April Newsletter - Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of Fort Wayne
Issue 4 ~ Volume 77
April 2016
5310 Old Mill Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Behavioral Covenant
Living in Community Together
As we share our lives in this spiritual
community, we promise to unite in an
atmosphere of care and support, provide
a spiritual home for ourselves and our
children, and work together in our search
for truth and spiritual growth both within
and beyond these walls.
Because Love is the spirit of this church,
we promise to:
 Treat each other with respect,
dignity, and compassion.
 Invite conversation, make room for
all voices, and honor dissenting
 Participate in the life of the
 Remain open to change.
 Accept that we will make mistakes.
Forgive each other and move on.
 Make decisions with as much
participation as possible.
 Communicate directly our wants,
needs, appreciation, and critiques to
each other.
 Accept the opportunity and
responsibility to help choose the
direction of our sacred community.
Adopted March 13, 2016
Sunday Services
April Theme: Wonder
April 3
11 AM: In Awe of Wonder, Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly
Her sermon will kick off this month’s theme of Wonder inspired
by Mary Oliver’s poem Foolishness? No It’s Not.
April 10
11 AM: Wondering about Unitarian Universalism,
Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly
Her sermon will explore the movements within Unitarian
Universalism and how they impact what lies on the horizon of
our living tradition.
April 17
11 AM: Facing Hard Truths: Rediscovering the Prophetic,
Rabbi Brant Rosen, Guest Speaker
What does it mean to be “prophetic?” How can Jews and
Christians act prophetically in this day & age? How might we
act prophetically together to free the oppressed and the
persecuted in our midst – particularly when it comes to the issue
of Israel/Palestine?
April 24
11 AM: Celebrate Earth Day! Begin this Sunday morning
experience at 8:30 AM with your garden gloves by helping clean
-up our grounds, enjoy a pancake breakfast about 9:30 AM, and
then join us in the sanctuary at 11 for multigenerational worship
service led by our YUUth Group & Rev. Shelly based on the
story of the Lorax by Dr. Seuss.
Childcare hours for infants and toddlers are 10:45 through 12:15
Inspire Growth
Beloved Community
Seek Knowledge
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Wonder is the beginning of wisdom, Socrates
Wonder caused me to wander into the local UU church. It fuels
my personal search for truth and meaning. Wonder is that
inquisitiveness we discover as children paired with imagination.
Our congregation encourages and teaches wonder to our children
through the use of the Wonder box and story in worship and the
Spirit Play classrooms. As I practice my faith, I see wonder as
fluid and part of a continuum of inquisitiveness of experience
from the personal/individual to communal/global to the
Universe/Mystery. I find myself using terms like “thinking
outside the box” or “taking the balcony view” when ultimately I’m
wondering. I wonder about ways to deepen our experience of
transformation within ourselves and beyond into our
communities. As an adult, my wonder is often dulled by
knowledge and my desire to learn what is known. Walt Whitman
in his poem, When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, reminds me of
Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly
the importance of experiencing wonder beyond the classroom,
beyond the sacred texts and sources of information. For our sacred texts and wisdom sources began
with the experience of wondering about the world we live in. May we take this month through our
experience of worship to rediscover Wonder for it holds no limits - - - only those that we set upon it.
When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer by Walt Whitman (from Leaves of Grass)
When I heard the learn’d astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and
measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with
much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
See you in church,
Rev. Misty-Dawn
Rev. Misty-Dawn
Shelly Office
Rev. Misty-Dawn’s office hours
Monday, Tuesday, and
Thursday, 10 AM to 2 PM.
Evening appointments available
upon request.
Wednesday is my Writing Day
and Friday is my day off.
To schedule an appointment,
please call 744-1867 or email:
[email protected]
Accept Differences
Beloved Community
Deepen Compassion
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General Assembly in
Columbus, Ohio June
24th – June 26th
Don’t miss the opportunity to
experience thousands of UUs gathered
to learn, sing, worship, and do the
work of the Association together, only
3 hours Southeast of Fort Wayne in
Columbus, OH!
All the information
you need at http://www.uua.org/ga
Register before April 30th and save money!
Registration is Required for All
All participants in General Assembly (GA) programmed events must be registered for the
conference. Everyone in attendance of GA programmed events must also be registered. Everyone
must be registered, including program participants, presenters, invited guests, performers, office
support staff, relatives, hosts, and dignitaries. This policy is consistent with our principle of equity
and avoids arbitrary distinctions.
GA registrants receive access to all workshops, performances, lectures, and events listed in the GA
Printed Program, as well as an official name badge to identify them to fellow participants, event
staff and security. GA name badges are required for admission to all GA programmed events,
including evening entertainment, the Exhibit Hall (Wednesday-Saturday), the Opening and Closing
Celebrations, and the Ware Lecture.
The only GA programmed events that will be open to the public are the Service of the Living
Tradition on Thursday evening, the Sunday Morning Worship, and, on Sunday only, the Exhibit
Hall. Registration is not required to participate in Service of the Living Tradition, the Sunday
Morning Worship, or to visit the Exhibit Hall on Sunday.
Children who have not yet entered high school (or the equivalent for home schooled youth) are
welcome to attend General Assembly events with their parents or guardians at no cost, but are still
required to register. Adult registrants can "Add Guest Child (0-14)" to their adult registration record.
This step will provide our youngest participants with an official name badge that will identify them
as part of the GA community, as well as allowing planners to know everyone who is at GA (in the
event of an emergency).
Inspire Growth
Beloved Community
Seek Knowledge
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March 2016 Board of Trustees meeting recap
Old Business:
The Board approved the new Committee on Shared Ministry Model for UUCFW (CoSM).
The purpose of CoSM is to promote the well-being and coordination of the congregation’s total
ministry. The Committee is appointed by the Board of Trustees to make sure the mission, vision,
and behavioral covenant is in the forefront of the congregant’s thoughts.
Lisa Johnson provided information on the purchase of three signs to be posted to assist the
public in locating the Meetinghouse and good marketing. The Board approved the purchase of
three 18x24” signs, that will be aluminum with blue print and reflective backgrounds. They will
be placed in two locations on Fairfield and one at Old Mill and Pettit. These are city approved
and will be paid for through UUCFW Buildings and Grounds funds and installed by the city.
Toni Kring is researching the installation of the “loop” which will assist the hearing impaired
while attending services in the sanctuary. She is investigating installation, cost and possible
funding and Rev. Shelly will check with a congregation with the loop already in use.
Hope Sheehan is looking into three fundraising ideas and will bring them to the Board in April.
She would like the Board to consider an event-based approach and if possible link it into a cause
that many in the community would support and possibly being interfaith as well.
Danny Swim and Edith Helbert are exploring NPR underwriting funded by UUCFW. We hope
to coordinate UUCFW joining the Spring NPR fund drive (by pooling our contributions) as well
as seeing if a group of UUCFW members and friends could work during the fund drive.
Hope Sheehan is going to contact our local PBS station to explore an opportunity to work the
phones live during their fund drive, wearing our Standing on the Side of Love t-shirts.
New Business:
Rev. Shelly announced there is a candidate who is being considered for the Music Director
position. We are grateful that Dorothy Kittaka will continue to serve as Choir Director until the
final performance of the choir on the Earth Day Celebration Sunday. The choir will resume in
August, hopefully under the leadership of the new Director.
Danny Swim led the Board through the approval of a new Emergency Response Team
description that was adopted to match our actual practices (no standing team).
Our annual UUCFW garage sale will not coincide with the Woodhurst Neighborhood Garage
Sale due to the Meetinghouse being used for a rental. The tentative date for the Garage Sale will
be Friday and Saturday May 20-21, with Friday for members only.
Our annual auction will be held November 12, 2016 with Ruth deWit chairing the event.
Raj Chowdhury resigned as Chair of Endowment. Judy Wertenberger will chair, and the board
appointed Patty Davis to fill the Endowment Committee vacancy.
Colleen Carpenter will chair the Pledge Drive and her team will meet in April.
Accept Differences
Beloved Community
Deepen Compassion
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Jim Reeder is working with Laura Stine to explore having a Labyrinth on our grounds.
Delegates to GA and transportation arrangements for the congregation to attend the Sunday
service continue to be discussed. UUCFW will have three delegates to GA.
Rev. Shelly led a discussion regarding shared ministry and small group ministry.
Sincerely, Lisa Johnson, President; Danny Swim, Vice President; Terry Mihlbauer, Secretary;
Michael Barone, Treasurer; Members-at-Large Toni Kring, Dawn Pepper, Hope Sheehan; and Edith
Helbert, Alternate
Sacred Seekers Summer Session Facilitators Needed
Rev. Shelly is currently recruiting five to seven facilitators to lead Sacred Seekers this summer. If
you are interested in being a facilitator, please contact Rev. Shelly at [email protected] or
When submitting your information to be a facilitator, please include the following information: a
brief statement of why you want to serve as a facilitator, any experience you have with small group
reflection gatherings, and the day/time/place you hope to offer. Facilitators must be able to make
a commitment to lead eight sessions during the weeks of May 23 through July 24 and participate in
a leaders group with Rev. Shelly for four sessions. Facilitators will be selected by Rev. Shelly.
Facilitator skills include, but are not limited to, being a good listener, providing a non-anxious
presence, commitment to the small group ministry model, and ability to relate well with others.
Stay tuned to our e-nUUz and announcements in the Order of Worship for opportunities to sign-up
for a summer session of Sacred Seekers.
Book discussion
UUA Common Read 2015-2016: Just Mercy
We will ultimately not be judged by our technology, we won’t be judged by our
design, we won’t be judged by our intellect and reason. Ultimately, you judge the
character of a society . . . by how they treat the poor, the condemned, the
incarcerated. – Bryan Stevenson
Books for sale in the office, $10.
Thursday, April 14, 6:30 PM
Inspire Growth
Beloved Community
Seek Knowledge
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Nurturing Our UU Future
Guest columnist, Todd Campbell, Youth RE Team
“Lumos!” Thus is light created via a spell
in the world of Harry Potter. Light is
something I appreciate this time of year.
Mary Lybarger, Director Another hour of it in the evening (even if it
of Religious Education
is hard to adjust to getting up an hour
earlier), the promise of more as we move
towards the Summer Solstice. This all
reminds me of the Wonder of summer and all the planning that
begins to make it happen this time of year.
Wonder is also our Youth RE theme for April. I see the Wonder in the eyes of my own children
and of others in the RE program when they are excited about something – doing art, a funny story,
recounting a basketball game or spending time with a friend.
Speaking of Wonder, I also realize this is the time of year we need to begin planning for our
UUCFW Youth Summer Camp. This year we will again host a Hogwarts (the school in Harry
Potter) Camp UU style. We will have Houses for the students to belong to as they learn UU
principles, do magical crafts, eat mysterious treats and compete in rollicking games of Quidditch. It
is open to Members and Friends and non-UUs too. Mark your calendars for the evenings July 25
thru 28 from 6-8:30 pm. There will be more information as we approach, but in the meantime enjoy
the Wonder of Spring. “Lumos!”
Committee on Shared Ministry
Within any congregation there, of course, are numerous committees. One of the more mysterious committees is the committee formerly known as the Committee on Ministry. After much discussion we are now known as the Committee on Shared Ministry. This change was made to better
reflect our purpose which is to promote the well-being of the congregation’s total ministry. The
members of the committee are as follows: Jean Phillips and Rebecca Reeder, co-chairs, Dennis Shipley, and Elaine Kirchner. In the months ahead we will be explaining a bit more about what we do
and do not do for your/our congregation. Watch this space and look forward to an interesting service in June!
Accept Differences
Beloved Community
Deepen Compassion
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Seven Principles in Action,
led by John Moore
April – May Events
April 10, 12:15 PM
In anticipation of the next Sunday’s guest speaker, Rabbi Brant Rosen, the Seven Principles in Action
Group of Five will feature a video presentation by him, Wrestling in the Daylight, addressing the
evolution of his perspective, as a Jew, on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
April 17, 10 AM
We will host Rabbi Brant Rosen before our worship service. He will offer some remarks on the
current Israel-Palestine situation. Time will be provided for questions.
April 24, 12:15 PM
The upcoming General Assembly will vote on a business resolution in support of Palestinian human
rights developed by UUs for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME). Today will commence a fourweek program based on The Seven Principles and Israel-Palestine, a UUJME curriculum. The program
will continue on May 1, May 8, and May 15. The inaugural session will offer a video, Telling the
Story, dealing with news coverage of the conflict in American news media.
May 1, 12:15 PM
We’ll continue our examination of the upcoming General Assembly’s vote on a business resolution
in support of Palestinian human rights in the second of a three-week program based on The Seven
Principles and Israel-Palestine, a UUJME curriculum. This week we’ll watch a video, Who Profits?, that
examines American businesses that profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
May 8, 12:15 PM
Why are Boycott, Divestment and Sanction American companies doing business with Israel? Do
Israeli policies toward Palestine actually mirror past South African apartheid practices? Watch a
video by Omar Barghouti on the BDS movement and its rationale.
May 15, 12:15 PM
What is the way ahead for Israel and Palestine? With Israeli and Palestinian politics dominated by
extremist elements (Zionists vs Hezbollah and Hamas, to name some) where is a viable middle
ground? What are Israel’s legitimate security needs? What roles, if any, shall the UN, the European
Community, the UN and the United States play? Is the UUJME resolution at General Assembly a
step forward?
Inspire Growth
Beloved Community
Seek Knowledge
Page 8
Planned giving
You can include the Endowment Fund of UUCFW in your estate planning
and make your spiritual home a beneficiary of your estate. Your gift is vital
to our ongoing financial health and you will leave a lasting legacy. The Endowment Fund earnings support the UUCFW operating fund every year.
Thank you to all who have included UUCFW in your estate planning. For
questions about your bequest planning, please contact Judy Wertenberger ([email protected]).
Third Sunday Collection, April 17:
The Little River Wetlands
The mission of the Little River Wetlands Project is to restore and protect the watershed of the Little
River, a major tributary of the Wabash River. It helps provide natural flood control and ground water
cleansing for Allen County. It strives to preserve and restore habitat for native insects, frogs, plants,
animals and birds. Many of these are endangered species.
The Little River Wetlands Project (www.lrwp.org) protects almost 1,200 acres in the Little River
watershed including Eagle Marsh, Arrowhead Marsh, and Arrowhead Prairie preserves. It also provides
educational programs for all ages and includes several walking trails for recreation. It offers
opportunities to volunteer locally for either long term or single day projects.
Our March Third Sunday Collection benefited the Community Harvest Food Bank of Fort Wayne with a
check for $192.50.
Sisters Over Seventy
Wellspring Food Pantry
Dry milk packets
Green Beans
Pork & Beans
Thursday, April 14, 10:30 AM
Join the Sisters Over Seventy here at the Meetinghouse
for monthly provocative questions and fellowship.
Reflecting on aging and adapting to it will be
April’s topic with touches of humor inspired by
the writing of Roger Angell, Mary Morrison,
and Virginia Ironside.
Ann McKenna, facilitator
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Are you a Kroger Plus card holder? We are enrolled
in their Community Rewards Program and would
like it if you would designate the Unitarian
Universalist Congregation as your organization to
help! Our number is 52653 – all you need to is go to
Kroger Community Rewards with your Kroger Plus
card and register our number, 52653. Thank you!
Monthly Scrip
March 27:
Accept Differences
Beloved Community
2017 Annual Pledge Drive
2016 Auction
2016 Garage Sale
Jackie Moore
([email protected])
Greg Johnson
([email protected])
Kathi Weiss
([email protected])
Fundraising approval
Michael Barone
([email protected])
Beth Jamieson
([email protected])
Care Team
Beth Jamieson
([email protected])
Hospitality Team
Edith Helbert
([email protected])
Communications Team
Rachel Blakeman
([email protected])
Building & Grounds
Building co-chairs
John Kirchner
([email protected])
Zac Thorn
([email protected])
Grounds co-chair
Jim Reeder
([email protected])
Memorial Garden
John Moore
([email protected])
Langhinrichs Gallery
Cathie Rowand
([email protected])
Greg Kroemer
([email protected])
Music Team
Dee Koehl
([email protected])
Deepen Compassion
Lifespan Faith Formation
Adult RE
contact Rev. Shelly
([email protected])
Children & Youth RE Team
Todd Campbell
([email protected])
Historical Education
Sandra Maze
([email protected])
Endowment & Planned Giving
Judy Wertenberger
([email protected])
Committee on Ministry
Rebecca Reeder
([email protected]) and
Jean Phillips
([email protected])
Social Action
Committee Council
Contact Danny Swim, Vice President
([email protected])
Danny Swim, Vice President
([email protected])
Rule of Five
Contact Danny Swim, Vice President
([email protected])
Nominating Committee
Marsha Wallace
Rachel Blakeman
Dee Koehl
Sheri Phillips
Romeos contact
John Moore
([email protected])
Sisters in Good Company
Cathie Rowand
([email protected])
Jim Reeder
Sisters Over Seventy
Ann McKenna
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
5310 Old Mill Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46807-3017
Next nUUz article deadline:
The Langhinrichs Gallery is featuring
March 5 - April 17, 2016
Susie Suraci’s Moving Sale
Follow us on Twitter
Visit our website at:
Love is the spirit of this church …
Contact information
Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly
[email protected]
Minister Emerita:
Rev. Dr. Laurie E. Proctor
Congregational Administrator:
Kirsten Eckert-Smith
Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs.
9 AM to 1 PM
[email protected]
(260) 744-1867 (office)
Director of
Religious Education:
Mary Lybarger
[email protected]
2016 Congregational President:
Lisa Johnson
[email protected]
Vision Statement
To be an inclusive
community beacon of
social change and
spiritual exploration by
living out our UU
Adopted November 8, 2015
Mission Statement
As a Unitarian Universalist
congregation, our mission is
to create a spiritual
community that inspires
growth, seeks knowledge,
accepts differences and
deepens compassion to build
a just world.
Adopted March 8, 2015