338 becomes 1 for 80 ns, and then X is 0 again. Y Z X 11.2 A latch can be constructed from an OR gate, an AND gate, and an inverter connected as follows: R Q P H (a) What restriction must be placed on R and H so that P will always equal Q$ (under steady-state conditions)? (b) Construct a next-state table and derive the characteristic (next-state) equation for the latch. Answers to Selected Study Guide Questions and Problems 713 Unit 11 (c) Complete the following timing diagram for the latch. UNIT 11 Answers to Problems 11.1 R x H y Q z 0 11.3 10 20 30 50P 60 40 70 80 90 100 This problem illustrates the improper operation that can occur if both inputs to an 11.2 (a) Rare ! 11 and 0 cannot occurback at the S-R latch and H are!then changed to same 0. Fortime. Figure 11-6, complete the fol(b)timing chart, assuming that each gate has a propagation delay of exactly 10 lowing " ! RQ"! HQ R HthatQinitially Q"P ! Q ns. Assume 1 and 0. Note that when t ! 100 ns, S and R are both changed to 0. Then, 10 ns later, both P and Q will change to 1. Because these 0 0 0 0 0 back 0 1to the gate 0 1’s are fed inputs, what will happen after another 10 ns? 0 0 1 1 0 1 S 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 R X X 1 1 1 1 0 1 P 1 1 Q (c) 0 50 100 150 140 200 t(ns) R 11.4 Design a gated D latch using only NAND gates and one inverter. 11.5 What change must be made to Figure 11-15(a) to implement a falling-edge-triggered D flip-flop? Complete the following timing diagram for the modified flip-flop. Q H P Clock = G1 D 11.3 G2 S P R P 11.6 Q Q A reset-dominant flip-flop behaves like an S-R flip-flop, except that the input 50 100 150 200 S ! R ! 1 is allowed, and the flip-flop is reset when S ! R ! 1. (a) Derive the characteristic equation for a reset-dominant flip-flop. 340 Answers to Selected Study Guide Questions and Problems 715 Unit 11 11.9 (a) (b) Complete the timing diagram for the following circuit. Note that the Ck inputs on the two flip-flops are different. ClrN Unit 11 Problem Solutions PreN 340 Unit 11 11.1 11.3 Q′1 Q1 J ClrN Q′2 Q2 11.2 See FLD p. 646 for solution. For part (b), also us the following Karnaugh map. Don’t cares come Ck D1 Clock Ck D2 from the restriction in part (a). Q1 (b) Complete the timing diagram for the following circuit. Note that the Ck inputs Q flip-flops are different. R on the two P and Q will oscillate. See FLD p. 646 for timing Q2 1 0 H Q chart. Clock Z responds to X and to Y after 10 ns;; Y responds to Clock K CLR CLR ClrN Z after 5 ns. See FLD p. 646 for answer. ClrN (b) 11.10 Convert by adding external gates: Q′1 Q1 Q′2 Q2 11.4 See FLD p. 647 for solution. (a) a D flip-flop to a J-K flip-flop. Clock CLR CLR (b) a T flip-flop toClrN a D flip-flop. ClrN Ck D1 Q1 2 (c) a T flip-flop toClock a D flip-flopCk withDclock enable. 11.5 See FLD p. 647 for solution. 00 0 X 01 0 X 11 1 1 10 0 1 + = R+HQ Q2 latch. Assume Q begins atQ1. Q1 timing diagram for an S-R 11.11 Complete the following Clock Q2 11.6 (a)Convert 11.6 (b) See FLD p. 647 for solution. + S S 11.10 external gates: S R Qby Qadding R Q 0 1 (a) 0a 0 D0flip-flop 0R to a J-K flip-flop. 00 0 1 11.10 (a) (b) a T flip-flop to a D flip-flop. 0 0 1 1 11.7 See FLD p. 647 for solution. (c) a T flip-flop to a D flip-flop with clock enable. 01 1 1 0 1 0 0Q Q D Q 0 1 1 the 0 following timing 11 diagram 0 0 for an S-R latch. 11.11J Complete Q begins at 1. 11.8Assume See FLD p. 647 for solution. 1 0 table 0 1similar to Figure 11.12 Using 11-8(b),0confirm that each of these circuits is an K a truth 10 0 Clk S-R latch. What happens when S ! R ! 1Q′for each circuit? 1 0 1 1 S 11.9 See FLD p. 648 for solution. + Q = R'Q + S R' 1 1 0 1 R S 1 1 1 1 Q 00 (b) (c) 11.10 See FLD p. 648 for solution. Q 0 1 UNIT 01 10 11 Q Q′ Q Q T Q T Q For every input/state combination with the 11.12 11.11 Using a truth 11.12 table similar to Q′ Figure 11-8(b), confirm that each of these circuits is an D D R condition SR = 0 holding, each circuit obeys the R circuit? S-R latch. What happens whenCE S ! R ! 1 forSeach next-state equation Q+ = S + R'Q. When S = R = S Q′ Q′ Clk (a) (b)Clk in (a), both outputs are 1, and in (b), the latch hol R its state. S 11.13 An AB latch operates as follows: If A !Q0 and B ! 0, the 00 latch state is Q ! 0; if 0 does 01 not change; and when either Q A ! 1 or B ! 1 (but not both), the latch output Q 12 Study Guide Answers 1 10 both A ! 1 and B ! 1, the latch state is Q ! 1. 11 Q′91,latch. 1. (a) ! 0, H !the 249;state G !table 0, H and ! 70; G ! 118, H ! 118; G !equation 91, H ! 118; G! (a) GConstruct derive the characteristic for this AB Q′ HDerive ! 118 a circuitR for the AB latch that has four two-input NAND gates and two (b) 11.13 S R 2. (b) Sinverters. 0 is 1 between the rising edges of clocks 10 and 11, and also 1 between the (c) rising (a) edges of clocks and 16.there any transitions between(b)input combinations In your circuit of Part14(b), are D that might cause unreliable operation? Verify your answer. 11.13 An AB latch operates as follows: If A ! 0 and B ! 0, the latch state is Q ! 0; if G either A ! 1 or B ! 1 (but not both), the latch output does not change; and when both A ! 1 and B ! 1, the latch state is Q ! 1. Q (a) Construct the state table and derive the characteristic equation for this AB latch. (b) Derive a circuit for the AB latch that has four two-input NAND gates and two S inverters. (c) In your circuit of Part (b), are there any transitions between input combinations R that might cause unreliable operation? Verify your answer. 78
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