Old City Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Grant

Old City Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Grant Program
Program Description
Old City District (“OCD”) has made Old City Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Grants available to assist
business and commercial property owners (“Applicants”) within the Old City District service area to
improve the sidewalks adjacent to their properties. This grant program will make these public spaces
safer and more attractive for pedestrians and support the neighborhood’s economic vitality. It will
reimburse qualifying property and business owners up to 50% of the total cost of eligible sidewalk
repairs or replacements, up to a maximum reimbursement of $2,000 for a single property or $4,000 for
a corner or multiple address property. Funds are limited and will be awarded on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Eligible Applicants
Applicants must be commercial property owners, or tenants with approval of the property owner. This
program is available only to properties located within the OCD service area, which includes the area
bounded by Florist Street to the north, Walnut/Dock Streets to the south, 6th Street to the west and
Front Street to the east. See the attached map for the service area borders. Properties must be current
with the Old City District assessment. The OCD’s determination as to eligibility shall be final.
This grant is not available for properties that are fronted with solid granite or marble sidewalks. This
grant is also not available for properties on Market Street.
Eligible Improvements
The District does not offer design or other guidance on sidewalk repairs, nor does the District
recommend contractors. It is up to each participating Applicant to decide how to complete this
Grant Requirements and Application Process
1) Notify the Old City District staff of your intent to make the repairs and utilize grant funds.
Confirm that you are eligible for the grant and that there are available funds remaining. Note
that notifying the District that you will make repairs does not guarantee that you will be
awarded reimbursement funds.
2) Select a licensed contractor; obtain proper permits and liability insurance:
a. The contractor selected must be a contractor licensed by appropriate City of
Philadelphia authorities;
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Old City Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Grant Program
b. A permit to pave the sidewalk must be obtained from the Department of Licenses and
Inspections. Applicant is also responsible for securing any other City of Philadelphia
department, commission or agency permit, license, or approval required to complete
the work;
c. The contractor must supply a Certificate of Insurance showing General Liability
insurance satisfactory to the District in amount not less than $1 million, and naming the
Applicant (or the property owner, if the Applicant is not the property owner) and the
Old City District as Additional Insured against all acts whether or not the negligence of
the Additional Insured.
3) After the selected contractor completes the work, submit the following documentation:
a. As a condition of reimbursement the Applicant must provide a completed Certificate for
Reimbursement (attached) stating that the work is completed and paid for. This
certificate must be signed by the Applicant and the contractor;
b. Copies of all required permits from City agencies;
c. Certificate of Insurance, including evidence of satisfactory liability insurance ;
d. Proof of payment from contractor, such as an invoice marked “paid”.
4) Fully completed documentation should be delivered to:
Gregory Diehl
Old City District
231 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Or via email to:
[email protected]
5) Complete applications will be reviewed by Old City District staff upon receipt. Upon
satisfaction of all conditions, the Applicant shall receive reimbursement in an amount not to
exceed $2000 for single properties or $4,000 for multi-address and corner properties, as a oneto-one match of funds previously expended by the Applicant for the sidewalk repaving. The
Applicant must not expect to receive reimbursement until they notify the District and receive
notice that the funds have been earmarked for the Applicant’s specific repaving project.
All decisions of the District are final concerning sufficiency of documentation and eligibility to
participate in this reimbursement program.
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Old City Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Grant Program
Map - Old City Special Services District Boundaries
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Property Address: ______________________________
Applicant’s Name: ______________________________ (check one) ___Owner ___Tenant
Owner’s Name (if Applicant is Tenant): ________________________________
Contractor’s Name & Address: __________________________________________________
The undersigned hereby certify that the following is true and correct in all respects as a
condition to reimbursement of 50% of the costs (not to exceed $2000 for single properties, or
$4000 for multi-address/corner properties) for repaving the sidewalk at the property identified
The document provided by the Old City District entitled “Old City Sidewalk Repair and
Replacement Grant Program Guidelines’’ (“Grant Guidelines”) is incorporated herein.
The Applicant listed above is the record owner of the property listed above, or a tenant
residing in that property. If the Applicant is a tenant, the property owner listed above is
the record owner of the property, and by his/her signature consents to the repaving work.
The repaving work has been performed in a good and workmanlike manner after receipt of
all permits and approvals required to perform the work. A copy of the permit is attached
hereto along with evidence of final inspection by the appropriate authority, if any.
Attached hereto is a Certificate of Insurance in accordance with the Grant Guidelines.
Attached hereto is an invoice or other evidence of payment for the repaving work; the
Contractor certifies that it has received payment in full for its work.
The Contractor identified above actually performed the repaving work.
Applicant understands that reimbursement will be made available only upon review and
acceptance of this Certificate and its attachments, and following inspection of the work at
the discretion of the District. All decisions of the District are final concerning Applicant’s
eligibility for reimbursement.
In consideration for the Old City District considering Applicant’s participation in this
program, Applicant and the property owner (if applicable) each agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold harmless the Old City Special Services District, and its officers, directors,
employees, and agents, from and against any injury, loss, damage, claim, demand, or
judgment, including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, arising in
any way from Applicant’s (and property owner’s, if applicable) sidewalk repaving, and
participation in this sidewalk repair program.
Signature of Applicant
Date: ____________________, 2015
Signature of Contractor
Date: ____________________, 2015
Signature of Property Owner (if applicable)
Date: ____________________, 2015