Ohio Judges Council 47th Symposium Schedule 2013 SYMPOSIUM INSTRUCTORS Biographies 2013 Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:30 a.m. ± 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast (Hotel guests only) 8:30 a.m. ± WELCOME 8:45 a.m. ± HORTICULTURE: ³)HUQVDQG&RQLIHUV´ By Darlene Newell 10:15 a.m. BREAK 10:30 a.m. ± 11:30 a.m. HORTICULTURE lecture continues 11:45 a.m. ± 12:45 p.m. ± LUNCH 12:45 p.m. ± 2:15 p.m. ± Practice Point Scoring 2:15 p.m. ± BREAK 2:30 p.m.± 4:30 p.m. Horticulture point scoring exam 6:00 p.m. ± DINNER 7:30 p.m. ± Allied Topic ³:KHHORI Hortulana´ By Darlene Newell Wednesday, July 24, 2013 7:30 a.m. ± 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast (Hotel guests only) 8:30 a.m. ± 9:30 a.m. ALLIED TOPIC: ³7KH%URDG3LFWXUH´ By Julia Clevett 9:30 a.m. ± 10:45 a.m. ± DESIGN: ³'ULYHQWR $EVWUDFWLRQ´ By Julia Clevett 10:45 a.m. BREAK 11:00 a.m. ± 12:15 p.m. ± Design Lecture Continues 12:15 p.m. ± LUNCH 1:15 p.m. ± 2:45 p.m. Practice point scoring 2:34 p.m. BREAK 3:00 p.m. ± 5:00 p.m. Design Point Scoring Exam DESIGN LECTURE: ³'ULYHQWR$EVWUDFWLRQ´ Julia Clevett Julia Clevett, originally from the United Kingdom, moved to Virginia with her husband several years ago. She is a National Design instructor, Master Flower Show Judge and former President of the Garden Club of Watchung, NJ, and former President of the Garden Club of NJ. Currently a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Executive Board, and holds the position of Symposium Chairman. She also serves as a member of the NGC Flower Show Committee. Julia is the recipient of numerous flower show awards and is a featured designer in publications such as ³9LVLRQ RI %HDXW\ &DOHQGDU´ ³'HVLJQLQJ E\ 7\SHV´ DQG :$)$ ³Flower ArUDQJLQJWKH$PHULFDQ:D\´ Julia has represented NGC at the Chelsea Flower Show and at the WAFA World Flower Show as a Floral Design Demonstrator. She has studied with such notables as Sheila McQueen and Bob Thomas. HORTICULTURE LECTURE: ³Ferns and CRQLIHUV´ Darlene Newell Horticulture will be taught by Darlene Newell, a retired RN. She is a member of West Virginia Garden Club, serving as Executive Secretary, a Master Flower Show Judge and a Master Gardener. She is also a member of the Daffodil Society and the Chrysanthemum Society. Her interests in addition to horticulture are stained glass, playing bridge and enjoying her family. Garden Club of Ohio, Inc. President Mickie Marquis Ohio Judges Council, President Mary Ann Ferguson-Rich OJC, !st Vice President & Symposium Chairman Dot Blum 800 Thoman Street Crestline, OH 44827 [email protected] 419-462-2586 GCO Flower Show Schools Chairman, Linda Holzheimer GCO Judges Credentials Gail Chuck 10425 Valleycrekk Dr. Harrison, OH 45030 [email protected] 513-367-0483 OJC Regional Symposium Chairman, North Central Region Veronica Slavin P.O. Box 365 Gates Mills, OH 44040 [email protected] 440-423-4628 OJC Regional Symposium Vice-Chairman North Central Region Barbara Schuh 570 Battles Rd. Gates Mills, OH 44040 [email protected] 440-423-1035 2013 OJC Symposium Registrar/Treasurer Judy Guinn 7009 Crestview Drive Brecksville, OH 44141 440-526-6871 [email protected] OJC Symposium Registration Form July 23, 24, 2013 Hotel Information Name:_____________________________________ Reservations are to be made directly with The Hilton Garden Inn, 700 Beta Drive Mayfield Village, OH 44143 Address: ___________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State & Zip: _________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Email:______________________________________ Make reservations online at HGI.com or call 1-877-STAY-HGI toll-free or the hotel directly at 440-646-1777. Mention Garden Club of Ohio for the special rate of $109.00 Standard or double room. Reservations must be made by July 10, 2013 for the special rate to apply. Garden Club of Ohio, Inc. and Ohio Judges Council Garden Club: _______________________________ Special Dietary Needs ________________________ Located off I-271 in Mayfield Village. Exit #36. Take Wilson Mills Rd East to Beta Drive and turn Left. Judging Level: Check one: Just 15 minutes from downtown and minutes from premier shopping. Student Judge ________ Accredited Life__________ Accredited _______ Accredited Master________ Emeritus _______ Garden Club Member _____ Registration Deadline: July 10, 2013 NO REFUNDS AFTER THAT DATE Full Course for credit $150 _____ Full Course (audit) $145 _____ 47th Symposium July 23 & 24, 2013 Tuesday Only (includes lunch and dinner): $95 ______ Wednesday Only (includes lunch): $75 _______ Late Fee $10 (Postmarked after 7/10/13 _____ Make checks payable to GCO Symposium 2013 Mail to: Judy Guinn, Registrar 7009 Crestview Drive Brecksville, OH 44141 VENDORS Alta Mae Farm (gourds & dried materials) Catalpa Lane Pottery Nordlie (Floral Design materials) Ken Schwartz (Metal Sculptures) Banquet and Conference Center Hilton Garden Inn 700 Beta Drive Mayfield Village, Oh 44143 440-646-1777
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