ammonium sulfate = ferrous ammonium sulfate

Expt 4: Determination of Iron by Absorption
Calibration solutions:
Iron(II)ammonium sulfate = ferrous ammonium sulfate
FeSO4(NH4)2SO4·6H2O, M.W. = 392.14 g
Stock 1
0.210 g in 12.5 mL of 0.7 M H2SO4 diluted to 500
mL with deionized water
Stock 2
25.00 mL Stock 1 diluted 10-fold with 5 mL 0.7 M
H2SO4 using deionized water sufficient to make 250
mL total
Why not make stock 2 directly from scratch?
Precision of mass measurement
0.210 g ± 0.1 mg
± 0.1mg
× 100 = ±0.05%
relative error = 210mg
± 0.1mg
relative error = 21mg × 100 = ±0.5%
less error associated with volume error of dilution
Why add the sulfuric acid?
To prevent oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III), which in
turn reacts with water eventually to form Fe(OH)3(s)
A matrix modifier!!!
Next step:
To various volumes of stock 2 you add 1 mL
NH2OH·HCl (1.44 M) and 10 mL of sodium acetate
(NaOOCH3) (1.22 M), all diluted to 100 mL
Why NH2OH·HCl?
Hydroxylamine is a reducing agent that helps to
prevent Fe(III) formation.
A matrix modifier!!!
Why sodium acetate?
A pH buffer to maintain solution at pH = 4.8±1
Another matrix modifier!!!
Why maintain pH at roughly 4.8?
Protonation of 1,10-phenanthroline competes with
complexation with Fe(II)
We want:
Fe(H2O)62+ + 3phen → Fe(phen)32+ + 6H2O
Upon addition of third phen, complex turns red. (λmax
= 508 nm)
3 matrix modifiers needed to make the method work.
They prevent deleterious competing reactions (2 to
minimize oxidation of Fe(II) and one to minimize
protonation of 1,10 phenanthroline)
Lab 4 Purposes:
Determine an unknown ferrous concentration (via a
calibration curve) using spectrophotometry data
Understand quantitative relationships between
transmittance, absorption, and concentration
Understand relationships between measurement
errors (random and systematic), sensitivity, and
Propagation of errors and sensitivity:
Measured →
Calculation →
C = f(R)
Measurement →
ΔR, sR
Propagation of → Concentration
measurement error error
ΔC, sC
Recall propagation of errors in mathematical calculations:
If y = m + n,
s y2 = s m2 + s n2
and, in terms of the standard deviations
s y = sm2 + sn2
a ⋅b
c ,
s 2y y 2 = s 2a a 2 + s b2 b 2 + s c2 c 2
⎛s ⎞ ⎛s ⎞ ⎛s ⎞
= ⎜ a ⎟ +⎜ b ⎟ +⎜ c ⎟
⎝a⎠ ⎝b⎠ ⎝c⎠
For y = log a, sy = 0.434 sa/a
Measurement →
ΔR, sR
Propagation of → Concentration
measurement error error
ΔC, sC
ΔR = systematic (determinate) response error
ΔC = systematic concentration error
sR = random (indeterminate) response error
sC = random concentration error
Φ = sensitivity, dR/dC (ΔR/ΔC for linear relationships)
In general,
ΔC =
⋅ ΔR and sC = ⋅ sR
The absolute concentration error is directly related to
the response error and inversely related to
Linear relationships, Φ = constant:
Concentration error is directly related to response
Concentration error is inversely related to sensitivity:
Non-linear relationships: sensitivity is concentration
dependent, therefore absolute concentration error
becomes concentration dependent
e.g., transmittance and absorbance
Beer’s Law:
A = εbC = log (P0/P) = log (1/T) = -log T
ε = molar absorptivity (M-1 cm-1) at specified λ
b = path length (cm) (note, not the intercept)
C = concentration of absorbing species (M)
C (M)
We expect a linear relationship between A and C.
A = -log T or T = 10-A
A = εbC
In practice, we actually measure P and P0 and
calculate A from T. T has a non-linear dependence
on C:
T = 10-εbC
For y = log a, sy = 0.434sa/a
A = -log T, so sA = -0.434sT/T
Let’s look at this graphically…
For a constant uncertainty in transmittance response,
the absolute concentration error is highly dependent
upon concentration:
The rapidly changing sensitivity associated with
transmittance versus concentration at constant error
due to transmittance, sT, leads to a concentration error
that is concentration dependent in the A versus C
C (M)
T vs. C – fixed error, variable sensitivity
A vs. C – fixed sensitivity, variable error
Either way leads to:
Non-linear increase in absolute concentration
uncertainty with increasing concentration.
What about relative concentration error (RCE)?
i.e. concentration error/concentration, (sC/C)
for a constant sC, RCE ↓ as C ↑
for a transmittance measurement, however, sc ↑ as C↑
leads to a minimum in sc versus C plot
Stray light and wavelength error:
Why we adjust 100% T with pure solvent or a blank
The blank corrects for loss processes other than
absorbance by the analyte.
The filter after the sample is usually a cut-off filter to
remove long wavelengths (that can arise from second
and higher order diffraction from the grating, these
longer wavelengths constitute stray light.)
Who cares about some stray light?
We expect a logarithmic relationship between T and
C. T = 10-A = 10-εbC
Note: in lab write up, α = intercept and β = slope
(instead of b = intercept to avoid confusion with path
In practice, from a calibration curve we get
A = α + βC
T = 10-(α + βC)
10-x = e-2.3x, so T = e-2.3(α + βC)
Beer’s Law:
A = εbC = log (P0/P) = log (1/T) = -log T
T = 10-A = 10-εbC
ε = molar absorptivity
b = path length
c = concentration of absorbing species
C (M)
We expect a linear relationship between A and C.
Beer’s law assumes a single ε: