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poverty prevention • intervention • advocacy
Volume 11 Issue 1 • Telephone 760-327-8577
Well in the Desert
Has Found Its Home!
If music were our words and feelings right now, the Chorus would be belting
out the Hallelujah from Handel’s Messiah. Because, after searching for months,
we have found our home and we can sing from the hearts, Hallelujah!
Those who have chosen to share their space with us are no strangers in our
community. They have been a beacon of hope to many over their decades in the
valley, and have become that now for thousands more who the Well serves. We
have worked with them for over six years, providing hot meals in their social
hall, where all are welcome, and providing fresh produce and fruit every other
week, thanks to Hidden Harvest, to all who need and want.
Thanks goes to Pastor Rodney Croom and all of his Deacons and Trustees at
First Baptist Church on Rosa Parks for what will be a beautiful partnership.
They have embraced all the services we provide and have made sure that they
will continue into the future. They have understood the need and stepped up
for all who need our services. There are no words enough of gratefulness, and we
love and respect them for this decision.
The building is a fantastic stone block old daycare center, and is a tribute to
our own Aunt Cora Crawford, who, with other Church members and the late
Reverend Jeff Rollins, built when there was nothing for working families in need
of these services. The rooms are ample and will provide everything we offer to
low income wage earners, seniors on fixed incomes, those without homes, veterans, handicapped, children, and anyone in need of the plethora of services we
offer. And, during the summer months we will once again be able to be open as
a County Cooling Center.
Our work is not done yet and all of these programs will need your support,
gentle reader. We need your financial support as well as your moral support.
We will also re-invigorate the Center with programs for children during the
summer; musical, nutritional, creative programs, and physical education programs too.
We plan to have a medical team there in one of the many rooms; Dr.’s Kim
from UC Medical School, and their team, who have been working with us every
other Friday at Our Lady of Guadalupe will be able to once a week see all in
need of medical services.
We will offer daily showers once again, clean clothing, room for the new Mental Health workers recently hired by the City to help work with homeless people,
and more services than we have room to talk about here. Our services will continue, and expand. To see a list of what we do please go to: www://
This is our very real new beginning and we need you all to help us. Your donations, all tax deductible, can be sent to Well in the Desert, P.O. Box 5312, Palm
Springs, 92262. No check is too big, or too small. Only 12% of all our funds go
to Administrative Services, everything else is for client assistance and services.
Watch for our Open House announcement where all will be invited to meet our
partners, see our building, enjoy the camaraderie of neighbors, enjoy some good
music and food, and feel part of the Well family.
We know who we are by our work and our deeds. Please join us as together
we help provide for others who will be lifted by the good we share with them.
Arlene Rosenthal
President, Well in the Desert
June 2016
Dr. Wayne McKinney
Founder, Well in the Desert
by Arlene Rosenthal
President - Well in the Desert
For those of you who have never met Wayne McKinney, please allow me to tell you about a very unusual man, a man I have called friend for fourteen years. The man who saw homeless people in Palm
Springs and decided to do something about their plight. That was 1996 when the Well was conceived
of and given birth to.
Dr. McKinney is a hero to so many. Remember Operation Baby Lift, during the Vietnam War? Well,
Wayne was busy working in the jungles for Dr. Tom Dooley, who was sent to Southeast Asia by the
Navy to help evacuate refugees. Wayne helped put many of those infants and young children on planes
headed to the United States where they were adopted by American families, in many states around the
country. Wayne, himself, adopted two boys together with the Vietnamese woman he married.
After all of this activity Wayne spent time in other countries, doing humanitarian work that would
help people gain freedom and dignity. He recounted to me that
when in Sri Lanka he appeared before the then Dictator, who
said to him, “do you see those people outside with hands and
feet cut off?” Well, this will be your fate if you do not leave my
country. Wayne apparently had some harsh words for that man,
but survived to tell the tale.
In the Soviet Union Wayne met, and helped a young mom and
her daughter, who was about seven years old. She had been born
with a full body wart, and was to live life as an outcast. Wayne
decided to do something about it. It took him 17 years, hard
work, money out of his own pocket, to bring Elle to the states,
with her mom, countless times for surgery, to finally, at age 17,
be free of this terrible burden. It took perseverance and tenacity,
which Doc (our nickname for him) says he has an abundance
of. Elle is now a mom of her own, with two beautiful children,
and every year on his birthday the family calls him to tell him
how much they love him.
Wayne decided he wanted to be a Doctor and persued his goal in New York. He practiced after completing his studies as a Pediatrician, with close to sixteen years of those years in Hawaii, once again
combing humanitarianism with work and life. It was there he became involved with homelessness,
where he spent years trying to help those who were homeless.
After retiring Wayne came to Palm Springs. It was here he met his partner and companion James, with
whom he has lived for close to 30 years.
It was in Palm Springs where he saw people who were homeless, so, once again, without thinking
twice, he got into the “volunteer” job of trying to help and started providing food for them.
Wayne will admit he is not an easy man to always get along with. His approach to asking for support
was a middle finger and sometimes a not for publishing use of words. He angered many in the community, civic leaders, City fathers, and those who just did not understand he was about good, but just
was not always patient with how slow wheels turned.
When I met him I too was not sure if I wanted to join his Board and said no the first time around. It
was not until a couple of years later, when Board Members and friends Ann Angel and Harvey Sarner
were both dying that I consented.
It was for certain that the Well needed a turn around, a positive, a message. After one year on the Board
Dr. McKinney turned the stewardship of the Well over to me.
These fourteen years have not been easy, but the rewards of seeing lives changed, saved; people finding
their footing, seeing that people do not go hungry, helping all, judging none, have been the reward that
kept Wayne going, and obviously what kept me going as well, and still going.
Wayne stayed on as a volunteer, as he was all those seven years, and as I have been these past fourteen.
He has been joyful to see the development of the Well and to see how we have built it and how it runs.
I can say that I am pleased to have been one to carry on his vision.
Dr. McKinney faces the hardest part of his life right now; diagnosed with lung cancer, and now under
the care of Hospice.
We spoke for 15 minutes this morning, and he told me a funny story. I told him that I was astounded
at how he sounded and at his attitude. He told me he had no regrets for how he lived his life, and that,
even now he had that uncanny sense of humor still within. He knows his body, after all, he was a doctor
for so long and knows the signs. And yet, we talk of living, dreams, vision, and I tell him all the latest
about our pending move and all the good stuff happening at the Well.
He is a man I will miss very much, our talks, our laughs, our fights, our commonality. But the work
he began will keep him alive for so many of us.
We thank him, we salute him, and we will never forget him.
Page 2
The Well in the Desert News
Well in the Desert
Calendar of Events
Dia de los Muertos
Saturday, October 29th, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Desert Memorial Park. Free to the public. Music, dance,
displays, free haircuts, SCRAP Gallery, food for sale.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, November 24, 2016
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Our Lady of Solitude.
Desert Jam Session
Monday, November 28, 2016, 7:00 - 10:00 pm
Temple Isaiah ballroom. Music, dancing, delicious food,
no-host bars. Fitz Fitzgerald our second annual Jammy
Voices of Hope
Sunday, December 4, 2016, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Spencer’s Bougainvillea Room. Reception by the pool, sit
down dinner, music performance featuring world-renown
Christmas at the Palm Springs Convention Center
Monday, December 25, 2016, Noon - 3:00 pm
Christmas at the Palm Springs Convention Center. Delicious
Christmas dinner, toys from Santa for the children, and
seniors. Face painting, SCRAP. Gallery, healing ponies,
mariachis and more.
A Touch of Class at Fools Folly
Friday, March 31, 2017, 11:30 am to 2:00 pm
The Bougainvillea Room at Spencer’s Restaurant. Inspiration
Awards will be given to Patrick Evans of CBS and the Desert
Sun for their years of support for the Well in the Desert..
Hi, my name is Martha. Together with Susan, we are Volunteer Coordinators for the Well in
the Desert Lunch program, which helps feed countless needy seniors, homeless, and families
each year. Our volunteers are truly the “cream of the crop”! Without their skills, energy, and
commitment our program providing homemade hot meals five days a week could not exist.
As we work together serving meals, exchanging smiles and even tears with our clients, I marvel at the love and acceptance between all at each table. Food does, as always, bring everyone
Do you want to share in that special feeling of joy that accompanies helping others? If you
have a free morning, or even several hours in the morning you CAN indeed make a difference.
Let others know that their lives do matter. Please consider contacting the Well in the Desert’s
family in our Lunch Program by calling me at 818-421-2268. To all our current volunteers
‘’Thank You, everyone”for a job well done.
June 2016
Hot Meal Weekly Program
Please arrive no more than 15 minutes before service.
All lunch service is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church
588 Rosa Parks Road — Palm Springs
Bus line 24 takes you right in front of the Church.
Lunch is served in the building in back.
First Baptist Church
588 Rosa Parks Road — Palm Springs
Bus line 24 takes you right in front of the Church.
Lunch is served in the building in back.
Church of St. Paul in the Desert--just up El Alameda
from Palm Canyon
125 W. El Alameda — Palm Springs
Bus line 111
Our Lady of Solitude--corner of Alejo and Belardo
474 N. Belardo Rd. — Palm Springs, CA
Bus line 111
Our Lady of Guadalupe
204 S. Calle El Segundo at Arenas – Palm springs
Bus lines 111 & 14, Indian & Baristo
Food Distribution at 6:00 a.m.
Bag lunches from 9:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m.
at 181 N. Indian Canyon
Hot meal
Sunrise Park—Far end of library parking lot
10:30 a.m. - noon
Donations can be sent to:
Well in the Desert • P.O. Box 5312
Palm Springs, CA 92263
Or you can visit our website and donate there:
June 2016
The Well in the Desert News
Page 3
It Can Happen to Anyone
Desert Jam Session
by Mary Mcandrew
by Darci Daniels Murphy
His life was filled with big sales commissions, expense accounts and nice cars. He’d turn
heads with his good looks and terrific sense of humor. Growing up in a very wealthy and
busy family resulted in him spending most of his childhood in private schools. He was a kind
and gentle soul, someone that you immediately liked and trusted. I fell in love with him and
married him in a beautiful backyard ceremony.
The last time I saw him was more than a year before he died. He was living in a motel outside of the city. Cheap and clean and comfortable. He was burning through what was left
of an inheritance and our divorce settlement. He wanted cash and a car. He no longer had a
need for his cherished family heirlooms, jewelry, golf clubs or expensive suits.
He’d recently completed another round of detox and rehab from the disease of alcohol
addiction. But already he was back drinking again. Not because he wanted to, but because
something inside dictated that he needed to. We’d been through countless rounds of treatment, expensive programs and unconditional love. But in the end alcohol won out over a
great relationship, a beautiful daughter and so many good times.
From time to time he’d call asking for more money. He’d tell me that he was living in his
car, or on the streets, or sharing a room with a friend. There was no permanent address to
send money to, but a money transfer to his bank account always worked. And then, the calls
stopped. I hadn’t heard from him for many months. I hoped that he was ok, maybe making
it on his own again.
I received the phone call four days before Christmas. It was the local police department in
the city where I used to live. They asked if I knew him. My name and phone number were in
his wallet as his emergency contact. The policeman told me that he’d been living in a small,
dark and cold basement room. He died broke and alone. The cause of death was pneumonia.
His only friend, a guy who was also living in the house, found him.
The friend told me that they had enjoyed going to a local church where great meals were
served daily. They ate well, laughed and talked, but what really touched them both, was how
they were treated with dignity and respect.
I am proud to be on the Board of Well in the Desert. I’ve now witnessed first hand how
our local clients are treated with that same dignity and respect. We are all just citizens of this
world with our own stories. I hope you will contribute to this amazing organization.
Recently, while on a Sunday afternoon outing with my family, we passed by Smoke Tree
Plaza. Walking along the street was a man pushing a shopping basket piled high with his
belongings. He was disheveled, dirty, very thin, and by my experience a homeless person.
Evelyn, my grand daughter, remarked “Grandma, look at him”. I told her, “Well, Honey, he
is probably a homeless man”. In all of her seven year old wisdom she stated, “Grandma, that
shouldn’t be, I saw an open house sign back there”. Yes, it was a Sunday afternoon and the Realtors were at work. “Open House” signs were posted all over. If only it could be that simple.
Well, here is a chance for you to get involved!
Desert Jam Session IV is slated for November 28, 2016 at the Temple Isaiah, Palm Springs
Ca. This is our fourth Desert Jam Session. DJS has become a community favorite “fun” raiser.
We produce a compilation musical CD of locals musicians, entertainers and singers. This
year one of our Musicians is the great Hal Linden of Barney Miller fame. We then have the
deserts largest Jam session, food, drinks, auction, live painting and more all in an elegant evening in November. Last year we decided to have an Honoree for our “Jammy” Award. Our
recipient was Mel Haber from Melvyns with the longest running jam session in Palm Springs.
This year we are honoring Jimmy “Fitz” Fitzgerald for his devotion to the music scene in the
desert. People are still talking about last years show.
You can make a difference. All the proceeds go to help feed and care for our neighbors in
Mark your calendars. When tickets go on sale we are sold out fast!
Why I Joined the Well in the Desert
Board of Directors
by Cardriner Bowden
I joined the Well in the Desert Board because volunteering is an altruistic activity and is
intended to promote good and improve quality of life, which Well definitely does. In return,
this produces a feeling of self worth and respect. I love “giving back,” working with people,
and helping to effect change in my community. The services provided by Well also do that.
The people involved with Well care, work hard, are very giving, and effect change. Many
of Well’s clients just need a “helping hand” for a short time, someone to listen to them, and
a chance to make a change without being denigrated. The staff and cadre of volunteers at
Well definitely do that. The services provided by Well are definitely needed in the Coachella
I have been involved in volunteering for many years in different locales throughout the
country and continue to do so now. If I can do one small thing to help, I am there to do
it. I feel that I have found a passion in volunteering and helping others, and will continue
to pursue it. I want to be a part of the change I wish to see in this world, and will continue
to work hard at it. Together, all of us can make a difference. We must remember that some
of us could be just “one step” away from needing some of the services that Well has to offer.
Well in the Desert News
Publisher: The Well in the Desert
Graphic Design: Tim Bridges
Printing: Reed Printing
Distribution: Desert Fox Distribution
The Well in the Desert News ©2011 is published twice annually by the Well in the
Desert, a non-profit charitable organization., IRS 501(c)(3) #33-0694580
The Well in the Desert
P.O. Box 5312 • Palm Springs, CA 92263
760-327-8577 •
Rotary Club Grant
Mille grazie to the Rotarians, who helped the Well deliver much needed food and services
to the way too many in need. Ben and Marguerite enjoyed the evening with you all and we
could not have been more grateful.
Page 4
The Well in the Desert News
Thank You
Racquet Club Estates
Robert Parry, President of Racquet Club Estates, presents check to
Well Board Member Dennis Jory.
Thank You El Rancho Estates
Thank you to Chairman Erik Rosenow, of El Rancho Vista Estates Board Neighborhood
Organization Chair and Jim Gross, Vice Chairman, for the generosity checks they gave to the
Well on behalf of their neighborhood organization.
Along with their financial support has come a tremendous amount of moral support and
acceptance. We thank all in the neighborhood for treating us like good neighbors and with
being happy with the time we have been in their neighborhood.
If all people were like you we would be able to throw the word NIMBY out of the dictionary.
Heartfelt thanks.
June 2016
Margaret Davison
by Martha Inglis
Margaret has sought to make a difference in the lives of the homeless since she founded
the “Shelter of Love” Foundation in 2007 prior to moving to the Palm Springs area. Almost
from her first visit to the Well at the Baptist Church she became a daily fixture, helping feed
the needy and work with other volunteers.
When Margaret moved into the Well for 5
½ years she “adopted” the other residents;
they knew they always had a second, nearby
Mom to count on for advice. As with her
own three children and her fourteen grandchildren, these “second” children show their
deep love and respect to Margaret – treating
her like a Queen. Her hard work ethic has inspired all around her during the 71/2 years she
has volunteered. Although health problems
have slowed her up a bit, Margaret pops up
regularly to supervise, living by her long-time
philosophy to “say at least one kind word a
day” as she continues to make one life better
at a time.
Sue Deatherage
by Martha Inglis
As a former Loma Linda Public Health Nutritionist, Sue well recognizes the value of a
home-cooked, healthy meal to the poor and
homeless. Sue has voluntered with the Well
since 2002, inspired by a plea for Well volunteers posted in her Church bulletin. Over
the years, she has dished up meals, each served
with her own special kind smile and encouraging words, to hundreds of needy. Despite
being legally blind, Sue has put in countless
hours doing every aspect of making sure the
hungry are fed. She is quick to point to the
help of her friend and co-volunteer, Maureen
Ferriter, who drives her, as the main reason
she can still volunteer. Why does Sue “work”
at the Well? “Christ calls me to help others at
all times. While they are here, these folks feel
happy and blessed despite their poverty and
other problems. I am inspired by the joy here!”
Donations can be sent to:
Well in the Desert • P.O. Box 5312
Palm Springs, CA 92263
Or you can visit our website and donate there:
June 2016
The Well in the Desert News
Page 5
Well in the Desert Donors
Thank you to all of our generous donors and supporters who have made our job possible.
Maureen & Anthony Aidukas
Palm Springs Seventh-Day Adv.
Paul Constantine
Dora Buchner
Roberta Hawkins
James Joslin
Richard Secrist
C. M. Quickle
Michelle Coneybeare
America’s Charities
Gerda Gordon
Cynthia Shapiro
Stater Bros. Charities
Pamela H Rogers
Mary Kay Patencio
Kiwanis Club of Palm Springs
Saundra & William Benjamin
Paul I Tanber
Sarah Ronayne Milmet
Debbie M. Purnel
Alfred & Martha Inglis
Dee Dethomas
Valley Assembly of God
Frances Vernace MD
Margaret Denneny-Kohn
Jonathan Welch & Dan Stoddard
James Hof
Charna & Richard Ravich
Pierre Menard, M.D.
Michael & Barbara Kane
Dorothy & Edwin Woodard
Douglas Baalson
Spectacular Shades
Annette M Michael
Ann & Joaquin Molina
Rochelle Charo
Laverne Y Hecht
Becky Shapoori
Cynthia & Iro Shapiro
Margaret Denneny
Morris Diamond
Sandy & Jordan Richman
Carol & Phil Goldsmith
Alison & Vince Adcock
Penny Carpenter
Guido Portante
Chris Seidel
Phyllis Newman
Joan Isaacs
Renee Glickman
Frank Montiforte
Melvyn’s & the Ingleside Inn
Harold Forster
Joan & Mel Freeman
Christopher H Greene
William & Ellyn Ruttan
Laura Hagen
Rosanne Lopez
Marion Schaefer
Mary Ann Kaestner
Jonora Claybrook
Robert John Teitelbaum
Sandra & Lawrence Delrose
Deanne & William Conte
John J Beishke Jr
Mary & Elfred Lampe, M.D.
Tracy L Flynn
Steven Glogger
Joseph Jackson & Gary Hebert
Robt Depaolo & Randolph Murphy
Dennis Jory
Ron & Louise Carter
John & Dacia Emmel
Jerry Sinner & Louise Harris
Fred J Lorenz
Sandra & Fredrick Fortes
Ruth Gaylene Stuart
Sandra L. Cramer
Phyllis & Marvin Eisenberg
Joan & James Chedester
John R Cliburn
Helen Zimmerman Survivors Trust
Ina V Woodin
Mark Hull
Robert W Riddell
Janet & James Curto
Joyce McKissick & Tom Cunningham
David & Jean Long
Herbert & Joie Lampass
Cowle Family Foundation
Gregory Wagoner & William Bean
Carol & Charles Burt
Peta Murray Henderson
Mitchelle Goldstein
M.M. Ahlberg
Martha & Scott Schroeder
Shirley Randolph
A. Boisvert
Roberta Hawkins
Power Yoga Palm Springs
Peggy & Richard McCaskill
Julie & Ben Baumer
City of Palm Springs
Linora & Steven Manuels
Olga, Nancy, & Romeo Battisti
Graydon & Lavonne Carlson
Jean & Raymond Kechely
Melanie D Gentry
Sandra M Levinson
Madonna and Robert Wilson
Phylis Lemberg & Mary Blackman
Leslie J Conoscenti
Klink Family Charitable Trust
Christians in Commerce Intn’l
Darlene & Dan Roesch
Barbara & Everett Evans
Helene & James Shaunty
Sheron & Thomas Burns
Ann Muniz
Betsy J Carlson
Lily Kanter
Joanne Mead
Pauline Roy
Craig Grantham
Jean Benson &William Rozar
Caroline & John Lieser
Judith Bastian
Stuart Lynn
Erica Posner
Dr. Erik J & Sidney Williams
Hester Anne Nute
Suzanne Orcino Shaffer
Dorothy & Edwin Woodard
Willian C Tumelty
Brian R Webb
Alona McFarland
Lazar Family Trust
Sandra M Ovesen
D.Schuman & S.Rose-Schuman
Roswitha Smale
Craig W Rentle
J E Ramonda
Robert Poulsen
Michael & Erika Swimmer
Judith Bronstein Trust
Schroeder Foundation
Gary Lee
Scott Sherman
Roland Burbank
Linda Holmes
Mark Gershenson
James Huot
Hal Wingo
Donald Campbell
Patricia Gutierrez
Bruce Jungk
James Marksbury
AARCO Towing Inc
Hugo & Roberta Uhland
Elizabeth Baker
James Gray
Tom Root
Dana Aspinwall
Ann Wride
Craig Grantham
Carl Schoeneman
Eileen Stern
James Cobbs
Mandy Evans
Lori Tingzon
Mary Sandman
Jan & Carl Sanders
Battisti Family
Desert Regional Medical Ctr Aux
The Community Foundation
Judy Henson
Kay Bell
Frank Gaeta
Pierre Menard, M.D.
Peace & Praise Fellowship
Glen & Opal Barnett Foundation
Manilow Fund for Health & Hope
Sarah R Milmet
Lillian A Ceriello
Elizabeth E Ronayne
Janis & Ray Musante
Renee S. Glickman
Gail & Thomas Ronayne
David Krischer
Dennis & Marilyn Morrow
Ocean Mist Farms - Coachella
Michelle Coneybeare
The Wasserman Foundation
Ruth Sonderling Trust
Virginia & Mike Downs
Palm Springs Presbyterian Church
Charles Paglia & Joseph Giarrusso
Wells Fargo Dealer Services
Anna & Joseph De Luca
Rosenthal of Palm Springs
Robert Pullen & John Gumont
Racquet Club Estates Neighborhd Org
Harold Matzner
Robert & Lisa Kessler
Desert Healthcare District
Palm Springs Disposal Services
Gerald Desilva
Phoebe Biscow Trust
Frank C Failing
Cheri Sterns
Donald or Patricia Rogers
Catherine Madlin-Stuart
Quin Anthony Wright
Joseph A Otten
Mary Lou & Thomas Solomon
Nancy Booth
Richard R. Rachel
Christine Hammond & Sylvia Zelnys
Michelle A. Fiore
Vic Spadaccini & Susan Schreifels
Karen & Clint Miller
Susan & David Birney
Gerda Gordon
Tybe Blink
Thomas J. Comer
Page 6
The Well in the Desert News
Concert Series at the Marquee
Academy of Performing Arts 2016
421 S. Palm Canyon • Palm Springs
Saturday, June 18th, “A Summer Soire”, 7:00 – 8:30 Glorious night of music, Classic
Musical Theater, classical, and opera. Marquee on Palm Canyon
June 2016
Dia de los Muertos
Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead, a celebration of life and culture at Desert Memorial
Park, on Saturday, Oct. 29th. 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Music, ballet folklorico, mariachis,
activities for the children, free hair cuts, food and drink for sale, and so much more. FREE
to the public. (Ramon and DaVall). Thank you to our Title Sponsor: the City of Cathedral
Saturday, July 16th, “the eclectic Ben Tecson”. 7:00-8:30. Steinway pianist Ben Tecson
showcases his classic, be-bop and other great music. At the Marquee on Palm Canyon.
Saturday, September 17th, An evening of Cabaret with Karen Benjamin and Alan
Chapman, of KUSC. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. At the Marquee on Palm Canyon.
Saturday, October 15th, “Fall de Rol, an evening of intimate winds, featuring “Ensemble 5”, “Incantations” (Dectet) “E tu Flute” Flute ensemb, performed by members
of the Desert Winds Freedom Band. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. At the Marquee on Palm Canyon.
Saturday, November 12th, A one-woman show with well-known composer, musician and singer Jeanie Cunningham. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m at the Marquee on Palm Canyon
Saturday, December 17th, Quattro, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. At the Marquee on Palm Canyon.
One of the most exciting music and dance troupes out of Los Angeles, which will have you
on your feet. Our pre-Christmas celebration.
Thank you AARCO towing for your generous monthly donation. We could
not do what we do without businesses like you, that help us help others.
Brown’s BBQ & Soul Food
I know personally what a fine business you run, with courteous, sensitive,
and knowledgeable drivers.
I totally recommend your business to all who are reading this paper.
Arlene Rosenthal
Donations can be sent to:
Well in the Desert • P.O. Box 5312
Palm Springs, CA 92263
Or you can visit our website and donate there:
Seen here is Aaron, son of
Charles, owner of Brown’s BBQ &
Soul Food.
Aaron loves to cook, and does he
ever cook up some of the yummiest BBQ and Soul Food going.
The restaurant is very small, and
a little hard to find, but well worth
All the items on the menu are authentic and delicious.
If you want to have a delicious lunch take the time to visit
June 2016
The Well in the Desert News
Dr. Henry Pugh
Meet Dr. Henry Pugh, known
around the Valley for his always
dapper appearance, his loving
smile and big laugh, his unbelievable talent at both song and dance,
and his giving nature.
Dr. Henry volunteers as a top
notch musician, bringing his
friends to jam and help raise monies for non-profit organizations.
He brings smiles to our clients,
staff and volunteers at hot meals
the Well in the Desert serves daily.
Dr. Henry is less well-known for
his years of service as a Chiropractor, especially sought out by people in the entertainment community. He was Ike Turner’s hands-on
Doctor for many years, and, at 87
he still is sought after by many in
the Coachella Valley.
He has offered to do a fundraiser
at a private estate in Palm Desert,
being donated by new Board member Jessica Sprye and her husband.
At this printing we are waiting
on confirmation of date, either
September 24th. Dr. Henry and his
colleagues will be there, jamming,
and it will be an evening of food,
fun, and doing good for others.
Stay tuned to our website for
more information.
Page 7
Bighorn Cares
Representatives from over 25 non-profit organizations were invited to a lovely dinner at
Bighorn to receive checks for projects and funds for the work they do for their clients and
We were treated to a lovely reception, a sit-down dinner, and then, individual check distribution, where it was explained what each charity was getting their money for. The President
of the Bighorn Cares group individually thanked each one of us as he gave us our checks.
It was so interesting to learn about so many other organizations, and, it was a lovely evening.
It is time again to carefully decide what we most need for our people and to write again, a
grant, hoping that our needs will be answered.
Thank you Bighorn for your kind deeds and for your generosity.
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The Well in the Desert News
June 2016
PS Organica
Well in the Desert would like to send a huge thank you to Lenny and Julie Montante at
P.S Organica, located at 400 E Sunny Dunes Rd, Palm Springs, CA 92264 . We are truly
grateful for their ongoing support and generosity. Not only did they include us during
their ribbon cutting this year, but they have an ongoing food donation program that brings
upward of 200 perishable food items on a weekly basis. It is an honor and a privilege to call
them our friends.
Schedule of Events
for a complete schedule of events
Sunday, December 4, 2016, Voices of Hope Bougainvillea Room at Spencers. A fundraiser for OperaArts and the
Well in the Desert. Special appearances by tenor Joe Frank
and Mezzo Soprano Suzanna Guzman, and featuring Jaime
Chamberlin, Orson Van Gay and Michelle Fiore.
Sunday, December 11, 2016, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. For the
Children. Desert Classic Club/Bellatrix, $140.00 per person. $1400.00 table of ten. Reception, Awards, Steinway
pianists, sit-down dinner, opera performance and dessert.
Awards will be presented to Leo Milmet and Mr. McSymphony.
Sunday, March 19, 2017, 8th Annual Festival of Opera
and Art. Palm Desert Civic Center Park. Lots of pre-music
festivities. Also featuring the Desert Winds Freedom Band.
Hours have changed. 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. Bring your blankets, chairs, umbrellas, picnic baskets.
Sunday, March 26, 2017 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. When I Rise,
honoring Laurie Gale Rubin, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Spencer’s
Restaurant, in the Bougainvillea Room. $150.00 per person
or $1500.00 table of ten.
Sunday, April 9, 2017 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Opera Under the
Stars, Rose Lawn at the Renaissance Indian Wells.
P.O. Box 5722
Palm Springs, CA 92263
Phone: (760) 323-8353
501c3 Non-profit Corporation 30-0540629
Meet Barbara Barrett
Attorney Extraordinaire
Barbara is an attorney whose reputation for ethics is golden. She is a person of integrity, and, a lawyer,who pays attention to every detail, and, is the best advocate for her clients
as anyone can be.
What many may not know about Barbara is her amazing amount of charitable work, most
of which she does not talk about.
Barbara was President of Desert Women for Equality for years, and made sure poor women
with little access to medical care got free mammograms. She, and her team, probably helped
saved the lives of many women.
When the Well announced that we were moving into a new building Barbara was right
there, offering to do our lease negotiations.
She has spent hours on this to make sure both the Well and First Baptist have clear guidelines for our future together.
June 2016
The Well in the Desert News
Photos by Marguerite Ballantine
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The Well in the Desert News
June 2016
Well in the Desert Board of Directors - Profiles
(more to be published in subsequent issues)
ARLENE ROSENTHAL, Board President Arlene is in her fourteenth year as president of
The Well in the Desert! One wonders how she can cram what seems like 36 hours of dedication into a standard 24 hour day while leading The Well’s grateful clients and benefactors.
But she does, and with a great deal of panache at that. With a long history of serving on
various desert boards, including AIDS Assistance, Museum Associates Council, Palm Springs
Opera Guild and OperaArts, she has worked with Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center, the
Stroke Recovery Center and the Athena Foundation. Way back when, Arlene initially joined
The Well Board as it was struggling through hard times and she felt she could help revitalize
the organization. Fast forward 14 years and she still works passionately to make sure people
who have no voice have someone to speak for them, that those who are poor or homeless and
in need of support can find the help they need and that they will not go hungry. A graduate
of UCLA, she continued her education at Berkley in 1967 and was “part of a beautiful movement that advocated peace and love and making the world a better place”.
Arlene says her well-known heroes are Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and
Simon Weisenthal, and that locally it is Harold Matzner that she admires most. If she could
invite three famous people to dinner, Arlene lists Eleanor Roosevelt, Dr. Martin Luther King
and Bella Abzug. (Oh, to be a fly on that wall at that gathering!) For relaxation and fun she
lists swimming, writing poetry and being creative. As for the best advice she’s ever received?
“Breathe, meditate, and all will be well.”
DARCI DANIELS-MURPHY, Vice President Darci decided nearly three years ago to search
for a “home grown charity” that was above board and served our community, somewhere that
she could align her popular Desert Jam Session while working for the betterment of those
who are less fortunate. And when she eventually discovered The Well and President Arlene
Rosenthal, she knew she had found what she was looking for. A well-known and very sought
after entertainer who has her own star on Palm Springs Walk of Fame, Darci also serves as
a real estate investor in addition to serving on boards for the American Legion, Red Hot
Ballroom Dancers, numerous after school programs and Iron Horse Marines. She grew up in
Palm Springs and for fun loves to spend time with her family, play music, write shows and
read. She says her favorite aspect of living in Palm Springs is the “sense of community on so
many levels”. Three words that her friends have used to describe this talented lady are kind,
funny and compassionate. As for the future of The Well, she looks forward to The Well occupying its new home, knowing that this will allow for a special place for growth.
DENNIS JORY, Board Secretary Well known locally as “that artsy guy”, Dennis has taught
popular art classes at the Mizell Sr. Center and the LGBT Community Center of the Desert
for over seven years, and as an award-winning artist has shown in galleries and museums
throughout California and the Northwest. Graduating from the University of Idaho with
a double major in art and English, he eventually went on to teach both of those subjects at
Palm Desert High and was named 1993 California Teacher of the Year. With only a year’s
experience on The Well’s Board, Dennis spear headed the recent lucrative silent auction for
their Fool’s Folly and has worked with the less fortunate in the past while helping run the
LGBT Center’s Food Bank. He also has served on the Executive Board at The Center, been
on the Board of Trustees at the Palm Springs Art Museum and was elected president of their
Artists Council for four years.
A famous person he admires? Prince Harry and all he does for wounded warriors from all over
the world. He lists his local hero as Martha Inglis, talented artist and volunteer coordinator
for The Well, “who can light up a room with positive energy just by walking into it”. He says
he decided to be an active part of The Well so he could hopefully add new energy and creative ideas to all of the wonderful things The Well has already accomplished. “Besides, who
can say no to Arlene Rosenthal?” Three words that friends have used to describe this “sort
of retired” educator would be energetic, organized and committed. He says the best advice
he ever received, and one he lives by daily, came from his mom, “To thine own self be true.”
CARDRINER BOWDEN, Director A relative “newbie “ to The Well’s Board of Directors,
The New Kid on the Block
I have been homeless for 1 year or more. My name is Baby Boy. I have a new mom, and an
older brother named Maxc. Being homeless is terrible…no family, no food, no place to sleep.
Please donate towel in the Desert, so we can help the people, the children, to be happy
again. In honor of my home, my brother, and my mom, I am donating. Thanks to all 4 legged
animals for donating! Maxc & Baby Boy
Baby Boy
Cardriner jumped at the opportunity to be a part of The Well where she could engage in an
”altruistic activity that was intended to promote good or improve human quality of life”. As
she puts it, “If I can do something to be a change agent for anyone, I want to be!” Very active
in her community at Sun City Palm Desert and serving as the Women’s Fellowship Leader of
Friendship Church, Cardriner also has been a part of the Muses and Patroness Circle of the
McCallum Theatre and has served as a former treasurer of Democratic Women of the Desert.
Growing up in North Carolina, she states that it was there that she prepared herself educationally so she could leave that state and its racism. She even served eleven days in jail after
once being arrested for trying to integrate a theatre. If she could have three famous people
from any time period to dinner, she’d love to entertain President Barack Obama, Congressman John Lewis and Maya Angelou and adds that her local hero is Congressman Raul Ruiz.
Travel is one of this hard-working Board member’s passions and says Manzanilla, Mexico is
the best spot she’s ever vacationed. Her goal for The Well is to see it continue to expand, to
help people needing assistance and to speak out and advocate for the poor and homeless.
“These people need to know that The Well is here for them with a helping hand and soft
shoulder,” she stresses.
MARY McANDREW, Director Mary is a fairly recent desert transplant and Well Board
member and adds that her favorite thing about living here is being part of a creative and
giving community. Creativity is right down Mary’s alley as she once worked in business in
strategy and process improvement and was educated in fashion design and merchandizing in
Canada. She states that being born and raised in Toronto made a difference in her life, due
to being part of both a progressive family and country. At home in Rancho Mirage, Mary
and her partner Julie are extremely active at Mission Hills Country Club, leading the highly
popular Rainbow Club and Mary serving as a member of the club’s membership committee.
A well-known local that Mary most admires is Well President Arlene Rosenthal for her years
of giving and her commitment to people in need. As for her local hero, that would have to be
her partner Julie for engaging with Sanctuary Palm Springs and their new endeavor to serve
as a safe haven for LGBT youth. Favorites for Mary include jewelry design, sewing, drawing
(She’s very talented.), dog mama, swimming and travel. And that favorite travel destination?
She exclaims, “I love London!”
The best advice, this creative desert resident has been given? “When times are overwhelming,
just stay in the moment. Just deal with what is right here, right now and not with what you
imagine might happen.”
STEED McCOTTER, Director A two-year veteran of The Well’s Board, Steed serves as Patient
Experience Manager at Desert Regional Medical Center and brings a wealth of experience in
his “desire to help others achieve some security and comfort”. With a BA in philosophy from
University of NC Chapel Hill, Steed was born in Virginia and raised in North Carolina. “It
was the South that taught me to see everyone as members of a community and the importance
of extravagant hospitality,” he reminisces. Favorites for this busy man who serves on boards
at AIDS Project Los Angeles and Transgender Community Coalition include Star Wars—
Episodes 4, 5, 6, & 7 (Definitely a major fan.), along with Amsterdam and Paris as his best
places to vacation. Frazier and The Roosevelts by Ken Burns rank as his top-rated TV shows.
One of his favorite hobbies is reading Eastern theology and states his local hero is reverend
Kevin Johnson at Bloom in the Desert. A well-known person he definitely admires is President Barak Obama. In terms of having three famous people to dinner, Steed would be true
to his love for Eastern philosophy and choose Mother Theresa, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami
Vivekananda. His favorite thing about living in the greater Palm Springs area is the “full, rich
gay experience and the small-town experience all rolled into one”.
Steed emphasizes that his vision for The Well in the future includes seeing it transition from
a somewhat grassroots organization into a highly organized cause with the accent on being
extremely effective in carrying out its mission.
June 2016
The Well in the Desert News
Page 11
• Daily hot nutritious meals to over 135 people per day, 6
days a week. Sack lunches also available daily.
• Phone and mail service.
• Morning coffee, rolls and fruit.
• Furniture for people in need.
• Clothing for job interviews and those who need them.
• Assistance with food stamps, MISP, ID’s and more.
• Utility assistance.
• Free notary service.
• Resume writing assistance.
• One way tickets home.
• Saturday food distribution of healthy foods to working
families, seniors, veterans and the disabled.
• Emergency food boxes.
Board of Directors
Arlene Rosenthal
Darci Daniels
Vice President
Dennis Jory
Cardriner Bowden
Damir Donlagic
Christy Holstege
Mary Mcandrews
Steed McCotter
• Some transportation to medical and social service appointments.
Leo Milmet
• Van transportation to hot lunch sites.
Matt Naylor
• Home deliveries to seniors who are homebound or frail.
Jessica Spry
• “Well Assist” Program to downtown merchants and other
business owners.
• Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations for all in need.
Christmas presents for all the children.
• A family-friendly environment where all can feel welcome, cared about and respected.
75% of our clients are the working poor, seniors and
children. 25% are homeless.
$2.50 underwrites a hot meal. $2.50 helps fill a box
of food. $5.00 buys a Christmas toy for a child who
would be without. $60.00 fills our vans that transport
people and our food. 90% of all your donations go
toward client services. We are fueled by the goodwill
and caring of volunteers and staff who donate the
majority of their time.
We thank you for any help you can give.
Checks can be sent to
Well in the Desert
P.O. Box 5312
Palm Springs, CA, 92263.
For more information: (760) 327-8577
501(c)(3) #33-0694580
Joan Wolff
Advisory Board
Lloyd Brushett, Jim Fox, Stuart Lynn,
Chalie Paglia Joseph A. Roman, Esq., Dr. Greg Wagoner
Wayne R. McKinny, M.D.
Founder & President Emeritus
The Well in the Desert provides daily nutritious hot meals, emergency food assistance, weekly supplemental food distribution, and access to community services
to those affected by poverty, including the working poor, the homeless, seniors,
the handicapped and others in need throughout the west end of the Coachella Valley. Our mission fuels programs for poverty prevention, direct services for poverty
intervention, and organized efforts to advocate for the poor.
P.O. Box 5312 • Palm Springs, CA 92263