B Vitamins For Camelids

B Vitamins For Camelids:__________________________________
Do Your Animals Really Need More?
Everyone knows B Vitamins are essential for good health. In fact, they're a critical component in the metabolism of all species of
animals and plants. They're also a well recognized requirement for normal growth and other physiological functions. But did you know
that in healthy adult camelids sufficient levels of B Vitamins are already produced by microorganisms within their digestive system?
Camelids Need Their B Vitamins
Previously known as a single vitamin, "B" actually consists of
several distinct water-soluble vitamins with different functions.
That's why they're typically referred to as B-complex Vitamins.
While only very small amounts of B Vitamins are needed,
they're vital to the health and vigor of your camelids.
B12, for example, contributes to growth and normal appetite.
Niacin is needed for hair and skin health. Riboflavin is critical
for a variety of growth and reproductive functions. Thiamine
aids in growth, heart function and temperature regulation.
Pantothenic acid promotes proper muscle and nerve function.
Pyridoxine is necessary for normal growth and development.
The following list includes the major water-soluble B Vitamins.
B-Complex Vitamins
DID YOU KNOW?_________________________________
Normally, bacteria found in the digestive system produces all the
B Vitamins needed for good camelid health. It is recommended
that you supplement B Vitamins for animals under stress.
Your Animal’s Stomach is the Best Source
Supplementation of B Vitamins is generally not needed for
ruminants, such as deer, giraffe, cattle or pseudo-ruminants like
camelids. Even when there’s a lack of “B” in the feed itself, the
bacteria in their stomach synthesizes and produces an ample
supply of various B Vitamins needed by the animal, which is why
a deficiency are relatively uncommon in most camelids.
However, young animals that do not have a fully developed
stomach and health compromised or older animals may benefit
from additional B Vitamins.
Deficiencies can occur as a result of poor health or improperly
balanced rations (low-protein levels or mineral deficiencies).
These factors can lower the number of microorganisms in the
rumen, or drastically alter its synthesis process. If normal
bacterial action doesn't take place in the rumen, B Vitamin
production may be too low for the animal's healthy growth and
development. Until the age of 6 weeks to 3 months, crias don't
yet have a fully functioning rumen.
DID YOU KNOW?_________________________________
Alpacas have a life-span of 20 years or more, and grow from
one-third to one-half the size of their cousin, the llama.
B Vitamins For Camelids:__________________________________
Do Your Animals Really Need More?
Therefore, to ensure effective rumen function for adult
camelids and sufficient levels of B Vitamins for crias, it's
essential to provide both with a properly balanced diet. And
that's where Mazuri® brand camelid diets help make it easy.
DID YOU KNOW?_________________________________
While a “B” deficiency is uncommon, a thiamine deficiency
(Vitamin B1) can occur if you transition your animals too quickly
from a low quality to a high quality diet. Typically, when
changing from one diet to another it takes about 21 days.
Healthy Choice For Camelid Nutrition
All of this leads to the million dollar question: Do you need
to add B Vitamins to your camelid rations?
As long as the animal is healthy and mature, extra "B" may
not be necessary. However, when camelids are young,
stressed or active, additional B Vitamins may be needed. For
adult animals, it's also important to remember that the
correct balance of trace minerals helps maximize rumen
fermentation. That's the key to B Vitamin availability.
In either case, as the experts in exotic animal nutrition,
Mazuri® is the proven resource for well balanced nutrition
for llamas, camels and alpacas. With Mazuri®, you have your
choice of diets, each is specially formulated with perfectly
balanced proportions of minerals to meet your animals‘
nutritional needs.
Remember, when you have questions or concerns about
B-Complex Vitamins, Mazuri is here to help make your life,
and your camelid nutrition, a little simpler.
Mazuri® Llama & Camel Diets
Lifestage & Lifestyle
Llama Chews
All lifestages & lifestyles
Cria, Breeding/Lactating Females,
Active Animals
Llama Diet High
Llama & Alpaca
Mazuri® Alpaca Diets
Lifestage & Lifestyle
Cria, Breeding/Lactating, Show
Growth & Repro
Course sweet feed
Cria, Breeding/Lactating Females
Alpaca Chews
All lifestages & lifestyles
Llama & Alpaca
Show Animals
Granular Mineral/Vitamin
Mineral Blend 'E'
Show Animals
Fiber Enhancer