A Translation Analysis In English into Indonesian of Walt Whitman’s Poems A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (SS) By: Kartika Damayanti 106026000998 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2011 ABSTRACT KARTIKA DAMAYANTI, REG: 106026000998, “A Translation Analysis In English into Indonesian of Walt Whitman’s Poems”. A Thesis. English Letters Departement Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011. The research concerns on the translation study. In this research, the writer focuses the analysis literary translation, especially poem translation. The object of research, she chooses Walt Whitman’s poems in English translated into Indonesian by Taufiq Ismail. The writer uses qualitative method. She analyzes the translation by reading the source language and than comparing to the target language to find the type procedures of translation in these poem translations. The goals of research are find the types of procedure translation and the reason of translator used mimetic form translation approach which is appear in translation of Walt Whitman’s poems. The translator used mimetic form approach translation in these poems to translating the words, the context, and the culture from source language which is appropriate into target language. This study is expected to help the readers understand the type procedures of translation and form translation approaches in the poem translation such as in Walt Whitman’s poems which is translated by Taufiq Ismail. APPROVEMENT A Translation Analysis In English into Indonesian of Walt Whitman’s Poems A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (SS) By: Kartika Damayanti 106026000998 Approved by Advisor Dr. Frans Sayogie, M.Pd, S.H NIP. 19700310 2000 03 1 002 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2011 LEGALIZATION Name Reg Title : Kartika Damayanti : 106026000998 : A Translation Analysis in English into Indonesian of Walt Whitman’s Poems This paper has been defended before the Examination Committee of Adab and Humanities Faculty on February 09, 2011. It has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1). Jakarta, February 09, 2011 The Examination Committee Signature Date 1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd 19640710 199303 1 006 (Chair Person) _________ ________ 2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum 19781003 200112 2 002 (Secretary) _________ ________ 3. Dr.Frans Sayogie, M.Pd, SH 19700310 200003 1 002 (Advisor) _________ ________ 4. Dr.H.M. Farkhan, M.Pd 19650919 200003 1 002 (Examiner I) _________ ________ 5. Dra.Danti Pudjianti, M.Hum 19731220 199903 2 004 (Examiner II) _________ ________ DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text. Jakarta, January 17 2011 Kartika Damayanti ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah SWT, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praises be to Allah, who has bestowed upon the writer in completing this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon to the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, her family, companions, and adherents. In writing this thesis, the writer wants to say many thanks to her advisor, Dr. Frans Sayogie, M.Pd., S.H As her advisor, who has been sincerely and resentfully guiding the writing to accomplish her thesis. The writer absolutely realizes that this thesis would not finish without help from some people around her materially, morally, scientifically, and spiritually. Therefore, she would like to express her sincere gratitude to those who have been given a valuable advice and guidance to finish this thesis. She would like to say her trustworthy gratitude to the following noble persons: 1. Dr. Abd. Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag, the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. 2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd, the Head of English Department, and Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the secretary of English Department. 3. All lectures, they have taught and educated the writer during her study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. 4. The writer’s beloved mother and father, they always help her materially, morally, and spiritually. 5. The writer’s family members, they always give her dedication, help, and love. 6. To all friends, they always support her. 7. The last but not least, to all her best friends, they had been learning together in the class. The writer always wishes them luck and success. May Allah bless all of them, Amin. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will be useful for the writer herself and for those who are interesting with the literary translation research. Jakarta, January 17 2011 The writer TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………… i APPROVEMENT….…………………………………………………………………...ii LEGALIZATION……………………………………………………………………...iii DECLARATION……………………………………………………………………....iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………………………………….v TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………......vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study……………………………………………1 B. Focus of the Study ………………………………………………6 C. Research Question ………………………………………………7 D. Significance of the Study ……………………………………….7 E. Research Methodology ………………………………………….7 1. Research Objective …………………………………………..7 2. Methods of Research…………………………………………8 3. The Unit of Analysis …………………………………………8 4. Research Instrument …………………………………………9 5. Data Analysis Technique …………………………………….9 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 1. Definition of Translation …………………………………..10 2. Types of Translation ……………………………………….11 3. Methods of Translation ……………………………………13 4. The Principles of Translation ………………………………16 5. Procedures of Translation …………………………………17 6. Poetry Translation Approaches………………………………22 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Data Description………………………………………………26 B. Data Analysis …………………………………………………27 1. I Hear America Singing ……………………………………31 2. To A President ……………………………………………..34 3. A Child Said, What is The Grass …………………………..36 4. A Persian Lesson…………………………………………...39 5. When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer ……………………42 C. Discussion …………………………………………………….43 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ……………………………………………………46 B. Suggestion ……………………………………………………47 BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………………...48 APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………………50 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Toward the globalization era, science, technology, and language have increasing in this world. When we talk about language skills we normally refer to listening, speaking, reading, and writing. However, there is another important skill in language, learning that we seem to neglect, namely translation. Translation is an activity of enormous importance in modern world and it is a subject of interest not only to linguists, professional, amateur translator, and language teachers, but also to engineers, and mathematician, and so forth.1 Translation is not only changing Source Language (SL) text into Target Language (TL) text but also keeping and considering the meaning and message rendered. According to Peter Newmark in his book Approaches To translation, 1988, “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.”2 In translating text, the translator should use some theories about what procedures that applicable to translate the text and the concept of method . There are four procedures which stated by Newmark commonly used by translator. By using procedure in translating the text it can give appropriate result and __________________ 1 2 J.C. Catford. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. (London : Oxford University Press, 1965), p.vii Peter Newmark, Approaches To Translation. (New York : Prentince Hall, 1988), p.7 the message can delivered well to the target language. The comparison of texts in different languages inevitably involves a theory of procedures translation. Because, when the translator trying to translated a text, he must transfer the meaning, the message, and the source culture to target culture. In translation, it is true that person who know both the source language and the target language well can often make the transfer from one form to the other very rapidly, without thinking about the semantic structure overtly.3 The importance of translation from the source language into the target language is not only for scientific, but also for non scientific for example in literature such as poetry, prose, novel, short story, and drama. Literature is the art of languages; it uses languages as a mean to communicate the author’s understanding of lives. Translating literary works is more difficult than translating other types of text because literary works have specific values called the aesthetic and expressive values. The aesthetic function and of the work shall emphasize the beauty of the words (diction), figurative language, metaphors, symbols, etc. While, the expressive function shall put forwards the writer’s thought, emotion, etc. One of the others literature works that very often translating into another language is poetry. Poetry is the most personal and concentrated of the five forms, no redundancy, no phatic language, where, as a unit the words have greater importance than in any other type of text. 4 ____________________ 3 4 Mildred L. Larson, Meaning-Based Translation. (London: University Press of America, 1984), p.4 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation. (New York: Prentice Hall, 1988), p.163 In a poem, so many creation more beautiful than others literary works such as the choice of words (diction), figurative language, rhythm, meter, symbol, specific expression, and structure. As one genre of literature, poetry has something special compared to the others. In a poem, the beauty is not only achieved with the choice of words and figurative language like in novels and short stories, but also with the creation of rhythm, rhyme, meter, and specific expressions and structures that may not conform to the ones of the daily language. In short, the translation of poetry needs something more than translating other genres of literature. Three factors of translating the poems are; (1) linguistic, (2) literary, and (3) cultural factors. Linguistics factor relates to how the translator finds out the close equivalence of the words, syntactic and semantic structures of the target language. Esthetic and literary factors relate to how the translator re-writes the poem in the target language by the same way in the source language, and socio-cultural factors relates to how the translator transfers the original culture of the author into the target language.5 That is the reasons so many people or translator have translated poetry from source language into another language because poetry is not ordinary language so that they want to understand the passion, the meaning, and expressing their feeling to reach poetical aspect. In this world there are so many great poets. One of them is Walt Whitman. He was born on May 31, 1819 in then rural Huntington, Long Island. At the age of ____________________ 5 Zuchridin Suryawinata and Sugeng Hariyanto, Translation; Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan. (Jakarta: Kanisius, 2003), p.167 twelve Whitman began to learn the printer's trade, and fell in love with the written word. Largely self-taught, he read voraciously, becoming acquainted with the works of Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, and the Bible. Whitman had been experimenting with poetry since 1847. He spent his last eight years in a small house in Camden which he was just prosperous enough to buy for himself. Whitman died on March 26, 1892, in his 73rd year.6 Walt Whitman had created many poems on his life, some of them had great place in American literature. The first edition of his famous work, “Leaves of Grass,” for which Whitman himself set the type, was published in 1855. It was reissued frequently, with addition and revisions, between 1855 and 1881. A complete edition contains all of Whitman’s poetry. The sources of his inspiration probably lay largely in personal experience.7 He wrote many poems about America or usually we called with United States. America gets its name from Amerigo Vespucci, who claimed that he explored the coasts of presentday Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina between 1497 and 1503. In 1507, a mapmakers and gradually was used for all of South America. Later, the name was applied to both continents. The word America is often used to mean the United States of America. 8 Walt Whitman’s poems also translated into another language especially into Indonesian language, it was translated by Taufiq Ismail. He is a translator, a poet ____________________ 6 Richard Ellmann and Robert O’clair, Modern Poems (New York: Oxford University, 1976), pp.1-3 Melville W. Feldman, The World University Encyclopedia 12 (USA : Manufactured, 1965), p.5499 8 Rudolph H.Yeatman, The World Book Encyclopedia A Vol.1 (Chicago : Merchandise Mart Plaza, 1986), p.387 7 and a teacher. He had translated many poems, including poems by Emily Dickinson, Robert Forst, Khalil Gibran. The writer search and find the Indonesian translation of Walt Whitman’s poems on Horison Majalah Sastra and Walt Whitman’s poems on the book Walt Whitman Complete Poetry and Collected Prose. The writer found five titles which are translated into Indonesian language. They were “I Hear America Singing” or “Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi”, “To A President” or “Kepada Seorang Presiden”, “A Persian Lesson” or “Pelajaran Sufi dari Farsi”, “A Child Said, What Is The Grass?” or “Seorang Anak Berkata Apa Itu Rerumputan?”, and “When I Heard the Learned Astronomer” or “Ketika Aku Mendengar Ahli Ilmu Bintang yang Terpelajar”. Although the writer thinks that translators are experts, it is not guarantee for good translation. Because, the writer found some translation that are she feels not appropriate with Source Language. Such as in “I Hear America Singing” line 10. English : Singing, with open mouths, their strong melodious songs. Indonesian : Yang bernyanyi dengan mulut terbuka, lagu mereka yang lantang dan sedap di dengar telinga. In Indonesian translation there is the addition. The translator adds the phrase “sedap di dengar telinga” that is not exist in English version. The writer thinks that the translator wants to make this poem more beautiful. Another example as in “To a President” line 3. English : You have not seen that only such as they are for these States. Indonesian : Anda belum paham bahwa itu yang diperlukan negeri kita. In the lyric above, the translator translated the word they in English language into the word itu in Indonesia language. As we know, the word they have equivalent with the word mereka in Indonesian language. But the translator translated the noun they become the adverb itu in TL. From the explanation above, the writer wants to analyze the procedures of translation and finds mimetic form approaches of poetry translation in English into Indonesian of Walt Whitman’s poems. This research entitled “A Translation Analysis in English into Indonesian of Walt Whitman’s Poems”. B. Focus of the Study The theme of the research affirms that is going to discuss a translation analysis in Walt Whitman’s poems, the writer discusses the types of procedures translation such as addition, transposition, modulation, and adaptation to know the reason for the translator that used the mimetic form approach translation in these poem translations. The analysis is limited in English into Indonesian translation of Walt Whitman’s poems, there are: “I Hear America Singing” or “Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi”, “To A President” or “Kepada Seorang Presiden”, “A Persian Lesson” or “Pelajaran Sufi dari Farsi”, “A Child Said, What Is The Grass?” or “Seorang Anak Berkata Apa Itu Rerumputan?”, and “When I Heard the Learned Astronomer” or “Ketika Aku Mendengar Ahli Ilmu Bintang yang Terpelajar”. The translation procedures will discuss such as addition, transposition, modulation, and adaptation to finds the mimetic form approach of translation in these poem translations. C. Research Question The questions in this research are: 1. What are the types of procedures in translation that found in English into Indonesian translation of Walt Whitman’s poems? 2. Why Taufiq Ismail used mimetic form approach of poetry translation to translated Walt Whitman’s poems? D. Significance of the Study The result of this research was expected to enrich the worth contributions in studying literature and translation. Therefore, this research is completed. 1. To know the procedures of translation in English into Indonesian translation such as addition, transposition, modulation, and adaptation in Walt Whitman’s poems. 2. To know the mimetic form approach of poetry translation used by Taufiq Ismail to translate Walt Whitman’s poems. E. Research Methodology 1. Research Objectives Based on the research question the objectives of this research are: 1. To describes the type procedures of translation in English into Indonesian such as addition, transposition, modulation, and adaptation of Walt Whitman’s poems. 2. To describes the mimetic form approach of poetry translation used by Taufiq Ismail to translate Walt Whitman’s poems. 2. Method of Research The writer analyses the data using qualitative technique by comparative method. It describes the type procedures of translation and the mimetic form approach of poetry translation in English into Indonesian translation of Walt Whitman’s poems. 3. The Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis on this research is five Walt Whitman’s poems there are: “I Hear America Singing” or “Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi”, “To A President” or “Kepada Seorang Presiden”, “A Persian Lesson” or “Pelajaran Sufi dari Farsi”, “A Child Said, What Is The Grass?” or “Seorang Anak Berkata Apa Itu Rerumputan?”, and “When I Heard the Learned Astronomer” or “Ketika Aku Mendengar Ahli Ilmu Bintang yang Terpelajar”. The writer found the original poems in the book ”Walt Whitman Complete Poetry and Collected Prose” and these poem translations in Indonesian from Horison Majalah Sastra, edition XLIV/3/2010 is the one of literature magazine. 4. Research Instrument To get the data, the writer read the text, to understand, to give mark, and collected the data that are related to the procedures of translation such as transposition, modulation, adaptation, and addition to finds the mimetic form approach of poetry translation that used by Taufiq Ismail to translate Walt Whitman’s poems. 5. Data Analysis Technique The data collected are analyzed by using qualitative technique by comparing relevant theories. The English as the source language and Indonesian translation as the target language are collected as a primary data. The primary data is supported by references as a secondary data, which are relevant with the study they are books, and dictionaries to finds the types of procedures translation such as transposition, modulation, adaptation, and addition to finds the mimetic form approach of poetry translation which is using by Taufiq Ismail to translate Walt Whitman’s poems. This goal is to take out conclusion objectively and systematically. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 1. Definition of Translation There are some definitions of translation taken from many sources, they are: a. Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.1 b. Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message.2 c. Translation involve the rendering of the source language (SL) into the target language (TL) so as to ensure, that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately and (2) the structure of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible, but no so closely that the SL structure will be seriously distorted.3 d. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).4 ________________ 1 Peter Newmark, Approaches To Translation, (London: Prentince Hall, 1988), p.7 E.A. Nida, The Theory and Practice of Translation, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1969), p.12 3 Susan Basnett, Translation Studies. (London: Routledge, 1996), p.2 4 J.C. Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation. (London: Oxford University Press, 1963), p.vii 2 From definitions above, the writer can conclude that the translation is an activity of replacement of one language (SL) to other language (TL) in the form of words, phrases, or sentences in either written message or statement, in which the meaning and structure of the TL will be preserved as closely as possible to the SL, because translation must keeping and considering the meaning and message rendered. 2. Types of Translation In the translation books, there are so many kinds of translation proposed by some experts. The several of types are classified in the different aspects. There are two types of translation according to Peter Newmark: a) Communicative translation It attempts to produce on its readers as an effect as close as possible to obtained on the readers of the original. It also addresses itself solely to the second reader, who does not anticipate difficulties or obscurities, and would expect a generous transfer of foreign elements into his own culture as well as his language where necessary. Communicative translation is always concentrated non the reader, but the equivalent-effect element is in operant if the text is out of TL space and time. The characteristic of communicative translation, it is likely to be smoother, simpler, clearer, more direct, more conventional, conforming to particular register of language, tending to under translate. b) Semantic translation It attempts to render, as closely as the semantics structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original. It also remains within the original culture and assists the reader only in its connotations if they constitute the essentials human (non-etchnic) message of the text. The characteristic of semantic translation, it tends to be more complex, more awkward, more detailed, more concentrated, and pursues the thought-process rather than the intention of the transmitter.5 Nida and Taber divided translation into three types of translation: a. Literal translation Literal translation is a kind of translation emphasizes word equivalences or expression in TL text which has the same meaning and expression in SL text. E.g. the word cat, kucing in Indonesian. It can’t be interpreted as different thing except four-legged animal which has the small body and lives around the house as pets. b. Dynamic translation The translation fills with five dynamic concepts: (1) reproducing message, (2) equivalent, (3) neutral equivalent, (4) closest equivalent, (5) meaning priority. This translation usually avoids a literal one. c. Idiomatic translation The translation maintains the style and meaning of the SL text, so the translation is not like translation but more like the SL text itself. 6 __________________ 5 Peter Newmark (1988), op.cit. pp.39-40 Zuchridin Suryawinata and Sugeng Hariyanto, Translation; Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan, (Yogyakarta : Kanisius, 2003), p.33 6 The types of translation are useful for the translator to translating the original texts into another language. By the types of translation, the translator could make an attempt to communicate the original text to the target reader. 3. Methods of Translation The central problem of translating has always been whether to translate literally or freely. The argument was theoretical: the purpose of the translation, the nature of the readership, the type of text, was not discussed. Too often, writer, translator and reader were implicity identified with each other. Now the context has changed, but the basic problem remains. Peter Newmark put it in the form of a flattened V diagram: SL emphasis TL emphasis Word- for-word translation Adaptation Free translation Literal translation Faithful translation Semantic translation Idiomatic translation Communicative translation According to Peter Newmark, the methods of translation are: 1. Word-for-word translation This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TL immediately below the SL words. The SL word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally. The main use of word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process. 2. Literal translation The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problems to be solved. 3. Faithful translation A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It ‘transfers’ cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical ‘abnormality’ (deviation from SL norms) in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realisation of the SL writer. 4. Semantic translation Semantic translation differs from ‘faithful translation’ only in as far as it must take more account of aesthetic value (that is, beautiful and natural sound) of the SL text, compromising on ‘meaning’ where appropriate so that no assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the finished version. Further, it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents and it may make other small concessions to the readership. The distinction between ‘faithful’ and ‘semantic’ translation is that the first is uncompromising and dogmatic, while the second is more flexible, admits the creative exception to 100% fidelity and allows for the translator’s intuitive empathy with the original. 5. Adaptation This is the ‘freest’ form of translation. It is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture converted to the TL culture and the text rewritten. The deplorable practice of having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has produced many poor adaptations, but other adaptations have ‘rescued’ period plays. 6. Free translation Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a so-called ‘intralingual translation’, often prolix and pretentious, and not translation at all. 7. Idiomatic translation Idiomatic translation reproduces the ‘message’ of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original. 8. Communicative translation Communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership. 7 __________________ 7 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall, 1988), pp.45-47 Commenting on these methods, semantic and communicative translation fulfils the two main aims of translation. A semantic translation is written at the author’s linguistic level, a communicative at the readership’s. Semantic translation is used for ‘expressive’ texts, communicative for ‘informative’ and ‘vocative’ texts. 4. The Principles of Translation In the world of translation, there are some principles that should be considered by the translator. According to T.H. Savory, the principles are: 1. A translation must give the words of original. 2. A translation must give the ideas of the original. 3. A translation should read like an original work. 4. A translation should read like translation. 5. A translation should reflect the style of the original. 6. A translation should posses the style of the translation. 7. A translation should read as a contemporary of the original. 8. A translation should read as a contemporary of the translation. 9. A translation may add to or omit from the original. 10. A translation may never add to or omit from the original. 11. A translation of verse should be in verse. 12. A translation of verse should be in prose. 8 __________________ 8 T.H. Savory, The Art of Translation, (London: Cape, 1981), p.54 However, some of the principles of translation proposed by T.H. Savory which greatly affect the translation of poetry in number 11 and 12, are: a translation of verse should be in verse, and a translation of verse should be in prose. This pair of alternative above can be easily recognize as giving one form of expression to the distinction between the literal or faithful translation and the idiomatic or free translation. One reason for the advocacy of faithfulness is that the translator has never allowed himself to forget that he is a translator. The translator is just an interpreter, one whose duty is to act as a bridge or channel between the mind of the author and the minds of the readers. Another reason for the advocacy of faithfulness is that style is the essential characteristic of every piece of writing. The outcome of the writer’s personality and his emotions at that time could be preserved in a literal translation. 5. Procedures of Translation Translation procedure is a technical direction to translate word to word, phrase to phrase, and sentence to sentence or some strategies which are carried out in translation including word, phrase, and sentence. According to Newmark in his book A Textbook of Translation, there are four types most common in procedures of translation: 1. Transference, (loan word, transcription) is the processes of transferring a SL word to a TL text as a translation procedure, e.g. the word decoration in English become the word dekorasi in Indonesian language. 2. Naturalisation, this procedure succeeds transference and adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology (word-forms) of the TL, e.g. active in English and aktif in Indonesian. 3. Cultural equivalent, this is an approximate translation where a SL cultural word is translated by a TL cultural word: menteri keuangan in Indonesian become minister of finance/ Chancellor of the Exchequer in English. 4. Functional equivalent, this common procedure, applied to cultural words, requires the use of a culture – free word, sometimes with a new specific term; it therefore neutralises or generalises the SL word; and sometimes adds a particular thus: ‘secondary school’ in English and ‘sekolah menengah pertama’ in Indonesian. 5. Decriptive equivalent, in translation, description sometimes has to be weighed against function. Thus for machete, the description is a ‘Latin American broad, heavy instrument’, the function is cutting or aggression; description and function are combined in ‘knife’. 6. Synonymy, this procedure is used for a SL word where there is no clear one-toone equivalent, and the word is not important in the text, in particular fo adjectives or adverbs of quality (which in principle are ‘outside’ the grammar and less important than other components of a sentences): ‘kind person’ in English become ‘orang yang baik’ in Indonesian. 7. Through translation, the literal translation of common collocation, names of organizations, the components of compounds and perhaps phrases, e.g. United Nation Organization (UNO) in English become Perserikatan Bangsa – Bangsa (PBB) in Indonesian. 8. Transposition, this is one of the most common procedures used in translation. In involves replacing grammatical structure in the SL with one of a different type in the TL in order to achieve the same effect. There are four types follows: a. The change from plural to singular e.g. language ‘a pair of trousers’ in English become ‘sebuah celana’ in Indonesian. b. Required when a SL grammatical structure does not exist in the TL, e.g. ‘the bomb was blasted yesterday’ become ‘diledakkan bom itu kemarin’. c. The one where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in TL. E.g. ‘Lending Bank’ become ‘Bank yang memberikan pinjaman’. d. The fourth type is the replacement of a virtual lexical gap by a grammatical structure. E.g. ‘it is this agreement which is referred to’ become ‘perjanjian inilah yang diacu’. 9. Modulation, it entails a change in lexical elements, a shift in the point of view. Modulation and transposition are two main processes in the translation. Transposition and modulation may take place at same time. Vinay and Darbelnet coined the term modulation to define a variation through a change of a viewpoint, of perspective and very often category of thought. Newmark divided modulation into two types. The first is standard modulation; it is used when word, phrase, or structure was not having equivalence meaning in TL. Example: the word Lessor and Lessee in English language. The second type is free modulation is used by translator when the translator reject literal translation, such as to clear the meaning, e.g. ‘environmental degradation’ become ‘penurunan mutu lingkungan’. 10. Recognised translation, you should normally use the official or generally accepted translation of any institutional term, e.g. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) in Indonesian and The House of Representative in English. 11. Translation Label, this is a provisional translation, usually of a new institutional term, which should be made in inverted commas, which can later be discreetly withdrawn. It could be through literal translation, thus: ‘heritage language’ and ‘langue d’heritage’. 12. Compensation, this is said to occur when loss of meaning, sound-effect, metaphor or pragmatic effect in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part, or in a contiguous sentence. 13. Componential Analysis, this is the splitting up of a lexical unit into its sense components, often one-to-two, three or four translations. 14. Reduction and expansion, these are rather imprecise translation procedures, which you practice intuitively in some cases. 15. Paraphrase, this is an amplification or explanation of the meaning of a segment of the text. It is used in an ‘anonymous’ text when it is poorly written, or has important implications and omissions. 16. Other procedures, Vinay and Darbelnet also give: a. Equivalence, an unfortunately named term implying approximate equivalence, accounting for the same situation in different terms. E.g. ‘The strory so far’ in English become ‘Ceritanya sangat berbeda’ in Indonesian. b. Adaptation, use of a recognized equivalent between two situations. This is a matter of cultural equivalence, such as ‘Dear Sir’ translated as ‘Dengan Hormat’ in Indonesian. 17. Couplets, triplets, quadruplets combine two, three, or four of the above mentioned procedures respectively for dealing with a single problem. 18. Notes, Additions, Glosses. This process is used to help when the translation that had the related with the technique, the culture, and others. Addition and borrowing may take place at same time. Example: ‘signed certificate’ becomes ‘ijazah yang ditandatangani’. This translation takes addition word ‘yang’ in ‘ijazah yang ditandatangani’.9 While the translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. In translating from one language into another language, usually transposition and modulation are two main common procedures that should be taken into account by the translator. Normally the translator should always study the text as a whole he begins to translate. Translation procedures could help the translator to solve the problems in translating all types of the text. __________________ 9 Peter Newmark (1988), op.cit. pp.85-93 6. Poetry Translation Approaches Although so many people are opposed poetry translation, the translation of poetry into the other languages still continues. The translation of poetry is the field where most emphasis is normally put on the creation of a new independent poem, and where literal translation is usually condemned. In short, the translation of poem or poetry needs ‘something more’ than translating other genres of literature. According to Holmes, there are four types or forms approaches of poetry translation which quoted by Asim Gunawan: 1. Pendekatan pertama adalah mempertahankan bentuk asli puisi, walaupun sebenarnya tidaklah mungkin mempertahankan bentuk yang ada di dalam bahasa sumber jika dialihkan ke dalam bahasa sasaran. Hal ini karena tidak ada dua bahasa mempunyai bentuk-bentuk puitis yang tepat sama. Apa yang dilakukan penerjemah di dalam hal ini ialah bentuk yang ada di dalam bahasa sumber itu ditirukan di dalam bahasa sasaran sebaik mungkin. Pendekatan ini disebut dengan pendekatan bentuk mimetik, yang berarti bentuk dalam arti luas puisi asli atau bentuk metapuisi (terjemahan) dan bermakna yang pada dasarnya punya kemiripan. 2. Pendekatan kedua menggunakan bentuk analogis. Penekanannya pada fungsi bentuk puisi asli di dalam tradisi puisi bahasa sumber, dan kemudian diberikan fungsi yang sepadan di dalam bahasa sasaran dengan mempertimbangkan tradisi di dalam bahasa sasaran itu. 3. Pendekatan ketiga adalah menggunakan bentuk derivatif isi. Penerjemah tidak mempertimbangkan bentuk puisi yang asli, ia menggunakan isi puisi sebagai titik tolak. Dengan menggunakan isi puisi sebagai dasar, ia bebas menentukan bentuk puisi terjemahan. 4. Pendekatan keempat tidak berkaitan dengan puisi yang asli sehingga dapat dikatakan pendekatan ini bukan pendekatan penerjemahan (pendekatan bebas). Di dalam hal ini penerjemah sekedar menggunakan puisi yang asli itu sebagai semacam inspirasi, dan metapuisinya tidak mencerminkan yang asli baik dalam hal bentuk maupun dalam hal isi. 10 __________________ 10 Frans Sayogie, Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Pustaka Anak Negeri, 2009), pp.212-214 The first approach is to maintain the original form of poetry, although in the fact is impossible to maintain the existing form in the source language if transferred into the target language. This case because there are no two languages has the same exactly in poetic form. In this case what the translator done in the form of source language had imitated in the target language as good as possible. This approach is called the mimetic form approach; it means the universal form of original poetry or poetic form (translation) and has meaning that basically similar. Second approach uses analogical form. The emphasis on the function of original poetry form in tradition of poetry in the source language, and then given the equivalence function in the target language by considering the tradition in the target language. The third approach is use derivative form. Translator is not considering the original poetry form, he uses the contents of the poem as a staring point. By using the contents of the poem as a base, he is free to determine the form of poetry translation. The fourth approach is not related to the original poem so that it can be said this approach is not a translation approach (free approach). Inside this translator simply uses the original poem as a kind of inspiration and poem not reflect the original both in terms of form and in content. According to the writer, the form approach of poetry translation is the result of translation after the translator uses one of the existing translation methods. Thus, the method of translation is the translator how to translate or plan a translator in translating the text, and the results can be seen from the form approach of translation. This is the sample of poem in English language (Death of a Whale)written by John H. McGlynn translated into Indonesian language (Matinya Seekor Ikan Paus) by Sapardi Djoko Damono used mimetic form approach. DEATH OF WHALE When the mouse died, there was a sort of pity: The tiny little creature made for grief. Yesterday, instead, the dead whale on the reef drew an exited multitude to the jetty. How must a whale die to wring a tear? Lugubrious death of whale; the big Feast for the gull and sharks; the tug of the tide stimulating life still there, until the air, polluted, swings this way like a door ajar from a slaughterhouse. Pooh! pooh! Spare us, give us the death of a mouse Bu its tiny hole, not this in our lovely bay. -Sorry we are, too, when a child dies; but at the immolation of a race, who cries? MATINYA SEEKOR IKAN PAUS Ketika tikus itu mati, ada rasa belas di hati: Hewan kecil lentik yang menyedihkan ini! Kemarin, tapi, ikan paus yang mati di pantai mengundang orang berdatangan ramai. Bagaimana harusnya ia mati, supaya kita iba hati? Sebelum terdampar, ia jadi pesta besar Untuk hiu dan camar-camar! Tarikan pasang seolah menghidupkan lagi, sampai datang angin cemar, mendorongnya terlempar seperti dari rumah jagal. Wah, wah! Tolonglah kami, beri kami tikus mati dekat liang, bukan ikan paus di pantai yang indah ini. -Kita pun sedih waktu ada anak mati; Tapi bila sebuah ras binasa, siapa akan berduka? While the translation of the poem "Death of a Whale", according to Gunarwan, that the transferring (content) meaning and form quite loyal. There is some refraction of meaning that occur in the transfer of creature into an animal, like a given superordinate counterpart hiponim - less precise. Translation the tug of the tide simulating life become tarikan pasang seolah menghidupkannya lagi (if translated back into English become the tude of the tide looks as though it review it) seems also wrong. Similarly, the translation the immolation of a race become (bila) sebuah ras binasa, it is also not appropriate. The word immolation hinted that the murder of race for the victim and, more important, in the words that implied there was the accused. This implication is not in the equivalence line of poem. Nevertheless, the overall transfer of poem “Death of a Whale” into “Matinya seekor Ikan Paus” could be said enough.11 From the sample of the poem translation “Death of A Whale” into Indonesian language “Matinya seekor ikan paus”, we could see that in the translation of the poem there are two emphasizes: first, the translation of poem must keep the context of the poem, or keep the message in original poem and second, the translation of the poem must keep the beautiful of the poem. In this case, the translator must trying hard to translated the original poems into another language, because the author and the translator have differences in language, society and culture background. __________________ 11 Frans Sayogie (2009), op.cit. pp. 215-218 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Data Description In this chapter, the writer had analyses of poem translations from the Walt Whitman’s poems. These poem are: I Hear America Singing, To a President, A Persian Lesson, A Child Said What is the Grass, and When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer. These poems had taken from the book “Complete Poetry and Collected Prose by Walt Whitman”. The original poems translated into Indonesian language by Taufiq Ismail which is published by “Horison Majalah Sastra”. First, the writer observed and analysis by procedures of translation between the SL text and the TL text in translation sentences of these poems to classify the type procedures of translation such as addition, transposition, modulation, and adaptation. The writer connected first language to the translation in second language. After that, the meaning of addition, transposition, modulation, and adaptation was checked in the form approach of translation in these poem translations. In research findings, the writer found that the translator uses mimetic form approach in these poem translations, because these poem translations keep the original form of poetry. In these analyses the writer gives her opinion, and the writer thinks the possible structural meaning changes that may occur in SL text into TL text can be observed in the following data description: a. Transposition 1. SL: Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong. (I Hear America Singing, line 2) TL: Nyanyi tukang di bengkel, setiap mereka menyanyi seperti mestinya gembira dan lantang. (Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi, line 2) 2. SL: The manson singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work. (I Hear America Singing, line 4) TL: Tukang batu menyanyikan lagunya ketika akan pergi bekerja, atau seusai bekerja. (Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi, line 4) 3. SL: The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing. (I Hear America Singing, line 8) TL: Lagu merdu sang ibu, atau isteri muda ketika bekerja, atau anak sang gadis menjahit serta mencuci. (Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi, line 8) 4. SL: Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else. (I Hear America Singing, line 9) TL: Setiap mereka menyanyikan lagu mereka sendiri, bukan lagu orang lain. (Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi, line 9) 5. SL: Bearing the owner’s name someway in the corners, that we may see and remark and say Whose? (A Child Said, What is the Grass, line 6) TL: Dengan nama pemiliknya tercantum di salah satu sudutnya, sehingga kita bisa melihatnya lalu berkata Punya Siapa? (Seorang Anak Berkata Apa Itu Rerumputan, line 6) 6. SL: Or I guess the grass it is a uniform hieroglyphic. (A Child Said, What is the Grass, line 8) TL: Atau mungkin rerumputa itu huruf hieroglif yang seragam. (Seorang Anak Berkata Apa Itu Rerumputan, line 8) 7. SL: Spoke to the young priests and student. (APersian Lesson,line 5) TL: Kepada ulama muda dan santrinya dia berkata. (A Persian Lesson, line 5) 8. SL: It is the central urge in every atom. (A Persian Lesson, line 13) TL: Dia mengendap sebagai tenaga di inti zarrah. (Pelajaran Sufi dari Farsi, line 13) 9. SL: When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture room. (When I Heard the Learn’d Astronmer, line 4) TL: Ketika seraya duduk ku dengar ahli ilmu bintang itu memberi ceramah disambut tepukan tangan meriah di ruang kuliah. (Ketika Aku Mendengar Ahli Ilmu Bintang Yang Terpelajar, line 4) 10. SL: When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture room. (When I Heard the Learn’d Astronmer, line 4) TL: Ketika seraya duduk ku dengar ahli ilmu bintang itu memberi ceramah disambut tepukan tangan meriah di ruang kuliah. (Ketika Aku Mendengar Ahli Ilmu Bintang Yang Terpelajar, line 4) b. Addition 1. SL: Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs. (I Hear America Singing, line 11) TL: Yang bernyanyi dengan mulut terbuka, lagu mereka yang lantang dan sedap di dengar telinga. (Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi, line 11) 2. SL: You have not learn’d of Nature – of the politics of Nature you have not learn’d the great amplitude, rectitude, impartiality. (To a President, line 2) TL: Anda belum menyimak Alam – tentang politik Alam belum anda pelajari betapa keagungan, kejujuran, serta sikap tak berpihaknya. (Kepada Seorang Presiden, line 2) 3. SL: And that what is less than they, must sooner or later lift off from these States. (To a President, line 4) TL: Bila ikhtiar tidak kesana betapa tiada terkira kerugian yang kita derita. (Kepada Seorang Presiden, line4) 4. SL: And now it seemes to me the beautiful uncut hair of graves. (A Child Said, What is The Grass, line 12) TL: Sekarang malahan rerumputan nampak bagai rambut kuburan yang terurai panjang belum sempat dirapikan. (Seorang Anak Berkata Apa Itu Rerumputan, line 12) 5. SL: On the slope of teeming Persian rose-garden, (A Persian Lesson, line 3) TL: Di lereng sebuah kebun mawar demikian indahnya, (Pelajaran Sufi dari Farsi, line 3) c. Adaptation 1. SL: Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else, (I Hear America Singing, line 9) TL: Setiap mereka menyanyikan lagu mereka sendiri, bukan lagu orang lain, (Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi, line 9) 2. SL: Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. (A Child Said What is the Grass?, line 11) TL: Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, ku beri mereka yang serupa, ku terima yang serupa. (Seorang Anak Berkata Apa Itu Rerumputan?, line11) d. Modulation 1. SL: All you are doing and saying is to America dangled mirages, (To a President, line 1) TL: Semua yang anda lakukan dan ucapkan bagi Amerika adalah fatamorgana yang goyang bergoyang, (Kepada Seorang Presiden, line 1) 2. SL: Growing among black folks as among white. (A Child Said, What is the Grass, line10) TL: Bertumbuh di antara orang kulit hitam maupun di antara orang kulit putih. (A Child Said, What is the Grass, line10) 3. SL: Would you know the dissatisfaction? The urge and spur of every life. (A Persian Lesson, line11) TL: Adakah kau tangkap keresahan? Makhluk dalam dorongan dan loncatan. (Pelajaran Sufi dari Farsi, line11) 4. SL: The something never still’d – never entirely gone? The invisible need of every seed? (A Persian Lesson, line12) TL: Yang tak pernah tenang, tak kunjung hilang? Tak tampak namun ada dia, bersembunyi dalam benih kehidupan. (Pelajaran Sufi Dari Farsi, line12) B. Data Analysis Before the writer found the form approach of poetry translation in these poem translations, first, the writer classified procedures of translation to finds the form approach of these poem translations. 1. I Hear America Singing (Aku Dengar Amerika Bernyanyi) Line 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Source Language I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear, Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong, The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam, The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work, The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck, The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands, The wood-cutter’s song, the ploughboy’s on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown, The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing, Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else, The day what belongs to the day – at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly, Target Language Aku dengar Amerika bernyanyi, aku dengar beragam lagu puji, Nyanyi tukang di bengkel, setiap mereka menyanyi seperti mestinya gembira dan lantang, Tukang kayu menyanyikan lagunya seraya mengukur papan atau baloknya, Tukang batu menyanyikan lagunya ketika akan pergi bekerja, atau seusai bekerja, Pengemudi kapal menyanyikan miliknya di atas kapal, anak buahnya menyanyi di atas dek kapal uap, Tukang sepatu menyanyi sambil duduk di bangkunya pembuat topi menyanyi sambil berdiri, Lagu penebang kayu, anak pembajak ladang di jalan pagi hari, atau di waktu istirahat tengah hari atau ketika matahari terbenam, Lagu merdu sang ibu, atau isteri muda ketika bekerja, atau anak sang gadis menjahit serta mencuci, Setiap mereka menyanyikan lagu mereka sendiri, bukan lagu orang lain, Lagu siang hari untuk siang hari – di malam hari pesta anak-anak muda, tegap dan ramah hati, 11. Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs. Yang bernyanyi dengan mulut terbuka lagu mereka yang lantang dan sedap di dengar telinga. 1. SL: Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe strong. (line2) TL: Nyanyi tukang di bengkel, setiap mereka menyanyi seperti mestinya, gembira dan lantang. (line 2) If the writer compare this translation exactly, the translator takes the word nyanyi “Nyanyi tukang di bengkel” in TL that is not exists in phrase “Those of mechanics” in SL. The word nyanyi in Indonesia language has meaning sing in English language. The writer’s opinion the translator gives addition in this translation; because he wants to give more explanation about the mechanics did when they hard worked and replacement of lexical by a grammatical structure. So, the writer found transposition in this translation. 2. SL: The manson singing as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work, (line 4) TL: Tukang batu menyanyikan lagunya ketika akan pergi bekerja, atau seusai bekerja, (line 4) In this translation, the writer found a transposition. Because, the type of shift in this translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in TL. So, the writer translated the phrase in SL “as he makes ready for work” into “ketika akan pergi bekerja” in TL. 3. SL: The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work or of the girl sewing or washing. (line 8) TL: Lagu merdu sang ibu, atau isteri muda ketika bekerja, anak gadis menjahit serta mencuci. (line 8) In this shift, the writer found adj + noun in English language become noun + adj in Indonesian language. The phrase young wife is consists of adj + noun, and translated into Indonesian language become istri muda which has adj + noun form. In Indonesia language has different structure grammatical with English. Automatically, the translator must do a transposition. 4. SL: Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else. (line 9) TL: Setiap mereka menyanyikan lagu mereka sendiri, bukan lagu orang lain. (line 9) If the phrase of SL above “Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else” translated by faithful translation, that result would become “setiap menyanyikan milik mereka dan bukan untuk orang lain”. This translation text is not beautiful in Indonesia language. So, the translator do a transposition in TL “Setiap mereka menyanyikan lagu mereka sendiri, bukan lagu orang lain”. Because the one where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in TL. 5. SL: Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else. (line 9) TL: Setiap mereka menyanyikan lagu mereka sendiri, bukan lagu orang lain. (line 9) According to the writer, in this sentence there is the phrase him or her that translated become the word mereka. Him or her in English, the word him is pronoun that uses for men, while the word her is pronoun that uses for women. Meanwhile, in the Indonesian language the word him or her for the man and woman are not distinguished as in English. Translator is could not translated the phrase him or her into dia atau dia in Indonesian. This translation to found cultural equivalent between two situation because differences concept of culture in SL and TL so that the translator need adaptation. 6. SL: Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs. (line 11) TL: Yang bernyanyi dengan mulut terbuka, lagu mereka yang lantang dan sedap di dengar telinga. (line 11) The writer found; the translator gives addition the phrase “dan sedap di dengar telinga” that is not exists in SL. Perhaps the translator wants this lyric more beautiful when the others read this poem translation, but the writer thinks it will change the original poem wants to tell. In the writer’s opinion, it should be translated with “Yang bernyanyi dengan mulut terbuka, melodi lagu mereka yang lantang”. In this translation, the writer found addition. 2. To A President (Kepada Seorang Presiden) Line 1. 2. 3. 4. Source Language All you are doing and saying is to America dangled mirages, You have not learn’d of Nature – of the politics of Nature you have not learn’d the great amplitude, rectitude, impartiality, You have not seen that only such as they are for these States, And that what is less than they must sooner or later lift off from these States. Target Language Semua yang anda lakukan dan ucapkan bagi America adalah fatamorgana yang goyang bergoyang, Anda belum menyimak Alam – tentang politik Alam, belum anda pelajari betapa keagungan, kejujuran serta sikap tak berpihaknya, Anda belum paham bahwa itu yang diperlukan negeri kita, Bila ikhtiar tidak kesana betapa tiada terkira kerugian yang kita derita. 1. SL: All you are doing and saying is to America dangled mirages, (line 1) TL: Semua yang anda lakukan dan ucapkan bagi America adalah fatamorgana yang goyang bergoyang. (line 1) In this lyric above, the writer found modulation. This modulation that translator had translated the word mirages in English language into the word fatamorgana, which is the word mirage has equivalent meaning khayalan belaka in Indonesia language. But, the translator use fatamorgana as the translation, because fatamorgana in Indonesia language has a meaning something so beautiful or something like heaven. So, the translator use fatamorgana, another purpose is to make the poem has poetic language. 2. SL: You have not learn’d of Nature – of the politics of Nature you have not learn’d the great amplitude, rectitude, impartiality. (line 2) TL: Anda belum menyimak Alam – tentang politik Alam belum anda pelajari betapa keagungan, kejujuran, serta sikap tak berpihaknya. (line 2) In this lyric, the translator added the words tentang and serta which is not consisting in SL. According to the writer, this translation should be “Anda belum menyimak Alam – politik Alam belum anda pelajari betapa keagungan, kejujuran, sikap tak berpihaknya” to keep the context of the poem, but it seemed that the translator wants this lyric sound more rhythmical when the reader read it. So, the translator added the word tentang and serta in TL. In this translation, the translator gives addition. 3. SL: And that what is less than they, must sooner or later lift off from these States. ( line 4) TL: Bila ikhtiar tidak kesana betapa tiada terkira kerugian yang kita derita. (line4) The writer found addition because the translator added the word ikhtiar to Indonesian translation. In English language, the word ikhtiar has means to make an attempt or effort to do or get something. According to the writer, the translator wants the reader know that is the trying all of citizen for the States. The word ikhtiar can gives value to the poem translation because it will make easier for the readers to understand this phrase of translation. 3. A Child Said, What is the Grass? (Seorang Anak Berkata, Apa Itu Rerumputan?) Line Source Language 1. A child said, What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands, 2. How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he. 3. I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Or I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord. A scented gift and remembrancer designedly dropped, Bearing the owner’s name someway in the corners, that we may see and remark, and say Whose? Or I guess the grass is itself a child, the produced babe of the vegetation. Or I guess the grass it is a uniform hieroglyphic, And it means, Sprouting alike in broad zones and narrow zones, Target Language Seorang anak berkata Apa itu Rerumputan? Seraya membawa daku senggam penuh dalam tangannya, Bagaimana cara aku menjawabnya? Pengetahuanku tentang rerumputan agaknya tak lebih ketimbang dia. Mungkin rerumputan adalah bendera dalam perbendaharaanku, ditenun dari bahan harapan berwarna kehijauhijauan. Atau mungkin rerumputan itu saputangan Tuhan. Sebuah hadiah wangi aromanya untuk kenangan sengaja dibuatkan, Dengan nama pemiliknya tercantum di salah satu sudutnya, sehingga kita bisa melihatnya lalu berkata Punya Siapa? Atau mungkin rerumputan itu seorang anak kecil, bayi yang dihasilkan tetumbuhan. Atau mungkin rerumputan itu huruf hieroglif yang seragam. Dan maknanya, bertunas tumbuh serupa baik di kawasan lapang maupun di kawasan kurang lapang, 10. 11. 12. Growing among black folks as among white, Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. Bertumbuh di antara orang kulit hitam maupun di antara orang kulit putih, Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, kuberi mereka yang serupa, kuterima yang serupa. Sekarang malahan rerumputan nampak And now it seems to me the beautiful bagai rambut kuburan yang terurai uncut hair of graves. panjang belum sempat dirapikan. 1.SL: Bearing the owner’s name someway in the corners, that we may see and remark, and say Whose? (line 6) TL: Dengan nama pemiliknya tercantum di salah satu sudutnya, sehingga kita bisa melihatnya lalu berkata Punya Siapa? (line 6) In this case, the type of shift is required when a SL grammatical structure does not exist in the TL. Here the always option. Because, the laid of adjective in front of the phrase like “the owner’s name” is not exist in Indonesian language. So, the translator do a transposition to translate this phrase, the phrase in SL the owner’s name translated into nama pemiliknya in TL. 2. SL: Or I guess the grass it is a uniform hieroglyphic, (line 8) TL: Atau mungkin rerumputan itu huruf hieroglif yang seragam. (line 8) In this transposition, the writer found the translator used type of transposition is the replacement of a lexical by grammatical structure. If the phrase a uniform hieroglyphic translated by faithful translation it would be sebuah seragam hieroglif. So, the translator translated the phrase a uniform hieroglyphic in SL into huruf hieroglif yang seragam in TL to get appropriate in Indonesian translation. 3. SL: Growing among black folks as among white. (line 10) TL: Bertumbuh diantara orang kulit hitam maupun diantara orang kulit putih. (line 10) The translator wants to adapt the word white in the SL becomes the phrase orang yang berkulit putih in the TL. Because, the concept of culture between Indonesian language and English language is very different. If in English the word white is to explain the person who has the white skin is not same as in the Indonesian language. As we know in the Indonesian language to describe the characteristic of people or something have to mention noun + adj. So different from the English language that can describe the characteristics of the persons or things just mentions the adjective. In this lyric, there is modulation of translation SL into TL. 4. SL: Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. (line 11) TL: Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, kuberi mereka yang serupa, kuterima yang serupa. (line 11) The writer found the words that is not translated in TL, because these words Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff is adapting from SL. The words Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff in SL means name of the persons in America, so the translator does not translated these words. In this lyric there is adaptation in SL into TL translation. 5 . SL: And now it seems to me the beautiful uncut hair of graves. (line 12) TL: Sekarang malahan rerumputan nampak bagai rambut kuburan yang terurai panjang belum sempat dirapikan. (line 12) The writer found addition the phrase terurai panjang in TL text that is not exists in SL text. The phrase terurai panjang in TL is explanation of the uncut hair of graves. But, the writer think is not exists in SL. So, according to the writer the Indonesian translation should be “Sekarang rerumputan itu nampak bagai rambut kuburan yang indah belum sempat dirapikan”, because in SL text there is the word “beautiful” that is not translated by the translator and it would changes the context of original poem. 4. A Persian Lesson (Pelajaran Sufi dari Farsi) Line 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Source Language For his o’erarching and last lesson the greybeard sufi, In the fresh scent of the morning in the open air, On the slope of a teeming Persian rose-garden, Under an ancient chestnut-tree wide spreading its branches, Spoke to the young priests and student. “Finally my children, to envelop each word, each part of the rest, Allah is all, all, all – is immanent in every life and object, May-be at many and many-a-more removes-yet Allah, Allah, Allah is there. “Has the estray wander’d far? Is the reason-why strangerly hidden? Would you sound below the restless ocean of the entire world? Would you know the dissatisfaction? the urge and spur of every life; Target Language Seorang sufi berjanggut abu-abu di akhir pelajarannya, Pada suatu pagi yang segar di udara terbuka Di lereng sebuah kebun mawar demikian indahnya, Dinaungi pepohonan tua dengan jaringan dahan dan cabangnya, Kepada ulama muda dan santrinya dia berkata, ”Anak-anakku, akhirnya, sebagai penutup kata Allah adalah segalanya, immanen di setiap bentuk kehidupan apa jua Sebutlah ini-itu sebanyak-banyaknya – Allah, Allah, Allah ada di sana ”Sejauh-jauh orang dalam kesesatan, sebab musabab disembunyikan? Adakah terdengar suara di dasar lautan gelisah seluruh jagat raya? Adakah kau tangkap keresahan? Makhluk dalam dorongan dan loncatan, 12. The something never still’d – never entirely gone? The invisible need of every seed? 13. “It is the central urge in every atom, 14. 15. 16. (Often unconscious, often evil, downfallen,) To return to its divine source and origin, however distant, Latent the same in subject and in object, without one exception.” Yang tak pernah tenang, tak kunjung hilang? Tak tampak namun ada dia, bersembunyi dalam benih kehidupan? ”Dia mengendap sebagai tenaga di inti zarrah (Seringkali tak sadar, kadang-kadang menjatuhkan) Namun kembali ke sumber kesucian walau jarak di kejauhan Serupa untuk semua, tiada kekecualian” 1. SL: On the slope of teeming Persian rose-garden, (line 3) TL: Di lereng sebuah kebun mawar demikian indahnya, (line 3) The translator gives addition the word indahnya in this translation, but the translator not translated the word Persian from SL into TL in this lyric. Maybe the translator added the word indahnya in TL to make this lyric more beautiful. But, why the translator not translated the word Persian in SL into TL. The writer’s opinion this lyric translation should be “Di lereng sebuah kebun mawar Persia”, because the word Persia is the important part of lyric in this poem which has the title “A Persian Lesson”. 2. SL: Spoke to the young priests and student, (line 5) TL: Kepada ulama muda dan santrinya dia berkata, (line 5) The writer found there is a change in the grammar from SL into target language. According to the writer, this change from plural into singular, as we know the phrase the young priests has meaning more than one persons in English language translated into ulama muda in Indonesia language. In this translation, the writer found a transposition. 3. SL: Would you know the dissatisfaction? The urge and spur of every life. (line11) TL: Adakah kau tangkap keresahan? Makhluk dalam dorongan dan loncatan. (line11) In English into Indonesian translation usually found unit shift such as word become phrase or phrase become clause or on the contrary case. In this lyric, the writer found that the translator change the phrase every life in SL text into word makhluk in TL text. As we know, if the phrase every life in SL if translated word-for-word into TL become setiap kehidupan. The writer thinks a modulation of this translation because the level of equivalence word is less in result of translation if translated word-by-word. So the translator change the phrase every life into the word makhluk in TL. 4. SL: The something never still’d – never entirely gone? The invisible need of every seed? (line12) TL: Yang tak pernah tenang, tak kunjung hilang? Tak tampak namun ada dia, bersembunyi dalam benih kehidupan. (line12) In the lyric above, the word still’d translated become the word tenang which is not really appropriate in SL. Because, the equivalence word still in Indonesian language is masih or tetap. We must know the reason the translator chooses the word tenang in TL to translate the word still’d in SL. The writer finds, this lyric of the poem told about the situation in dissatisfaction and still doesn’t change, so this word tenang in TL related to the context that appropriate doesn in SL text. In this translation, the writer found modulation. 5. SL: It is a central urge in every atom. (line13) TL: Dia mengendap sebagai tenaga di inti zarrah. (line13) The translator do a transposition because grammatical structure in SL does not exist in the TL. The position of adjective in SL central urge into the noun in TL tenaga di inti is automatic and offers the translator no choice. 5. When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer (Ketika Aku Mendengar Ahli Ilmu Bintang yang Terpelajar) Line 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Source Language When I heard the learn’d astronomer, When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me, When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them, How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick, Till raising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from tome to time, Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars. Target Language Ketika aku mendengar ahli ilmu bintang yang terpelajar Ketika sejumlah bukti dan angka di depanku dalam kolom berjajar Ketika ditunjukkan padaku peta dan diagram, menambah, membagi, dan mengukur semua Betapa segera entah bagaimana aku jadi letih dan jemu Akhirnya bangkit dan meluncurlah daku keluar sendiri Di udara malam lembab dan mistis, dan sekali-sekali, Menegadah memandang gemintang sepenuh sunyi. 1. SL: When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture room. (line 4) TL: Ketika seraya duduk kudengar ahli ilmu bintang itu memberi ceramah disambut tepukan tangan yang meriah di ruang kuliah. (line 4) In this lyric above, the writer found a transposition. This type of translation is the replacement of a virtual lexical gap by a grammatical structure. So, the translator translated the phrase “When I sitting heard” in SL into “Ketika seraya duduk ku dengar” in TL. 2. SL: When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture room. (line 4) TL: Ketika seraya duduk ku dengar ahli ilmu bintang itu memberi ceramah disambut tepukan tangan meriah di ruang kuliah. (line 4) If we compare this translation, there is a transposition. The laying down of noun + adjective does not exist in English language. In this shift, adjective + noun in English language become noun + adjective in Indonesian language. The phrase lecture room is consists of adjective + noun and the translation become ruang kuliah which has noun + adjective form. So, the translator impossible do a mistake to translate this phrase. C. Discussion The writer finds there are the types of procedures in English into Indonesian translation of Walt Whitman’s poems which is translated by Taufiq Ismail In Walt Whitman’s poems translation, the writer analyses four types of procedure in translation, such as: transposition, modulation, adaptation, and addition that is analyses by the writer. The type procedures of translation in the theory of translation are helpful for the translator to translate Walt Whitman’s poems in English language into Indonesian language correctly. Mostly analyses of these poem translations, the writer found that the translator used mimetic form approach of poem translation, mimetic form approach translation same as meaningful translation because it is keep the original form of poetry in source language into target language. It is proof that almost translation of these poem has appropriate between English language into Indonesian language. First, the writer found ten transpositions in these poem translations. Transposition is involves replacing grammatical structure in SL with different type in TL to achieve the same effect. For example, the phrase lecture room and young wife in English language is consists of adj + noun, if translated into Indonesian language become ruang kuliah and istri muda which consists of noun + adj. So, characteristic of transposition changes the structure of grammatical in SL which is appropriate to TL. Second, the writer also found four modulations in these poem translations. Because, modulation is purpose to make the translation text more easy to understand in TL. For example: the word still has equivalence word in Indonesian language is masih or tetap, but the translator translated the word still become the word tenang in Indonesian translation. In this case, the translator could translate the SL text related to the context of the TL text to get appropriate translation between the SL and the TL. Third, adaptation exists in two lyrics of these poem translations. Adaptation in procedure of translation are involves modifying the concept or using a situation analogous to the SL situation thought not identical to it. The example of adaptation is the word white in English language become the phrase orang yang berkulit putih in Indonesian language. Because in Indonesian language to describe the characteristic of people or something have to mention noun + adj, different with English language which could describe the characteristics of person or something just mentions the adjective. Texture is very important feature in translation to get the English language which could describe the characteristics of person or something just mentions the adjective. Texture is very important feature in translation to get the purpose of translation text. Fourth, the writer found five additions in these poem translations. Generally, addition in procedures of translation gives the word or the phrase that is not exists in SL to TL in order to make TL text more clear and more beautiful. CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION F. Conclusion After had an analysis of Walt Whitman’s poems in English into Indonesian translation, the writer analyses four types of translation in these poem translations, such as: transposition, addition, adaptation, and modulation. Taufiq Ismail as the translator is free to decide and used the mimetic form approach of poetry translation to translating these poems, as long as the form approaches translation effect is achieved. In these poem translations, the translator made an attempt to communicate the meaning of the original poems to the target reader. When reading these poem translations, the target reader can feel the emotion of the poems and the message implied in the poems. He used mimetic form approach translation in these poems to translating the words, the context, and the culture from source language which is appropriate into target language. But, in these poem translations there are some shifts in meaning and grammatical or structure from English language into Indonesian language, because there are no two languages have the same exactly in words, and grammatical structure of languages, further more between English language and Indonesian language it does not have the same exactly in poetic form. B. Suggestion There are some suggestions from the writer about this discussion. The suggestions are: 1. For the translator, it is better to know the characteristic language and culture of the poem in the source language. So the translator knows what the poet wants to tell in his poem. 2. In addition, for the students are interesting in translation research especially in poetry translation, not only mastering the translation theories but also understanding the English text as a source language and the Indonesian text as a target language until they can apply the translation strategies and meanings on his research. As this thesis is still far from perfection, so the writer hopes this research can be useful for the readers especially for the student at college interests in translation study. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baker, Mona. A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge, 1992 Basnett, Susan. Translation Studies. London: Routledge, 1996 Catford, J.C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press, 1963 Echols, John M. and Shadily, Hasan. An English – Indonesian Dictionary. Jakarta: Gramedia, 1997 Echols, John M. and Shadily, Hasan. Kamus Indonesia-Inggris. Jakarta: Gramedia, 2003 Ellmann, Richard and O’clair, Robert. Modern Poems. Newyork: Oxford University, 1976 Feldman, Melville W. The World University Encyclopedia 12. USA: Manufactured, 1965 Farkhan, Muhammad. Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Jakarta: Penerbit Cella, 2006 Gunarwan, Asim. Perpadanan Dinamis di dalam Penerjemahan Puisi: Kajian Empiris. Jakarta: Lembaga Bahasa Unika Atma Jaya, 1976 Hatim, Basil and Munday, Jeremy. 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