BAMS Volume 6, Issue 7 April 2011 The Raider Review Students Skype with Japan Quake Survivors like being in an earthquake was limited food and water. recently Skyped with teach- The seventh grade and tsunamis. It was a very As time has gone on, however, ers in Japan following the interesting and humbling ex- the area is slowly recovering. earthquakes and tsunami last perience for our students. . Still, her friend, Paul, is living month. The seventh grade Jessica, and her in a school, as he cannot re- Inside this issue: School News 2-7 Writer’s Notebook 8 Comix Corral 9-10 science geology curriculum friends, Rachel, Paul, and Ed- turn to his home. Paul was in includes plate tectonics, ward, are teachers near Japan just two months before earthquakes and tsuna- Kasennuma, Japan. They are the earthquake hit. Actually, mis. Teachers used this about 200 miles north of one he was working on an island background to give our stu- of the nuclear plants that is when the tsunami hit. He was dents specific information experiencing problems. Jes- stranded there for five days about the March 11th Japan sica and her friends are Eng- before he could leave. events. Teachers had the lish teachers. The Japanese class watch a PowerPoint, school year is different than could not make contact with read articles and discuss the ours. Students go to school her family. Obviously, phone cause & effect of the earth- year-round. They go from lines, water, and electricity Upcoming Events: quake & tsunami. Mrs. April to July, August to De- lines were damaged. She Besecker’s niece, Jessica, a cember, and January to compared the experience to a teacher in Japan, had agreed March. The earthquakes oc- bad dream. Every day, she to Skype with clas- curred just as school was thinks she’ll wake up, but re- • The Chemistry Demo show will be held on Thursday, May 19th at 7:30 P.M. ses. Teachers gave each stu- getting ready to begin again. alizes it’s just another day in dent an opportunity to come The start of school in April “TsunamiLand.” up with a question to ask has been delayed. her. The Science teachers Jessica began by At first, Jessica Everyone reported that things are getting bet- then picked 20 appropriate, telling the students about the ter. There is still a lot of interesting and relevant ques- earthquake. She said she has cleanup to complete. Old tions for the students to ask. experienced quakes before, baseball fields are even being but this one lasted an ex- used at temporary dump sites. 19th at 8:10 am the 7th grad- On Tuesday April traordinarily long time. She Yet, Jessica reported that ers went to the auditorium showed us pictures of boats she lives in a quiet, close-knit where we made connection washed ashore, cars on top of town with friendly people who with Jessica and three other buildings, and other damage are optimistic. She is consid- American teachers in Ja- from the tsunami. Even ering staying in Japan if her pan. The Skype had to take though she is not on the teaching contract allows her. place early in the morning coast, areas inland were af- She even urged the students because Japan is 13 hours fected as the tsunami trav- to become teachers and teach ahead of us. Students spent eled up rivers and streams. English in Japan. the next 1 ½ hours talking After the initial You can view pic- with them about their experi- earthquake, Jessica was not tures of the event on Ms. ence and learning from first able to get to her home or to Kelly’s website. hand accounts about what its her friends. She said there • Fifth grade students will make their annual visit to the Middle School on May 18th, 19th, and 20th • The 7th and 8th grade Band, Chorus, and Orchestra concert will be held on May 25th at 7:30 P.M. • The 6th grade Band, Chorus, and Orchestra concert will be held on May 18th at 7:30 P.M. Music Man, Jr. A Singing Success On April 15 & 16, months of hard work culminated in the BAMS Drama Club production of “The Music Man Junior.” For more than half of the cast, this was their very first involvement in a theatrical production! Students auditioned for the show back in December after attending workshops to prepare for the audiKilburn and Dori Puzycki tions. Our as “Marian Paroo” in the first readMusic Man, Jr. through of the script was in January, which was followed by several rehearsals where we learned the many familiar songs of “The Music Man.” After that, the blocking (positioning the actors on the stage) as well as learning the choreography (dance moves) took many weeks to perfect. Tech Week rehearsals were held the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before opening night – that’s when we put together everything with costumes, hair, make-up, microphones, and lighting. We were excited to be able to do two in-school preview performances this year. On April 14, the day before our official opening night, we performed for the 4th and 5th grade students from all four elementary schools. Then, after a short break and a quick lunch, we did it again for the 6th and 7th graders at our afternoon preview. The production involved 59 middle school students onstage with another 20 helping out backstage on stage crew, lighting crew, hair/ make-up/costume crew, and paint crew. The adult production crew consisted of Lino Toyos, scenic designer; Lynn Pensak, assistant director and costumer; Mary Miltenberger, backstage assistant; and Meredith LeRoy, director. Over 800 tickets were sold to family, friends, classmates, teachers, and community members who came out to see the show! Andrew Kilburn as “Harold Hill.” Seventh Grade Book Club Sees Novel Come to Life A select group of seventh graders were able to have a variety of experiences as a part of a book club. Students got to meet seeing-eye dogs, explore the school from another point of view, and read a great book. The group agreed to read Where the Red Fern Grows. Students read a chapter a day and met during I & E twice a cycle to discuss the book. In addition to discussing the book, the students were able to participate in some neat activities. First, Nora Smith and her mother brought in her dog, Jimi. Jimi is being trained by the Smiths as a seeingeye dog. The Smiths train the dog basic commands and get the dog used to being in noisy places. After about a year, the dog returns to a training center in New Page 2 Jersey for formal seeing-eye training. Students learned about how the Smiths take Jimi to restaurants, shopping malls, and basically, every place they go. The students learned about the tremendous amount of work and money that goes into training these dogs. It is estimated that each seeing-eye dog has about $50,000 invested in it. Also, School Board President, Mrs. Rock and her daughter, Hannah, train seeing-eye dogs. They also stopped by to tell the students more information about the program. Both Nora and Hannah are training the dogs as part of their 4-H project. Students were also able to go on a raccoon hunt, sort of. In the book, the main character trains hunting dogs to tree raccoons. Students worked in pairs to place paper raccoon tracks throughout the building. The next day, another pair of students had to attempt to follow the tracks and write a story about where the raccoon traveled. Lastly, students were able to earn Reading Counts points for the book. As a treat, they were also able to watch the movie version of the novel. If you have never read Where the Red Fern Grows, I’m sure any of the book club members would recommend it. It is a classic story that will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. For anyone who likes to explore, hunt, or loves dogs, this book is for you. Pick up a copy of Wilson Rawls’ book and discover Where the Red Fern Grows. The Raider Review Community Members, Athletes Read to Students On March 2nd, community members and Penn State athletes came to BAMS to read to students as part of Read Across America Day. The day promotes reading across the country and is in honor of the late Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Celebrities and political leaders from Michelle Obama to Justin Beiber read to audiences across the country. The program strives to motivate students, parents, and teachers to read every day. At BAMS, we had visitors such as Jon Eich, County Commissioner, read to several classes. Mr. Eich also spoke about the things he has to read as a politician. He said those things are not nearly as interesting as Dr. Seuss. Mr. Eich also discussed the places he has been in his life, as this year’s book selection was Oh, the Places You’ll Go. Not only has he visited parts of our country, but spoke about the many wonderful places in Centre County. Some PSU athletes also came to read to students. Again, the players read and talked about the places they have been. Students at BAMS were very interested to learn about the demands of a student-athelete’s time. Not only do they get to play sports, but have to meet academic requirements similar to the ones at BAMS. Overall, everyone enjoyed hearing the Dr. Seuss story and learning more about the places others have been and wondering about the places we may all go, someday. PSU football player, K.K., reads to 7th graders. Bugs, Lizards, and Gators, Oh My! The 7th grade science classes had Mr. Witman and many of his critters visit us on Tuesday April 26th. Mr. Witman is a retired teacher from Lan- have for survival. The critters he discussed included the following Invertebrates (walking sticks, scorpion, tarantula) and Vertebrates (tree frog, toad, black snake, Pueblan milk snake, Iguana, blue tongue skink, monitor lizard, American alligator, box turtle, snapping turtle, African sulcata tortoise, and painted turtle). The 7th grade students overwhelmingly enjoyed the presentation and the opportunity to see & interact with animals up-close and personal. Mr. Witman shows the students an American alligator. A monitor lizard eats an egg. caster County who is currently working as an educator for the Philadelphia Zoo and Reading museum. He brought many animals to show the student. He also discussed their impact and status on their environment and adaptations they Page 3 Mr. Witman shows how stick bugs blend into their surroundings. The Raider Review Students Win Awards at Kent’s Fest On April 8th Ms. Laubscher and Mr. Rager’s classes joined together to participated in the 10th Annual Kent’s Fest musical festival and talent competition for individuals with disabilities. Kent’s Fest is sponsored by Recreation for Exceptional Citizens of Clinton County and Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania. This years theme was “Going Places” The Class won “Best Over All” and EMCEE favorite award. There were 24 acts performed by 16 different classes from 5 different school districts. The BAMS Life Skill class performed the Musical “Under the Sea” . The participation were Trevor Barton, Miranda Fleck, Tristan Whitehead, Christina Wetzel, Jacey Stoner, Molly Decker, Brady Meckley, and Eli Byler. Miranda Fleck and Trevor Barton present at Kent’s Fest. The Hunt for the Great Easter Egg Miss Shrubb’s 7th grade star cluster and Mr. Rager’s life skills classes participated in two Easter events together. We painted and decorated eggs together. It was fun helping decide which colors should be mixed with what. Our star cluster then hid those eggs along with our plastic eggs filled with candy outside the school. Although it was a chilly morning, finding the eggs with our new friends was exciting. There were plenty of eggs to go around and we helped the students empty and count all of their eggs. What a great way to Conner and Trevor prepare the eggs. start off the Easter weekend! Jordan and Brady count eggs together. Spanish Class Dances with Students in Spain Miss Shrubb’s 6th grade Exploratory Spanish class decided to videotape themselves doing the Waka Waka dance by Shakira after videoconferencing with a class in Barcelona, Spain. Since everyone there knew the lyrics and dance, they also wanted to showcase their talent. Students perform the Waka Waka dance at BAMS. Page 4 The Raider Review Students Say, “Let’s Move!” In conjunction with First Lady Students at Bellefonte Area Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign Middle School have been learning the to curb childhood obesity, on May 3rd at dance to participate in this nationwide 1:42 midevent, and a Majic 99 dle personality joined us to schools lead a 10 to 15 minute across assembly on the obesity the counissue, and then led the try will kids in what was a fun particiexercise to encourage pate in a an active and healthy four milifestyle. WTAJ-TV in nute Altoona has also been flash contacted to help generworkout ate buzz about this set to a cause. Beyonce song. Mrs. Miltenberger shows off her moves during the dance. Ms. Baird dances on Tuesday during the “Let’s Move” campaign. Jazz Band Rocks Jazz Night at BHS The BAMS Jazz Band performed at Jazz Night on Monday, April 25 in the BHS auditorium, along with the elementary and high school jazz bands. BAMS jazz band has students from all three grade levels, and is made of saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and a rhythm section of piano, bass, and drumset, along with other percussion instruments. The band has been prac- Page 5 ticing Thursdays after school since January, working on a variety of musical styles and pieces. As a member of the jazz band, each student gets the opportunity to practicing improvisation, which is the art of soloing and creating music as you play. Improv is very challenging, but also fun, being able to create melodies to match the style of the music while demonstrating your interpretation of the song. Soloists at Monday’s concert included Mitchell Pensak, Zack Mothersbaugh, Jane Li, Alyssa McGraw, Sara Lucas, Chance Blakeslee, Daniel Zimmerman, and Gehrig Schuster. The jazz band will be giving some performances at our elementary schools sometime before the end of the year, as well as participating in the upcoming BAMS music concerts. The 6th grade band, choir, and orchestra concert is Wednesday, May 18th, and the 7th/8th grade concert is Wednesday, May 25th. These concerts begin a 7:30 P.M. and are held in the auditorium. All of these ensembles have been working diligently to prepare for the performances, so please come support your friends and classmates in all the musical groups here at BAMS. The Raider Review Student Teachers: Ms. Ellis Miss Ellis is working with Mrs. Besecker as a mathematics student teacher. Ms. Ellis already has a degree in Science from Penn State, but is working on her Secondary Math degree. She decided to become a teacher after her high school teachers inspired her. She loves doing math and wants to make a great impact on her students. Miss Ellis is from Scott Center, PA. She went to a small school named Preston Area from grades K-8. She then attended high school at Deposit Central HS in Deposit, NY. Miss Ellis also enjoys being outside and has a huge heart for animals. Currently, Ms. Elllis is persuing her teaching degree and is also a student manager at PSU. She worked as a substitute teacher in New York for seven years, prior to that. Ms. Ellis has found BAMS to be a good placement for her. She likes the high expectation and standards for the students. She is hoping to get to know the students and encourage them to learn. Ms. Ellis is student teaching with Mrs. Besecker. Student Teachers: Ms. Ruth Miss Ruth is student teaching with Mrs. Kalbach in seventh grade. Ms. Ruth is a student at Lock Haven University. She always liked math and understood it well. She would usually help her friends with their math homework, so she decided to become a math teacher. Miss Ruth is from Reading, PA. Her first student teaching placement was at Williamsport HS. After finishing her time at BAMS, she will graduate in May. Ms. Ruth thinks BAMS is a great place and has really enjoyed her time here. Ms. Ruth is student teaching with Mrs. Kalbach. Shoot for the Moon News Throughout the year, businesses around the area have been contributing to the Shoot for the Moon program. Recently, Maurices at the Nittany Mall had a great idea. Maurices held a school-supply drive at their store. If a customer donated a school supply, he or she would receive a 20% off coupon good for any regularly priced item. The drive turned out to be a great success. Maurices was so thrilled that they plan to hold a similar drive in the fall. We hope to have even more success since parents and students will be shopping for school supplies and clothes. In addition, BAMS is planning on having some great end-of-the-year activities to wrap up the program. Students can also start using moons and privilege Maurices manager Michele Flannery passes to eat or go outside at lunch. Be on the lookout for more exciting events from and sales associate Kristen Kidd Shoot for the Moon. Remember to earn those moons and turn them in for prizes! participated in the Supplies Drive. Page 6 The Raider Review Cinco de Mayo More than Just the Fifth of May Cinco de Mayo (5th of May) is fast approaching. With the continued growth of the Spanish-speaking ELL population, questions continue to surface about the origins and customs of this occasion. Below is an overview to help you plan ahead: Patrias, which occurred on September 16, 1810. Why is Cinco de Mayo important to the Hispanic community? The Battle of Puebla was, in essence, What is Cinco de Mayo? Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. The holiday has its roots in the French occupation of Mexico. The Mexican Army was greatly outnumbered by the French forces of Napoleon III, who wanted to install a European monarch as the emperor of Mexico. In 1863 the French ultimately defeated the Mexican Army. People sometimes confuse Cinco de Mayo with Mexican Independence Day, a separate holiday, known as Fiestas unity and patriotism and is a great source of pride in the Mexican American community. How is it celebrated? While it is scarcely celebrated in Mexico except in the area of Puebla, over the years, Cinco de Mayo has become more widely celebrated in the US than in Mexico. People come together for parades, mariachi music, ballet folklórico, food and festivities. Some school districts, especially in highly Spanishspeaking populations, even recognize Cinco de Mayo and do not hold classes on that day. a victory of the underdog. The Mexican Army was smaller and more poorly equipped than the French army, whose forces were considered at the time the best in the world. This battle victory came to represent Mexican Fly High with Books The Library is sponsoring its final Big Moon Drawing for the school year! The gift basket will include a parafoil kite, a $20.00 Barnes and Noble gift card, food coupons, and school supplies! Drop off your moons in the Library between May 10 and May 19. The winner will be selected and announced on May 20th. Good luck, everyone! Student Achievers Recognized The following students were recognized as Students of the 3rd Marking Period. These students were selected by their teachers for their academic achievement, positive attitude, and strong work ethic. Mekenzie Catalano 6th Dream Catchers Summer Shirey 6th Dream Catchers Nick Miller 6th Destiny’s Dreamers Latasha Gilligan 6th Library Skills Connor Rigg 7th White Team Julia Stone 7th Red Team Trent Fye 8th Red Team Shannon Rose 8th White Team Page 7 Taylor Bitner 6th Wisdom Keepers Kendra Wakefield 6th Wisdom Keepers Ashlyn Lockett 6th Health Madison Marucci 6th Library Skills Annie Lucas 7th White Team Rebeccah Harter 7th Reading Strgs. Morgan Taylor 8th Red Team Ashley Morris 8th P.E. Tyler Kreger 6th Library Skills Nick Jabco 7th Red Team Lea McCartney 7th P.E. The Raider Review Writer’s Notebook The Raider Review is proud to bring you short stories written by BAMS students. Some may appear in one issue, while other stories may have several editions continuing across several, consecutive issues. Enjoy the craft of writing presented by your fellow authors. “Sussex, the Arizona Stallion” By: Emily Trigg This story is the sixth installment of stories which have appeared in the previous months’ editions. It was hot in the holding pen. I was up next for the bronco challenge. So far only two people have succeeded in riding me. I was a six year old quarter horse. I was black and white with a cream colored mane and tail. I waited as they saddled me up They tied a thick knot in the girth belt and knotted it close to my skin. This is how they got us to buck. It drove us crazy so we tried to buck them off. They rammed the bit in my mouth and then came the man. I was hot and sweat beaded across my coat. The man climbed on. Between the shouts of the crowd and the knot it was more than I could stand. I grew more impatient as I rammed the side of the metal grate, digging my hooves into the hot desert sand. The cowboys were just done dragging the last bronco into the paddock. At last I heard the loud speaker announcer’s gruff voice shout, ”Ladies and gentlemen, next we have Mike Sarcowac riding Sussex, one of the friskiest broncos here.” Page 8 Then, as the excitement gathered I leapt forward as soon as the clicking gate was swung open. I bucked for several minutes then it happened. The heat was finally too much. I collapsed in a panting heap. It was hard to take breaths due to the ropes tied across my chest. The cowboys ran into the ring and untied the ropes. Then slowly a cowboy led me to a stall. When I fell I sprained my leg. Limping, the cowboy yelled for a vet to look at my leg. The cowboy that rode me broke his arm. They said I would be out the rest of the year. Then, surprisingly, the rider decided to buy me. As the rider was sent to the hospital, I was hauled in a trailer out to his farm. His eldest daughter, Shiana, fed me and cared for me until her father was home. There were six other horse, 30 cattle, ten hogs, and a herd of sheep and goats. And as I was slowly lead to my stall I noticed a small German shepherd guarding me, three llamas, and two barn cats. Four days passed before my new owner came home. When he came to my stall, he realized I wasn’t as mean as they made me seam. I was actually a very gentle horse. I still had two weeks of recovery. I seemed bored but it wouldn’t last long. I watched around me and got used to my new home. Two weeks passed by fast, and after I got healed, I seemed much happier. Mike finally led me to the paddock where his daughter was waiting with a saddle. I was held in one spot while I was saddled. Mike saw my skin tense as the saddle was laid on my back and he stroked my nose to comfort me. After I was saddled, Shiana mounted me. Mike led me around the ring and stopped. He let go of the rope and let Shiana trot me around the ring. Weeks passed and those weeks turned into months and after that training of skill was done, I turned into a great cross country horse. Then came the day when Mike introduced me to Cobbler, his mare, and I decided to love her and we had many foals. All in all, I turned out to be a great horse. The Raider Review Comix Corral 1st Caption Contest After seeing that drill, I don’t know what’s worse, the brown stains on my teeth or the ones... ~Jordan Corman 3rd Caption Contest 2nd Caption Contest “Come on, Black Beard. Open Up.” “No! I already have a hook and a peg leg. I don’t even know what that is.” ~ Emily Trigg Medieval Mondays Open up and say, “Argh!” ~Mrs. VanBuskirk Page 9 The Raider Review Fun Facts ◊ 90 percent of women who walk into a department store immediately turn to the right. ◊ According to legend, there is a Superman in every episode of Seinfeld. ◊ Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter b ◊ Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying! ◊ Approximately one-third of the population can't snap their fingers! ◊ In Bangladesh, kids as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on their finals! ◊ Redheads require more anesthesia to 'go under' than other hair colors do. ◊ More Monopoly money is printed in a year, than real money printed throughout the world! ◊ On average, the life span of an American dollar bill is eighteen months. ◊ The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle. ◊ The IRS employees tax manual has instructions for collecting taxes after a nuclear war. ◊ The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That... • Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada? • Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister? Why? • A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern exposure. A big bear walks by, what color is the bear? Why? (similar to the Bear riddle in the section Einstein's Riddles) • If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? • How far can a dog run into the woods? • One big hockey fan claimed to be able to say the score before any game. How did he do it? • You can start a fire if you have alcohol, petrol, kerosene, paper, candle, coke, a full matchbox and a piece of cotton wool. What is the first thing you light? • Why do Chinese men eat more rice than Japanese men? • What word describes a woman who does not have all her fingers on one hand? The Short Ones - solutions • Why should a living man be buried? • No, it is not legal to get married if you are dead. • The bear is white since the house is built on the North Pole. • If you take 2 apples, than you have of course 2. • The dog can run into the woods only to the half of the wood – than it would run out of the woods. • The score before any hockey game should be 0:0, shouldn’t it? • A match, of course. • There are more Chinese men than Japanese men. • Normal – I wouldn’t be very happy if I had all my fingers (10) on one hand. Page 10 The Raider Review
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