- Municipality of Meaford

Friends of the Meaford Library
Executive Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2014
7 pm
Meaford Library
Present: Gillian Bigl, President; Elaine Burns, Treasurer; Jane Leckenby, Membership
Coordinator; Chris Richardson, Volunteer Coordinator; Harley Greenfield, Library Board
Regrets: Kathy Christie, Secretary; Elyse Pike, Book Coordinator; Cathie Lee, Library CEO,
Paul Wehrle, Concert Coordinator
1.0 Agenda
Significant Discussion Issues
The agenda was distributed prior.
There were no additions to the agenda
Agenda approved
Minutes of the April 9, 2015 meeting were
previously distributed for review.
There were no additions or omissions.
Gillian moved the
acceptance of the minutes;
seconded by Jane Leckenby
The Treasurer distributed a written report for
April 2015 which was reviewed. Note was made
we are approximately $10,000 over and above our
balance last year. An additional $5,000 has been
moved to the GIC at a rate of 1.2% as discussed at
our April meeting.
 Elaine drew attention to a $200 yearly
membership fee being paid to the Library Service
Centre which is where books are purchased from.
The library also has an LSC account and Lynne
agreed with Elaine that the Friends could purchase
books for the Library through that account.
 Gillian raised a question from one of our Net
Shed volunteers as to whether we should advertise
that income tax receipts can be provided for a
donation of $20 or more. On discussion it was
agreed that we would continue as outlined in the
volunteer manual and take a name and address
only if someone makes request for a receipt. We
will then pass this along to Elaine who will mail
this out to them.
4.1 Library:
 Cathie has sent regrets but left some items for
review, including a monthly report for April, a
June "What's Happening" and notes from 2
sessions at the Libraries 2025 conference.
Moved by Elaine and
seconded by Gillian that the
Treasurer’s Report be
accepted as presented.
2.0 Minutes
3.0 Treasurer’s
4.0 Reports
from the
Library &
Library Board
Action/Follow Up
Moved by Elaine and
seconded by Jane that we
cancel our contract with
5.0 Standing
4.2 Library Board:
 Harley referred to strategic planning meetings
which will begin on May 19th with an external
AMO facilitator.
 Harley confirmed that a tour of three possible
rooms at the high school was taken by
representatives from library staff, Board,
Municipality and Council, to determine whether
there is potential to convert this space for a new
library. Harley emphasized this is just one of
several options being investigated.
 Elaine added note that she is finding it extremely
helpful to attend the Library Board meetings and
emphasized the need to strengthen and maintain
two-way communication between the Friends and
the Board.
5.1 Membership
 Jane gave report we now have 31 paid renewal
memberships for this year as well as 2 new
5.2 Promotion and Publicity
 Gillian drew attention to the storefront window
display which focuses on the Net Shed opening,
summer concerts and need for executive members.
 Advertisement has gone into the Meaford Express
this week on the opening of the Net Shed and
Elaine advised that an article will be running in
5.3 Concert Series - deferred
5.4 Net Shed
 Chris confirmed that the schedule is in good
shape with many shifts being filled through the
end of May. She will telephone volunteers who
did not attend our orientation event to ask if they
would like to sign up for shifts still available.
 Following our work hours prior to the volunteer
event, we are now in good shape to open this
6.0 Upcoming
6.1 AGM
Chris will update the Drop
Box schedule and return the
hard copy to the Net Shed
for volunteers to sign up.
Gillian will advise on
required work days by
email, as we move forward.
7.0 New
Gillian confirmed the date of the AGM for June
18th and suggested we discuss details at our June
7.1 Library Summer Initiative
 Gillian read the request from Cathie, which had
been distributed by email, for the Friends to
consider support of their summer children's
initiative for lawn signs, promoting “a library
champion lives here”, along with feedback
received from Kathy Christie. Total cost would be
approximately $500.
 Discussion followed with suggestions that the
Friends’ logo be included on the sign; that a toonie
be asked for in deposit, to be returned when the
sign is returned; and that some signs be designed
to be put into a window for those children who
live in apartments.
7.2 Holiday Schedule for Executive members
 Jane will be away June 20 through July 5
 Gillian will be away July 1 through 18
 Chris is available through the end of August
June 11 at 7 pm the Meaford Library
Recruitment of new
Executive members is
Moved by Elaine and
seconded by Gillian that we
purchase the summer lawn
Gillian will inform Cathie
Lee of motion to support
summer initiative with
suggestions as outlined.