Public Speaking Mastery - Consular Corps in Greece

Public Speaking Mastery Sessions
After this program, you will be able to:
Communicators get ideas across with
enthusiasm and poise.
1a. Setting your own Vision
The leadership team of Consular Corps in Greece has taken
the initiative to organize a Public Speaking course with the goal
to create value to its members.
Public Speaking Mastery is critical for the success of today’s
consuls as their role is to:
Credibly represent their respective countries
Inform their audience on their countries’ characteristics
Engage with their audience, sell their ideas and motivate
them to action
Strengthen relationships with the local industry and state
Dale Carnegie Training leveraging on its 99 years of
experience in helping professionals and individuals to develop
as a credible public speakers is offering this customized public
speaking course, tailored to the Consular Corps in
Greece members’ needs. 1b. Creating a Positive First
2a. Gain Cooperation &
Motivate others, by using the
power of Story Telling
2b. Increasing Credibility
3a. Gain the Willing
Cooperation of Others
Public Speaking Mastery
An effective public speech is one of the most important tools
you have in your role as consul. Whether you’re your engaging
an audience of local business leaders, informing on your
country’s characteristics, persuading potential investors or
energizing your team, the power of your presentation makes
the difference between success and failure.
3b. Presenting Complex
With so much riding on your public speaking ability, you won’t
want to miss this opportunity to sharpen it to perfection.
The experience in this course is as close as you can get to
having a personal coach. You begin presenting from almost the
moment you walk into the class. You present at least five
times over the course of the 5 sessions. Your presentations are
videotaped and evaluated. And you get expert, one-on-one
coaching at the end of each presentation.
The class is small. The environment is supportive. The work is
intense. And the results are outstanding. Join us.
Note: Because of the one-on-one coaching, class size is very
limited. Register now to insure a spot in this great experience. Participants’ comments regarding the Public
Speaking Mastery Workshop we organized for
Consular Corps in Greece
“The workshop was tailored to our needs”
“Very informative & professional”
“I feel more confident for my future
“interesting and fruitful”
4a. Make your Ideas Clear
4b. Communicating with
Greater Impact
5a. Demonstrate Leadership
5b. Motivating Others to
• Develop a personal vision to grow as a person, a
Consul and a public speaker
• Set personal goals to develop the essential skills and
grow as a public speaker to achieve your vision
•Establish a positive first impression
• Develop rapport with the audience
• Project professionalism and competency
• Persuasively communicate in a way so people are
moved to action
• Use the 10 HR principles to gain the cooperation of
your audience
• Use the power of storytelling to engage your
• Communicate with enhanced credibility
• Project enthusiasm
• Reinforce an informative message with
supportive evidence
• Influence people by gaining their trust & respect
• Discover the power on focusing on the points of
• Create a “win-win” environment
• Develop flexibility in making complex
material simple and understandable
• Communicate information in an interesting
• Relate to the audience at their level
• Follow a logical progression of ideas
• Demonstrate clarity when presenting
• Reinforce the value of demonstrations when
explaining information
• Utilize the “LIONS” methodology to make your
ideas clear
• Develop increased flexibility through the use
of expressions, gestures and voice modulation
• Demonstrate ownership of unfamiliar material
• Present written material in a captivating manner
• Positively influence the attitudes of others
• Deal with challenging situations more effectively
• Present in a results-oriented way
• Persuade an audience to take action
• Be motivational, clear and concise
Time Commitment: 15 hours, 5 3-hour sessions For more information, please visit us online at: Time Commitment: 15 hours, 5 sessions
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