OBSERVATIONS By adding concentrated salt water to the cells of red onions, it is possible to make the cell’s contents shrink. Plasmodesmata may become visible as well. By Oliver Kim P lasmolysis of red onions belong to one of the easiest introductory microscopy experiments. By adding salt water to the onion cells, the cell’s contents starts to shrink to the point that the cell membrane starts to separate from the surrounding cell wall. Plasmolysis is due to the diffusion of Observing Osmosis water out of the cell, by a process called osmosis. The salt ions (Na+ and Cl-) bind the water molecules and immobilize them. For this reason the probability of a water molecules diffusing into the cells is smaller than the probability of one diffusing out, which results in a net movement of water out of the cell. Obtaining onion skin To make the process visible, it is necessary to use red onions. The natural pigmentation of the cells makes the process visible the best. Cut out a square piece of a red onion and tear off (do not cut) the strongly Figure 1: The skin of the red onion peeled off by tearing. Figure 2: High magnification image of plasmolyzed red onion cells. You can see the strands of cytoplasm extending from the dark red region towards the cell wall. These plasma strands are referred to as plasmodesmata and are responsible for cell-to-cell communication. During plamolysis, the shape of the cell wall is not affected. 14 - MicrobeHunter Microscopy Magazine - January 2014 pigmented epidermis. Tearing will result in a single layer of cells. I found it easiest to use a dull knife to first cut into the “meat” of the onion and then tear off the red epidermis. This process will break many of the cells open and these cells will lose their cell contents (and their red color). In Figure 1 you can see the torn epidermis on the bottom. Some parts of the epidermis are clear, these are the parts that are not useful for observation. The thick parts of the onion were cut away and the remaining onion epidermis was then placed on a microscope slide with water and cover glass and observed normally at low to medium power. Observing Osmosis OBSERVATIONS Plasmolyzing the cells I first made a saturated salt water solution. I did not weigh the salt, but simply added excess salt to some water. It is then necessary to allow the solution to settle in order to minimize the disturbing effect of small salt crystals on the image. Excess water is then removed from the wet mounted slide with some tissue paper. Several small drops of salt water are then added to the edge of the cover glass. The salt water is pulled beneath the cover glass by capillary action and comes into contact with the onion cells. Observing plasmodesmata The red cell content started to shrink quickly. The color of the cell content became more intense, an indicator that the cell membrane did not allow the pigment to pass (Figures 3 and 4). The cell membrane started to separate from the cell wall, but continued to be attached on some placed to the cell wall. Thin strands extended from the cytoplasm of the cell towards the wall. This phenomenon can be seen well in Figure 2. These plasma strands are important for cell to cell communication and connect at the cell wall at places called plasmodesmata. After some time the process came to a halt, because the salt solution became more and more dilute. In this case it was necessary to add more salt water to the cells. ■ Figure 3: Original onion cells before addition of salt water. Some cells were pigmented red, others were not. This was because the tearing process destroyed some of the cells and caused the red pigment to spill out. On other parts of the onion epidermis, all cells were pigmented. Figure 4: The plasmolyzed cells. The cell membrane (surrounding the pigmented contents) remained attached to the cell wall at certain places, the plasmodesmata. January 2014 - MicrobeHunter Microscopy Magazine - 15
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