U2E1: Yo Puedo 1. Ar verb review 5 pts. 2. Er verb review 5 pts. 3. Learn about the famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera 5pts. 4. Review classroom objects 5 pts. 5. Review numbers 1-100 5 pts. 6. Do the crossword or the wordsearch for U2E1 5 pts 7. AR verb review-Burrito Builder online game 5 pts 8. ER verb review-Burrito Builder online game 5 pts 9. Adverbs of Frequency video and sheet 5 pts 10. Timed vocabulary drill. 5 pts 11. Bring in a cake or a cookie that is decorated like a flag or map of a Hispanic Country. 10 pts. 12. Video about classroom objects 10 pts. 13. Create a poster (8 ½ x 11) that uses 10 “ Me gusta” sentences. 10 pts. 14. Watch the tener video and make your own tener song 10 pts. 15. Watch the tener que vs hay que video and complete the sheet. 10 pts. 16. En voces writing assignment. 10 pts 17. Facebook profile for Lázaro Cárdenas. 10 pts 18. En tu propia voz writing assignment. 10 pts 19. Regular Verb Drills 10 pts 20. En voces reading assignment. 10 pts Proyecto--”Mi Familia” (55 POINTS POSSIBLE) Create a book introducing and describing yourself and two family members. 1. Go to http://www.davidreilly.com/spanish/lessons/basic_verbs/ar_verbs.html Read the information. Must complete the two act on the bottom of the site. You receive ½ credit to complete it, and ½ credit when you correct it. Must be completed/corrected by last date of the sheet. 2. Go to http://www.davidreilly.com/spanish/lessons/basic_verbs/er_verbs.html Read the information. Must complete the two act on the bottom of the site. You receive ½ credit to complete it, and ½ credit when you correct it. Must be completed/corrected by last date of the sheet. 3. Go to http://www.diegorivera.org/ Read the information. Then, download the sheet. You receive ½ credit to complete it, and ½ credit when you correct it. Must be completed/corrected by last date of the sheet. 4. Go to http://quizlet.com/33168/spanish-classroom-objects-flash-cards/ Must play flash cards and do 1 game/test. Must print page for proof. 5. Go to http://www.quia.com/jg/65552.html and play 2 games on the concept of #1-100. Play 2 and print screen for proof. 6. Go to https://conjuguemos.com/games_interactive.php?source=public&id=87 and print either the crossword or the wordsearch activity. Complete it using U2E1 vocabulary and turn it in. 7. Go to http://www.spanishprograms.com/spanish_teacher/learning_module/games.php Click on the “AR Verbs” link. Play the game by typing in the Spanish verb conjugation. (Note--you do not have to type the subject or subject pronoun, and this game does not use “Vosotros”) Print the results page and turn in to receive credit. To receive full credit you must earn a score of at least 1100. 8.Go to http://www.spanishprograms.com/spanish_teacher/learning_module/games.php Click on the “ER Verbs” link. Play the game by typing in the Spanish verb conjugation. (Note--you do not have to type the subject or subject pronoun, and this game does not use “Vosotros”) Print the results page and turn in to receive credit. To receive full credit you must earn a score of at least 1100. 9. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-37h1ro4v0 Watch the video reviewing “Adverbs of Frequency.” Then, complete the sheet.You receive ½ credit to complete it, and ½ credit when you correct it. Must be completed/corrected by last date of the sheet. 10. Go to: https://conjuguemos.com/activity.php?id=87&source=public& language=spanish&type=vocabulary Click “Start” and complete a five-minute U2E1 vocabulary drill. Print your results and turn in. To receive full credit, you must receive at least 85% correct with 50 attempts. 11. Your cake/cookie must be a Hispanic country. This must include a quick English presentation to the class: State the country you chose, where the country is located, the capital city, the colors of the flag and one important fact about the country. This must be big enough to share with the class. Bring plates, forks, etc… and no nuts, please! 12. Go to http://www.videoele.com/A1_Voy_al_instituto.html Watch the video. Then, download and complete the sheet. You receive ½ credit to complete it, and ½ credit when you correct it. Must be completed/corrected by last date of the sheet. 13. Do the poster! Have fun and make it colorful. Must include 10 Spanish sentences using the phrase “me gusta” and a varitey of ar, er, ir verbs. Must include pictures, too. You will receive ½ credit to complete the assignment and ½ credit after you correct all errors highlighted by the teacher. This assignment is due a week before the last due date of the sheet. 14. Watch video about TENER. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VPG2smtuTiI Then, make your own using at least 5 conjugations of the verb tener 15. Watch video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jDpKE5U847A Then, complete the sheet.You receive ½ credit to complete it, and ½ credit when you correct it. Must be completed/corrected by last date of the sheet. 16. Choose one of the students in the picture on p. 112 and write a description in complete sentences on a notebook piece of paper. The written description must include: an introduction (1st and last name); origin of the person; at least two physical descriptions; describe a piece of clothing (with an adjective); and, state the student’s favorite class. You will receive ½ credit to complete the assignment and ½ credit after you correct all errors highlighted by the teacher. This assignment is due a week before the last due date of the sheet. 17. Visit http://www.pbs.org/itvs/storm-that-swept-mexico/ the-revolution/faces-revolution/lazaro-cardenas/ Read about Lázaro Cárdenas. Create a Facebook profile page. Include: foto, nombre, fecha de nacimiento, origen y trabajo. Also, include at least 3 “posts” to his wall. 18. En tu propia voz: On a notebook piece of paper describe tu clase favorita con muchos detalles. State the name of the class; state at least three items that are in the classroom; describe each of the objects with an adjective;and, state two activities that students do in the classroom including the frequency that they do each activity. You will receive ½ credit to complete the assignment and ½ credit after you correct all errors highlighted by the teacher. This assignment is due a week before the last due date of the sheet. 19. Go to https://conjuguemos.com/activity.php?language=spanish&id=1&source= public&type=verbs Click start and practice ALL (AR, ER, and IR) present tense verb conjugations. Complete 2 five-minute drills. To receive full credit, you must receive at least 85% correct with 60 attempts on each drill. Must be handed in by the last date of the sheet. 20. Read pages 112-113. On a notebook sheet of paper all questions of the ¿Comprendiste? section and the ¿Que piensas? section in complete sentences and in Spanish. You will receive ½ credit to complete the assignment and ½ credit after you correct all errors highlighted by the teacher. This assignment is due a week before the last due date of the sheet. Proyecto--”Mi Familia” (55 POINTS POSSIBLE) Create a book introducing and describing yourself and two family members. This project is due a week before the last date of the sheet. This project must include the following information and will be graded according to the following rubric: Requirements: Points: Title Page with a. the title “Los Miembros de Mi Familia” b. your Spanish 1st & English last c. class name and period # d. date a. b. c. d. /1 /1 /1 /1 Page 1 (About you) includes: a. name (Spanish first & English last) b. 2 appearance adjectives c. 2 personality adjectives d. eye color and hair color e. 1 activity you like and 1 activity you dislike f. age g. birthdate h. photo/illustration (in color) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /1 /1 /2 -Page 2 (About family member #1) a. name b. relationship to you c. 2 appearance adjectives d. 2 personality adjectives e. eye color and hair color f. 1 activity s/he likes and 1 activity s/he dislikes g. age h. birthdate i. photo/illustration (in color) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. /1 /2 /2 /2 /2 /1 /1 /2 -Page 3 (About family member #2) a. name b. relationship to you c. 2 appearance adjectives d. 2 personality adjectives e. eye color and hair color f. 1 activity s/he likes and 1 activity s/he dislikes g. age h. birthdate i. photo/illustration (in color) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. /1 /2 /2 /2 /2 /1 /1 /2 End Page includes “El Fin” a. /1 Overall neatness and creativity a. /5 Overall effort--Did the student work to the best of his/her ability? a/ /5 TOTAL /55
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