Rendering of private security services for the Department of Human

Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison
Invitation to Bid
Bids are hereby invited for:
Bid No
Compulsory Briefing Session
Closing Contact Details
30 April Ms Portia Petros, tel.
Price = 90
2013 at (018) 388-4767
B-BBEE Status Level 11:00
of Contribution = 10
Evaluation Criteria
DH 38/12 Rendering of private security services for
the Department of Human Settlements,
Public Safety and Liaison for a period of
24 months in the North West Province at:
• Telkom Building: 3336 Besemmer
Street, Industrial Site, Mafikeng.
• Craft Press Building: 22 James Watt
Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng
• Housing Corporation Building: Cnr
Nelson Mandela Drive and Victoria
Street, Mafikeng
DH 37/12 Appointment of a service provider to
conduct research on farm workers’
housing needs in Dr Ruth Segomotsi
Mompati District in the North West
Date: 8 April 2013
Time: 10:00
Venue: CFO’s Boardroom, Craft
Press Building, 27 James Watt
Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng
DH 41/12 Appointment of a service provider for the
scanning and archiving of housing
subsidy application forms in the North
West Province.
Date: 9 April 2013
Time: 10:00
Venue: CFO’s Boardroom, Craft
Press Building, 27 James Watt
Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng
Application for registration in the
Departmental Database for Developers
(Period: 3 Years): Department of Human
Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison in
the North West Province
Date: 10 April 2013
Time: 10:00
Venue: CFO’s Boardroom, Craft
Press Building, 27 James Watt
Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng
30 April Mr C Mbombi, tel.
2013 at (018) 388-2947 or
Mr D Smith, tel.
(018) 388-2946
Application for registration on the
Departmental Database for Professional
Service Providers (Period: 3 Years):
Department of Human Settlements,
Public Safety and Liaison in the North
West Province
Date: 10 April 2013
Time: 12:00
Venue: CFO’s Boardroom, Craft
Press Building, 27 James Watt
Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng
30 April Mr C Mbombi, tel.
2013 at (018) 388-2947 or
Mr D Smith, tel.
(018) 388-2946
Date: 11 April 2013
Time: 10:00
Venue: CFO’s Boardroom, Craft
Press Building, 27 James Watt
Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng
30 April Ms M Chinonge, tel.
Price = 90
2013 at (018) 387-6049, cell:
B-BBEE Status Level 11:00
082 507 6787
of Contribution = 10
DH 24/12 Appointment of a service provider to
Review the Provincial Multi-year Housing
Development Plan (Part D of the
Departmental Annual Performance Plan)
Date: 8 April 2013
Time: 14:00
Venue: CFO’s Boardroom, Craft
Press Building, 27 James Watt
Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng
30 April
Price = 80
2013 at
B-BBEE Status Level 11:00
of Contribution = 20
Dr LL Lebaka
Ketshabile, tel.
(018) 387-6075 or
Mr S Malwane, tel.
(018) 387-6071,
cell: 076 302 9010
30 April Ms KG Maruping,
Price = 90
2013 at tel. (018) 387-6077 or
B-BBEE Status Level 11:00
cell: 082 927 0772 or
of contribution = 10
Ms DS Moagi, cell:
082 560 5567
These bids will first be evaluated on Functionality, as outlined in the bid document, and only qualifying bids will be evaluated on 90/10 or 80/20 criteria.
Minimum threshold: 60 points
NB: Bidders scoring less than 60 points on Functionality will not be considered further in the bid evaluation process. Failure to
attend the compulsory briefing session will invalidate/disqualify your bid.
Bid documents will be sold at a non-refundable fee per document.
Documents will be available at the Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison, Craft Press Building, 27 James
Watt Crescent, Industrial Site, Mafikeng.
The Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid as a
whole or in part. Price is not the only determining factor.
Kone Solutions K20384