NEWS Burning issue Bushranger SOMEONE out Howard Springs way wanted to make sure motorists were fully prepared for the Mayan apocalypse on Friday. Fortunately no zombies put in an appearance. Ph: 8944 9767 Email: [email protected] SKELETON STAFF or, possibly, Germans, judging by the usual headlines. Can you provide me with some statistics to settle a bet here in Stockholm?’’ PENSIONER Roger Miller asked for his free appointment at Palmerston’s dental clinic — and was given a date in 24 months time. ‘‘I’ll probably be dead by then,’’ he says. FALLEN ON HARD TIMES ALICE Springs councillor Steve Brown has survived two great dangers. First, he was found ‘‘not guilty’’ by a council ‘‘kangaroo court’’ for calling the Arid Lands Environment Centre ‘‘enviro-Nazis’’. And then he fell 7m off a ladder. The electrician broke a foot and compressed his spine and hips. ‘‘It bloody hurts,’’ he says. DEFENDANT’S A HOOLIGAN A MAN in Darwin Magistrates Court on Tuesday was named Jason Aaron Abraham Hooligan — he was charged with aggravated assault and carrying a weapon. CROCS’ SWEDE TOOTH OLIVER Gee from Sweden wrote to the Sunday Territorian to ask an interesting question: ‘‘Which type of tourists do crocs most usually eat? I have a feeling it might be Swedes Bushwhacked I’M IN LOVE WITH ALICE MORE on Steve Brown: Arid Lands Environment Centre head Jimmy Cocking says the councillor’s attack implied he was ‘‘some kind of blowin Nazi’’. ‘‘I’ve lived in Alice for five years,’’ he says. ‘‘I realise that it will never be long enough for some people, but I love the place.’’ YOUR PLACE OR MINE? DARWIN Lord Mayor Katrina Fong Lim and Palmerston Mayor Ian Abbott scheduled a meeting — but Katrina went to Ian’s office and Ian went to Katrina’s office. They ended up chatting on the phone. SHREK’S JURASSIC LARK SHREK the cranky croc has been put in a special enclosure called the Jurassic Pond at his new home in a Port Macquarie zoo. Crocodylus Park owner Grahame Webb says Jurassic is an appropriate name because the number of species ‘‘exploded’’ during the Jurassic period of Earth’s history. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS FAILED CLP election candidate Rebecca Healy has accused her local newspaper, the Tennant & District Times of supporting Labor, even though the late owner Chris Afianos was a staunch CLP supporter. She says the paper, now run by Chris’s daughter Jasmin, has given Labor MLA Gerry McCarthy ‘‘free rein to go on a rant about issues he has no clue about’’ — NT Government spending cuts, electricity price hikes, that sort of thing. But didn’t Rebecca attack the CLP Government on exactly the same thing only two weeks ago? LEFT RIGHT OUT? LUKE Gosling won’t have it all his own way when trying to be nominated as the Labor candidate for Solomon at the next federal election. Some party moderates don’t like him — partly because he’s close to left-wing senator Trish Crossin — and two other people are expected to nominate. Perhaps life from another planet has made it to Darwin. Car with the numberplate ALIAN seen getting around town Oil spills after dredger hit By ALYSSA BETTS THERE was drama on the seas yesterday when an auxiliary boat punched a hole in the side of a dredger doing work for the Inpex project in Darwin Harbour. The puncture in the trailing suction hopper dredger — the Volvox Terranova — caused a fuel spill. Darwin Port Corporation’s Melissa Reiter last night said the company involved — Van Oord — reported that only about 40 litres was spilled. She said it refused the port’s offers of help to clean it up. Van Oord was not contactable yesterday. Inpex spokesman James Clothier said immediate action was taken to contain and clean up the spill. ‘‘The majority of the release is believed to have been contained on board,’’ he said. Both boats belong to Van Oord and the collision happened about 3.30pm. An industry source told the Sunday Territorian it could cost the project hundreds of thousands of dollars in delays and fines for failing to meet dredging targets. They also said the small amount that was reported spilled belied the potential for disaster. ‘‘If it has punctured a fuel tank, which is designed to hold hundreds of thousands of litres of fuel or oil, what would the consequences have been if that tank was full or had have been ripped open more?’’ they said. They said the incident sug- gested there were systematic problems with the project. The crash comes less than a week after another serious mishap involving dredging gear for the marine supply base, a separate project. A three-year-old boy was left with life-threatening injuries after the boat he was in hit the dredging gear at 8.30pm last Sunday. Mr Clothier said yesterday’s incident was minor and an investigation was under way. The Transport Department oversees the Marine Act. Spokesman Martin Bennett last night said Van Oord had not yet provided a report. On June 11 when the dredging contract was awarded, Van Oord announced it was worth C =567 million. Teen flung from bike takes slide A TEENAGE girl was flung from the back of a motorbike as it travelled at speed down a Darwin road. The 16-year-old was lucky to escape with minor injuries after she fell off the bike and slid along McMillans Rd in Marrara, about 7.30pm on Friday. Watch Commander Debbie Gabolinscy said the bike was travelling at 75km/h when the accident happened. ‘‘The driver was changing lanes and he leaned one way and the passenger leaned the other way,’’ she said. ‘‘Fortunately, she only suffered minor abrasions.’’ Senior Sergeant Gabolinscy said the driver did not do anything wrong. But she said the accident should serve as a warning to anyone on a motorbike ‘‘to have protective gear on’’. NEW & USED Shipping Containers FOR SALE OR HIRE Ideal for: Storage, Sheds, Cool Rooms & Accommodation All Sizes: 6’ 8’ 10’ 20’ 40’ & 46’ Refrigeration Units and Insulated Containers Marketing and economics student Jemma Sneddon has no concerns about Australia’s finances THE so-called edge of the fiscal cliff does not worry NT uni student Jemma Sneddon. The 21-year-old part-time marketing and economics student thinks Australia’s finances are in good enough shape. She said: ‘‘I think we’ve got our feet in a fairly nice position. We’re pretty set.’’ Her next project is to get stuck into the stock market. ‘‘I’ve just inherited some shares so that might encourage me to do something in that area,’’ she said. She also has an objective view on the whopper power and water price hikes. ‘‘I think it’s a little bit ridiculous,’’ she said. ‘‘But in the grand scheme of things, what are you going to do? In 10 years the company would be screwed and we’re going to have to pay for it then.’’ When she’s not studying at Charles Darwin University, she is working two jobs. One is administration work for a data company, and at weekends she does marketing work for the Deck Bar. ‘‘I work by myself — so I need to have people contact and make friends,’’ she said. But she says her ideal job would be copywriting for an advertising agency. 1055570 By CONOR BYRNE PUB: Figures add up perfectly for cluey stunner P: 8984 3244 M: 0448 036 492 E: [email protected] W: 13 Berrimah Road BERRIMAH Sunday, December 23, 2012. Sunday Territorian. 3 WSNE3NT GE: 23-D TE: R: LOK MDA CY C
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