“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Junior English Mr. Geis Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Front Page Read “Sinners/Angry God” Page 118 Find and list 10 images or literary devices used in Jon Edward’s sermon. Example: # device Example Defined Explanation 1. image “worm” worm=people God steps on people whom he is mad. 2. image “pit of fire” Place of punishment A disobedient person will be put in the pit. Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Back Page Write a half page to a full page paragraph You are a parent or a person of power Write to a child or a worker who has broken a rule or the law. Using 5 images or figures of speech, persuade the person to make good choices and follow the rules. You can use fear tactics, rewards, or moral arguments to convince the person to behave. Use the word (you). Be convincing and creative. Parent of a young child who has been to the principle for throwing items in class and has hit another student. Mary, did you know that Mr. Smith has called me from school? He told me that you threw a pencil and hit another student in the face. You need to know that throwing pencils in class is not acceptable. I threw a pencil in class once and the principal made me sit in the corner of the class for an hour. He had me write in my notebook 100 times that I will not throw objects in class. He said that I would have to stand on one foot and sing songs in Spanish in the parking lot for punishment. (example only) Paragraph model.
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