ARTICLE IN PRESS Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Ocean Engineering journal homepage: Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard A.W. Niedoroda a,, D.T. Resio b, G.R. Toro c, D. Divoky d, H.S. Das e, C.W. Reed a a URS Corporation, 1625 Summit Lake Drive, Suite 200, Tallahassee, FL 32317, USA US Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC-CHL, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39180, USA Risk Engineering Inc. – William Lettis and Associates, 3 Farmers Row, Acton, MA 01720, USA d Watershed Concepts – AECOM Water, 2835 Brandywine Road, Suite 102, Atlanta, GA 30341, USA e Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Jackson State University, 1440 J. R. Lynch St., Jackson, MS 39217, USA b c a r t i c l e in fo abstract Article history: Received 25 November 2008 Accepted 26 August 2009 Following the extreme flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) commissioned a study to update the Mississippi coastal flood hazard maps. The project included development and application of new methods incorporating the most recent advances in numerical modeling of storms and coastal hydrodynamics, analysis of the storm climatology, and flood hazard evaluation. This paper discusses the methods that were used and how they were applied to the coast of the State of Mississippi. & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Hurricane storm surge Coastal flood hazard Surge modeling 1. Introduction In 2004, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) initiated a program to update the flood insurance rate maps for the State of Mississippi. Soon after, Hurricane Katrina devastated the State and refocused the study in several ways. Both Katrina and Hurricane Rita contributed important new data regarding the local climatology; high quality observations of flood elevations were obtained throughout the region, and major erosion changes were experienced on the coastal islands. Owing to the widespread property destruction, there was an urgent need to establish accurate new maps expeditiously to assist the recovery efforts. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita also galvanized related efforts for coastal Louisiana. FEMA assigned the task of restudying the Mississippi coastal areas to a team led by the URS Corporation, and directed it to work closely with related efforts of the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) already underway in the region. The project teams worked closely together sharing data and methodology. knowledge of the local climatology combined with numerical hydrodynamic models capable of accurately simulating hurricane storm surges throughout the coastal zone. A variety of simulation approaches have been used in coastal flood studies; for this work, a newly developed and highly efficient version of the Joint Probability Method (JPM) was used. In addition to a hydrodynamic model of the region, the approach requires an understanding of the regional storm climatology in order to define the characteristic storms to be modeled. This is a challenging task owing to infrequent and sporadic occurrence of large hurricanes and to the localized nature of their peak surge effects. 2.2. Project components The study consisted of seven major steps, as follows: Characterization of the local hurricane climatology from the historical record. 2. Approach 2.1. Basis of analysis The paucity of gage data and the spatial variability of coastal storm surge defeat attempts to base flood statistics on a straightforward analysis of historical flood measurements. Accordingly, it is necessary to perform simulation studies using Selection of a simulation set of synthetic storms and their rates of occurrence. Development of a detailed hydrodynamic model faithfully representing the region. Numerical simulation of the wind and pressure fields of the synthetic storms and the resulting storm surges. Estimation of the additional flood contributions associated with wind waves and astronomic tide. Determination of elevation–frequency curves at a dense network of points throughout the region. Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1850 402 6349; fax: + 1850 402 6489. E-mail address: [email protected] (A.W. Niedoroda). Mapping of the coastal flood zones according to FEMA standards. 0029-8018/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 2.3. Data sources The major sources of storm data were: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlantic basin hurricane database (HURricane DATabase or HURDAT), NOAA Technical Report NWS 38, Hurricane Climatology for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States (Ho et al., 1987), NOAA Technical Memo NWS TPC-4 (Blake et al., 2006), NOAA Technical Memo NWS TPC-1 (Hebert et al., 1996), and the National Hurricane Center Tropical Cyclone reports for individual storms. Other sources included: NOAA and US Air Force hurricane hunter aircraft measurements, NHRD HWind analyses, NOAA buoy and C-MAN stations, composite NWS radar imagery, Doppler radar PBL flow velocity estimates, NOAA GOES visual, infrared, and water vapor imagery, NCEP model wind fields, QUIKSCAT scatterometer winds, and TOPEX altimeter winds and waves. Additional information was obtained for Hurricanes Camille and Betsy. This included the USACE Mobile District Hurricane Camille Report (May 1970), the reports by Hamilton and Steere (1969) and Oceanweather Inc. (2007), and the papers by Goudeau and Conner (1968), Frank (1970), and Simpson et al. (1979). 2.4. The suite of numerical models A number of models were required to simulate the governing mechanisms. A Planetary Boundary Layer Model (PBL Model TC-96) was employed to simulate the translating wind and pressure fields of hurricanes. This model is described in Thompson and Cardone (1996). Its input meteorological parameters include the hurricane’s track, forward speed, radius of maximum wind, barometric pressure distribution from the hurricane center to the periphery, and the ambient pressure system through which the hurricane is moving. The Wave Action Model (WAM-Uniwave 3G) with a 10 km grid size was used for deep-water waves. Extensive validation studies have been previously performed for this model using measurements from notable historic storms including Audrey, 1957; Bertha, 1957; Carla, 1961; Camille, 1969; Edith, 1971; Frederic, 1979; Danny, 1985; Juan, 1985 (Reece and Cardone, 1982); Lili, 2002 (Cardone et al., 2004); and Ivan, 2004 (Leverette et al., 2005). The SWAN model (ver. 40.51) described in Rogers et al. (2002) was implemented with 72 directional bins and 26 frequency bins. An offshore grid with 2.5 km grid spacing provided an interface between the WAM grid and nine overlapping detailed nearshore grids with 160 m grid elements extending from Alabama to Louisiana. This model was forced by the PBL Model winds and included outer boundary wave conditions from the WAM model and the offshore SWAN model. The ADCIRC hydrodynamic model (ver46.52.03) described in Westerink and Luettich (1991) was used for simulations of the storm surges. The model domain extended from an inland limit at approximately the 9 m elevation contour, across the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea to an open boundary in the midAtlantic. The grid had 900,450 nodes with elements ranging in size between 80 m in areas of significant variation in the topography and 2 km in the offshore areas near the coast, and with a maximum size of about 45 km in the distant Atlantic. The model is forced by the PBL wind and pressure fields. The model input parameters are described in the ADCIRC Web site (http:// For this grid, the model required between 7 and 17 wall clock hours on a large parallel CPU cluster to simulate an individual storm. The PBL model was extensively tested and verified through comparisons with recent storms including Hurricane Katrina (2005). The WAM and SWAN models, used in combination, were tested and verified against buoy observations taken offshore of Mississippi during Hurricanes Georges (1998) and Katrina (2005). More discussion of these models and the methods used to include wave setup in the modeling can be found in Niedoroda et al. (2008). The whole model framework including the ADCIRC hydrodynamic model used in conjunction with these hurricane and waves models was verified against measured coastal high water marks taken after Hurricanes Betsy (1965) and Camille (1969). The agreement between measurements and modeled maximum surge heights was deemed acceptable. However, to account for uncertainty arising from the differences between real and modeled hurricane wind fields and the uncertainty introduced by the lack of skill of the overall modeling approach, additional error terms were added to the representation of the JPM integral, as described later in this paper (see discussion of the random terms e3 and e4 in the Statistical Analysis Section). Appropriate alternative methods and assumptions were developed and tested using the NOAA Sea, Lake, and Overland Surge from Hurricanes (SLOSH) Model as a highly efficient diagnostic tool (requiring only about two minutes per simulation, vs. many hours with the primary ADCIRC model). SLOSH includes both hurricane and storm surge simulations, adequately capturing the major features of the surge; it does not, however, include the additional effects of storm waves. NOAA provided a model grid that is centered on Bay St. Louis including the coastal land areas that are subject to storm surge flooding. This model was not used in the detailed analyses. Instead, it was used for relative comparisons to efficiently explore the sensitivity to changes in synthetic storm selections and sufficiency of the selected set of simulations. 3. Hurricane climatology 3.1. Storm parameters In the JPM approach, storms are characterized parametrically, with the likelihood of a particular storm (a particular combination of the parameters) being defined by the observed statistics of those parameters. To keep the dimensionality of the climatological model and of the JPM analysis from becoming too large, three classes of parameters were defined. The first and the most important parameter class included the central pressure deficit, storm radius, track azimuth, forward speed, and landfall position. These five fundamental parameters were treated by systematic variation over representative ranges of values. The second class consisted of Holland’s B parameter for which a defined pattern of variation suggested by north-central Gulf of Mexico observations was imposed; for storms with radii exceeding 10 nm B is typically seen to vary from about 1.0 to about 1.3 as the storm traverses the final 90 miles before landfall (Resio, 2007). The third class of storm parameters includes secondary factors contributing to the surge, or to the variability of the surge, that are not explicitly accounted for in the modeling. These include random departures of real storms from the idealized PBL behavior; random surge variations not captured by the hydrodynamic model; and the random contribution of astronomic tide. A series of sensitivity tests were run using the SLOSH model to assess the variation of computed surge levels versus variations in the five major storm parameters. A set of 147 diagnostic points were distributed along the coast, in coastal valleys and lowlands, and across uplands, representing all major topographic features. These tests showed that central pressure deficit, proximity to the landfall point, and storm radius dominated the surge response, with track azimuth and forward speed having less significance. Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3.2. Period of record Based on considerations of data quality, the period of record was taken to be the 67 year span from 1940 through 2006. The HURDAT database includes some information back to 1851. Very few of the older observations apply to offshore conditions; the older pressures may be unreliable; and storm radius is entirely absent. Aircraft reconnaissance of hurricanes began during World War II and permitted systematic observations of storms throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Since the initiation of those hurricane hunter flights, the quality of storm data has continued to improve as satellites, ocean data buoys, Doppler radar, and other measurement systems have been introduced. 3.3. Simplified project shoreline A version of the simplified shoreline used in NWS 38 was adopted as a reference for track characterization. This is a smoothed curve ignoring many of the unimportant details of the actual shoreline, the most significant departure being the truncation of the Mississippi River birdfoot delta. By eliminating this low-lying wetland feature (small compared to the size of the storms), ambiguity in characterizing the landfall point is avoided; the simplified project shoreline is shown in Fig. 1. 3.4. Storm sample Because hurricanes, especially powerful ones, are rare events with widely varying behaviors, it is difficult to characterize the local population from the local sample. One wishes to accept data from as wide an area as possible in order to enlarge the sample and thereby minimize sample error. On the other hand, the characteristics of the underlying storm population are known to vary over space, so that data taken from a wider area may fail to accurately represent conditions at the site. Balancing these opposing factors is a critical task in determining the storm sample. 30°40° 3 The Mississippi Coastal Flood Hazard Project adopted a method originally introduced by Chouinard and Liu (1997), (also see Chouinard, 1992) to determine the local storm rate (storms/km/ year) and the pressure deficit distribution. Input data were taken from a regional zone centered at a Mississippi coastal reference point (CREF in Fig. 1). The sample included storms making landfall between 85 and 95 W during the period from 1940 and 2006, totaling 33 events in all. The Chouinard method assigns a weight to each storm according to its distance from the CREF using a Gaussian kernel function, and determines the optimal kernel width (see Toro, 2008 for a full discussion). The kernel half-width determined for storm rate and central pressure determinations was 200 km; for track azimuth, the kernel half-width was 301. The overall analysis was divided into two parts in order to obtain a preliminary estimate of the 1% annual chance flood levels needed for urgent planning purposes. The stronger storms, with pressure deficits exceeding 48 mb, were simulated first, while weaker storms with pressure deficits between 31 and 48 mb were considered in a second group; in what follows, these are referred to as the greater and lesser storm sets, respectively. Of the 33 storms in the sample, 15 were in the greater storm set, which was expected to dominate surge at the 1% annual chance level and above. 3.5. Storm rate The storm rate for the greater storms was found to be 2.88E-4 storms per kilometer per year; the rate for the lesser storms was determined to be 2.57E-4 storms per kilometer per year. These can be added to obtain a total rate of 5.45E-4 storms/km/year for all storms in the region having a central pressure deficit of 31 mb or more. 3.6. Track azimuth The analysis showed that the storm path heading at landfall could be well-described by a beta distribution for the greater storms, and by a normal distribution for the lesser storms. The mean path was directed about 10 and 121 west of north, for the greater and the lesser storms, respectively. These distributions are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. NWSS8 3.7. Central pressure deficit CREF 30°20° The Chouinard method was also used to determine the probability distribution of the central pressure deficit, based on data from the sources identified earlier. Some inconsistencies in the central pressures reported by various data sources were resolved through a detailed storm-by-storm review. The Chouinard analysis showed that the distribution of pressure deficit could be satisfactorily represented by a two-parameter Weibull Distribution. The distributions for greater and lesser families are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. 30° 29°40° 3.8. Pressure scale radius 29°20° 29° -89°40° -89°20° -89° -88°40° Fig. 1. The simplified project shoreline. -88°20° Either the radius to maximum winds (Rmax) or the pressure scale radius (Rp) can be used to represent hurricane size.; the parameter Rp is used in this paper. It is the input to the PBL model that controls the dimensional scaling of the radial pressure distribution. For typical hurricane sizes, most wind models yield nearly identical values for the two radii, and many authors do not distinguish between them. There is considerable uncertainty about the degree to which storm size (the radius to maximum winds or the pressure scale Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] Fig. 5. Probability distribution of DP for lesser storms. Fig. 2. Directional rates and beta distribution of storm heading for the greater storms (DP 448 mb). landfall in the north-central Gulf of Mexico showed no apparent relationship between these parameters. However, a larger sample of (Rp, DP) pairs for these storms over the entire Gulf of Mexico does indicate that the pressure scale radius is inversely correlated with the pressure deficit, in accordance with common supposition and physical arguments. The trend suggested by the larger Gulfwide sample was used to define the conditional distribution of storm radius for the greater storms, given the pressure deficit; the relationship is illustrated with Fig. 6. However, this relationship tends to over predict the pressure radius when extended to the lesser storms. Consequently, a second representation of the relationship between the radius and the pressure deficit was developed using data from 1950 to 2006 (Fig. 7). This provided agreement with the trend adopted for the greater storms (which control 1% or 100 year conditions), and provides more realistic radii for the lesser storms. The conditional distributions of Rp|DP were represented as lognormal functions. 3.9. Forward speed Fig. 3. Directional rates and normal distribution of storm heading for the lesser storms (31 mbo DPr 48 mb). The forward speed of the storms at the time of landfall was determined from their recorded positions in the 6 hour intervals bracketing shoreline crossing. The data for both the greater and the lesser storms were well approximated by lognormal distributions. The distributions are illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9. 3.10. Storm tracks A series of sensitivity tests were carried out with the full PBLWAM-SWAN-ADCIRC model suite to investigate the distance from shore over which the surge develops. As a result of these tests, it was concluded that the surge simulations should commence 312 days before landfall (in addition to a 3 day model spin-up time needed to establish antecedent conditions such as freshwater inflow). Because wave setup was to be resolved explicitly in the hydrodynamic simulation of each storm (rather than being treated as a separate add-on) the PBL-WAM modeling involved whole Gulf simulations. Three families of curved tracks similar to those developed for the Corps IPET and LaCPR studies were used; the rationale for those is given in Resio (2007). Fig. 4. Probability distribution of DP for greater storms. The empirical distribution was derived from the data, using weights determined with the kernel function. The 16th and the 84th percentiles indicate the uncertainty in the CCCDF. radius) and central pressure deficit are correlated. The data are very sparse, and relationships may be confounded by secondary factors. A review of data for the greater storms at the time of 3.2. Landfall As expected, the storm surge is usually greatest in the vicinity of the greatest winds, and occurs about one storm radius to the right of the landfall point; the surge height usually diminishes rapidly to either side of that point. Consequently, the model Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 5 Fig. 6. Data and regression for Rp vs. DP for greater storms using all Gulf of Mexico data. (Different symbols are used for data obtained North or South of 29.51 latitude in an effort to detect trends associated with proximity to land (which corresponds approximately to 30.31 latitude for Mississippi)). Fig. 8. Distribution of forward velocity Vf at landfall for the greater storms. The histogram indicates the observed values and the smooth curve indicates the lognormal model fit. Fig. 7. Data and regression for Rp (offshore) vs. DP (coast) for lesser and greater storms using all Gulf of Mexico data. The whole Gulf percentile curves obtained earlier for the greater storms (Fig. 6) are also shown. simulations need to include a large number of synthetic storm tracks to properly represent conditions across the entire length of the Mississippi coast. A separate sensitivity study was conducted using the SLOSH model to establish the optimum spacing between these synthetic storms, balancing the need to obtain accurate results and to minimize the number of very lengthy hydrodynamic simulations. This sensitivity analysis showed that the perpendicular spacing of tracks should be approximately equal to the radius to maximum winds. It also showed that the track layout for a given radius should extend at least one storm radius to the east of Mississippi, and three to the west, and confirmed the desirability of randomly shifting the track pattern for each radius. Fig. 9. Distribution of forward velocity Vf at landfall for the lesser storms. The histogram indicates the observed values and the smooth curve indicates the lognormal model fit. The patterns of tracks for the greater and the lesser storms are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. Note that the sharp curves at the bottom of these tracks are an artifact of the plotting software. Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] where l is the mean annual rate of storms of interest for that site, fX ðxÞ is the joint probability density function of the defining storm parameters, and P½ZðxÞ 4 Z is the conditional probability that a storm with the specific characteristics x will generate a flood elevation in excess of Z (a Heaviside function in the absence of any uncertainties). Although the right-hand side of Eq. (1) is a rate with units of l, for small values it is a good numerical approximation of the probability on the left. In practice, this multiple integral is approximated by a summation over a discrete set of storm–parameter values, as in P½Zmaxð1 yrÞ 4 Z n X li P½Zðx i Þ 4 Z ð2Þ i¼1 where each term in the summation corresponds to one combination of storm parameters (i.e., one synthetic storm with annual rate li). In its most direct form of implementation, the JPM requires a very great number of such simulations to accurately integrate over the multi-dimensional parameter space. Each parameter must be represented by several values, and the number of parameter combinations to be simulated quickly becomes unwieldy. In order to reduce the computational burden while maintaining accuracy, a method of optimally sampling (OS) the parameter space was developed, and is discussed next. This JPM– OS approach involves selecting combinations of storm parameters and their weights in such a way as to minimize the number of simulations needed to obtain a given accuracy. It has been found possible to reduce the conventional JPM effort by about an order of magnitude. Fig. 10. Synthetic storm tracks of the greater storms. 4.2. Development of the JPM–OS method for the Mississippi FEMA project Fig. 11. Synthetic storm tracks of the lesser storms. 4. Method for statistical analysis 4.1. Choice of method The adopted approach was based on the JPM method, which has been widely used in coastal flood studies by NOAA (Myers, 1975; Ho and Myers, 1975), FEMA, and others for many years. Other approaches were considered, including Monte Carlo (MC) methods and the Empirical Simulation Technique (EST: Borgman et al., 1992; Scheffner et al., 1993). Monte Carlo methods are generally inefficient for determination of extremes, and so were not pursued. An EST approach was initially considered, but JPM was chosen after coordination with both the Corps and FEMA, and after it was determined that a JPM implementation could be optimized so as to match EST in computational efficiency, while preserving JPM’s advantages in statistical stability. In the JPM approach, the conditional probability that a storm with parameters x will generate a flood elevation exceeding Z at a particular point can be expressed as Z Z P½Zmaxð1 yrÞ 4 Z ¼ l ::: fX ðxÞP½ZðxÞ 4 Zdx x ð1Þ The approach followed by the URS team used a Gaussian process Bayesian quadrature scheme based on the work of Minka (2000), combined with more traditional numerical integration methods. This approach optimizes the selection of the set of storm parameters x i i and associated weights pi (from which the rates li = lpi are computed; see Toro et al., 2010a). Because the approach makes a number of assumptions regarding the correlation structure of Z(:) and because it requires some inputs based on expert judgment (i.e., the correlation distances associated with various storm parameters), a number of candidate JPM–OS combinations (differing in the numbers of synthetic storms and in the values for the correlation distances) were defined and tested against ‘‘reference’’ results that could be considered exact. The Reference Case was developed for the greater storms and consisted of an extended JPM analysis involving 2967 storm simulations; these were performed using the SLOSH model as a diagnostic tool. The results for the 100 and 500 year surge levels at 147 coastal and inland stations were compared for similar SLOSH simulations using the several candidate JPM–OS storm sets. Candidate Set 6 (designated as JPM-OS 6) was found to closely replicate the Reference Case while requiring only 156 storm simulations, and was chosen for simulation using the full suite of the detailed models. The storm parameters for the JPM–OS 6 simulation set of the greater storms are given in Table 1. Subsequent simulations of the lesser storms were based on the parameters shown in Table 2. Each of the greater and the lesser synthetic storms was replicated on a number of parallel tracks, as described earlier, so that a spatially smooth response estimate would be achieved. Figs. 10 and 11 show these tracks near landfall for the greater (152) and the lesser storms (76), respectively (slight adjustments of track positions reduced the greater set from 156 to 152 storms). Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 7 Table 1 Parameters of the JPM–OS-6 scheme for the greater storms. Reference storm ID DP (mb; coast) Rp (nmi; offshore) Vf (m/s) h (degrees) Probability Annual rate (for each track) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 66.69 57.17 49.72 57.17 57.17 92.95 78.59 78.59 78.59 78.59 70.02 78.59 128.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 94.47 103.7 18.61 39.82 22.93 10.83 20.77 14.7 30.8 16.56 8.904 16.56 17.98 16.56 11.66 25.3 13.6 7.313 13.6 14.53 13.6 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 5.943 6.014 4.349 6.014 14.54 5.943 4.346 5.943 6.014 4.349 6.014 14.54 5.943 4.346 38.91 13.49 38.92 13.49 56.66 12.81 12.82 47.33 12.82 12.86 12.82 71.04 12.81 12.82 47.33 12.82 12.86 12.82 71.04 1.33E-01 1.20E-01 1.33E-01 1.20E-01 1.08E-01 3.42E-02 5.34E-02 4.20E-02 5.34E-02 3.49E-02 3.42E-02 4.20E-02 1.06E-02 1.65E-02 1.30E-02 1.65E-02 1.08E-02 1.06E-02 1.30E-02 1.32E-03 2.55E-03 1.63E-03 6.94E-04 1.19E-03 2.68E-04 8.77E-04 3.71E-04 2.54E-04 3.08E-04 3.28E-04 3.71E-04 6.58E-05 2.23E-04 9.44E-05 6.44E-05 7.83E-05 8.20E-05 9.43E-05 Table 2 Parameters of JPM–OS scheme for the lesser storms. Reference storm ID DP (mb; coast) Rp (nmi; offshore) Vf (m/s) h (degrees) Probability Annual rate (for each track) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 46.38 37.75 44.28 40.71 31.78 32.11 34.67 47.53 42.09 34.67 44.28 37.75 37.04 41.59 53.63 21.64 12.72 44.24 17.19 24.32 16.94 27.82 24.31 21.64 53.63 29.79 5.42 3.00 3.40 4.93 4.88 6.10 6.94 4.38 3.71 2.46 10.50 7.89 6.64 8.758 23.55 63.87 9.324 11.27 31.22 71.07 31.63 59.19 5.25 13.83 45.75 46.64 4.74E-02 2.93E-02 7.61E-02 1.76E-01 3.92E-02 9.30E-02 8.75E-02 6.26E-02 9.49E-02 8.75E-02 7.62E-02 2.93E-02 1.01E-01 9.37E-04 7.47E-04 7.83E-04 1.06E-03 8.25E-04 7.60E-04 1.01E-03 5.04E-04 1.25E-03 1.01E-03 7.83E-04 7.46E-04 1.44E-03 4.3. Inclusion of the secondary terms As noted earlier, certain secondary factors were accounted for using an approximate method. These factors included the astronomic tide, which occurs with random phasing and amplitude but which is small in the Mississippi vicinity, and other random factors associated with secondary complexities of storms and surge response. The relationship given in Eq. (2) can be expanded to include these factors by inclusion of the term e: P½Zmaxð1 yrÞ 4 Z n X li P½Zðxi Þ þ e 4 Z ð3Þ i¼1 In this project, the random term e included four components, all considered Gaussian with zero means. number of points for Hurricanes Katrina, Betsy and Camille; its standard deviation was found to be 0.23 m. e4—represents variations in the surge due to a wide range of departures in the real behavior of hurricane wind and pressure fields that are not represented by the PBL model. This was evaluated by comparing the results of surge modeling done using hand-crafted ‘best winds’ with the findings for the same storms as represented using the PBL model. A standard deviation of 0.36 m was found. These four components of e are taken to be independent, and so can be combined into a single term having a standard deviation given (with obvious notation) by qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ se ¼ s2e1 þ s2e2 þ s2e3 þ s2e4 e1—represents the astronomical tide level as a random function of time. It was estimated from a two-month Biloxi tide prediction, and was characterized by a standard deviation of 0.2 m. e2—represents variations in the surge response caused by random variations of the Holland B parameter that are not represented in the adopted pattern of variation. This term was estimated as described by Resio (2007), and is represented by a standard deviation of 0.15 times the local surge elevation. e3—represents random errors in the computed surge caused by lack of skill of the numerical modeling. This was evaluated by comparing values of computed and measured surge at a large 5. Hurricane surge simulations 5.1. Storm simulation work flow Each of the 228 synthetic storms was simulated with the model suite consisting of the PBL storm model, the WAM model for waves in the deep Gulf, the SWAN model for nearshore waves, and the ADCIRC hydrodynamic model for the computation of the storm surge. Since each of these models was set up and operated Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS 8 A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] Fig. 12. Histogram generated for a single geographic point based on surges and event probabilities. on an independent grid, various interpolations were needed to convert the output from one model to input for the next. In order to account for the effects of wave radiation stress (responsible for wave setup) in the ADCIRC surge computation, a two-step procedure was adopted. First, ADCIRC simulations without wave effects were run using a grid of reduced resolution and coverage in order to obtain first-order estimates of the water elevations needed for wave simulations (since wave behavior is sensitive to depth). Using these first-order water level estimates, the wave models (driven by the PBL determinations of the time histories of the wind and pressure fields for each storm) were exercised to determine wave generation and behavior, and the resulting variation of the radiation stresses; the deep Gulf simulations obtained with WAM were used to define boundary conditions for the higher resolution nearshore SWAN grids, Then, in the second step of the surge calculation, the SWAN estimates of the radiation stresses were imposed during new ADCIRC simulations performed on the high-resolution surge grid. Fig. 13. Example of redistribution of the accumulated rate within single bin to account for secondary random processes. 6. Hurricane surge frequencies The calculation of still water elevations for given return intervals was made at each of nearly 7000 output points covering the Mississippi coastal flood plain. At each point, the ADCIRC model simulations provided 228 peak surge heights, each with an associated rate of occurrence. The 228 results at each point were processed to determine the surge elevations associated with the recurrence intervals of interest (the 10, 2, 1, and 0.2% annual chance elevations). At each site, a histogram of accumulated storm rate was constructed, consisting of 600 2-cm-wide elevation bins spanning the surge range from 0 to 12 m (well-above the highest anticipated 0.2% surge). These histograms are approximations of the surge height density distributions, similar to the example shown in Fig. 12. The effect of the secondary Gaussian term e was then accounted for by redistributing the contents of these bins in a Gaussian pattern over the neighboring bins; the width of the Gaussian redistribution was determined by the standard deviation associated with the bin (different from bin to bin since the standard deviation of the B-related term was taken to be proportional to the surge elevation). An example of this redistribution is shown in Fig. 13 for the contents of a single bin. The result after redistribution of all bins is illustrated in Fig. 14. Because a Gaussian distribution has infinite tails, any small probability mass lost by dispersal beyond the range of the histogram was allocated to the end bins. The modified histogram was then summed from the highest bin down to the lowest, resulting in an estimate of the cumulative Fig. 14. Histogram following the application of the Gaussian redistribution (blue line). surge distribution, as illustrated in Fig. 15. The surge height for any return period can be interpolated from this curve. For example, the 100 year surge elevation corresponds to a cumulative rate of 0.01 occurrences per year, and is estimated to be about 4.5 m for the case illustrated in the figure. The same procedure yields the 10, 50, and 500 year levels, corresponding to cumulative rates of 0.10, 0.02, and 0.002 occurrences per year. As a final step, the 2%, 1%, and 0.2% annual chance surge levels were compared to the corresponding results obtained by the Corps (using different methods) during its concurrent Please cite this article as: Niedoroda, A.W., et al., Analysis of the coastal Mississippi storm surge hazard. Ocean Engineering (2009), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.08.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS A.W. Niedoroda et al. / Ocean Engineering ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 9 References Fig. 15. Annual exceedance rate and determination of the 100 year surge. MsCIP project. The studies compared acceptably well and were combined so as to produce a single best estimate for the Mississippi coast. It is worth noting that the Corps’ work in Louisiana and Mississippi was done with a substantially different approach to the optimal sampling of parameters within the JPM scheme. The Corps approach was based on construction of a higher-dimensional response surface relating surge to storm parameters, rather than use of a quadrature scheme of the sort used here. The response surface method requires about the same number of storm simulations as used with the quadrature scheme. The two methods have been carefully compared and found to give surge estimates of comparable accuracy when evaluated against a reference standard (see Toro et al., 2010b). The fact that these two independent approaches succeed in producing nearly identical surge estimates, serves to validate both. 7. Wave heights and flood zone mapping An additional flood hazard is associated with the waves that ride atop the still water elevation determined above. This additional wave crest elevation was determined using FEMA’s WHAFIS 4.0 program, following the procedures outlined in FEMA’s Guidelines and Specifications (FEMA, 2003, 2007). Acknowledgments The authors express their appreciation for the extensive discussions and technical exchanges with other members of the URS/FEMA and USACE teams, particularly the late Leon Borgman, Vince Cardone, Robert Dean, Donald Slinn, Todd Walton, Joannes Westerink, John Atkinson, Lyle Zevenbergen, Andrew Cox, David Levinson, Stephen Baig, Ty Wamsley, Jane Smith, Norm Scheffner, Peter Vickery, and Lynda Charles. The URS project team included not only staff from its Tallahassee FL and Gaithersburg MD offices, but also, as subcontractors, Watershed Concepts (AECOM Water), Dewberry, Risk Engineering, Oceanweather Inc (OWI), and Ayres Associates. 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