Fact Sheet: Huntington Municipal Parking Board

Office of Communications
P.O. Box 1659
Huntington, WV 25717
Phone (304) 696-5540
Fact Sheet: Huntington Municipal Parking Board
Q: Where is the Huntington Municipal Parking Board Office and when is it open?
A: The Parking Board is located on the northwest corner of the Municipal Parking Garage at 701
3rd Ave., Huntington, WV 25701. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through
Q: Where do I obtain a parking permit for the parking garage or other city-owned lots?
A: At the Parking Board Office, or call 304-696-5909 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday
through Friday.
Q: How much does it cost per hour to park?
A: Parking is 25 cents per hour at street meters and 50 cents per hour on city lots. Parking
permits for lots may be obtained at the Parking Board Office. The cost of permits varies by lot
Q: What days and times are meters enforced?
A: Hours of enforcement are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Metered parking is free
on the weekends and on all city holidays.
Q: How much is a parking citation?
A: Meter fines are $5 if paid within seven working days. The fines increase to $30 after seven
working days. You may receive a fine every hour the meter is expired.
Q: Where do I pay parking citations?
A: Payments can be made at the Parking Board office, 701 3rd Ave., or in Room 20 at City Hall,
800 5th Ave. Payments also can be mailed to the Parking Board at P.O. Box 1777, Huntington,
WV 25718-1777.
Q: When will my car be immobilized or towed for unpaid citations?
A: Vehicles may be immobilized, or “booted,” after three unpaid citations. Towing occurs if the
vehicle owner does not make arrangements to pay citations within two working days.
Q: How much does it cost to have my vehicle released after immobilization?
A: Citizens must pay the full amount of citations owed, plus a $30 immobilization fee. If your
vehicle is immobilized, call 304-696-5909 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for the cost to release
the vehicle. The Parking Board accepts cash and most major credit cards. Checks are not
accepted for immobilizations.
Office of Communications
P.O. Box 1659
Huntington, WV 25717
Phone (304) 696-5540
Q: How can I contest a parking citation?
A: You can challenge meter tickets by contacting Parking Board Director Mike Wilson at 304696-5909. If you are still unsatisfied, you can contact the Municipal Judge’s Office and schedule
an appearance before the Municipal Court.
Q: What if I get a ticket and the meter is broken?
A: Call 304-696-5909 and report the meter. You must have the meter number from your citation.
The Parking Board will send a trained meter technician to inspect the meter the following
morning and determine the operation of the meter. You must call back the following day to
request the outcome of the technician’s report. If the meter is determined to be malfunctioning,
the citation will be voided.