Spring 1 Literacy Week 1 – 02/01/17 (2days) British values Week 2 – 09/01/17 Magic Box Cold task (1) I can deduce, infer and interpret ideas from texts and relate them to my own experiences (2) I can write a descriptive poem (3) I can read, edit and improve my writing (4) Hot task (5) Week 3 – 16/01/17 Instructions Cold task: I can write a set of instructions (1) I can identify features of an instruction text (2) I can identify instructions for different audiences (3) I can use time connective to use time connective clear (4) I can use imperative verbs (5) Week 4 – 23/01/17 Instructions I can plan a set of instructions (6) I can write a set of instructions (7) I can write a set of instructions (8) I can read, edit and improve a set of instructions (9) Hot task: I can write a set of instructions (10) Week 5 – 30/01/17 Formal letter Cold task. I can write a letter. (1) I can write a letter. (2) I can develop my understanding of a formal letter (3) I can order a formal letter (4) I can identify and use formal language (5) Week 6 – 06/02/17 Formal letter I can identify and use formal language (6) I can plan a formal letter. Boxing up and sharing with learning partners (7) I can first draft (8) I can read, edit and improve a text (9) I can write a formal letter (10) Geometry – Angles I can identify angles on a line (6) I can identify angles at a whole turn (7) I can solve angle problems (8) I can solve angle problems (9) Hot task (10) Maths Fractions Cold task Fractions I can compare fractions (1) I can order fractions. (2) I can identify equivalent fractions (3) I can convert between mixed and improper fractions. (4) Statistics Cold task (1) I can solve comparison, sum and difference problems. (2&3) I can complete read and interpret information in tables (4&5) Hot task (6) Geometry – Angles Cold task (1) I can estimate and compare angles (2) I can draw given angles. (3) I can measure angles (4) I can identify angles at a point. (5) Science British values Materials and their properties I can compare materials according to their properties Fractions I can add and subtract fractions (5) I can multiply proper fractions by whole numbers (6) I can read and write decimals as fractions. (7) I can solve fraction problems (8&9) Hot task (10) Materials and their properties I can investigate thermal conductors and insulators Materials and their properties I can investigate materials which will dissolve. Computing British values Art/DT British values We are artists I can create simple tessellations using publisher Pop art I can explore and research great artist from history. We are artists I can create complex tessellations using publisher Viking long boats I can research and collect information about Viking longboats. Materials and their properties I can investigate which electrical conductors and make a bulb shine brightest. We are artists I can program Islamic-style art in Scratch Viking long boats I can sketch appropriately. Geography History British values British values Vikings and Saxons I can explain the AngloSaxon justice system. Vikings and Saxons I can describe Viking weapons and armour. British values PSHE British values Vikings and Saxons I can identify Anglo-Saxon Kings during the Viking period. Islam I can describe what the second pillar of Islam is and its importance for Muslims. Joining in and joining up I can understand why we need rules and laws. Vikings and Saxons I can identify Viking ways of life and customs. RE Vikings and Saxons I can identify important events during the Viking period. Islam I can describe what the first pillar of Islam is and its importance for Muslims. Joining in and joining up I can understand anti-social behaviour and the consequences of crime Islam I can describe what the third pillar of Islam is and its importance for Muslims. Joining in and joining up I can understand the role of magistrate. Islam I can describe what the forth pillar of Islam is and its importance for Muslims. Joining in and joining up I can understand the process of voting and debating. Islam I can describe what the fifth pillar of Islam is and its importance for Muslims. Joining in and joining up I can be an active member of my school community. Materials and their properties I can investigate different process to separate mixtures of material. We are artists I can create art in the early style of Bridget Riley We are artists I can create art in the later style of Bridget Riley Viking long boats I can replicate a painting by using different mediums. Music Español PE and Games GP British values British values British values British values I can listen , appreciate and learn to sing a song (WR/SP/KH) I can use descriptive language Judo/basketball/netball Judo/basketball/netball I can use brackets (1) I can use the correct tense (1) I can use dashes (2) I can use embedded clauses (2) I can learn to play and instrument (WR/SP/KH) I can appreciate stories and songs Judo/basketball/netball Judo/basketball/netball I can use modal verbs (1) I can use adverbials (1) I can use apostrophes (2) I can identify and use prefixes (2) Spellings Arithmetic / mental arithmetic British values British values Handwriting Outdoor learning British values British values Curriculum words. I can add and subtract fractions I can add and subtract numbers Join up letters Forest schools (WR,KH,SP) Curriculum words. I can multiply fractions by whole numbers. – I can add and subtract decimal numbers. Join up letters Forest schools (WR,KH,SP) Curriculum words. I can multiply and divide numbers I can work out fractions of amounts. Join up letters Forest schools (WR,KH,SP) Curriculum words. I can match percentages with multiplications. I can work out percentages of numbers. Join up letters Forest schools (WR,KH,SP) I can explore basic grammar Judo/basketball/netball I can identify and use suffixes (1) I can use commas to make writing clearer (2) Curriculum words. I can add and subtract numbers I can multiply and divide numbers Join up letters Forest schools (WR,KH,SP)
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