2016 Grade 4 Orientation Package

Elementary Students Requirements
The following items are required starting with the first day of school. Please ensure
that all items are labeled with your child’s full name.
Extra change of clothes, including underwear (Does not need to be school
uniform.) Accidents do happen, so please be prepared.
Running shoes for outdoor activities. (Preferably with Velcro, not laces.)
Sunscreen and Sun hat. (Please ensure sunscreen has not expired). Students
cannot go outside without these two items.
Morning snack, lunch, and an after-school snack (if applicable). Please label
snack and lunches.
As the weather changes, we expect that the students will come to school dressed
appropriately for the outdoors (Fall/Spring jackets, winter jackets, boots, hat,
mittens as required.)
Please label all items
Students must wear the school uniform to attend school. Students without uniforms
may not be permitted to class. School Uniforms must be in a clean and presentable
condition with no holes or tears.
The following supplies are needed by all students:
1 pack of lined paper
2 packs of white paper
1 ruler (12 inch with cm and inch reading)
1 Geometry set
4 large glue sticks
12 Crayola coloured pencils (sharpened)
1 large plastic hard cover pencil case (5”x13”)
3 packs of sharpened writing pencils (12 per pack)
2 sharpeners with receptacle
6 boxes of Kleenex
1 pair of scissors
3 white erasers
12 fine point markers
20 exercise books (72 pages) 8mm ruled 23.2 x 18.1cm – Hilroy brand #12901R*
2 Hilroy spiral bound 250 page notebooks no. 13223
1 pack of red ballpoint pens (6)
1 bottle liquid paper (white-out)
1 (1 inch) binder, 2 (1 ½ inch) binder & 12 duo-tangs (3 holes)
1 English dictionary (Oxford or Collins)-Age appropriate
1 recorder for Music class (from music store)
1 spool of wide fabric ribbon (any bright colour)
2 felt sheets WHITE colour ONLY (preferably with adhesive side)
1 painting canvas (8 x 10) OR (9 x 12)
1 pack of tissue gift wrap (yellow, bright pink, red)
1 pack of google eyes ( extra large size only)
1 empty shoe box (any size)
1 set of kitchen spoon & fork to be kept in the locker at all times
Food flask for hot lunches
*Available from Walmart, Staples, Loblaws, Canadian Tire or online at grandandtoy.ca
School Calendar 2016 - 2017
August 2016
Last Day of Summer
September 2016
October 2016
Labour Day...............05
Parents’ Night………06-07
1st day of
November 2016
PD Day…………….18
PD Day…………….…...21
PD Day…….............23
Halloween …….…….…31
December 2016
January 2017
February 2017
Parents’ Night….01-02
Parent Teacher
Interview…Jan 30 – Feb 10
March Break .…13 –17
Curriculum Night…..…. 20
PD Day ….………….…17
Open House………..25
Open House…………….21
Family Day……….........20
PD Day…………………23
Open House ……...…....25
Winter Concert….....23
(Half Day Only)
Break ...............26 - 06
March 2017
Parent Teacher
Interview…Jan 30 – Feb 10
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
Early Enrollment
Deadline for 2017 ....03
Picture Days….………9-11
Parent – Teacher
Interviews ……..Jun 05 - 16
Canada Day …………01
PD Day………………....19
Good Friday………..14
Victoria Day………..…..22
Last Day of School……...23
(Half Day Only)
Summer Camp
Easter Monday…….17
Open House………..22
P.D. Day ..........................................…………….Professional Development Day (School Closed).
P/T Conference....…………..Parent-Teacher meetings to discuss student progress (School Open).
Winter Concert (December) and Last Day of School (June) …………...………(Half Day Only)