Week One

Godly Manners for Bucket Filling
Parent Guide
Week One
Dear Parents,
Thank you for sharing your children with us during Lent to learn what the Bible teaches us about Bucket
Filling. It is our joy on Wednesdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm!
Each week you will receive a Parent Guide so you can encourage Bucket Filling at home. The dates are
March 12, (skip 19), 26 and April 2, 9, and perhaps one more (TBA).
Bucket Filling is a concept presented by Carol McCloud, Author of the adorable children’s book, Have
You Filled a Bucket Today?. The goal of the book is to teach children how to love one another. Many
experts in the world of psychology consider the bucket as the international symbol for compassion and
Our weekly lessons will teach this loving art of bucket filling from God’s Holy Word, boldly and clearly
from the True Source of love, our Creator. This is the One True God who first loved us so that we can
love one another as He loves us. Yes, God our Father who gave His only Son who is the true symbol for
compassion and caring.
Week One
Bible Lesson Concepts
Manners Lesson
1) What is an invisible bucket?
Luke 6:45 – Speak good things
from the good stored in your
2) Why Be a Bucket Filler?
Personalize Buckets
Record Bucket Filling actions
“warm fuzzies” on your journal sheet
over the next two weeks to fill your
buckets on March 26th.
We love each
other, because
God first loved us.
1 John 4:19