MINUTES OF THE LAKE-LEHMAN SCHOOL BOARD MEETING October 14, 2013 The combined Committee-of-the-Whole and regular monthly meeting for voting purposes of the Lake-Lehman Board of School Directors was held on Monday, October 14, 2013, in the Library of the Lake-Lehman JuniorSenior High School. The meeting was called to order by President, Mark Kornoski at 7:02 PM, and opened with Roll Call, the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence. DIRECTORS Bombick, Richard Carey, Kevin Glogowski, Walter Kornoski, Mark Kreller, Bo Masters, Karen Paulauskas, David Salko, Andrew Welby, James Roll Call Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Others Present: James E. McGovern, Superintendent John Audi, District Solicitor Mary Jo Casaldi, Superintendent’s Administrative Asst. /Board Secretary Valerie Ellenburg, Albert B. Melone Company Brian Pipech, Junior-Senior High Assistant Principal Donald James, Lehman-Jackson Elementary Principal Lori Bednarek, Ross Elementary Principal Jeff Shook, Athletic Director David Madajewski, Building & Grounds Director Laurie Mount, Nutrition Group Johnna Evans, L-L Foundation President Nancy Stark Kyle Yankoski Susan Denney, Times Leader Todd DeRosa Ken Hoover Glenn Hooper Dusty Titus Heather Wertman Anita Koziol Butch Grey Jeannie Sayre Donna Wesley Anthony Sayre, Jr. 6842 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting 10/14/13, Page 2. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Mr. Kornoski noted that Executive Session(s) were held on October 14, 2013 to discuss personnel issues and litigation and_______. READING OF MISSION/VISION/SHARED VALUES Mr. McGovern read the Mission/Vision and Shared Values of the Lake-Lehman School District. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following minutes were approved by all members present: September 9, 2013 – combined monthly meeting TREASURER’S REPORT Motion was made by Drew Salko, seconded by Walter Glogowski to approve the treasurer’s report for September, 2013. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. PAYMENT OF BILLS Motion was made by Mark Kornoski, seconded by Jim Welby to approve the October, 2013 bills in the amount of $314,299.10 and move that they be paid subject to audit. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF FINANCIAL REPORTS AND FILE FOR AUDIT (Attached to Treasurer’s Report) -Athletic Fund Report as of August 31, 2013 -Junior-Senior High School Activities Fund for August 2013 -Junior-Senior High School Principal’s Fund for August 2013 -Junior-Senior High School Principal’s Fund for September 2013 -Lehman-Jackson Elementary Fund as of August 31, 2013 -Lehman-Jackson Elementary Fund as of September 30, 2013 APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. McGovern reviewed the agenda and addendums. Mr. Kornoski noted the agenda is approved as read and amended. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT The Superintendent’s Report included the following: · Amy Spess, Last Knight Committee, presented an update on the “Haunted Woods” · Mr. McGovern announced that “2014 Knights of the Roundtable” nomination forms are available on the district website. 6843 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting 10/14/13, Page 3. · Mr. McGovern discussed the plans for distribution of moneys raised by the “Knight of Mayhem” fundraising event held this past summer and also noted that the fundraising event for 2014 will be held in October next year. · Mr. McGovern thanked those involved with the recent Homecoming celebration. · Mr. Matt DePrimo of Barber Ford, presented a check to the Lake-Lehman Foundation and thanked the Board for allowing them to participate in the recent “Knight of Mayhem” fundraising event. · A certificate was presented to Mr. Andrew Salko from the Pennsylvania School Boards Association for 8 consecutive years of service as a member of the Lake-Lehman School Board. BUSINESS MANAGER’S REPORT Mrs. Valerie Ellenberg, Albert B. Melone Company, reported that the Tax Collector’s Audit has been completed and Mr. Tom Rainey of Bonita and Rainey CPA’s will present at the next Board meeting. SOLICITOR’S REPORT No Report. FOUNDATION REPORT Mrs. Johnna Evans, L-L Foundation President, reported on the upcoming “Bowl-A-Thon” which is scheduled for Sunday, November 17th from 1-4 PM at Back Mountain Bowl in Dallas. Mrs. Evans stated that last year’s event was a big hit and was hoping that this year’s event will be as successful as last year. FOOD SERVICE REPORT Mrs. Laurie Mount, Food Service Director, reported that she is receiving positive feedback on the new “Farm to Fork” program and is planning on offering some samples of food items at the November Board meeting that will be offered on the lunch menu for the upcoming Harvest Feast. STUDENT COUNCIL REPORT No Report. OLD BUSINESS None. VISITOR’S COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ACTION ITEMS: None. ACTION ITEMS: CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Motion was made by Kevin Carey, seconded by Walter Glogowski, to move on the following items: 1. Grant professional employee tenure status to the following employees and authorize the superintendent to issue Professional Employee Contracts. A. Kathryn Mullins B. Justine Hallenbeck 6844 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting 10/14/13, Page 4. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 2. Accept, with regret, the letter of retirement from Alex Coveleski, Social Studies Teacher, effective October 31, 2013 and authorize the superintendent to advertise for said position. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 3. Accept the resignation of Tara Sears as Building Hope Advisor and ratify the superintendent to advertise for the position. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 4. Appoint Tiffany Hettes as Freshman Class Advisor for the 2013-2014 school year at a stipend of $789.73. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 5. Appoint Cecelia Candelario as Student Council Advisor for the 2013-2014 school year at a stipend of $1,288.86. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 6. Appoint the following as per diem substitute teachers. All clearances on file. A. Theodore Dennis of Larksville – English 7-12 B. Rebecca Sawyer of Dallas – Physics 7-12 C. Michael Gross of Trucksville – Pre K-4 & Mid Level Mathematics D. Sarah Herbert-Hannick of Edwardsville – English 7-12 E. Ashley Goulstone of Kingston – Elementary K- & Early Childhood F. Amy Houck of Kingston – Elementary K-6 G. Leslie Wilmes of Dallas – Certification: Elementary Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 7. Appoint Regina Modrovsky of Wilkes-Barre as substitute School Nurse in the event of a shortage of personnel. All clearances on file. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Motion was made by Jim Welby, seconded by Drew Salko, to move on the following items: 1. Approve the Energy Performance disbursement for October 14, 2013 in the amount of $122,823.27 to CM3 Building Solution, Inc. (Back-up BG-1) Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 6845 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting 10/14/13, Page 5. ATHLETICS & ACTIVITIES Motion was made by Dave Paulauskas and seconded by Drew Salko, to move on the following items: 1. Appoint the following individuals as theatre volunteers for the 2013-2014 school year. All clearances on file. A. Mary Ann Maxfield B. Jill Scott C. Raine Scott D. Kerri Ziomek E. Judy Harvey Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 2. Appoint Teri Green as a band volunteer for the 2013-2014 school year. All clearances on file. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 3. Appoint the following individuals as assistant coaches for the 2013-2014 school year. All clearances on file. A. Ted Sadowski B. Rich Colorusso C. Barry Brooks D. Barry Horvath E. Janene Kasarda F. Sherry Metz G. Ann Adams H. Janice O’Brien I. Erin Yurko J. Jack Davis K. Jason Procopchak L. Walter Sorber M. Jim Davis N. Scott Davis Varsity Boys Basketball Varsity Boys Basketball JH Boys Basketball Varsity Girls Basketball JH Girls Basketball JH Girls Basketball JH Girls Basketball Varsity Swimming & Diving Varsity Swimming & Diving Varsity Wrestling JH Wrestling Varsity Wrestling Varsity Wrestling Varsity Wrestling $4,601.98 $4,601.98 $3,082.40 $4,601.98 $3,082.40 $3,082.40 Volunteer $1,533.99 $1,533.99 $4,601.98 $3,082.40 Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Vote: Upon roll call, Mr. Paulauskas voted no on 3-L. Mrs. Masters voted no on 3-L & 3-J. All other directors present voted yes; motion carried. SUPPORT SERVICES Motion was made by Karen Masters, seconded by Kevin Carey, to move on the following items: 1. Appoint the following as per diem substitutes. All clearances on file. A. Christina Salus of Shavertown as Substitute Food Service, Teacher Associate & Clerical B. Shannon Gallagher of Hunlock Creek as Substitute Food Service & Clerical C. Ceri Mulligan of Shavertown as Substitute Food Service Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 6846 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting 10/14/13, Page 6. 2. Ratify the appointment of Janette Smith of Shavertown as a part-time food service worker, 4 hours per day, effective August 22, 2013 at a rate of $10.50 per hour. Initial assignment Lehman-Jackson Elementary School. All clearances on file. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 3. Ratify the Superintendent to advertise for a part-time food service worker, 4.5 hours per day. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 4. Appoint Frank Prest of Hunlock Creek as a Full-Time Custodian(260-day/year), at a rate of $10.75 per hour, effective October 15, 2013. Initial assignment: Junior-Senior High School. All clearances on file. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 5. Appoint Andrea Ozovek of Harveys Lake as a Full-Time Custodian (260-day/year), at a rate of $10.50 per hour, effective October 28, 2013. Initial assignment: Junior- Senior High School. All clearances on file. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 6. Authorize the Superintendent to advertise for two Part-Time Custodians, 4.5 hours per day (260-day/year). Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. TRANSPORTATION Motion was made by Richard Bombick, seconded by Drew Salko, to move on the following items: 1. Authorize the Superintendent to advertise for a part-time Van/Bus Driver, requiring a CDL with a School Bus/Passenger endorsement. (Back-up T-1) Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 2. Approve the following list of bus and van drivers for the 2013-2014 school year. All Clearances on file with Back Mountain Transit Co, Inc. and the Lake-Lehman School District Transportation Office. Bus Drivers A. Esther Alles B. James Barrall C. Belle Boice D. Denise Cave E. Rachel Miers F. Sandy Parson G. Sandra Dobrowolski H. Debra Fear I. Joseph Foose J. Kelly Glatz Bus Drivers continued: V. Kathy Reeder W. Crystal Savage X. Barbara Shaver Y. Barry Shaver Z. Doris Shaw AA. Laurie Smith BB. Bob Spare CC. Francis Sutton DD. Kenneth Sutton EE. Susan Sutton 6847 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting, 10/14/13, Page 7. K. Teresa Harris L. Melissa Headman M. Joseph Hines N. Donna Hopfer O. George Horst P. Denise Hosey Q. Dawn Howell R. Ann Marie Jones S. Pat Englehardt T. Christine Manzella U. John McManus FF. Virginia Steinruck GG. Sandy Traver HH. Sylvester Traver II. Tony Traver J. Gail Verbyla KK. Lois Wandel LL. Bernie Yablonski MM. David Yatsko NN. Linda Noler OO. Ed Oncay PP John Young Van Drivers/Contractors A. Ronald Savage B. Virginia Ide C. Rick Ide D. Matthew Ide E. Terry Jones F. Kent Jones G. Georgeann Jones H. Al Scovish I. Roxanne Williams J. Vince Williamson K. Teresa Murray L. Ginger Spencer M. Arthur Jim Spencer N. Linda McLaughlin O. Brenda Suder P. Brian Suder Q. Christopher Suder R. Beth Kaminski S. Donna Evans District Drivers A. Jennifer Evans B. Trudy Pudimott C. Richelle Bronson D. Crystal Savage Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. SCHOOL BOARD Motion was made by Jim Welby, seconded by David Paulauskas, to move on the following items: 1. Authorize administration to advertise for a “Request for Proposal” for Junior-Senior High Band Uniforms. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 2. Award the Bid for Removal of Rubbish & Recycling for the 2013-2014 school year to Solomon Container Service of Wilkes-Barre, PA for a total cost of $17,608.00. (Back-up SB-1) Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 6848 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting 10/14/13, Page 8. 3. Award the following Winter Sports Bid for the 2013-2014 School Year. (Back-up SB-2) A. B. C. D. Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Swimming Wrestling $1,786.92 $ 356.96 $1,121.93 $3,213.32 Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 4. Exonerate the following individuals from 2013 per capita taxes. A. Sean Fertal, Jackson Township (student) B. Curtis Scharding-Taras, Jackson Township (student) C. Brian Fendler, Jackson Township (student) D. Jonathan Fendler, Jackson Township (student) E. Robert J. Spencer, Lehman Township (income status) F. John F. Baker, Ross Township (income status) G. Charles Allen, Sr., Ross Township (income status) H. Margaret Allen, Ross Township (income status) I. Matthew DeAngelis, Lehman Township (student) J. Thomas D. Boyle, Jackson Twp. (student) K. Kristen D. Boyle, Jackson Twp. (student) Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 5. Authorize administration to advertise for a “Request For Proposal” to contract professional food service management services as required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the PA Department of Education. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 6. Authorize a refund of paid real estate taxes for the years 2010, 2011 & 2012 for the following property Owner as determined by the Luzerne County Board of Assessment Appeals. (Back-up SB-3) Randall W. Price, property located in Harveys Lake Borough, in the following amounts: 2010 - $212.92 2011 - $216.90 2012 - $227.12. Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 7. Adopt the First Reading and waive all future readings of Policy # 207 Confidential Communications of Students. (Back-up SB-4) Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 8. Adopt the First Reading and waive all future readings of Policy # 919 Parent Opportunities for Training and Information Sharing to Serve the Needs of Children with Disabilities. (Back-up SB-5) Vote: Upon roll call, all directors present voted yes; motion carried. 6849 Minutes of the Lake-Lehman School Board Meeting 10/14/13, Page 9. INFORMATION AND RECOGNITION Mr. Kornoski noted that all informational items are as listed. NEW BUSINESS None. SET MEETING DATES The combined Committee-of-the-Whole and regular monthly meeting for voting purposes is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2013, at 7:00 PM and will be held in the Library of the Junior-Senior High School. VISITORS None. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Kornoski adjourned the meeting at 7:38 PM. Respectfully submitted, Mary Jo Casaldi Non-Member, Board Secretary 6850
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