ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Wind and Buckling Analysis of Natural Draught Cooling towers using ANSYS Sachin Kulkarni, P.G Student Department of Civil Engineering (Structural) BLDEA‟S V.P Dr P. G Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology Bijapur 586101, Karnataka, India [email protected] Prof A. V. Kulkarni, Associate Professor & Academic coordinator Department of Civil Engineering (Structural) BLDEA‟S V.P Dr P. G Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology Bijapur 586101, Karnataka, India [email protected] ABSTRACT Reinforced Concrete Cooling towers of hyperbolic shell configuration find wide spread application in utilities engaged in the production of electric power. Natural Draught hyperbolic cooling towers are characterizing land marks of powe r stations. They comprise of a thin concrete shell of revolution are common place in civil engineering infrastructure. The wind load is always the dominant load in the design of the cooling tower due to its large size, complex geometry and thin wall. This paper deals with the study of wind and buckling analysis of two existing cooling towers of 143.50m and 175.50m high above ground level. Two existing coolin g towers are chosen from Bellary thermal power station (BTPS) as case study. These cooling towers have been analyzed for wind loads using ANSYS software by assuming fixity at the shell base. The analysis of two existing cooling towers has been carried out using 8 noded SHELL 93 element with uniform SHELL thicknesses. The wind loads on these cooling towers have been calculated in the form of pressure by using design wind pressure coefficient given in IS 115041985 code & design wind pressure at different levels as per IS 875 (Part3)-1987 code. Eigen buckling analysis has been carried out for two existing cooling towers. Maximum deflection, Maximum Principal Stress & Strain, Maximum Von Mises stress & strain are obtained. The variation in max principal stress v/s thickness, maximum deflection v/s thickness is plotted graphically. Keywords—Cooling tower, SHELL element, Stress, Strain, Mises, wind load I. INTRODUCTION Design and construction of efficient and economic Reinforced Concrete (RC) Hyperbolic cooling towers have driven the engineers toward the design of tall and thin-shell towers which have considerable high slenderness aspect ratio. Consequently, the shell of R.C. cooling towers with relative high slenderness aspect ratio is extremely prone to buckling instability due to wind loading. In the absence of earthquake loading, wind constitutes the main loading for the design of natural draught cooling towers. To increase the structural stability or buckling safety factor, one economic approach is to design and construct stiffening r ings for the R.C Hyperbolic cooling towers. The analysis of these towers is an interesting and challenging to any structural engineer in view of their size and shape. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Research works have been reported in the literature on wind load acting on cooling towers [1 to 5]. G. Murali, C. M Vivek Vardhan and B. V. Prasanth kumar Reddy [1] Response of cooling towers to wind loads. This paper deals with the study of two cooling towers of 122m and 200m high above ground level. Meridional forces and bending moments have been calculated. G. Murali [2] Response of Natural Draught Cooling Towers to Wind loads. This paper deals with the study of five cooling towers of 122m, 177m, and 200m, high above ground level with different throat height to total height ratio‟s, throat diameter to base diameter ratio‟s and diameter to thickness ratio‟s. The results of the analysis include membrane forces, meridional force and hoop force and bending moments. Mungam and wittek [3] studied the assessment of the design wind loads acting on RC cooling tower shell under the turbulent wind. Comparison between several methods was also performed using data measured by wind tunnel on an isolated RC cooling tower shell. The quasi-static response of an isolated RC cooling tower shell under the turbulent wind was compared with results obtained with the design wind load by means of GRF, LRC and optimized peal load-distributions methods. Orlando [4] studied the wind induced interference effect on two adjacent cooling towers through pressure measurements on cooling tower models in a boundary layer wind tunnel. Further numerical linear analyses were performed to calculate the structural responses of the isolated and grouped towers. Prashanth N, Sayeed sulaiman [5] This paper deals with study of 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) hyperbolic cooling tower of varying dimensions and RCC shell thickness, for the purpose of comparison an existing tower is considered, for other models of cooling tower the dimensions and thickness of RCC shell is varied with respect to reference cooling tower. A Description of the Geometry of the Towers Bellary thermal power station (BTPS) is a power generating unit near Kudatini village in Bellary district, Karnataka state. Two existing cooling towers are considered as case study as shown in Fig 1 & 2. BTPS is geographically located at 15º11‟58” N latitude and 76º43‟23” E longitude. Details of existing cooling towers 1) The Total height of the tower is 143.50 m. The tower has a base, throat and top radii of 55 m, 30.5 m and 31.85 m respectively, with the throat located 107.75 m above the base. (Unit No- 2 Cooling tower in BTPS) 2) The Total height of the tower is 175.50 m. The tower has a base, throat and top radii of 61 m, 34.375 m and 41.00m respectively, with the throat located 131.60 m above the base (Unit No- 3 Cooling tower in BTPS). The geometry of the Hyperboloid revolution ………….(1) In which Ro horizontal radius at any vertical coordinate, Y origin of coordinates being defined by the center of the tower throat, ao radius of the throat, and b is some characteristic dimension of the hyperboloid. Figure1: Geometry of Existing Cooling Tower (BTPS) CT 1 (143.50 m) 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Figure 2: Geometry of Existing Cooling Tower (BTPS) CT 2 (175.50 m) Table 1: Geometric Details of Cooling Towers Analysis is carried out for uniform shell thickness from 200mm, 250mm, 300mm, 350mm, 400mm, 450mm, and 500mm. B Material Properties for Analysis of Cooling Tower (CT) Young‟s modulus: 31Gpa. Poisson‟s Ratio: 0.15. Density of RCC: 25 kN/m3 C Finite Element Modeling (FEA) Due to the complexity of the material properties, the boundary conditions and the tower structure, finite element analysis is adopted. The finite element analysis of the cooling towers has been carried out using ANSYS V.10. The analysis has been carried out using 8-node shell element (SHELL 93). In the present study, only shell portion of the cooling towers has been modeled and fixity has been assumed at the base. ANSYS is a commercial FEM package having capabilities ranging from a simple, linear, static analysis to a complex, non linear, transient dynamic analysis. It is available in modules; each module is applicable to specific problem. Typical ANSYS program includes 3 stages Pre processor, Solution & General Post processor. Sl no Description Symbols Cooling tower 1 ( CT 1) Cooling tower 2 ( CT 2) 1 Total height H 143.50m 175.50m 2 Height of throat Hthr 107.75m 131.60m 3 Diameter at top Dt 63.6m 82.00m 4 Db 110m 122.00m Dthr 61.0m 68.750m Hc 9.20m 9.275m 7 Diameter at bottom Diameter at throat level Column Height (Hthr/H) ratio 0.750 0.749 8 (Dthr/D) ratio 0.554 0.563 5 6 D Wind loads The wind pressures on two existing cooling towers CT 1& CT 2 at a given height [Pz] are computed as per the stipulations of IS: 875 (part 3)-1987. For computing the design wind pressure at a given height the basic wind speed (Vb) will be taken as Vb=39 m/s at 9.2m height above mean ground level. For computing design wind speed (Vz) at a height z, the risk coefficient k1=1.06 will be considered. For coefficient k2 terrain category 2 as per table 2 IS: 875 (part-3)-1987 will be considered. The wind direction for design purpose will be the one which would induces worst load condition. Coefficient k3 will be 1 for the towerunder consideration. The wind pressure at a given height will be computed theoretically in accordance with the IS codal provision given as under Pz=0.6 Vz2 N/m2 ………………………. (2) 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Where Vz =Vb x k1 x k2 x k3 ………………… (3) Vb = basic wind speed which is specified for different zones of the country k1 = probability factor ( risk coefficient) based on the statical concepts which take into account the degree of reliability required and the time period of wind exposure i.e. the life of the structure. k2 = the terrain height and structure size parameter that gives the multiplying factor by which the basic wind speed shall be multiplied to obtain the wind speed at different sizes of buildings and structures. k3 = the topography factor. Computation of wind pressure (Pz) along the wind direction by Gust factor method. E Wind Analysis Wind analysis is carried out for two existing cooling towers i.e. CT 1 & CT 2. Geometry of the model is created in ANSYS .V.10 by using key points & input material models, shell element & make mesh to model in Pre processor. By assigning the loads & boundary conditions and input the Pressures alongside to the model and solve the problem in solution & read the results in General post processor. Characteristics Models for wind analysis is shown in fig 7 to13. Fig 3: Key points Fig 4: Boundary condition 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Fig 5: Element numbers in model Fig 6: Nodes in model Fig 7: Wind Pressure applied for Cooling Tower 1 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Fig 8: Deflection for Cooling Tower 1 (200mm thickness) Fig 9: Maximum Principal Stress for Cooling Tower 1 „Fig 10: Deflection at Top for Cooling Tower 1 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Fig 11: Deflection for Cooling Tower 2 (200mm thickness) Fig 12: Maximum Principal Stress for Cooling Tower 2 Fig 13: Deflection at Top for Cooling Tower 2 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) „ F Tabulation and Results 1) T= 0.09 H/√d = (0.09× 143.50)/√110= 1.23139 2) fo = natural frequency = 1/ T = 0.8120858 for CT 1 3) Damping Value (β) = 0.016 for CT 1 Table 2: Gust factor values for cooling tower 1 Sl no Height of tower (H) (m) Gust factor values (G) 1 9.2 1.886 2 29.2 1.883 3 49.2 1.889 4 69.2 1.880 5 89.2 1.842 6 108.47 1.808 7 134.33 1.817 1) T= 0.09 H/√d = (0.09×175.50)/√122.009 = 1.429959 2) fo = natural frequency = 1/ T = 0.699320 for CT 2 As per clause 7, page no-48, IS 875 (part 3)-1987 3) Damping Value (β) = 0.016 for CT 2 As per table 34, page no-52 IS 875 (part 3)-1987 Table 3: Gust factor values for cooling tower 2 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE Sl no Height of tower (H) (m) Gust factor values (G) 1 9.2 1.8695 2 29.2 1.8681 3 49.2 1.8587 4 69.2 1.8356 5 89.2 1.7677 6 109.2 1.6897 7 129.2 1.7304 8 149.2 1.7216 9 166.22 1.6884 ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Table 4: Results of wind analysis for cooling tower 1 Sl no Shell Thickness (mm) Maximum Deflection (mm) Maximum Principal stress (Mpa) 1 200 38.944 1.80 2 250 30.070 1.463 3 300 24.596 1.271 4 350 20.848 1.126 5 400 18.147 1.012 6 450 16.131 0.9195 7 500 14.586 0.8432 Table 5: Results of wind analysis for cooling tower 2 Sl no Shell Thickness (mm) Maximum Deflection (mm) Maximum Principal stress (Mpa) 1 200 80.996 2.469 2 250 62.965 2.111 3 300 51.284 1.861 4 350 43.188 1.671 5 400 37.304 1.518 6 450 32.875 1.391 7 500 29.452 1.282 Graph 1: Graphical Representation of Stress v/s thickness for CT 1 & CT 2 for wind analysis 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Graph 2: Graphical Representation of Max deflection v/s thickness for CT 1 & CT 2 for wind analysis G Buckling Analysis Buckling Analysis is carried out for two existing cooling towers (CT 1 & CT 2) due to its self weight & varying thicknesses. Eigen buckling analysis is a technique used to determine buckling loads (critical loads at which a structure becomes unstable) and buckled mode shapes (the characteristic shape associated with a structure‟s buckled response). 1. Modes of Extraction- Block Lanczos method (Default) 2. Number of modes Extracted-50 Characteristics models for buckling analysis is shown in fig 14 to 17 Fig 14: Deflection for CT 1(Buckling mode 1) (200mm thickness) Fig 15: Maximum Principal Stress (Mode 1) for Cooling Tower 1 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Fig 16: Deflection for Cooling Tower 2 (Mode 1) Table 6: Results of buckling analysis for CT 1 Shell Thickness (mm) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Modes Frequency (HZ) 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 11.154 11.589 11.645 12.522 15.062 15.177 15.272 17.573 19.013 19.046 19.806 21.879 23.131 23.44 24.961 27.142 27.508 28.32 29.343 33.338 32.172 33.495 33.616 40.068 37.118 37.896 39.279 47.358 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE Max Deflection (mm) 1.027 1.036 0.88155 1.06 1.052 1.042 1.012 1.023 1.042 1.033 1.043 1.046 1.035 1.026 1.011 1.037 1.038 1.041 1.021 0.9725 1.031 1.011 1.054 1.005 1.01 1.038 1.053 0.880141 Max Principal stress (Mpa) 0.141107 0.121869 0.152701 0.205809 0.152004 0.176925 0.111382 0.248456 0.179553 0.129468 0.211512 0.099406 0.15139 0.192193 0.227134 0.279461 0.172969 0.212251 0.12819 0.298305 0.192098 0.139156 0.238148 0.35523 0.207458 0.154163 0.263028 0.348003 Shell Thickness (mm) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Modes Frequency (HZ) 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 5.677 6.349 7.144 8.533 7.55 8.597 8.701 11.557 9.645 10.406 11.152 15.128 11.992 12.291 14.033 17.126 14.372 14.603 17.242 20.60 16.654 17.484 20.773 24.619 19.143 20.638 23.365 28.783 Max Deflection (mm) 1.006 1.036 1.038 1.126 1.024 1.036 1.036 1.110 1.035 1.036 1.038 1.112 1.058 1.035 1.04 0.98545 1.035 1.069 1.043 1.054 1.035 1.04 1.046 1.054 1.035 1.034 0.98648 1.038 Maximum Principal stress (Mpa) 0.140914 0.170463 0.105226 0.222687 0.140338 0.166921 0.110335 0.252749 0.156524 0.126587 0.191002 0.300151 0.182783 0.143113 0.233165 0.133479 0.159731 0.209092 0.256321 0.351288 0.176373 0.227851 0.288999 0.39471 0.193007 0.249987 0.150298 0.432689 ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Fig 17: Maximum Principal Stress (Mode 1) for Cooling Tower 2 Table 7: Results of buckling analysis for CT 2 Graph 3: Graphical Representation of Stress v/s thickness between CT 1 & CT 2 for buckling (Mode 1) 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Graph 4: Graphical Representation of Stress v/s thickness between CT 1 & CT 2 for buckling (Mode 3) Graph 5: Graphical Representation of Stress v/s thickness between CT 1 & CT 2 for buckling (Mode 5) Graph 6: Graphical Representation of Stress v/s thickness between CT 1 & CT 2 for buckling (Mode 10) 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) Graph 7: Graphical Representation of Maximum Deflection v/s thickness between CT 1 & CT 2 for buckling (Mode 1) Graph 8: Graphical Representation of Maximum Deflection v/s thickness between CT 1 & CT 2 for buckling (Mode 3) Graph 9: Graphical Representation of Maximum Deflection v/s thickness between CT 1 & CT 2 for buckling (Mode 5) 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) ΙΙΙ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author thank the guide Prof A.V. Kulkarni, Associate professor & Academic coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering, Principal and Management of BLDEA‟S V.P Dr. P.G. Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology, Bijapur for the continued support and cooperation in carrying out this research study. ΙV SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS OUTCOMES OF WIND ANALYSIS [A] From Graphical Representation of stress v/s thickness and Deflection v/s thickness, it is evident that 1) As thickness increases, Deflection and Maximum Principal stress decreases for both CT 1 & CT 2. (Refer graph no-1 & 2) 2) On Comparing two Existing cooling towers CT 1 & CT 2, the degree of distortion increases with height of tower, hence the deflection is maximum in CT 2. (Refer graph no-2) 3) The Distortion is minimum at bottom part of shell due to fixed base (i.e. fixity), & maximum at top part of shell. OUTCOMES OF BUCKLING ANALYSIS 1) In Buckling analysis, the buckling of CT 1 is maximum as compared to CT 2, CT 2 shows less buckling due to its size, symmetric geometry of shell ( for increasing thickness). 2) In Buckling analysis, frequencies for CT 1 & CT 2 for various selected modes increases for increasing thickness. [B] From Graphical Representation of stress v/s thickness, it is evident that 1) In Mode 1 a) As thickness increases, Maximum Principal Stress for CT 1 & CT 2 increases, CT 1 shows maximum stress at 500mm compared to CT 2. (Refer graph no-3) b) For thickness of 200mm, 310mm, 385mm, CT 1 & CT 2 shows similar value of principal stress. c) For thickness of 350mm, CT 2 shows high value of stress compared to CT 1. 2) In Mode 3 a) As thickness increases, Maximum Principal Stress shows high value for CT 2 as compared to CT 1, and behaves opposite to Mode 1. (Refer graph no-4) b) For thickness of 240mm, 300mm, 400mm, CT 1 & CT 2 shows same value of stress. 3) In Mode 5 a) As thickness increases, Maximum Principal Stress for CT 1 gives high value as compared to CT 2, & behaves opposite to Mode 3. (Refer graph no-5) b) For thickness of 250mm, 350mm, 470mm, CT 1 & CT 2 shows similar value of stress. 4) In Mode 10 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) a) As thickness increases, Maximum principal stress shows high value for CT 2 as compared to CT 1 and behaves opposite to Mode 5. (Refer graph no-6) b) CT 1 & CT 2 shows similar value of stress for 250mm, 310mm, and 390mm thickness. [C] From Graphical Representation of Deflection v/s thickness, it is evident that 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library ISRASE First International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering -20014 (ISRASE-2014) 1) In Mode 1 a) As thickness increases, deflection in CT 1 & CT 2 gradually increases and thereafter reduces. (Refer graph no-7) b) CT 1 & CT 2 shows similar value of deflection for 310mm, 390mm, and 440mm thickness. 2) In Mode 3 a) For thickness of 400mm, deflection is maximum in CT1 & CT 2. (Refer graph no-8) b) CT 1 & CT 2 shows similar value of deflection for 200mm, 290mm, and 490mm thickness. 3) In Mode 5 a) For thickness of 200mm, CT 1 shows less deflection as compared to CT 2, & thereafter increasing the thickness at 500mm both behaves opposite. (Refer graph no-9) b) CT 1 & CT 2 shows same value of deflection for 270mm, 310mm, and 440mm thickness. 4) In Mode 10 a) As thickness increases, CT 2 shows high deflection as compared to CT 1, & deflection overlap at 350mm, which shows less deflection for CT 2. (Refer graph no-10) b) CT 1 & CT 2 shows similar value of deflection for 320m, 370mm thickness. [D] From graphical representation of stress v/s thickness and deflection v/s thickness curves, optimum thickness of 300mm thickness gives same value of stress & deflection for both CT 1 & CT 2 in all selected modes. ΙV REFERENCES [1] G. Murali, C. M. Vivek Vardhan and B. V. Prasanth Kumar Reddy “RESPONSE OF COOLING TOWERS TO WIND LOADS”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012 ISSN 1819 -6608. [2] G Murali “ RESPONSE OF NATURAL DRAUGHT COOLING TOWERS TO WIND LOADS” International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development, Issue 2, Vol 4 (May 2012), ISSN 2249-6149. 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New Delhi, India: Bureau of Indian Standards. 2014-15 ICRASE Copy right ©by ISRASE ISRASE eXplore digital library
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