Newsletter Jan 27th 2017 - St Alban`s RC Primary School

Friday 27th January 2017
Parents Evening
Thank you to all the Parents that came to our Parents Evenings this week. 88% of our Parents
made appointments, I hope the other 12% are in touch soon. I hope your appointments were
beneficial and helped you gain an in-sight to all the hard work carried out in our School. Can I just
remind Parents that they do not need to wait until Parents Evening if they have any concerns about
their child’s learning. Parents can make an appointment anytime by contacting the School office
where a mutual appointment time will be arranged with the class teacher.
Purple Day at St. Alban’s
Last Friday the children and Staff from St Catherine LeBore House Group enjoyed an afternoon
together in the Hall, to celebrate being the winner of the House Points Competition during the
Autumn Term. The House Points Competition see the children awarded house points for lots of
different reasons throughout the term and each week we announce the winning house on Friday.
As well as the ongoing House Group Points, we have inter-house activities. This half term our
activities will be a Geography Quiz.
Parental Check on Internet Devices
It has been brought to my attention that some of our older children are viewing inappropriate
material on the internet outside of School, but are talking about the material in school. We are
monitoring this and if needs be I will be in touch with parents. I would just like to remind parents,
that, as a parent, it is our responsibility to monitor and check what our children are viewing on the
internet, via their phones, tablets, laptops etc. If any parents need help to check what their
children’s devices, please contact the School office and we will try and help.
First Holy Communion
Our First Holy Communion programme begins for all our Yr4 children and any child in Yr5/Yr6
that have not done their First Holy Communion.
We begin with a liturgy followed by a short meeting on Tuesday 31st January at 2.15 in the School
Hall. Any parent who wants their child to make their First Holy Communion must attend to hear
details of the programme.
Miss Donnachie from Year 6 left us at Christmas to move closer to her family and Miss Radford
from Reception class leaves us at the end of the month to go travelling, I’m sure you would join
me in wishing them both good luck for the future. We would like to welcome 2 new Teaching &
Learning Apprentices Miss Atkins in Reception Class and Miss Dixon in to Year 1.
We have a new friend in Nursery called Fred Frog. He can only talk in sounds, so we have to work
out what he is saying.
We are enjoying our weather topic. We have a weather station where we observe the weather each
day. This week we have made kites.
Year 1
We have been reinacting the entrance to a mass in R.E. In topic we are learning about Grace
Darling and how she became a local heroine.
Year 2
Year 2 have made a very enthusiastic start to our new topic, the children have been learning lots of
interesting facts about space. Ask them to tell you all about the first moon landing.
Year 3
We have been exploring volcanoes and writing a story about a volcano exploding. We are learning
to round numbers and add/subtract fractions.
Year 4
We are in the process of planning a myth. We have our hero and mythical beast….. I wonder who
will win?
Year 5
We’ve been calculating fractions of numbers to work out how much ingredients are in different
cocktails. We will be making them in Golden Time on Friday. Chin Chin.
Year 6
We have been researching climate change and writing a persuasive letter to Donald Trump about