The Altamont Enterprise-TKuriday,^^ The Erj,terpri$6 opinion pages are ah ppeii forum for our conimuri'ity; Wp encpitfage!readiep to express their thpughts about lssuesthataplpear in this he%Jajp'er;bra^ffectthe connnunity. Letters should be brief (with an outside limit pifvIIjOQO Words) and must include; the Writer's address, name, and phone numberfax verification. The editors;may^^rpjed; letter^ that have been printed elsewhere. Letters concerning elections willbe<cut off one issue befoipeithe.election at the Q ^ TT editor's discretion. No uhsignedletters. f *&> Deadline for letters is Tuesday at nodn. Questions on Sphere's plans abound To the Editor: I read the articles in The Enterprise concerning the proposed development on the JBender Melon Farm, At this point in time, the plan makes absolutely ho common sense. Why would someone come here to stay in a hotel? There are excess rooms in the Albany area. If you are here fqr business, you Want to be close to where the business is located. The only time that rooms are tight is during August because of Saratoga. The hotels in Albany are closer to interstates, trains and the airport. Let's do a small reality check. Are people going to come shop here for our so called anchor stores when they can go a few miles further and your job that in a week I cOuld have the choice of 80 to 160 stores? get a signature from 95 percent Remember how long the stores of homeowners along Route 85A stayed vacant in the Hannaford against the proposal. Plaza when the video store left? — 3.* Where is the financing What is heeded for infrastruc- coming from? ture improvements? Road access, — 4. By the way, their represewer, water electricity, and god sentative said that, if we went to knows what else. I have a few moratorium, they would leave. questions: They are not good business people — 1. Has there been an environ- andirnmature:Ypud6notthreaten people whose help you need. The mental impact statement? What will happen to the quality toad should be fired. Also, a delay would cost them of the air I breathe? We are eliminating trees and green plants and their profits. Hey, that poor planadding carbon monoxide in large ning on. their part shows poor business skills. quantities. — 2. Why is the planning board in favor Of this? Do not tell me J o h n Kiernan it's the towns people. I'll bet you New Scotland Proposal for mall like Disneyland theme park — Photo by Audrey Paiixnda The Magic pf Chemistry: Julia Sdnford, afifth-grader atMtamdrit Elementary School, was levitated in mid-air at a school assembly called The Magic of Chemistry. The host, Lisa Lou, placed Julia on a piece of metal, arid suddenly Julia was floating. Lou told Julia to do three things while she was in thin air -r- keep her arms on her stomach, stay still, and smile at the audience. At ;: first, Lou held the panel of rhetal beneath Julia slightly, but then she lifted both of her arms up high! There was nothing holding up Julia except for the magic of magnetism. "Manypeople did not believe it was real," said Julia, "but I know it was." Aluminum in many colors Repairs and cleaning — We install Leaf Relief covers by Alcoa 7<&Ptiti&fait tfaflape —Inspirationfor the Home, Garden & Soul "Cause shopping can really cheer a girl up" Remember Mom: We have giftsfor the Gardener •* Bath Taker • Jewelry Junkie • Animal Lover • Gourmet Cook'•• Some Decorator • Adirondack Lover • A L I B I S JUST PLAIN HARD 'FQBUYFOlM i.«f.: Jues-fri f1-6; Sat 10-5; Sun11-3. Closed Moh. 765-4045 (next to Hahnaford Market) Skin & Body Care Remember to Relax, Rejuvenate & Revive Mom this Mother's Day diftCeriifia^tsFor Anti-Aging Facials, Relaxation, Deep Tissue & Hot Stone Massage, Microdermabrasion> Expert Brow Shaping, Enzyme & Glycohc Peels, Superior Skincare Products & Cosmetics. Mention This Ad & Receive 10% OJf Your Tues-Thurs 11-7, Fri 1Q-0CK4; . 5Maple Rdi/rtt 85A, VoorheesviHe: Sat9r3,pi6sedSuh&Mon.. 7 6 5 - 3 9 0 0 ^(n^'^-^il^fordiMmfa^ To the Editor: The question has been whether the Sphere Group, which wants to develop a major regional shdpr ping mallin New Scotland, can be trusted to work with the citizens in the town to create a project/that preserves the rural character ofthe town or whether a moratorium is needed to amend the town zoning laws; At the public information meeting on April 30, We got our answer. For over an hour, the Sphere team presented a picture of its proposed development that was reminiscent q{ a Disneyland theme park* a magic island on the Bender melon farm, complete with tree-shaded pedestrian malls, a fanners' market, boutique shops, restaurants, hotels, nature inter- thousands of daily customers and pretive trails, a Shakespearian auto trips are required to support amphitheater, and, oh, yes; an this type of project? "anchor" (AKA "big box") store. Nothing on Sphere's website If Sphere were interested in wouldleadonetobeUeyethatithas addressing the concerns of New any track record of interest in deScotland, it would have scaled velopingappropriatel^scaled comdown its original proposal of mercial development.for a rural/ 500,000 square feet ofretail space. residential area. On the contrary, Instead, it increased the size of it its website highlights the "big box" proposed project by 50 percent to experience in the biographies ofthe 750,000 square feet, which would two managing partners, Messrs. make it the fourthlargest shopping Widrick and Wehdler. man in Albany County. By the time this letter is pubWhen a§ked about the volume of lished^ I hope the New Scotland auto traffic that would be needed Town Board will have adopted the to support the project Sphere said proposed moratorium. The Sphere it wOuld do a traffic study. Does Group's presentation made it obvi-; anyone seriously believe, given oris why we need it. the business Sphere is in, that Steven Schreiper it does not know, now, how many . VoorheesviHe Why would we want to be like every other town? To the Editor: This is the first time I have written to TheEnterprise but this issue is at the very heart of my soul, I would like to thank you for your very thorough coverage ofthis most important topic. Below is what I wrote to the town of New Scotland officials to express my feelings regarding the moratorium and the decisions that will affect so many lives. Why do you live in the town of New Scotland? Your answer to this question should leave no doubt in your mind that you need to vote for a moratorium in order to protect our town.. Is six months enough time? I believe a year would allow muchheeded time to thoroughly assess what the community desires for this most precious land. My family moved to Voorheesyille when I was just 1. My father and mother wanted to raise their children in an environment that would provide the best learning DOssibaitiesmasecure,loving,and supportive community setting. I, too, wished this for my children, so I also raised my children in VoorheesviHe,.,;.'. Who could askfor more than the best keptseCTetinAlbanyCounty? We have Blue Ribbon sehoolsi a strong supporting cpinmunity, and exposure to the very best that nature has to offer. I know that When I leave nay placeofemploymentandstartdriving home I feel an overall sense of comfort and serenity. IfepJEail the worries of the dayfade> away as I approach thebeautifulHelderberg mountains. I have to tell you, they are the most beautiful around. Please take a long look at them; I do on a daily basis and I am very thankful that I have been blessed with this awesome beauty. gates Commons, Glenmont Plaza, and the 20 Mall Plaza all within 10 minutes. Dowereallyneedmoreof the same at the cost of destroying the very land that has brought us to this place? I feel all the worries of the day fade away as I approach the beautiful Helderberg mountains. We have a wonderful small community; do we rpally rietjd a ;massivedeyelopmehtliketheone being proposed by the Sphere Group? I strongly believe not. On Wednesday evening, when Grpgory [Widrick] from: Sphere spoke of using one of the buildings for a post office or town hall, I thought to myself^ "We have those. Why do w6 hepdanothier?" We also, have a supermarket and several eateriesthroughoutourtown v with most of these establishments giving back to pur communities by supporting our schools arid cpmrauttity events. 'We have CfOssgatPs Mail, Gross-r VoorheesviHe is unique. Why Would we want to be like every other tdwn? We live here and people move here because of this uniqueness. Do we really want to be like Colonip, Glenmont, Guilderlahd, etc.? No! I strongly believe that the proposed project is not in the best interest of those who love this town, Please vote for a year-long moratorium and allow the very special individuals Who reside in and cherish this town to assist you in deciding what is best for us all, including the next generation. Sandra E.Shepard Voorheesvilte
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