Assessment of MISR wind vector quality and impact using the global NWP system at DWD Alexander Cress Deutscher Wetterdienst, P.O. Box 10465, 63004 Offenbach am Main, Germany I Introduction Global wind measurements are essential to improve our knowledge of atmospheric dynamics and to describe atmospheric transport processes of energy, water, air-borne particles and trace elements. Atmospheric motion vector (AMV) wind fields - derived from tracking cloud and water vapor image sequences - provide the only global tropospheric wind information for numerical weather forecast models and therefore make an important contribution to the global observing system (GOS), particularly over the oceans and polar regions were there are either no or only very few conventional wind observations (WMO, 1998). However, substantial errors in derivating AMV wind vectors can occur, due to erroneous pattern recognition, uncertainties of the height assignment of the cloud-tracked winds or the dependency on a particular forecast as prior information. Since Dec. 1999, a Multi-angle Imaging Spectral Radiometer (MISR) is flying on board of the polar-orbiting satellite Terra, which is able to provide global tropospheric cloud-tracked wind vectors and heights with high accuracy. It’s high spatial resolution and multi-angle capability makes it feasible to simultaneously retrieve cloud height and motion using a purely geometric stereoscopic technique (Horvach and Davies, 2001). On behalf of the international wind working group (IWWG), MISR cloud tracked winds were provided by NASA/JPL for a six week test period respectively, for summer 2010 and winter 2010/2011. In the following, first monitoring statistics and impact studies concerning the quality of MISR wind vectors with respect to the data assimilation and forecasting system of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) are presented. II Verification results The multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer on-board of Terra measures the sunlight reflected by earth with sensors oriented in nine different viewing angles along the satellite track and allows the computation of the horizontal cloud motion vectors and there corresponding cloud heights with high accuracy using a purely geometric enhanced stereo technique (Zong et al, 2002). Figure 1 shows the horizontal distribution of the MISR wind measurements for one day in January 2011. Terra is the first EOS (Earth Observing System) platform and was launched on Dec. 18, 1999 into a sun-synchronous orbit in 705 km height. 1 Observation coverage MISR Winds Date of Analyses: 20110101 - 20110102 Number of winds: 179814 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 60 60 -160 30 30 0 0 -30 -30 -60 -60 Figure 1: Horizontal coverage of MISR winds for Jan. 1, 2011. The MISR instrument collects data only on the daylight side of the earth and observes points on the earth within a 360 km wide swath (Fig. 1) successively at all nine angles within a seven minutes period viewing the earth in a period of nine days ( The vertical distribution of the MISR winds is depicted in Figure 2. Obviously, most of the MISR winds are located in the lower levels of the troposphere between 500 and 5000 meters above ground. Most of the MISR winds are derived over the oceans. Over land, very few winds can be found over high terrain covered by ice and snow (Himalaya mountains, Rockies, Greenland, high areas of Antarctica) and over desert regions (Sahara) were high albedo values can disturb the measurements. MISR Wind Distribution height [m] 15000 10000 5000 0 0 10000 20000 number 30000 Figure 2: Vertical distribution of MISR winds from the period Aug. 25 to Sept 15, 2010. 2 2.0•104 Active All 3000 Number of Observations Number of Observations 1.5•104 4000 1.0•104 5.0•103 0 -20 2000 1000 0 10 OBS-FG Mean: -0.302115 RMS: 2.90976 Std: 2.89404 Min: -18.4766 Max: 34.7177 6•104 -10 0 -20 20 Number of Obs.: 216500 -10 0 10 OBS-FG Mean: -0.350129 RMS: 4.57713 Std: 4.56376 Min: -23.2360 Max: 47.3022 5000 5•104 4000 Number of Observations Number of Observations Active All 4•104 3•10 4 2•104 20 Number of Obs.: 53077 Active All 3000 2000 1000 1•104 0 -20 Active All -10 0 10 OBS-FG Mean: 0.0338827 RMS: 2.84803 Std: 2.84783 Min: -24.0621 Max: 43.4167 0 -20 20 Number of Obs.: 597798 -10 0 10 OBS-FG Mean: 2.14772 RMS: 5.41853 Std: 4.97474 Min: -22.8807 Max: 41.9252 20 Number of Obs.: 87260 Figure 3: Frequency distribution of wind speed first guess departures (m/s) of MISR wind observations with QI values larger than 80 for the winter period over the Northern Hemisphere (upper panel) and the Southern Hemisphere (lower panel) separated over land (right) and sea areas (left) for all data (green) and for data after a first guess quality control check (blue). The quality of the MISR winds have been estimated against short range forecasts (3 hourly) from the data assimilation and forecast system of the DWD for the periods Aug. 15 to Sep. 30, 2010 and Dec. 1, 2010 to Jan. 15, 2011. The DWDs assimilation and forecast system consists of a three-dimensional variational scheme in observation space, using a variety of conventional (Synop, radiosonde, aircraft, buoy) and satellite (AMSU-A from NOAA satellites, Aqua and Metop, various AMV winds, GPS radio occultation, etc.) observations and a global forecasting model on a triangular mesh with a horizontal resolution of 30 km and 60 vertical levels. A detailed description can be found in Majewski et al, 2002. Similar to the AMV wind products, each MISR wind vector is assigned a quality index (QI) indicating the usefulness of the derived wind. In contrast to the AMV QIIndex, the MISR obs - fg statistic shows very little dependency on the QI-Index. For lower QI values there is a positive bias of approximately 1 m/s slowly decreasing with increasing QI-Index. In a similar way the RMS values decreases slowly with increasing QI, indicating growing quality of MISR winds with higher QI-Indices. There is very little variation between the different hemispheres and seasons. Note that with increasing QI the number of observations significantly decreases. In contrast to similar statistics for AMV winds, no sharp drops of the mean RMS can be found in case of MISR wind 3 Figure 4: Regional distribution of wind speed first guess departures (obs-fg m/s) of MISR wind observations for the summer (upper panel) and winter period (lower panel) for winds with QI larger then 80. vectors, which makes it more difficult to set proper QI thresholds in order to filter out low quality MISR winds. Following recommendations and practices of the IWWG only MISR winds with QI values larger the 80 will be considered further in this study. Over sea, the innovation statistic (obs-fg) for MISR winds follows a Gaussian distribution with very few outliers, indicating a high correspondence between MISR wind observations and model first guess wind fields (Fig. 3). On the winter hemisphere, there is a negative wind speed bias (model is faster than the observations) and on the summer hemisphere the model is slower (positive bias). The wind speed RMS of the innovations varies between 2.4 and 2.9 m/s and is very similar between summer and winter but slightly larger on the Southern Hemisphere. Over land, the biases are much larger and more outliers can be found, primarily on the Southern Hemisphere in winter, where the bias is on average 2 m/s higher than in summer and the RMS exceeds 5 m/s with a lot of outliers which can be partly filtered out by the first guess check of the assimilation system (Fig. 5, lower left). Over land the RMS is 1.5 to 2 times larger than over sea, except for the Northern Hemisphere in summer. Here the bias and RMS values are comparable to the values over sea. The higher bias and RMS values over land can be attributed to a large extend to the high wind speed biases over regions with high albedo values (Sahara desert) and elevated terrain with large reflectivity over snow and ice (Greenland, higher regions of Antarctica). Here, the wind speed biases exceed 5 m/s aligned with large RMS values (Fig. 4). Over sea, the quality of MISR winds is comparable to the first guess wind field (low bias and RMS values) and is also in good agreement with corresponding AMV wind speed statistics. In Fig. 5 the mean MISR wind speed measurements and the corresponding wind velocity observations from Meteosat 9 (visible channel) for summer period shows a high level of compliance. After eliminating obvious erroneous MISR winds over the Sahara, Greenland and Antarctica and after deploying a first guess wind check, both independent measurement systems derive similar high wind velocities over the baroclinic west wind zones over both hemispheres, stronger in winter than in summer, lower wind speeds over the tropical oceans and the passat wind regions and strong wind fields off the coasts of Namibia, Brazil and the Arabian peninsula during the summer period. 4 Figure 5: Regional distribution of time-averaged gridded wind speed observations from the MISR instrument with QI values larger than 80 (upper panel) and the corresponding AMV wind speed measurements from Meteosat 9 (visible channel) after first guess check for the summer test period. III Impact assessment The global analyses and forecast system of the DWD was used to assess the impact of MISR winds for the two periods, summer 2010 and winter 2010/2011. The control experiment has the same configuration as the operational system and the MISR experiments includes the MISR wind dataset additionally to all the other routinely used observations. The MISR winds are excluded over land and ice and only winds with a quality index larger than 70 are used. Like other satellite wind observations, the MISR winds are thinned to a resolution of 60 km. The observation fit statistics against radiosonde, aircraft and pilot wind observations show no significant differences between the MISR experiment and the control run. For other satellite wind observations a reduction in bias can be found for winds derived from MTSAT-2 and Meteosat 7 over the tropical areas of the west pacific and Indic oceans (not shown). A small increase in mean wind speed analysis is found over the southern hemisphere using MISR winds more pronounced for the u-wind component than for the v-wind component. In Fig. 6, a comparison of the 500 hPa geopotential height anomaly correlation coefficient of the control and the experiment using MISR wind data separated for the northern and the southern hemisphere, the Tropics and Europa is depicted for the winter period 2010/2011. A positive impact on the forecast quality over both hemispheres and Europa can be seen using the MISR wind observations, shlightly larger on the southern hemisphere. For the summer experiment a positive impact can been deduced on the northern hemisphere and Europa, whereas for the southern hemisphere a neutral to slightly negative impact can be seen (not shown). For the tropics a small significant positive impact can be found for both seasons using the MISR wind data additionally to all other operational used observations. The impact is more pronounced over the Pacific and Indic ocean than over the Atlantic ocean. 5 GEOPOTENTIAL 500 ANOC 12h NH 9635-09635 TR 1 1 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.96 46 forecasts 2010120100 to 2011011512 9636-09635 46 forecasts 2010120100 to 2011011512 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.9 0.9 0.88 0.88 0.86 0.86 0.84 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.8 0.8 0.78 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 0 24 48 72 SH 96 120 144 168 96 120 144 168 ER 1 1 0.95 0.95 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.8 0.8 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.7 0.65 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 0 24 48 72 Figure 6: Anomaly correlations for 500 hPa geopotential height in the northern (upper left), southern (lower left) hemisphere, the tropics (upper right) and Europe (lower right) for the control (blue) and the experiment using MISR winds /red) verified against their own analyses for winter 2010/2011 IV Conclusions The data assimilation and forecast system of the DWD was used to estimate the quality of MISR wind vectors, provided by NASA/JPL from two six weeks periods in summer 2010 and winter 2010/2011. Most of the MISR winds are derived in the lower levels of the troposphere over ocean regions and much less winds are estimated over land, especially over regions with high terrain and high reflectivity (Greenland, Antarctica, Sahara). No strong dependency could be found between innovation statistics and MISR QI-Index, which makes it difficult to filter out erroneous wind observations. The quality of MISR winds is higher over sea than over land. Very large biases are found over high terrain with high reflectivity (Greenland, Antarctica) and regions with high albedo (Sahara desert). The correspondence between MISR winds and first guess wind fields is large over sea with very few outliers. Over land the correspondence is weaker with larger outliers which can be partly filter out by the first guess check. A strong regional correlation between derived MISR wind velocities and corresponding AMV wind vectors could be assessed after eliminating strong biased MISR winds and a subsequent used first guess wind check. Using the global assimilation and forecasting system of the DWD a positive impact could been found for both hemispheres, the tropics and Europa using the MISR wind data set in addition to all other routinely used observation, 6 more pronounced in winter than in summer. Given the availability of the MISR winds for public use within three hours after observation, they represent a promising new wind data source for operational usage in our global data assimilation system. References Horvath, A., Davies, R., 2001: Feasibility and error analysis of cloud motion wind extraction from near-simultaneous multiangle MISR measurements. J. Atmos. Oceanic. Technol., 18, 591-608. Majewski, D., Liermann, D., Prohl, P., Ritter, B., Buchhold, M., Hanisch, T., Paul, G., Wergen, W., Baumgardner, J. 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