
East Catholic High School,
Manchester High School
East Catholic High School,
East Catholic High School,
Dominique Moore
Dakin Neff
Jacob Ott
Savanna Smith
Erin Yates
Rockville High School, Vernon
East Catholic High School,
Rockville High School, Vernon
Manchester High School
Manchester High School
Joy V. Decicco College Scholarship
Clara Ramirez
Farmington High School
Farmington High School
Farmington High School
Farmington High School
Farmington High School
Ethel Cushing Gardner Fund Scholarship
Ryan Whittenburg
Berklee College of Music
Glastonbury Memorial Scholarship
Sadat Ahsan
Anthony Anisimov
Stacy Bawuah
Paige Brunner
Kathryn Cavanna
Briannon Chester
Kelly Chuquihuanca
David Diaz
Angelica Gill
Danielle Horan
Brandon Maieli
Brianna Mendrell
Carol Ortega
Valeria Pinzon-Mendez
Nicholas Scalise
Haley Streeter
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Kristine Barbara Guest Memorial Fund
Alysia Clymer
Conard High School, West
Hartford Whalers Booster Club Scholarship
Connor Wyllie
Conard High School, West
Barbara Kelco Memorial Scholarship
Samantha Gilbert
Avon High School
Avon High School
Ray Lachat Memorial Award
Katherine Wegener
Conard High School, West
Eric T. Mahoney Memorial Fund
Matthew Reinhardt
Granby Memorial High School
Glastonbury High School
The Middlebury Fund Scholarship
Emma Beaulieu
Madeline Bosco
Haley Callahan
Justin Cipriano
Hailey Marquis
John McKernan
Dwayne Moore
Stephen Niesobecki
Elizabeth Savarese
Eric Walsh
Westover School, Middlebury
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Pomperaug High School,
Douglas J. Myers Scholarship
Matthew Giuffrida
Patrick Manders
Conard High School, West
Conard High School, West
NSDAR - Marjorie P. Nutt Scholarship
Lucia Duenas-Bianchi
Glastonbury High School
Carl P. Palazzotto “P.M.A.” Scholarship
Christopher Fernandez
Somers High School
Jennifer Hodges Fund Scholarship
Molly Swanson
SarahKatherine Mascoli
Sara Stokesbury
Bulkeley High School, Hartford
Farmington UNICO Scholarship
Melanie Gonzales
NiaMarie Jackson
Chia-Yi Jean
Christina Welch
Courtney Welch
Kristin Kepner & Kimberly Kepner McCahill
Memorial Scholarship
Conard High School, West
Drs. Nima Patel and Daniel McNaughton
Nicholas Ehr
Shannon Francis
Alejandro Rodrigues San Andres
Teyana Whyte
University of Connecticut
Classical Magnet School,
High School, Inc., Hartford
Hartford Public High School
Academy of Nursing and Health
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Ritter Family Scholarship
Lirim Mehmeti
Devi Palaguachi
Coral Tommervik
Noah Webster MicroSociety
Magnet School, Hartford
Noah Webster MicroSociety
Magnet School, Hartford
Noah Webster MicroSociety
Magnet School, Hartford
Julie Veilleux Memorial Scholarship
Nicole Cartier
Jacqueline Kenny
South Windsor High School
South Windsor High School
Emma Waldo Scholarship
JoAnn Faust
Kelley Miller
Carol Ortega
Branford Hall Career Institute
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School
Roosa Family Scholarship
Dae'ja Josey
Talcott Mountain Academy of
Science, Mathematics &
Technology, Avon
Lillian W. and William B. Welden Fund
Gabriella Martinez
Michael McFolley
Simsbury High School
Simsbury High School
Samuel A. Roth Scholarship
Alexis Jelm
Nathan Hale-Ray High School,
East Haddam
Bill and Maxine Schortman Scholarship
Trisha Knibloe
Taylor Walker
East Windsor High School
East Windsor High School
L. Wynne Wister Memorial Scholarship
Love Anderson
Rayvon Gregory
Erika Porras
Virginia Robinson
Bloomfield High School
Bloomfield High School
Bloomfield High School
Bloomfield High School
Amiel P. Zak Scholarship
Town and County Club Fund
Paula Berson
Kimberley Bouchard
Afi Dzidzinyo
Thea Krizmanich
Kellianne LeBlanc
Jennifer Schackner
Louise Wilson
Manchester Community College
University of Hartford
Capital Community College
Trinity College
Asnuntuck Community College
Trinity College
Hartford Foundation Community College
Scholarship Program
The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving is pleased to list recipients of the
Community College Scholarship Program. The recipients will be attending a local
community college in the fall.
Community College Scholarship
Ma Gyi
Jaricheliz Gonzalez
Olivia McCormick
Alejandro Rodrigues San Andres
Bulkeley High School, Hartford
Sport and Medical Sciences
Academy, Hartford
East Hartford High School
High School, Inc., Hartford
Roxanne Cave Scholarship
Ke’Misha Anderson
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Bloomfield High School
College Scholarship Recipients
The first scholarship
awards by the
Hartford Foundation
were made in 1945.
Suffield High School
Graduate School Scholarship
Award Recipients
In addition to undergraduate scholarships, the Hartford
Foundation takes pride in awarding scholarships to students
continuing their education in graduate school. Below are the
names of first-time graduate school scholarship recipients in 2014.
American Marketing Association-Connecticut
Chapter, Anna C. Klune Memorial Scholarship
David Dougherty
Kelley Brady
University of Connecticut School
of Business
Fairfield University
Sylvia Parkinson Scholarship
Harrison Hayward
Chindhuri Selvadurai
Neda Shahriari
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine and of Dental
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine and of Dental
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine and of Dental
Mae Passini and Juliet Anderson Memorial Fund
Jessica Urban-Jack
University of Saint Joseph
Dr. Sidney Rafal Memorial Fund
Young Son
Recipient Kelley Brady with Tammy Capone Stanard (left) and Celia
Bozsum (right)
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine and of Dental
Peter T. Steinwedell Scholarship
Rachel Elkey
Colleen Krmpotich
Megan Mancini
University of Hartford
University of Saint Joseph
University of Hartford
Dr. Frank and Florence Marino Scholarship
Melissa Dion
Rina Desai
Alexander Goldowsky
Andrew Staron
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine and of Dental
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine and of Dental
New York University School of
New York Medical College
ALL of our scholarship
recipients have done
community service;
many have also worked
part-time jobs.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
The Hartford Foundation acknowledges with gratitude the generous
individuals and organizations that have contributed $50 or more to
scholarship funds from July 1, 2013 to July 15, 2014.
A Plus Installation LLC
Action Bail Bonds LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Krishan M. Agrawal
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Albert
Mrs. John E. Allen
Ms. Sally H. Allen
Mrs. Robert L. Aller
Attorney Joshua F. Alloy
Mr. George H. Amenabar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Andrew, Jr.
Mrs. Nora B. Anthony
Mrs. Carolyn Arvidson
Mr. and Mrs. John Aselton
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Atwood
Ms. Gay B. Ayers
Dr. and Mrs. Derrick A. Bailey
Ms. Mary J. Barneby
Ms. Margaret Barnicle and
Mr. Fred Percival
Mrs. Jane M. Bartlett
Ms. Sara Batchelder
The Honorable Robert E. Beach, Jr.
Ms. Frances H. Beckerman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Berube
Jeane M. Best, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bisaillon
Mr. Arthur L. Blakeslee IV
Dr. and Mrs. Bradford M.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack N. Blechner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bocchini
Ms. Nancy A. Brennan
Sybille Brewer, MD
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Bronson
Ms. Sherry L. Brown
Ms. Kay Miller Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Buccilli
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C.
Buckingham, Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Caffrey
Mrs. Eleanor Caplan
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Carrier
Mrs. Mary L. Carsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cartland
Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Caruso
The Honorable John R. Caruso
Ms. Janet M. Castricum
Mr. and Mrs.* Richard H. Cave
Law Offices of Scott M.
Charmoy, LLC
Chicago Sam's Sports Bar & Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claffey, Jr.
Ms. Constance Clark
Mr. and Mrs.* William E. Clark, Jr.
Ms. Elaine M. Coffin
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Collias
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.
Copeland, Jr.
Honorable and Mrs. Alfred Covello
Mr. Kevin F. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Dallaire
Ms. Kathleen S. Dauria
Mrs. Barbara O. David
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dean
Mr. Michael Decicco
Mr. Alvin De Fusco
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr.
Ms. Carla Demers
Mrs. John DeQuattro
Drs. Booker T. and Elena L.
Cynthia and Dallas Dodge
Mr. Michael H. Dodge
Mrs. Barbara F. Donahue
Dr. and Mrs. James O. Donaldson III
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks W. Dorn
Mr. Charles S. Douglas
Ms. Helen N. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dubelman
Ms. Joan T. Dusard
College Scholarship Recipients
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Eickel
Ms. Louise C. England
Mr. Matthew F. Eppinger
Mr. Robert M. Fechtor
Mr. Allen J. Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Herman T. Fishbein
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Fisher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fiske
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fleischmann
Drs. Stuart M. and Amy L. Forman
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Fortier
Mr. Christopher Fraleigh
Mrs. Sydney Fuller
Ms. Sylvia Gafford-Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Gardner
Ms. Taruna Garg
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Garofolo
Ms. Sue Ann Garro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Z. Gauches
Ms. Christine P. Gaudio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. German
Mr. John A. Gettier
Ms. Jennifer Giantonio
Ms. Patty Giardi
Mr. Thomas M. Giardini
Ms. Susan Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Goldman
Ms. Barbara V. Goodrich
Ms. Genevra Goodwin
Mr. Matthew Dallas Gordon
Ms. Mary Lynn Gorman
Mr. Michael J. Gorman
Ms. Carol E. Gourlie
Mrs. Harry J. Gray
Mr. R. Nelson Griebel
Ms. Bette S. Gutt
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hamblett
Reverend and Mrs. Donald L. Hamer
Ms. Marjorie H. Hamer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard O. Haviland
Mrs. James T. Healey
Ms. Gabriella R. Hebert
Ms. Sheila M. Hennessey
Mrs. Mary F. Hennessy
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Hewett
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hincks
Mr. and Mrs. M. John Hopkins IV
Ms. Nancy A. Hronek
Mrs. Polly L. Pasternak Huntington
Mr. Ernie Hutt
Ms. Brooke M. Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Wells C. Jacobson
Ms. Teresa Jarvis
Ms. Cynthia Jaworski
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jewell
Mr. Claude Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Joslin
Mr. Peter Jung
Attorney James F. Kane
Mr. Philip G. Kane, Jr.
Mr. John Karrer
Ms. Roberta A. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Keane
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Keeler
Ms. Barbara J. Stokel Kiefer
Mrs. Charles A. Kelland, Jr.
Ms. Karen A. Kelleher
Dr. Marian F. Kellner
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kelly
Ms. Amy Kidd
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Kinne
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy W. Klay
Ms. Deborah Koltenuk
Mrs. Walter O. R. Korder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuhni
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. La Fleur
Mrs. Judith H. Lawes
Mrs. Theresa LeDuc
Mrs. Betty Leete
Mrs. Billie Levy
Attorney Margaret P. Levy
In 2013, the Hartford Foundation
provided nearly $1.3 million in
support of scholarships at 2-year and
4-year colleges for more than 600
students from Greater Hartford.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Lindroth
Mrs. John Liner
Ms. Lynn G. Lochhead
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lybass
Dr. Robert W. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Mrs. Laverne Mahoney
Ms. Faith Margison
Mrs. Frank S. Marino
Ms. Mary-Jane C. Mastrobattista
Mrs. Sandra J. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Lauchlin H. McLean
Ms. Linda J. Mead
Mr. Ryan Mecca
Mrs. Marlene Melcher
Ms. Yvette Meléndez and
Mr. Carl T. Chadburn
Mr. Harry E. Meyer
Mr. Todd Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Mowell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murray
Mr. and Mrs. William Murray
Murtha Cullina LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myers
Mr. Thomas D. Nalband
Mrs. M. S. Niehaus, Jr.
Mrs. Lillian Nolan
Ms. Sara Cree Norris
Attorney Shelagh O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich
Ms. Janice B. Parrotta
Mrs. Donald D. Pascal
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Payne
Mrs. Marilyn C. Pease
Ms. Elizabeth A. Perrin
Mr. Franklin Perry
The Honorable Ellen Ash Peters
Ms. Lorraine Petricone
Attorney Suphi A. Philip
Mr. Henri J. Picard
Ms. Sarina Piergrossi
Mrs. Judith Pinney
Ms. Lucy G. Potter
Attorney Shirley M. Pripstein
Dr. and Mrs. Asghar Rahaghi
Ms. Asha Rangappa
Mrs. Emily W. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reilly
Mrs. Carolyn P. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Richter
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Riley
The Ritter Family
Ms. Malinda Rivera
Mr. Curtis Robinson
Attorney Wilfred Rodriguez
Attorney and Mrs. Donald L. Rome
Mrs. Helen Roth
Mrs. Susan Varnum Smith Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Ryan
Ms. Amy F. Sailor
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Salad
Ms. Diana L. Salopek
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
Mrs. Mary T. Sargent
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Sayre
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
Ms. Namita T. Shah
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Shipp
Ms. Gretchen S. Skelley
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Sly, Jr.
Ms. Elenor C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Errol A. Smith
Attorney and Mrs. Robert H.
Smith, Jr.
Ms. Linda B. Sonnenblick
Ms. Marion G. Spear
St. Onge, Steward, Johnston &
Reens LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William Stellmacher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stewart
Mrs. George D. Stoughton
Sumner Gerard Foundation
Mr. Michael A. Szewko
Dr. Jacqueline A. Harris Taback
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tavares
Ms. Joan E. Thomas
Ms. Raquel Thomison
Ms. Ruth G. Timme
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tracy
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Trummel
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Viets
Mr. Michael T. Villano
Mr. Vincent P. Villano
Ms. Barbara H. Voskowsky
Ms. Lynn Hayden Wadhams
Ms. Irma R. Wallin
Mrs. Beverly B. Walton
Mrs. Barbara G. Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Washburn
Ms. Stephanie Weinstein
Wells Road Intermediate School
6th Grade Team
Mr. Arnold West
Dr. Dorothy Fishman Wetstone
Mr. and Mrs. James A. White
Stephen P. Whittemore, CLU,
Mrs. Louise M. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Wilkin
Ms. Deborah G. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell T.
Ms. Betty J. Willis
Ms. Elease E. Wright
Mrs. Eleanor E. Zajac
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Zeman
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Zwiener
Our 2014-15 scholarships
recipients are multilingual!
• Chinese
• Creole
• French
• Italian
• Japanese
• Latin
• Spanish
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
Some of the colleges and universities
that Hartford Foundation scholarship recipients will attend are:
Arcadia University
North Carolina A&T State University
Asnuntuck Community College
Northeastern University
Assumption College
Ohio State University
Becker College
Pennsylvania State University
Berklee College of Music
Quinnipiac University
Boston College
Sacred Heart University
Boston University
Saint Anselm College
Branford Hall Career Institute
Simmons College
Bryant University
Southern Connecticut State University
Bucknell University
Springfield College
Capital Community College
Temple University
Charter Oak State College
The Catholic University of America
Central Connecticut State University
Trinity College
Clark University
Tunxis Community College
College of the Holy Cross
Union College
Eastern Connecticut State University
University of Connecticut
Emerson College
University of Delaware
Fairfield University
University of Hartford
Fitchburg State University
University of Maryland
Goodwin College
University of Massachusetts
Gordon College
University of Miami
Hampshire College
University of New Haven
Hampton University
University of Rhode Island
Hofstra University
University of Saint Joseph
Lasell College
University of South Carolina
Long Island University
University of Vermont
Lyndon State College
Villanova University
Manchester Community College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Western Connecticut State University
Morehouse College
Westfield State University
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Wheelock College
New York University
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
College Scholarship Recipients
About the Hartford Foundation
The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, established in 1925, is
the community foundation for 29 communities in the Hartford
region. It is dedicated to putting philanthropy into action to
create lasting solutions that result in vibrant communities within
the Greater Hartford region. It receives gifts from generous
individuals, families and organization, and in 2013 awarded grants
of more than $29 million to a broad range of area nonprofits. For
more information, visit or call 860-548-1888.
10 Columbus Boulevard, 8th Floor / Hartford, CT 06106
860-548-1888 / /