Helpful Hints for Technical Writing Writing Effective Paragraphs Paragraphs arethe buildingblocksfromwhicha technicalreportis made.Authors mustbe able to constructeffectiveparagraphs in orderto writeeffectivereports.By definition,a paragraphis a subdivisionof a writtencompositionthat developsa , // single idea. Each paragraphcontainsone or more sentences.Sentencesare well definedandhavea definitestructure. Paragraphs areless well defined.Theirstructure is flexible,and authorsmustlearnhow to put sentencestogetherto formeffective paragraphs. Paragraphs serve threefunctions.1) They providelogical breaksin subjectmatter.2) They aid readingby physicallybreakinga compositioninto observableunits. 3) They logically develop and completethe thought expressedin the topic sentence. Paragraphlength can vary considerably.Paragraphs should neitherbe too long nor too short.Many short paragraphs makea compositionchoppy.Paragraphs thataretoo long arehardto read.A good paragraph develops one ideawithina lengththatis comfortable for thereader.By reorganizing andrestructuring, paragraphs thataretoo shortcan be combinedand long paragraphs can be divided. The most importantpartof a paragraph is the TOPICSENTENCE.The topic sentenceusuallycorresponds to startswitha good majorsubdivisionsof the outlineandstatesthe subjecttheparagraph will cover.If eachparagraph topicsentence,a readercan veryrapidlyget the gist of a paperby readingonly the firstline of eachparagraph. An effectiveway to beginwritinga technicalreportis to developa seriesof topicsentencesfromthe outline.Laterthe idea of each topic sentencecan be developedinto a paragraph, and the first draftof the paperis done. Althougheachparagraph presentsa completeidea,andcanthereforehavemeaningwhenreadalone,it mustalso to the nextis assuredby starting fit logicallywithits neighbors.A logicalsequenceof thoughtsfromone paragraph to the with a well-organizedoutline.ThenTRANSITION WORDShelp bridgethe thoughtsfromone paragraph next.Suchwordsareespeciallyhelpfulwhenseparateparagraphs developrelatedaspectsof the sameidea.Words like although,nevertheless,besides, etc. lead the readerlogically from one paragraphto the next, and tie the thoughtstogether. Remember: In writinga good paragraph, Two things will help a lot; An effective topic sentence, And just one subjectthought. J. H. Dawson,Weed Scientist,Prosser,WA 99350 536 Weed Technology.1993. Volume7:536
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