1924 – 2012 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE 9 Decades of Sandlot Ball Celebrating Our 88th Season Official 2012 Season By-Laws Edited and Amended on 2/13/2012 1924 - 2012 0 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE Table of Contents Page Constitution Article 1, Name.……………………………………………………….. Article 2, Purpose…………….………………………………………… Article 3, Members’ Qualifications and Admission…….……………… Article 4, Officers and Directors…………..…………………………… Article 5, Amendments….……………………………………………… 2 3 3 4 4 By-Laws Article 1, Duties of Officers and Directors…………………………...… 5 Article 2, Compensation of the Association Officers…………………... 8 Article 3, Eligibility of Ball Players…..………………………………… 8 Article 4, Governing Games………………………………………….…13 Article 5, Playoffs……………………………………………………… 16 Article 6, Fines and Penalties………………………………………..… 18 Article 7, Miscellaneous……………………………………………….. 19 Appendix……………………………………………………………………… 21 Phone List for Officers and Directors…………………………………. 23 Phone List for Media………………………………………………….. 24 Umpire Compensation Request Form…………………………………. 26 Umpire Responsibilities & Expectations……………………………… 27 Player Contract Form…………………………………………………... 28 Team Roster……………………………………………………………. 29 Index…………………………………………………………………………..30-31 1 ARTICLE II PURPOSE The purpose of the Association shall be to: A. Advance amateur baseball in the Shenandoah Valley. Therefore, monetary compensation to players, coaches or managers is strictly forbidden. B. Unite in one local organization those individuals and organizations that are interested in amateur baseball in the boundary area set up by the Rockingham County League Directors. C. Set rules and guidelines for the members of the Association in order to foster a closer relationship among said members. D. Act as central agency in clearing information relating to the Association, and to help ensure success of each franchise member. E. Formulate standards of conduct for each member. F. Formulate a schedule of games to be played by member teams of the Association. ARTICLE III MEMBERS’ QUALIFICATIONS AND ADMISSION Section 1: Any individual or organization engaged, or interested, in amateur baseball in Rockingham County and adopted border areas are eligible for membership in the Association. Section 2: Any organization may become a member of the Association upon approval by the Board of Directors. Such approval is based upon an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the Board Directors. Section 3: Any organization approved by the Board of Directors for admission into the Association must pay a one-time, one hundred dollar ($100.00) franchise fee. The franchise fee is deposited into a Certificate of Deposit in the Rockingham County Baseball League Treasury. This franchise fee is to be given to the Treasurer of the Association within six (6) weeks following the first meeting of the Association for that year. 3 ARTICLE IV OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Section 1: The officers of this Association shall be: Commissioner Vice-Commissioner Secretary Treasurer All of whom shall be engaged, or interested, in amateur baseball in the Rockingham County Baseball League. Section 2: The Board of Directors shall consist of one representative from each member team, or alternate, within the League to form the Association. These duly selected representatives shall be entitled to one (1) vote each on any matter which comes before the Board of Directors, and the Commissioner shall be entitled to vote only in the case of a tie-breaker. Section 3: The Board of Directors of the Association shall hold its initial season opening meeting on the 2nd Sunday or Monday of January of each calendar year. Section 4: The League representatives shall elect the officers of the Association at the initial season opening meeting as the first order of business in the new season. These officers shall serve a term of one year in the Association. ARTICLE V AMENDMENTS The Constitution and By-Laws of the Association are to be agreed upon by all Board of Directors and a vote will be taken to adopt said Constitution and By-Laws for the upcoming season at the first League meeting prior to the start of the new season. No amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws will be allowed during the course of the season. Proposed amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws of the Association shall be submitted in writing to the Commissioner of the Association at either the last League meeting of the year or the first League meeting of the following year. The Commissioner shall send a copy of the proposed amendment to each director, along with the notice of a meeting for the purpose of voting on said proposal. The said meeting to be the next scheduled League meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those Directors present is necessary for approval of proposed amendments and By-Laws. A quorum for the purpose of amending the Constitution or By-Laws shall be simple majority of the voting Directors. 4 BY-LAWS OF THE LEAGUE ARTICLE I DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Section 1: Section 2: Commissioner A. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to preside at all meetings of the Association, including Board of Directors meetings, and to enforce all laws relating to the administration of the Association. All rulings by the Commissioner shall be adhered to unless overruled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be called if the ruling is contested. Meeting to be held within 48 hours if possible. B. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to hand down decisions on all protests within three (3) days of the protested game. C. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to impose a mandatory twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fine on all members of the Association not sending a Director or alternate to a meeting of the Association, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Commissioner or Secretary. Vice Commissioner A. In the event of the absence of the Commissioner, the Vice-Commissioner shall assume full duties of the Commissioner during the course of an Association meeting. B. If both the Commissioner and Vice-Commissioner are absent from an Association meeting, the Directors will choose one of the team representatives to preside over the meeting. 5 Section 3: Section 4: Secretary A. All resolutions and proceedings whether of the Association or have the Board of Directors meetings, shall be entered in the proper books by the Secretary. B. The Secretary shall assist the Commissioner in conducting all correspondence relating to the Association, issue all notices of meetings, and perform all duties pertaining to the office of Secretary. C. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a register of the members of this Association. D. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an eligibility list of all players and to file all player contracts. Contracts shall be considered received on date that same is presented to the Secretary, or if mailed, the date the postmark of the mailing. The Secretary shall notify each member team by e-mail account once a week of roster changes from the start of the season to the closing deadline of June 30th in mid-season. Treasurer A. The Association Treasury should be maintained by both the Commissioner and Treasurer and maintained in a board approved financial institution. The franchise monies of each ball club are in a Certificate of Deposit under both the Treasurer and Commissioner. The Rainy Day Fund will be kept in a separate account. Association officials should maintain this type of banking for the coming years. B. All money payable to the Association is to be paid by check and all monies should go through the Treasurer of the Association, and also be endorsed by the Treasurer. C. The Treasurer shall report at each meeting of the Association the condition of the Treasury, Rainy Day Fund and Certificate of Deposit. 6 D. Section 5: The location of the annual All-Star Game shall be rotated amongst the member teams as follows: Elkton, Broadway, Stuarts Draft, New Market, Bridgewater, Clover Hill, and Montezuma. If a team declines their turn to host the All-Star Game, then the next team in order shall have the opportunity to host the game. Board of Directors A. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to determine the eligibility of all players, subject to the provisions of these By-Laws, and their decision thereon shall be final, from which there will be no appeal. If there is a dispute pertaining to player eligibility, each of the teams involved shall state their case to the Board of Directors. There shall then be a closed vote on the issue(s), from which all teams involved in the dispute must abstain. B. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to take the initiative in determining the policies of the Association. They shall also be responsible for the relations of the Association with other leagues in the region. C. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to take charge, control, and manage all property belonging to the Association and to control all monies spent for league operations. D. The Board of Directors shall act as the following Committees: 1. The Program Committee shall make all plans and arrangements for each ten-year anniversary All-Star Game to be played during the course of a given season. If possible, said game shall be close to the July 4th date. 2. The Membership Committee shall receive all applications for membership, pass on such applications, and make recommendations to the Association. 3. The Ways and Means Committee shall make plans and arrangements for monetary assistance for members of the Association. 4. The Schedule Committee, made up of Team Directors, can be of any number, and include the head umpire, and shall set up the season schedule and to be approved by all team representatives. 5. An Executive Committee consisting of the Commissioner of the Association as Chairman, Vice-Commissioner, Secretary, Treasurer and chairs of the Program and Membership Committees, shall have the duty of supervising the finances of the Association and auditing all bills prior to the payment of said bills. 7 ARTICLE II COMPENSATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Section 1: The Commissioner and Treasurer shall keep a detailed report of expenses made through the course of a given season. At the season’s end they shall file said expenses with the League and be compensated for it. ARTICLE III ELIGIBILITY OF BALL PLAYERS Section 1: Each member team of the Association shall be allowed a roster of twenty-six (26) players, including the manager of the member team, which shall be filed with the Secretary of the Association two (2) full days before the regularly scheduled games. High school and college players ending their school seasons are eligible twenty-four hours (24) after completion of their respective high school and college seasons. Section 2: Any changes to a member team’s roster shall be filed in writing with the Commissioner or Secretary of the Association. Said player shall be eligible to play with the member team two (2) days following the receipt of the player’s contract by the Secretary. Finishing high school or college for the season is considered one day (1), once the player’s contract has been received by the Secretary. Section 3: Rosters close at midnight on June 30th. Any player on the roster may play in the playoffs if he has appeared in three (3) official games during the regular season. (Forfeit games count as official games for those persons present at said game). The three game appearance rule is waived for all managers, as well as players called to active military duty during the season, in order to be eligible to play in the play-offs. Section 4: High school and life-time resident college players within League boundary area who are playing on the baseball team at their respective school are not eligible to play in the League until their respective season is done, including play-offs. They must then wait twenty-four hours (24) or one (1) full day before playing in the League. 8 Section 5: High school and life-time local resident college players within League boundary area who are not playing baseball for their respective schools are eligible to play within the League after having a written statement either from the Coach or Principal to the Secretary of the League to that effect. Section 6: Each team shall be allowed three unrestricted free agents under contract. Once signed to contract, a free agent can be replaced on the roster by another free agent ONLY if the original free agent suffered a season ending injury. The Commissioner shall make the final decision on the interpretation of "season ending injury." No roster changes can be made after the June 30, deadline.( A “free agent” is defined as being a player not playing in any other organized baseball league and not eligible to play in the RCBL under other designations in the by-laws.) A. The roster deadline of June 30 applies to free agents with the following exception. Free agents may be replaced prior to the deadline providing there are no more than three (3) free agents on the roster at any one time. B. Any Collegiate League ball player the previous year, who wishes not to continue Collegiate League ball the following year and wants to enter our League, must wait one day after the official Collegiate League season opener unless he is a Senior and is not eligible for Collegiate League ball. He then can start in the Rockingham County Baseball League season opener. C. Any Collegiate League ball player who is still eligible to play Collegiate League ball, but wants to manage in the County League, can do so but is not eligible to be a playermanager until the opening of the Collegiate League season. D. A local resident ball player playing in the Rockingham County League in past years, who moves out of the boundary area, keeps his eligibility to play in future years. However, once said player has moved out of the boundary area and does not play for two consecutive years, he must re-establish his local residency in order to be eligible to play. Section 7: Release and Reinstatement in Association A. Any member team, including an expansion team, is allowed to sign only three (3) players from any one-member team within the Association during a given season. Said players are required to obtain their release through the waiver procedure as noted in Section 7 (E). However, if additional players from one member team obtain their releases, and no other member teams claim them through the waiver procedure, then said players may sign with a team who has already signed three players from the same team. 9 B. A player may at any time during the season obtain his release from a member team of this Association for the purpose of advancement into higher-class ball. That player is eligible for reinstatement with his former team and eligible to finish with same if he meets the following conditions: 1. He properly follows the release requirements including the return of any uniform, if so required, to the member team for which he previously played. 2. The proper release form and the standard player contract are received by the Commissioner or Secretary of the Association on, or before, midnight on June 30th. 3. He must return to the same team that he played for previously. If he decides otherwise and wants to play with another team, he must be waived by the teams according to the previous year’s standings before participating with the team he wishes to play for. 4. He may return to his previous team; however, his team is not exempt from the requirements of Article III, Section 6. C. All ball players are contracted to the team of the Association and not to the managers who oversee the operation of said teams. D. During the course of a given season any decision regarding the release of any player is the sole discretion of the manager. At the conclusion of the season all contracts belong to the member team. If a change of managers occurs during the course of a given season, all contracts are taken over by the new manager until the end of the season. E. If a ball player is trying to get waived through the League, the manager or acting manager of each team has the option to waive him or claim him. If he is waived, said player can play for the team he chooses. If a player cannot obtain his release from the manager of his team, or is released and is claimed by a team through the waiver process, then the team claiming the player must place the player on their roster for the remainder of the season. A season ending injury to said player shall be the only exemption to maintaining the player on the roster for the remainder of the season. If claimed, the ball player has three (3) options: 1. Continue to play for original team. 2. Play for the team he is being claimed by. 3. Sit out the season and become a free agent the following season. 10 F. A ball player finishing a season with one team who then decides to join another team within the Association the following season, must obtain a proper release from that team he last played for and go through the waiver procedure according to past season’s standings and use the three (3) options available under Section 7 (E). G. Any player who lies about obtaining his release in order to play for another team shall receive a one (1) year suspension from the League. H. A ball player finishing a season with one team who then the following season decides to manage another team within the Association must obtain a proper release from that team he last played for; however, he is not required to go through the waiver procedure. I. The Commissioner will decide any dispute regarding the release of a ball player within the Association. J. A player that does not participate in any League games for a full season will be declared a free agent in the League, even if said player’s contract has been turned in during the previous season. K. All players are responsible for any equipment given to them by the member team of the Association. If not returned, said player is liable for the cost of said equipment at present market cost. Said player is ineligible to play for any other team within the League until debt is settled. L. An expansion team that is accepted into the League shall assume the bottom position according to the previous year’s standings for the purpose of waiver procedures. Said team has first right to claim any free agent. M. Managers have 48 hours to answer a player’s request for his release. If after 48 hours the player has not received an answer, he may request in writing a release from the Commissioner. The Commissioner will attempt to contact the manager involved to resolve the issue. If there is no response from the manager within 24 hours, the player shall be declared released. N. Managers have 48 hours to either claim or pass any player attempting to pass through waivers. After 48 hours the player is automatically waived by the team. 11 Section 8: Section 9: Dates of Eligibility A. Players who participated in this Association, or who were non-participants in a baseball league for the previous year, are eligible to begin playing with their member team at the beginning of the regular season. B. Players who participated in Collegiate baseball leagues during the previous year and maintain eligibility to play in such leagues shall be eligible to play with a member team in the first game following the playing of the first regularly scheduled game in the Collegiate League. C. A player who has participated in a league other than this Association, and who is designated as manager of a member of this Association, can participate in that role from the beginning of the season. However, his actual playing eligibility will be governed by paragraph B, above. Suspension A. If a player is ejected from a game, he shall serve a one-game suspension effective the next scheduled game. If a player is ejected from a game by an umpire for the second (2nd) time during the course of the season, he is automatically suspended for the next three (3) games, which are played by his team, even it that should include play-off games. If a player is ejected for the third (3rd) time during the course of the season, he is suspended for the remainder of the season, including play-off games. B. Any manager, including a player-manager, or coach who is not an active player will be fined twenty-five dollars ($25) if ejected from two (2) games during the course of the season. Said fine is to be paid to the League before said person is entitled to any further participation. Additional ejections will carry a one game suspension in addition to a progressive ten dollar ($10) fine, i.e., thirty-five dollars ($35) for the third ejection, forty-five dollars ($45) for the fourth ejection, etc. C. Any player, manager, or coach who makes any contact that is threatening to, or perceived threatening by, an umpire or threatens to physically harm an umpire will be ineligible for future participation for the remainder of the season. Should such an incident occur after June 30th, the individual will not only be ineligible for the remainder of the season, but an additional penalty for the following season will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The penalty for the following season shall be determined during the final League meeting for the current season. 12 D. Any person suspended for any period of time shall not participate in any manner, including warm-ups and games, and may not be in the dugout. If said person participates in any manner said game will be forfeited. Section 10: All League Players shall be advised at contract signing they must make themselves available for the All-Star game if selected. A player who is selected to participate in the annual All-Star Game is expected to report, and be prepared to play in said game. Each player must sign in as present for all-star game. If the player is not present and cannot show sufficient reason to the Commissioner for his absence, his failure to participate will automatically suspend him from the next game played by his team. Section 11: All players are required to sign the standard player’s contract in order to be eligible to play with the member team of the Association filing said contract. Section 12: Any player signing a standard player’s contract with two (2) different member teams of this Association for a given season, and having both said contracts received by the Secretary of the Association, shall be ineligible for participation in the Association for that season. ARTICLE IV GOVERNING GAMES Section 1: The official rules of Major League Baseball shall govern all play for the Association unless an exception is otherwise noted within the By-Laws. Section 2: Two (2) visits to the pitcher’s mound by the manager, or acting manager, during the course of an inning will automatically cause a pitching change. It shall be within the umpire’s discretion as to what constitutes a visit to the mound by a manager. The umpire should advise the manager following his first trip to the pitching mound. A visit to the pitching mound by a manager, with prior permission from the umpire, because of the physical condition of the pitcher will not constitute an official visit to the mound. Any team with a player-manager must appoint an acting manager at the pregame umpires meeting. Section 3: The official ball to be used by the Association shall be adopted by the Board of Directors each year. The ball adopted for a season shall be listed in the minutes of an official meeting of that season. Section 4: The official bat to be used by the Association shall be either wood or solid wood composite, which meets minor league standards. Section 5: The League shall abide by the American League’s designated hitter rule. Section 6: Umpires for the game must be in proper attire at game time. Violators of this rule will be subject to a five-dollar ($5) fine by the League and additional penalties, as the Umpires Association deems appropriate. Umpires used for League play are required to call both the plate and bases. Section 7: 13 Section 8: Ground Rules A. The umpire, or umpires, and the manager of the home team shall agree upon ground rules. B. A ball field that has more than one ball team using same as a home field must have standard ground rules for all teams. C. Home teams are required to have mound and home plate tarps. Section 9: The foul lines and the first base running line shall be properly marked as outlined in Diagram 1 and 2 of the Official Baseball rules. Section 10: Playing Times A. All games shall begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. with the visiting team taking the field at 6:40 p.m., if present. The home team shall take the field promptly at 7:10 p.m. and the field shall be clear for the umpires and grounds keeper at 7:25 p.m. No inning shall start later than 10:30 p.m., unless there is a tie. Sunday games may begin at 2:30 p.m. The home team with agreement of the visiting team will decide the specific time for the game and must decide and declare the game time as part of the pre-season scheduling process. In the case of a 2:30 p.m., Sunday start time; the visiting team shall take the field 50 minutes prior to game time, if present. The home team shall take the field promptly 20 minutes prior to game time and the field shall be clear for the umpires and grounds keeper 5 minutes prior to game time B. The time lost from the official starting time of a game, due to the tardiness of umpires, will be made up at the end of the game if necessary. Time will also be made up in ballparks in which the sun delays the start of a given game. The time lost during a game due to rain interruptions, or lighting failure before or during a game, will not be added to the time limit of the game. C. Time lost from the game due to a minor injury to a game participant shall not have any effect on the curfew. However, if a serious injury occurs (i.e., a player requires medical attention) and play of the game is halted, the time lost is not counted against the curfew. D. The delay of the start of a game due to rain must not exceed one (1) hour or the game is to be postponed. The game shall be rescheduled per Section 12. 14 Section 11: E. The delay of the start of the game due to weather conditions shall be based upon Major League rules. A 30-minute minimum is required unless deemed unnecessary by both team managers and umpires. F. A ten-run (10) “slaughter rule” shall be in effect for all regular season games, after the losing team has completed their at bat in the seventh inning. The “slaughter rule” is not in effect during the play-offs. All protests shall be submitted in writing within 48 hours of completion of the disputed game. The protest must state the reason and rule involved in said protest. One copy of the protest is to be submitted to the Secretary and one copy of the protest is to be submitted to the Commissioner. Ten dollars ($10) must be attached to all protests sent to the Secretary of the Association. If the protest is denied, the team forfeits the ten dollars ($10) and it is placed into the Association Treasury. On the Monday following the submission of the protest a meeting of the Commissioner of the Association, representatives of the two (2) teams involved, and the umpire involved in the decision, which led to the protest. Then, within seventy-two hours (72) the Commissioner shall notify the managers of the two (2) teams, and the umpire involved, of his decision. The Commissioner’s decision on the protest shall be final and there shall be no appeal of his decision. All protests are subject to the following: The manager of a team protesting a call by an umpire, which he feels is contrary to the Official Rules of Major League Baseball, must bring the rule in question to the Commissioner of the Association. The Commissioner of the Association will not recognize any protest brought before him unless there was an attempt by the manager involved to bring the particular rule to the umpire’s attention and an attempt to settle the issue on the playing field in accordance with the protest procedures stated in the Official Major League Rules. Section 12: In any dispute which occurs on the playing field, the player involved and his manager may confer with the umpires. If players other than these two get involved in the dispute, the umpire may voluntarily halt the dispute. If the other players refuse to leave the area, after advance warning, the umpire may eject those players who were unnecessarily involved in the dispute. Section 13: If a scheduled game is rained out, the home team manager shall reschedule the game for the next open date of his team at his home park, within a seven (7) day period, provided that the visiting team also has that date open, and the scheduling of the game on that date does not conflict with any By-Laws. The make-up game must be played within fourteen (14) days. The home team must notify the League of the rescheduled game date within the seven-day period. Failure to reschedule within seven days or play within fourteen days will result in the home team forfeiting the game and the home team will be responsible for all umpire fees. All make-up games must be played by the last regular season playing date. 15 Section 14: In the event of a rainout, umpires are to be notified one (1) hour or more prior to game time by the home team manager. If the umpires arrive at the home field and the game is rained out and notification had not been given, they shall received one-half (1/2) game fee compensation. If said game is started and is rained out before it is an official game, the umpires will receive one-half (1/2) pay for the unofficial game. In the event of an official game that is ended by rain, umpires will receive full pay. Section 15: All teams must complete their regular season schedule prior to the start of the play-offs. Any team failing to complete their schedule will forfeit their franchise money to the Association and be fined fifty dollars ($50). Section 16: The Board of Directors of the Association will be the sole judge in deciding the penalty imposed upon a member team that does not complete their play-off games and concedes that play-off to their opponent. ARTICLE V PLAY-OFFS Section 1: The official schedule to be used by the Association shall be adopted by the Board of Directors from year to year. The play-off schedule, adopted for a season, shall be listed in the minutes of an official meeting prior to that season. The play-off series shall be subject to the following rules: A. If there is a tie for the pennant, a special one (1) game play-off will determine the top seed for the play-offs. If there is a tie for positions 2 thru 8, the next deciding factor for seeding is head-to-head. If still tied, it goes to the head-to-head against the No. 1 seed in the standings. If still tied it comes down the standing list headto-head to the next highest seed in the standings. B. All play-off games will be based on the final regular season standings. The seven (7) teams in the League will compete on consecutive nights in the best 2 out of 3 quarterfinals, 2 vs. 7, 3 vs. 6, 4 vs. 5, and 1 has a “bye.” Higher seeds will have home field advantage. C. Semi-Finals: The highest seeded team (No. 1) remaining from the quarterfinals opens at home vs. the 4th highest seeded team. The following day, the 2nd highest seeded team opens at home vs. the 3rd highest seeded team. Each of the Semi-Finals series will be played on two consecutive playing dates followed by an open date until a winner is determined. D. If at any time during the Semi-Finals a game is rained out, the rained out game is to be played the next day allowable by weather and field availability. If after one off day, a field is not available for any reason other than weather, the game will be moved to the other team’s park but the original host team shall be the “Home” team. 16 Section 2: E. Finals: The winners of the Semi-Finals play each other with the home team being determined by the final standings of the regular season. The Finals winner will be the team that wins the best four (4) out of seven (7) games. If the Finals go to a seventh game, the proceeds from the gate only will go to the League, to be divided amongst the member teams after expenses have been paid. During the Finals there will be two (2) consecutive playing dates and one open date. Since Sunday is not a scheduled date to play, it is considered an open date unless agreed to and changed by both managers. Rained out games fall under the open date category. F. The curfew and “slaughter” rules shall be waived for all playoff games. Trophies The following trophies will be given during the course of the season: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pennant Winner Trophy Series Winner Trophy Series Runner-Up Trophy Most Valuable Player Plaque Pitcher of the Year Plaque Rookie of the Year Plaque Manager of the Year Plaque Championship Series MVP Plaque The selection of the Most Valuable Player and Pitcher, Rookie of the Year, and Manager of the Year is conducted by email and the Director of each member team selects his choice (based on scoring and voting procedure determined by the Commissioner) and returns the selections to the Vice-Commissioner and copied to the Commissioner. Each member team must exchange season statistics at the playoff meeting prior to the start of the playoffs. Failure to exchange team statistics at this meeting will result in loss in voting privileges. During the final League meeting, the winners of the awards are announced. The awards shall be presented to the winners at their respective teams’ opening home game the following season. The MVP of the League Final Series shall be voted on by the two participating managers immediately following the final game in the series. The winner shall be announced during the trophy presentation immediately following the game. 17 ARTICLE VI FINES AND PENALTIES Section 1: Any player, manager, coach, or umpire in uniform who appears for play under the influence of intoxicants shall be punished by a fine of fifty dollars ($50). Individuals involved shall not be eligible to participate until the fine is paid and they have been reinstated by the Association Directors. Section 2: Any visiting member team forfeiting a game in violation of rules 4:15, 4:16, 4:17, or 4:18 of the Official Major League Rules League Rules, shall be fined the total cost of the umpires’ fee. The fine shall be taken from the forfeiting team’s franchise fee and transferred to the account of the member team to which the game is forfeited. If the forfeiting team is able to field a team by use of an ineligible player and he plays the game, the fine in violation of rule 4:17 shall not be imposed. If an umpire is called and informed of forfeit and played under forfeit, only one umpire should officiate and will receive half pay of two umpires. Section 3: Any player, manager, or coach receiving compensation for services, in any form, shall be subject to fine and suspension as directed by the Board of Directors. Section 4: If a game is protested for the reason that the opposing team is using an ineligible player, and the Commissioner upholds the protest, then the team that is using the ineligible player shall forfeit the game in question. If the ineligible player has participated in previous games, those shall also be forfeited. Section 5: When a player is ejected from a game, the umpire who removed the player shall give verbal notification to the managers of both teams as to the reason(s) for said removal. The umpire shall also file a written report to the Umpires’ Association Coordinator to the RCBL Association Commissioner regarding the incident. Section 6: Umpires have total authority to eject players, managers, and coaches from the game starting with the pre-game ground rules meeting until they leave the field after the game, in a timely fashion. If at any time an altercation occurs off the playing field between a player and an umpire, the umpire must file a report with the League. If a report is filed, the Board of Directors will decide if any disciplinary action is required. The Board’s decision shall be final. 18 Section 7: The use of an illegal bat during a League game shall result in a three (3) game suspension for the player using said bat. Adding any foreign substance besides tape, pine tar, or rosin to the handle of the bat will constitute an illegal bat. A second offense for the same player during the same season shall result in suspension for the remainder of the regular season, as well as the play-offs. Section 8: During the course of any League game a team has the right to question the legality of an opposing player’s bat. The umpires must examine the bat in question, and if they feel it may be illegal for play, the bat is to be confiscated at that moment and given to the Board of Directors for further examination. If the bat in question is found to be illegal, the penalty shall be per Article VI, Section 7. The Board of Directors shall meet at its earliest convenience. ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS Section 1: A detailed report shall be given to the Daily-News Record by the winning team as soon as possible after the completion of each game. The deadline by the Sports Editors is 11:30 pm. Contacting radio and TV stations should be done prior to 11:00 pm. Member teams can still contact media after 11:00 pm for the morning sports review. Section 2: When a game is postponed or rescheduled, the home team manager is responsible for contacting the following: Web Site Administrator Visiting Team Umpires’ Association Chief Daily-News Record Radio and TV stations Section 3: The League determines admission charges. Game admission shall be a maximum of $5 per person for all regular season games, the All-Star Game, and all play-off games. The home team has the option to charge less than $5 for regular season games. $1.00 of the admission price for play-off Semi-Finals and Finals games shall be contributed to the RCBL rainy day fund. Section 4: If the Finals Series goes seven (7) games, the total gate proceeds less game expenses will be returned to the League treasury to be divided equally amongst the Leagues member teams. 19 Section 5: The League standings should be reported to the news media by the Secretary of the League at least once a week during the course of the season. Section 6: Home teams are responsible for proceeds and expenses for all home games. Section 7: During the season, all umpires must work both behind the plate and on the bases. Section 8: The 2012 pay scale for umpires shall be $85 for the plate and $85 for the bases. By contract with the Shenandoah Valley Umpires Association, the fee will increase to $90 per umpire beginning in the 2013 season. Section 9: All Managers, Officials of the League, and umpires will receive copies of the Official RCBL By-Laws before the start of the regular season Section 10: Any player who throws equipment during any game is subject to immediate ejection from said game. Section 11: Plays at Home Plate: The College Collision rule will be used to interpret this situation. A copy of this rule is located in the Appendix. Section 12: Any inquiries by anyone outside the Board of Directors of the Association, for information concerning a player in the League, have to go directly through the Manager of the team said player plays for. No information about said player may be given at any time by officers of the Association, without the Manager’s permission. Section 13: The home team for each game shall be responsible for having both home plate and pitching mound tarps in the event of inclement weather. Section 14: All home fields must be maintained to a level that insures the safety of all League participants. If the visiting team manager and the head umpire concur that the field is in an unsafe condition, then the game shall be forfeited to the visiting team. No game shall be played on that field until the situation is resolved. The home team may be subject to additional forfeits if the situation is not resolved in a timely fashion. 20 APPENDIX 21 22 This page is blank 25 2011 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE 9 Decades of Sandlot Ball UMPIRE COMPENSATION REQUEST In the event a scheduled RCBL game is postponed / cancelled without Umpire notification by any home team or league official you are entitled to file a compensation request for for ½ of game fee. Please complete the form below and forward to either of the Head Umpire within 48 hours of game in question. Name_____________________________________________ Game Date_________________________________________ Time you left for ballpark______________________________ Time you arrived at ballpark____________________________ Mileage to and from ballpark___________________________ Comments (briefly describe any specific events regarding this request): Signature________________________________ Date_____________________ 26 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE UMPIRE RESPONSIBLITIES & EXPECTATIONS Umpire Responsibilities 1. Arrive at game site 30 minutes before game time 2. Announce to teams that we are present to allow the managers to warm up their pitchers 3. Take the field 10 minutes before game time 4. Be in uniform 5. Look and act professional 6. Hustle 7. Know the rules 8. Be approachable to team managers Game Assignments 1. Each team will be provided with a schedule of umpires that will be working games, both home and away. 2. All umpire changes will be done through the Head Umpire, so he will be aware of who has been assigned to every game Head Umpire Responsibilities The Head Umpire is hired by the Board of Directors for a period of one year. As an employee of the League Officers, the Head Umpire is subject to the By-laws of this Association, and as an employee of this Association, the Head Umpire maybe removed from his position at any point and time. All umpires working RCBL games are employees of the Association, not of the Head Umpire. The Head Umpire responsibilities include; 1. Provide the best quality umpires possible for this Association 2. Provide a list of umpires to the Board of Directors prior to the start of each season. This list shall require the approval of the Board. 3. Provide a schedule of umpire assignments for each game for the upcoming season 4. Schedule all umpires with at least one game in each home ball park during the course of each regular season (this should be done prior to the annual All-Star game to avoid conflicts during the play-offs) 5. Assure that all umpires working for this Association adhere to the American League Rule Book and the By-laws of the RCBL 6. Report to the Association in writing, all ejections that occur during the course of a given season. 7. Require any umpire that is involved in any major conflict during the course of a given season to attend Board of Directors meetings to resolve the issue. 8. Submit in writing, to be approved by the Board of Directors, any and all changes to how umpires in the Association govern games. 9. Be accessible to discuss any issue that the Board of Directors deems necessary. 10. During the course of a given season, any team may file a written request to remove certain umpires from calling their games if the situation is warranted. The team requesting the umpire removal must submit in writing to the Officers of the Association and the Head Umpire the reasons for this action. The league Officers will call a meeting with the league member team, the Head Umpire, and the umpire involved. This meeting will be presided over by the League Commissioner and conducted within 72 hours of the receiving of the written request. The Commissioner shall determine if removal of said umpire is warranted. The Commissioner’s decision is final; there shall be no appeal. 27 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE PLAYERS AGREEMENT I, ___________________________________ , do hereby agree to play with the ____________________________________ of the Rockingham County Baseball League during the season of 20_____. I agree not to play with any other team in this League during the existence of this agreement, to abide by the rules governing the League, and return all playing paraphernalia upon my release, or at the end of the playing season, or upon request to the above named team within a 72 hour period. Penalty will follow in a one (1) year suspension from the League and financial liability for said uniform. I further agree to relieve the Team, League or Association of all responsibility for injuries sustained while participating in, or as a result of participating in, any game under the jurisdiction of the Team, League or Association. SPECIAL ELIGIBILITY NOTICE -- READ BEFORE SIGNING A BALL PLAYER WHO SIGNS CONTRACTS WITH MORE THAN ONE TEAM IN THE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE WITHOUT VALID RELEASE SHALL BE INELIGIBLE FOR ANY PLAY IN THE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY LEAGUE FOR THE CURRENT SEASON. THE PLAYER WOULD BE A FREE AGENT IN SUBSEQUENT SEASONS. All players must complete the following section detailing participation in any league during the previous two years: Year_________ League Name: ______________________________ Team Name: ________________________________ Location: _________________________ Contact Name & Number: ______________________________ Year_________ League Name: ______________________________ Team Name: ________________________________ Location: ________________________ Contact Name & Number: _______________________________ THE FOLLOWING RULES AND REGULATIONS APPLY TO ALL PLAYERS IN THE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE FOR 20______. I. The Rockingham County Baseball League shall operate during the 20_______ season in accordance with the current by-laws with midnight, June 30 as the deadline for the signing of players. II. A Special Committee consisting of Elected League Officers and a Director from each ball team in the League will review any exception or emergency circumstances in connection with Article III and rule accordingly. III. Any player terminating his connection with a ball team shall not be considered a free agent until: (A) He has been absent from the League for a period of one (1) year or (B) He has obtained a release from the ball team holding his contract. IV. Any player with three (3) unexcused absences during a season shall sit out the following season. Unexcused absence will be decided by the Team Manager. Player may appeal to the League. Signed this _________ day of ______________________, 20________. Witness _____________________________________________ (Manager as witness of signature here) Signed ___________________________________________________ (Player’s signature here) Home Address_____________________________________________ NOTE: Please fill in completely and sign in ink. _____________________________________ Zip _______________ Home Telephone __________________________________________ We hereby release _______________________________________ a member of the ___________________________________________ on this ___________ day of ___________________________, 20______. 28 ________________________________________________ (Team Manager’s signature here) 1924 - 2012 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE Team Roster for (team name): ____________________________________ 1. 14. Team Manager 2. 15. 3. 16. 4. 17. 5. 18. 6. 19. 7. 20. 8. 21. 9. 22. 10. 23. 11. 24. 12. 25. 13. 26. Please list your players that fall under Article 3, Section 6 (page 7) in the By-Laws: 1. 2. 3. 29 1924 - 2012 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE Index Page All Star Game……………………………………………………………………………… 7 Amendments Procedure……………………………………………………………………. 4 Committees Program Committee……………………………………………………………….. Membership Committee…………………………………………………………… Ways and Means Committee…………………………………………………….… Schedule Committee……………………………………………………………….. Executive Committee………………………………………………………………. 7 7 7 7 7 Compensation of Officers………………………………………………………………….. 8 Duties of Commissioner……………………………………………………………………… Vice Commissioner…………….………………………………………………….. Secretary/Treasurer…….…………………………………………….……………. Board of Directors..……………………………………………………………..… 5 5 6 4,7 Fines and Penalties Forfeits……………………………………………………………………………... Illegal Bats…………………………………………………………………………. Illegal Compensation……………………………………………………………….. Ineligible Player…………………………………………………………………….. Pitcher Warning…………………………………………………………………….. Player Ejection……………………………………………………………………… Umpire Conduct…………………………………………………………………….. 18 19 18 18 18 18 18 Governing Games Completing Schedule………………………………………………………………. 15,16 Curfew…………………………………………………………………………..…. 14 Forfeits……………………………………………………………………………… 14 Protest……………………………………………………………….……………... 15 Rain Out Procedure…………………………………………………………………. 15 Slaughter Rule……………………………………………………………………… 15 Ground Rules……………………………………………………………………………… Manager 30 14 Player/Manager………………………………………………………………….… 10,11 Protest…………………………………………………………………………….. 15 Rainouts…………………………………………………………………………… 15 Players All Star Game……………………………………………………………………… Dates of Eligibility…………………………………………………………………. Eligibility…………………………………………………………………………… Free Agents………………………………………………………………………… Local Residents…………………………………………………………………….. Release and Reinstatement…………………………………………………………. 7 12 12 9,10 9,10 9,10 Playoffs…………………………………………………………………………………….. 16 Postponing a Game………………………………………………………..……………….. 17 Reporting Games…………………………………………………………………………… 17 Rosters…………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Suspension of Coach……………………………………………………………………………… Manager……………………………………………………………………………. Player………………………………………………………………………………. 12 12 12 Treasury……………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Trophies……………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Umpires Attire……………………………………………………………………………..... Conduct…………………………………………………………………………..... Ejections………………………………………………………………………….... Illegal Bats…………………………………………………………………………. Pay Scale…………………………………………………………………………... Playing Times…………………………………………………………………….... Protest……………………………………………………………………………... 13 27 12 13 20 14 15 31
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