Up - Words So Special MERCY AWAKENS

Youth Night Drop-In
May 12th
6:30—8:00 pm
See page 2 for details.
OMC Youth Ministry’s
Up - Words
Mothers Day
May 8th
Our Mother of Confidence Youth Ministry Family
My Mom
So Special
by Briana Little
My name is Briana Little and I am a senior at Mira
Mesa High School and I’m going to share a little bit
about my wonderful mom Kelly Little. My mom has
been very involved in all of my activities growing up.
Helping in my classrooms in elementary school and
helping out in the pbo (parents volunteering) in high
school, she was my cheer coach for about 8 years, she
was my girl scout leader, and she was always very
involved around Church and to this day teaches the
preschool and kindergarten Sunday school class
which I also help with.
With her being so involved it definitely helped me
to get to spend a lot of time with her. While she was
my cheer coach we got to spend most Saturdays driving to and from games just the two of us which are
memories I truly cherish. I've seen her love for
me when she attends all of my events for cheer, posts
on Facebook about how proud she is of me and when
she comforts me at times that life becomes a little too
tough to handle.
I’m not saying our relationship is perfect, almost no
mother and teen daughters is and at times I can be a
complete brat to her, I can be rude, selfish and unkind. Perhaps at times it is easier for me to take my
frustrations out on her more than anyone else in this
world because she loves me limitlessly and unconditionally. Through all of my actions and craziness I
have put her through she still has loved me anyway,
and for that, I am forever grateful.
My mom is also my biggest fan and believes in me
in any situation. Life has been difficult and there
have been times when I've felt like giving up, when
things were not going my way. Each time, she has
been there to remind me of my worth as a human being. She encourages me to keep reaching for the unreachable and never settle for anything less than I deserve. The connections we have through cheer and
our love for God and helping others are things that
help make our bond stronger and stronger.
The thought of not being able to teach the Sunday
school class with my mom next year truly brings tears
Mothers Day
continued on page 3
Make Mom’s day special
May 2016
Middle School Youth Day
Come Experience The Mercy of God
Includes the band: Anthem Rising
Saturday May 14th, 1:00—8:00 p.m.
Meet at OMC @ 11:45 a.m., return by 9:00 p.m.
At Resurrection Parish (Escondido)
Cost is $15 — Call Ian
Join us for An Awesome Experience!
Bible Study:
An Awesome Opportunity
by Justin Holder
Hi my name is Justin Holder and I am a youth leader at OMC and have been a part of our Parish for 19
years now. I am a Sophomore at Mesa Community
College and still living here in San Diego. I just want
to invite youth that are in high school and college to
come join me and some other youth on Wednesday
nights at 6:30 p.m. for Bible Study in the Youth
Room, downstairs at the Church.
I bring pizza and we have an amazing time hanging
out together while growing in faith. So come join us,
grow in faith and community while having a good
time. If you have any questions you can ask for Justin
Holder at the Chur ch.
Thanks. I hope to see some new faces.
Pentecost — Last day of the Easter Season
May 15th
Come Holy Spirit ~ Veni Sancte Spiritus
2 — Up-Words
OMC’s Youth Ministry family
Youth Activities
Middle School Youth Day:
“Mercy Awakens” Saturday May 14th,
at Resurrection Parish (Escondido). Meet @
OMC @ 11:45am, return to OMC at 9pm.
Cost is $25.
Youth Night — “Drop-In”
Thursday May 12th, 6:30—8:00 pm. J oin
us for the fun and community building. Meet
friends & find new ones.
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Youth trip
Wednesday June 29th, 6:00 am—Midnight
— $40 + Permission Form required. Parents
needed to help with carpools.
Service Ops:
Help Whispering Winds as a Child Care
Assistant (CCA) at their Family Camps
this Summer. An Orientation Meeting for
High School youth and parents (both must
attend) will be on Thursday May 5th, 7:00—
8:30 pm in Serra Hall.
Youth who have served as CCAs had great
Down the Road:
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is July
11th-15th (8am—1pm), and setup/decorating
will be done July 5th-10th (10am—8pm,
come for an hour or more) — HELP!
Rummage Sale will be August 13-14,
May 2016
Stay Connected
by Ian Mascarenhas
Easter is about what Jesus accomplished to reconnect us
with the kingdom of God. We were given the bridge to
eternal life, but we have a part in its fulfillment.
In John 10: 10 Jesus said, “I came that you might have
life to the fullest.” To live life to the fullest we must stay
connected with Jesus, His teachings, His instructions, the
Church He established, and God the Father & Holy Spirit.
Its not easy, but Jesus never promised easy. It is simple,
a finite amount of steps, a few defined instructions. Jesus
was all about the foundation that was already set by God
— Moses didn’t get “The Ten Suggestions.” They were
“The Commandments”, and still are.
Jesus said, “I didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Everything Jesus did was built on what God already had in place. He took the practices the people were
doing and elevated them to a new higher level, the divine.
He made the Passover meal the Eucharistic feast. He took
what was the sacrifice of the unblemished lamb and offered the final sacrifice.
The only way we can accomplish His instruction, “Do
this in remembrance of Me,” is to stay connected with His
holy community, His family of faith — The Church.
We are invited — Respond joyfully, attend, participate,
receive, and be changed. Now go and share the mission.
What would you do to
grow in your faith?
Check these options:
Catholic Radio — AM 1000 (in San Diego) or
Immaculate Heart Radio (http://ihradio.com/
listen/ press LISTEN, and the “San Diego”
with setup August 8th-12th. Lots of helpers
Prayasyougo.org — daily meditations
SacredSpace.ie — daily meditations
Team Retreat: Confirmed Youth are in-
Faith.ND.edu — Notre Dame’s daily meditiations
vited to join Team Ministry for the 20162017 school year. We will have a one-day
Retreat, Monday July 25th –26th @ Whispering Winds (12:30pm Monday @ Camp to
11:30am Tuesday). Cost is approx. $40.
USCCB.org — the National Catholic Bishops
page, the resources include the Catholic
Church’s Readings/Gospel for each day; click
on the calendar date(s). Knowing the Word of
God before hearing it at Church helps.
May 2016
OMC’s Youth Ministry family
Mass and Praise & Worship Concert
Recognizes & Honors Graduating Seniors
by Justin Holder
Come join us for a night of worship on Sunday
June 12th, after the 5:30 p.m. Mass. My name is
Justin Holder and I am a youth leader at
OMC and I am asking all of you to come to our
youth band concert on June 12th. It is also a going away celebration for all graduating Seniors.
We are going to be honoring all the Seniors who
have been a part of OMC and we would like for
all of you to be there to see and hear some good
music as well to wish all of those Seniors good
luck at college.
Editor’s Note: Seniors, congratulations on your
accomplishments in high school. We invite you
to the 5:30 p.m. Mass (June 12th), to be recognized and honored. Then come to Serra Hall for
a potluck dinner and the praise and worship concert.
June 12th, 5:30 p.m.
Mark your Calendar
Up-Words — 3
Mothers Day
continued from page 1
to my eyes. We have been doing that class together for a
really long time and I have learned so much from her and
the class in general.
Growing up and going away for college is a super scary
thing to think about especially when you have parents that
are there for you in everything you do. But in life God
leads us to where we are supposed to be and I know that
everything happens for a reason and everything that we
have been through and things that we will experience in
the next couple of years will only give us a stronger relationship and help make us better people in general. I honestly have no clue what my family or I would do without
my mom. She does so much for us even when she doubts
that she does. Although we may not always show it we
do notice all of the love and effort you give us.
I hope my mom and all of the other amazing mothers in
this Parish have a well-deserved Mother’s Day this month
(May 8th) because we owe it to them. Kelly Little, you
are such a beautiful person inside and out and I can’t
thank you enough for everything you have blessed me
with. I love jamming out to k-love with you in the car,
making up random cheer dances, and just spending any
time I can with you. You are amazing and I love you.
Happy Mother’s day.
$86,400 per day
What would you do with it?
We connect with others more
through our brokenness, than
through our wholeness.
Got Up-Words to share? We love to share your
stories. They are great blessings for our Parish faith
family. What your share could be just what someone
else needs to read/hear. God uses each of us to encourage and support one another in our faith journey.
Please contact Ian with your idea for a story/sharing.