© Erin Kathryn 2014

© Erin Kathryn 2014
Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Three Branches of Government
Executive Branch
Click Here to Answer Questions #1-9!
1. Who is the leader of the Executive Branch of government?
2. Name three other parts of the Executive Branch.
1) _________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________
3. The President is seen as the leader of the ___________________________________
and is both the head of ___________________ and the Commander-in-Chief of
the US __________________________________.
4. What is one of the main powers of the President?
5. One of the jobs of the President is to enforce and implement the laws set in
place by ______________________________.
Requirements to Become President of the United States
© Erin Kathryn 2014
7. What is the main job of the Vice President?
8. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) helps to keep ____________________
9. ____________________________________ is made up of the heads of 15 different
departments. They all must be approved by the _________________________.
Legislative Branch
Click Here to Answer Questions #10-14!
10. ___________________________ is another name for the Legislative Branch.
11. What are the two parts that make up Congress?
1) _______________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________
The Senate has _____________
Each state has _________
House of Representatives
Senators are elected every
 To become a Senator a person
must be at least ___________
years old, have been a US citizen 
for at least 9 years, and must live
in the state they represent.
________ total Representatives in the
Each state has a different number of
representatives depending on their total
Representatives are elected every
___________ years.
They must be ___________ years old,
have been a US citizen for at least 7 years,
and live in the state they represent.
is the leader of the House of
The Speaker is ________________ in line
in succession to the President.
© Erin Kathryn 2014
13. For a law to be made it must go through a bunch of steps called the
14. What are some of Congress’ other powers?
Judicial Branch
Click Here to Answer Questions #15-18!
15. Who makes up the Judicial Branch?
16. The job of the courts is to __________________________________________________
__________________________________. They do not make ___________________.
17. Name the highest court in the United States: _______________________________
18. ________________________________________ nominates all the Supreme Court
members and the _______________________________ confirms them.
Checks and Balances
Click Here to Answer Questions #19-20!
19. Why was the system of checks and balances created?
20. For example, the president may ________________ a law passed by Congress.
Congress can _________________________ that veto with a vote of two-thirds of
both houses.
© Erin Kathryn 2014
Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Three Branches of Government
WebQuest – Answer Key
Executive Branch
Click Here to Answer Questions #1-9!
1. Who is the leader of the Executive Branch of government?
President of the United States
2. Name three other parts of the Executive Branch.
1) Vice President
2) Executive Office of the President
3) The Cabinet
3. The President is seen as the leader of the US government and is both the head
of state and the Commander-in-Chief of the US armed forces.
4. What is one of the main powers of the President?
One of the main powers of the President is the power to sign legislation from
Congress into law or to veto it.
5. One of the jobs of the President is to enforce and implement the laws set in
place by Congress.
Requirements to Become President of the United States
1. At least 35 years old.
2. A natural born US Citizen.
3. Live in the United States for at least 14 years.
7. What is the main job of the Vice President?
© Erin Kathryn 2014
The main job of the Vice President is to be ready to take over for the President if
something should happen to the President.
8. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) helps to keep the Executive
Branch running smoothly despite its wide range of responsibilities.
9. The Cabinet is made up of the heads of 15 different departments. They all
must be approved by the Senate.
Legislative Branch
Click Here to Answer Questions #10-14!
10. Congress is another name for the Legislative Branch.
11. What are the two parts that make up Congress?
1) Senate
2) House of Representatives
The Senate has 100 members.
Each state has two Senators.
House of Representatives
Senators are elected every 6
 To become a Senator a person
must be at least 30 years old,
have been a US citizen for at
least 9 years, and must live in the 
state they represent.
435 total Representatives in the House.
Each state has a different number of
representatives depending on their total
Representatives are elected every two
They must be 25 years old, have been a
US citizen for at least 7 years, and live in
the state they represent.
The Speaker of the House is the leader of
the House of Representative.
The Speaker is third in line in succession
to the President.
13. For a law to be made it must go through a bunch of steps called the
Legislative Process.
© Erin Kathryn 2014
14. What are some of Congress’ other powers?
Congress creates an annual budget for the government and taxes the citizens to
pay for it. Another important congressional power is the power to declare war.
The Senate has the specific job to ratify treaties with other countries. They also
confirm presidential appointments.
Congress also performs government oversight. They are supposed to make sure
that the government is spending the tax money on the right things and that the
different branches of government are doing their jobs.
Judicial Branch
Click Here to Answer Questions #15-18!
15. Who makes up the Judicial Branch?
Judges and courts make up the Judicial Branch.
16. The job of the courts is to interpret the laws of the Congress. They do not
make laws.
17. Name the highest court in the United States: The Supreme Court
18. The President nominates all the Supreme Court members and the Senate
confirms them.
Checks and Balances
Click Here to Answer Questions #19-20!
19. Why was the system of checks and balances created?
The checks and balances system was built so that no one branch of our
government could become too powerful.
20. For example, the president may veto a law passed by Congress. Congress
can override that veto with a vote of two-thirds of both houses.
© Erin Kathryn 2014
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Three Branches of Government
Internet Scavenger Hunt WebQuest Activity. I
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