PSE 220 “From Papyrus to Plasma Screens: Paper and Society” Spring 2016 Place & Time 2010 Biltmore Hall, College of Natural Resources Tuesdays & Thursdays (January 7th – April 21st, 2016) 1:30 P.M. – 2:20 P.M. Instructors: Lucian A. Lucia (Coordinator) Associate Professor of Forest Biomaterials, Chemistry Office: 3108 BILTMORE HALL Telephone No. (Office): +1 919 515 7707 [email protected] Edward T. Funkhouser Associate Professor of Communication Office: 228-B WINSTON HALL Telephone No. (Office): +1 919 515 1294 [email protected] Medwick V. Byrd Associate Professor of Forest Biomaterials & Director of Undergraduate Programs Office: 2205 BILTMORE HALL Telephone No. (Office): +1 919 515 5790 [email protected] Course Description This course will provide you with a brief review of the invention, history, and development of paper and the role of paper and paper products, as well as the written/printed word, in human development. The technology of papermaking will be examined with regard to economic and environmental impacts. We will then provide you with a hands-on technology of papermaking week to give you a visceral appreciation of papermaking. Finally, we will end the course by including the impact of paper on politics/government, communication, literacy, industrialization, and hygiene/comfort. The following topics will also be covered: • • • • • • • • The history and impact of papermaking from the perspective of the ancients The power of the written word as it pertains to the construct of society The impact of electronic communication on paper consumption and the paper industry Current events which affect the paper industry and its future The future of the paper industry and the subsequent potential impacts on society How the written word changes the course of history The power of media (newspapers, flyers, leaflets, pamphlets, brochures, etc.) on the emergence of national sovereignty The role of written communication on world events 1 Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should: • • • • • • • • • • Understand the impact of the written/printed word on society and human development Understand the impact of printing and mass media on communication, history, and human development Understand the history of papermaking and its development into a major industry worldwide Understand the basic process steps and technology involved in transforming plant materials into pulp and paper Know the basic types and categories of paper and paperboard Demonstrate awareness of the role of paper and paper products in everyday life Explain how the development of paper affected human and societal development, including communication, literacy, industrialization, and quality of life Understand the key current events and issues affecting the paper industry Discuss the possible future of the paper industry and the possible effects on society Accurately answer frequently asked questions about the paper industry Contribution to Paper Science & Engineering (PSE) Program Learning Outcomes This course and the corresponding learning outcomes described above are intended to support the following learning outcomes for the PSE program: Outcome D – They should be able to function on multidisciplinary teams. Outcome G – They should be able to communicate effectively. Outcome J – They should demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues. Course Mechanics The course is organized within two fifty (50) minute lecture periods per week in which lecture material will be presented, discussions will take place, and short student group presentations will be given. You CANNOT have electronic devices out during class unless expressly indicated otherwise or else you must excuse yourself from class until you can turn it off. Presentation Requirements 1. Each Group will give a presentation from a list of topics or of their own choosing. 2. They will be graded using a list of elements that that allow us to gauge your communication skills. Text & Supplementary Materials Hunter, Dard; Papermaking The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft, © 1978 (Course E-Reserves) 2 Grading Quizzes Presentation Participation (Attendance) Exam (1 in-class) 40% (all equally weighted) – Moodle 35% 15% 10% – Moodle The following grading scale will be used to calculate the final grade: A+ = 95-100 A = 90-94.99 A- = 88-89.99 B+ = 86-87.99 B = 80-85.99 B- = 78-79.99 C+ = 76-77.99 C = 70-75.99 C- = 68-69.99 D+ = 66-67.99 F = 57.99 and below D = 60-65.99 D- = 58-59.99 Absences and Late Assignments You have two (2) non-excused absences (no questions asked) automatically assigned to you. I will not accept any excuse for absences unless the University mandates that I do so (please see: Each unexcused absence from the class will result in 1 point being deducted from your total participation grade (You have a total of 15 points in this category of attendance). Academic Integrity All students are expected to follow the University’s “Code of Student Conduct.” The policy on academic integrity can be found at My understanding and expectation is that your signature on any test or assignment means that you neither gave nor received unauthorized aid. Additionally, all quizzes will be done without the help of written notes. Be certain to cite references used in your presentation. Plagiarism may result in a failing grade and/or expulsion from the University. Students with Disabilities Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students (DSS) at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653 ( and should see Lucian Lucia with the appropriate paperwork from DSS. 3 Schedule of General Topical Lectures & Lecturers Week General Lecture Topic Dates 1 1/07 Introduction, Review of Syllabus, Expectations, Group Assignments, Group Presentation Discussion 2 1/12 Lecturer 1/07 – Lucia, L.A. Groups get together to get to know each other and discuss (1) who is leader, (2) general topic, and (3) format of presentation 1/12 – Lucia, L.A. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF EARLY HISTORY OF WRITING 1/14 – Lucia, L.A. 3 1/19 EARLY HISTORY OF WRITING, continued 1/19 – Lucia, L.A. 1/21 PAPER AS A MEDIUM OF COMMUNICATION 1/21 – Lucia, L.A. 4 1/26 EMERGENCE OF PAPER INDUSTRY 1/26 – Lucia, L.A. 1/28 EMERGENCE OF PAPER INDUSTRY, continued 1/28 – Lucia, L.A. 5 2/02 PAPER AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2/02 – Lucia, L.A. 2/04 PAPER AND THE ENVIRONMENT, continued 2/04 – Lucia, L.A. 6 2/09 BIOENERGY 2/09 – Lucia, L.A. 2/11 NEW PRODUCTS, TRENDS, AND FUTURE 2/11 – Lucia, L.A. 7 2/16 MIDTERM WEEK 2/16 – REVIEW 1/14 2/18 2/18 – In-Class Midterm 8 2/23 PRESENTATIONS WEEK, GROUPS 1-3 2/25 – Lucia, L.A. 2/25 PRESENTATIONS WEEK, GROUPS 4-6 2/27 – Lucia, L.A. 4 9 3/01 PRESENTATIONS WEEK, GROUPS 7-9 3/02 – Lucia, L.A. 3/03 AWARD PRESENTATIONS & DISCUSSION 3/04 – Lucia, L.A. 10 3/08 Spring Break – NO CLASS 3/08 – NO CLASS 3/10 Spring Break – NO CLASS 3/10 – NO CLASS HANDS ON PAPER WEEK IN LABORATORIES (WITH DR. MEDWICK BYRD) 3/15 – Groups 1-5 11 3/15 3/17 12 3/22, 3/24 13 3/29, 4/05 14 4/07, 4/12 15 4/14, 4/19 16 4/21, 4/26 3/17 – Groups 6-9 PAPER AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION AND ITS 3/22 – Funkhouser, E.T. IMPACT AND SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS ON HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS 3/24 – Funkhouser, E.T. PAPER AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION AND ITS 3/29 – Funkhouser, E.T. IMPACT AND SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS ON HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS 4/05 – Funkhouser, E.T. PAPER AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION AND ITS 4/07 – Funkhouser, E.T. IMPACT AND SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS ON HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS 4/12 – Funkhouser, E.T. PAPER AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION AND ITS 4/14 – Funkhouser, E.T. IMPACT AND SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS ON HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS 4/19 – Funkhouser, E.T. - SERVICE DAYS - 4/21 – Service Day, part I 4/26 – Service Day, part II 5 Additional Information for Spring 2016 1. We will employ a “living syllabus” system to accommodate the specific sub-topics covered. This will take the form of a summarization that will be posted on the Moodle site for each class. 2. Every student is required to attend class unless the student is allowed an excused absence. Everyone will be allowed two (2) automatic excused absences, but each unallowable absence from class will result in having 1 points deducted from the final attendance grade. For example, if you 10 unexcused absences, your final grade can be no higher than a 90% if you obtain perfect marks on the other three grade categories (Quizzes, Exam, and Presentation). We will be taking attendance each class by collecting your signatures. Please do NOT attempt to fill in a empty slot because I will be recording absences after each class. 3. The class will be divided into 9 groups (12-13 members/group). 4. Each Group will communicate amongst its members using any form of communication available. I suggest that you communicate however you prefer (social networking site, chat site, etc.) and then have meetings, and choose a format for assembling your document (a google doc? common website, facebook group, etc.). Assign a leader, have her or him assign tasks, and then go and do the tasks. All I need is from each of the Groups is to tell me who the LEADER is. I want each Group to assemble a 10-12 minute presentation (that includes time for a few questions) on a topic related to any of the following or feel free to make one: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bioenergy from paper Biomaterials from paper Colonial newspapers Communication in history Early forms of paper Kindle vs. paperbacks Modern or ancient newspapers New uses of paper Paper airplanes Paper vs. digital media for storage Pros & cons of using a paper daily planner vs. a hand-held device Recycling Rock, paper, scissors 5. The presentation can be in any form that you like. It can be a standard powerpoint, a skit, a “youtube” presentation, a lecture, etc. Be as creative as you can be! 6. The presentation will be graded by the Instructor(s) according to the attached presentation format (Attachment 1). An award will be given to the members of the one Group having the highest grade for the presentation. Each Group may elect one or more members to make the presentation, but all members must contribute according to their assigned task. We will employ a unique group grading system (CATME, please see: to allow us to effectively grade student contributions to the Group presentation. We will do two iterations – one before the presentation and one after (ONLY the one after will be incontrovertible and FINAL). 6 7. All information for the student group presentations will be available through electronic reserves, course materials, textbooks, and any other materials through the “Quick Article Search” feature of our “Library Course Tools” link. Please use our Moodle link for ALL course information. 8. Short quizzes will be given throughout the course of the semester and will be done via Moodle outside of class (just before each class). The one (1) Exam will all be administered via Moodle in class. 9. All students are expected to make a contribution to the forums/events occurring on the moodle site. I also want you to send us feedback on our Moodle site. Please post, read posts, and comment. 10. Group Assignments (see next page): 7 Group 1 Ali,Lela Sadek Atchison,Liana Joy Bakley,Jonathan Barnes,Ryan Montel Beard,Elisabeth Caitlin Bebawy,Kamal Bergin,Caroline Bhaskar,Brinda Blake,Erik Burgess Bolender,Eric C Botros,Abanoub Aiman Brown,Kyle Andrew Group 2 Burril,Callen Alexandria Cady,Roland Cayman Carr,Edgar Toms (E Carr) Carroll,Lauren Christina Carter,Nigeste Mariam Chavis,Dakota George Chen,Fanguang Christ,Kyle James Cole,Audrey Lea Concannon,Chri stopher Raymond (Chris) Contreras,Celes te Del Carmen Cooley,Emory Moore Group 3 Craig,Haley Marie Group 4 Gillespie,Steven Bruce Cristinziano,Jonat han Dalton,Travis Michael Davies,Sophia Monique De Santis,William Anthony Delucia,Patrick Alexander Ehrenzeller,Hanna hE Erickson,Kenneth Andrew Foster,Madeleine Claire Haidet,Brian Bennett Hall,Tyler Cameron Hamilton,Sean Christopher Hamrick,Morgan Chelsea (Chelsea) Harmon,Nathaniel Eugene (Nathan) Friedrich,Luke Steven Helm,Joanna Kathleen Gates,Ashley N Gatland,Ian G Goodwin,Krysia P Grigg,David Lee Gu,Eileen G Henderson,Edwin James (Eddie) Hoeferkamp,Samu el P Jackson,Hunter Dare Group 5 Jeon,Andrew Johnson,Elizabeth Katherine Kantesaria,Kevin R Kemp,Hunter Manning Kerekes,Victoria Dawn (Tori) Kinney II,Daniel James (D J) Knosby,Casey N Group 6 Medlin,Lonnie Andrew Group 7 Poole,Timothy Landon (Landon) Millar,Garrett C Propst,Kayla Elyse Morgan,Elijah John Mullins,Corey Tyler Mullis,Billy G Newcomb,Rachel Anne Nilsen,Kaitlyn Eileen Raczenski,Blake Rader,Robert Blackwell (Rob) Radford,John Robert Garland (Bobby) Rajpal,Gagandeep Singh Rateike,Alexander Earl (Alex) Raynor,Emily Caroline Group 8 Schaeffer,Stephani e Ann Segal,Caroline Sydney Sheehan,Naomi Marie Shen,Xiang Shi,Mingxuan Shields,Ryan Lancaster Singh,Harjodh (Harsh) Smith,Brianna Christine Speller,Dominic Antonio Group 9 Taylor,Ariana Thiagarajan,Vijay K. Thompson,Elizabe th Anne Tomblin,Jessica Jayne (Jessie) Trivette,Tara Nicole Van Voorhis,Lydia Marie Vereen,Caitlin Marie Kronk,Kevin J Norwood,Jarrell Linker,Adam Kenneth Parker,Tracy Anne Rehder,Anna N Liu,Jiachen Parson,Logan Grant Rizzi,Gianna Nicole Stone,Avery Thomas Wessler,Philip Wade Marbrey,Andrew Pfitzner,William G Scaggs,Phillip Duane (Phil) Sunda,Garrett Joseph Williams,Tori L McBean,Meg T Poole,Seth Scott Schaaf,David R Sundaram,Balaji Wright,Lewis Edward McCauley,Michele K Via,David S Wansker,Austin Stroh Ye,Shujun 8 Attachment 1: “From Papyrus to Plasma Screens: Paper & Society” Spring 2016, 2010 BILTMORE HALL, 1:30 – 2:20 p.m. GROUP #:______ DATE:_________ TITLE:________________________________________________________________ Exceptional Excellent Content of Presentation 100 95 95 90 89 85 Good 84 – 80 79 75 Fair 74 70 69 – 65 Poor 64 60 59 55 Purpose of presentation was easy to figure out and fit well with our course objectives The presentation development & delivery was seamless and flowed well Level of creativity in putting the presentation together was evident Elements of humor, excitement, and joy in delivering the presentation were evident There was at least one really good point/item/idea that was very impressive The presentation appeared to be well prepared Subject was presented in an manner that anyone could understand and enjoy Presentation Mechanics 1. Execution of the presentation 2. Sound volume 3. Pace of delivery of content Overall Performance (number): Comments (comment on how hard the group worked, how it treated the subject, intangibles in presentation, and what you learned): ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 9 < 55
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