BOARD OF TRUSTEES: MARY HELEN ESPINO, Board President SANDRA WILLIAMS, Vice President LLOYD MCCLARD, Board Clerk EDWARDO VALERO, Board Member MARISOL RUBALCABA, Board Member REBECCA JIMENEZ, Board Member SARAH HERRERA, Board Member YOLANDA VALDEZ Superintendent CRAIG DRENNAN Assistant Superintendent TANYA GOOSEV Assistant Superintendent DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DAC) LOBO ROOM NOVEMBER 23, 2015 5:30 PM Call to Order: Mrs. Guzman opened the meeting at 5:40 pm and welcomed committee members for participating in today’s meeting. Mrs. Guzman began the meeting by giving committee members a brief overview on what the meetings consisted of. Mrs. Guzman mentioned that there are two types of funds; General Funds (LCFF) which does not have too many rules and then there are Categorical funds which have many restrictions and rules. Mrs. Guzman mentioned that one of Title I rules is that there must be parents meetings and that parents need to be active participants in the decision making. Review and Advise: Approval of Agenda and Previous Meeting Minutes (August 3, 2015): Mrs. Guzman gave the committee members time to review the minutes from the previous DAC meeting on August 3, 2015. Mrs. Guzman then reviewed sections of the minutes. Mrs. Guzman mentioned that in the last meeting Mrs. Valdez visited and explained to committee members that the LCAP had not been approved by the Tulare County Office of Education. Mrs. Guzman mentioned that the LCAP had not been approved by the County because the district completed the LCAP early and the district budget was actually more than what LCAP had accounted for since the District had received extra funding in May. Mrs. Guzman informed the members that Mrs. Valdez came to the last meeting to explain that in the LCAP had been updated with the new budget and shared what the funds were going to be used for. Mrs. Valdez stated that some of the funds were used for new science buildings which would help expose students to a broader course of study. The first motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting was made by Elizabeth Fonseca then seconded by Erika Quevedo. All were in approval. Review and Advise: Rationale for Establishing DAC: Roles, Responsibilities and Bylaws: Mrs. Guzman explained that District Advisory Committee (DAC) is comprised of School Site Council Representatives from each school site. Mrs. Guzman shared and reviewed a Responsibility Guide to committee members that explained their role. Mrs. Guzman explained that their role was to be involved in decision making regarding Categorical funds/programs, review and advise sites about their Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) at the school site level and the Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP) at the district level and to advise the district governing board on various aspects that relate to students. Mrs. Guzman explained that as members they will also need to advise and approve the Consolidated Application. A member can be anyone from the general public who will represent everyone in general and their families, whereas a member for DELAC must be a parent of an English Learner, who will represent only English Language students. Mrs. Guzman reviewed the DAC Bylaws. She stated that the DAC committee shall consist of one representative from each school site. Mrs. Guzman went over the roles of each officer, Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. Mrs. Guzman also explained that a quorum consists of at least one member in attendance during a meeting. Mrs. Guzman asked the members present if they understood the roles and responsibilities of DAC. All members were in agreement to keep the Bylaws the same. The first motion to approve DAC Bylaws was made by Erika Quevedo seconded by Elizabeth Fonseca. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE – 12623 Avenue 416, Orosi, California 93647-2008 TEL: (559) 528-4763 FAX: (559) 528-3132 BOARD OF TRUSTEES: MARY HELEN ESPINO, Board President SANDRA WILLIAMS, Vice President LLOYD MCCLARD, Board Clerk EDWARDO VALERO, Board Member MARISOL RUBALCABA, Board Member REBECCA JIMENEZ, Board Member SARAH HERRERA, Board Member YOLANDA VALDEZ Superintendent CRAIG DRENNAN Assistant Superintendent TANYA GOOSEV Assistant Superintendent Election of Officers: Mrs. Guzman asked committee members to table the election of officers for next meeting so that more members can be present. The first motion to table the Election of Officers was made by Elizabeth Fonseca and seconded by Erika Quevedo. DAC & DELAC Combined Meetings: Mrs. Guzman explained to committee members that the majority of items discussed for DAC meetings are similar to DELAC. Mrs. Guzman asked members if they would be okay to combine meetings, she explained that if meetings were combined, members from each committee would vote separately for the items on the agenda. Mrs. Fonseca made the first motion to combine future meetings Mrs. Quevedo seconded the motion. Upcoming Event Calendar: Mrs. Guzman reviewed the November and December calendar. She mentioned that tomorrow November 24th was early release due to Thanksgiving break; and that on December 2nd Palm Elementary will be having their monthly “Walk to School Wednesday” to promote a healthy lifestyle and a Green Environment. Mrs. Guzman asked committee members which day of the week was good for them to have meetings and what times were most convenient for them. Mrs. Quevedo said any day at 4 or 5 pm worked best for her. Mrs. Fonseca agreed that any day worked for her as well. Public Comments: Mrs. Guzman opened for public comments at 6:03 pm. There were no public comments, closed public comments at 6:04 p.m. Closing: The first motion to close the meeting was made by Mrs. Quevedo seconded by Mrs. Fonseca. Meeting was closed at 6:07 pm. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE – 12623 Avenue 416, Orosi, California 93647-2008 TEL: (559) 528-4763 FAX: (559) 528-3132
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