Spain - Bridgewater College

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Discover the cosmopolitan city of Barce­
lona, capital of the autonomous region of
Catalonia, located on the Mediterranean.
Immerse yourself in Spanish language
and culture as you study alongside Span­
ish students at one of Europe’s most
prestigious universities.
Teach English at a local school or volun­
teer with one of many agencies or com­
munity festivals.
Barcelona Quick facts
location: northeastern coast of Spain,
about 2 hours drive from the French border
Population: 1,611,013
fun fact: On his visit in 1862, Hans Christian Andersen dubbed Barcelona the
“Paris of Spain.”
taBle of contents
Bridge the World | Why BCA Barcelona?..............................3–4
Connect to Learning | Host university, sample courses......5–6
Connect to Culture | Living in Barcelona.............................7–8
Act: What Mattered to Me| Student experiences................9–10
Bridge the
Why Bca Barcelona?
I am pleased that you are consid­
ering coming to study in Barce­
lona with the BCA Study Abroad
program. I believe this city is an
ideal place to live and to study
because of its beauty, diversity,
history and all the socio-cultural
opportunities it offers. BCA
Barcelona is integrated in the
University of Barcelona, providing
you with the possibility of carrying
on your daily student life at one of Spain’s most presti­
gious universities.
As a former student in the U.S. and Italy, my experi­
ence is that studying abroad is a unique, enriching and
often life-changing experience. After finishing my B.A.
at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, I earned
an M.A. in linguistics at the University of Iowa and went
on to study a Ph.D. in literature at the University of
Chicago. I also taught at several U.S. universities, such
as the University of Iowa, Roosevelt University, DePaul
University and the University of Chicago.
Before working for BCA, I directed the Lake Forest
College International Program in Lake Forest, Illinois,
and Madrid, Spain. Currently, my interests include dif­
ferent areas of the humanities. I have published books
and articles on Spanish poetry and narrative, and
periodically give lectures on Spanish painting and ar­
chitecture. Independent cinema and music (especially
blues and jazz) are some of my hobbies, although I am
most fond of traveling, meeting the local people and
living among them as long as possible, something that I
have had the opportunity to do in the U.S., Europe and
Muslim countries like Turkey and Jordan.
I am convinced that living and studying abroad, in
other words going beyond being a tourist and having to
“perform” in another culture, broadens people’s hori­
zons and helps them both intellectually and personally.
My staff and I would like to make you feel welcome and
help you to adjust to life in Barcelona. We really try to
give BCA students in Barcelona the degree of indepen­
dence you seek while making sure you know that we are
here when you need us. I would be glad to help you
experience Barcelona for yourself.
Esperamos verte pronto,
Dr. Carmen Barbosa-Torralbo
BCA Barcelona Resident Director
Go out and see as much of Barce­
lona as possible. It’s a beautiful city
with an incredible number of things
to do and people to meet. Barcelona is
now a second home and I wish I had
more time to spend there.
Connor Perry, Elizabethtown College
ConneCt to
suggested areas
of study
Art History
Business Administration
Spanish Language
Political Science
language reQuirement:
4 semesters of college-level Spanish
or equivalent are required.
Study at one of Europe’s most prestigious universities, the University of Barcelona.
BCA Barcelona students have the choice to enroll in BCA Courses (exclusively
for BCA students and taught by University of Barcelona professors), university
courses or a combination of both. In university classes, you will study alongside
Spanish students. This option is best for students with advanced Spanish
language skills.
University of Barcelona
The University of Barcelona is the oldest institution of higher
learning in Catalonia and one of the most prestigious in
Europe. With 100 academic departments, the University offers
75 undergraduate programs, 353 graduate programs and 96
doctorate programs. The University of Barcelona also enjoys
membership in the Coimbra Group, an association of long­
standing European universities committed to excellence in
education and research through international collaboration.
University courses are taught in Spanish and in Catalan (one
third of the classes), the two official languages of Catalonia.
In addition, BCA students receive a University of Barcelona
student ID that allows them to use all the University’s libraries
and facilities.
The professor didn’t just teach us more grammar rules,
he also elaborated on how we could use them in our every­
day lives in Spain.
Mary Biggs, Bryn Mawr College (on course Spanish Morphosyntax)
If your major is related to the fields of busi­
ness, economics, international relations,
sociology or political science, you can enroll
in University of Barcelona courses taught
in English.
View more recommended courses at
Bca signature courses
Required Pre-Semester Course
*Taught in English
Literature and Art History
118152 History of Art of the Avant Gardes: 1905–1960
361030 Spanish American Literature up to the
Modernist Movement
363654 Business Administration*
363670 Commercial Law*
363660 Fundamentals of Marketing*
361852 Economic History of Spain*
361868 Game Theory and Economic Applications*
hiS353 Principal Stages in the Formation of Europe
361555 Basis of Organic Reactions
Don Quixote
Generation of 98
Twentieth Century Spanish Literature
SPA314 Spanish Morphosyntax: Composition
SPA313 Spanish Morphosyntax: Grammar
SPA312 Pragmatics of Spanish: Oral and Written Fluency
SPA311 Pragmatics of Spanish: Grammar
PSy370 Cultural Psychology
PSy371 Political Psychology
PoL372 European Union: Institutions and Policies
PoL373 European Union: National Political Systems
364263 Gender and Identities
363655 Accounting 1*
363653 Business Economics*
Golden Age in Spanish Literature
360080 Anthropology and Feminism
Business Administration and Economics
Taught to BCA students only, students may enroll
in BCA Signature Courses taught in Spanish by
University of Barcelona associate and full-time
professors. Students may also opt for a combina­
tion of BCA and university classes.
360933 Sociology of Global Processes
361037 Spanish American Literature of the 20 th Century
Recommended BCA Courses
hiS353 Principal Stages in the Formation of Europe
360931 Conflicts and Social Problems
219175 The Bauhaus School and Its Impact
363660 Strategic Marketing*
hiS352 The Spanish Civil War
Sociology and Anthropology
361113 Contemporary Spanish Theater
SPA301 Special Topics in Spanish Grammar and Culture
hiS351 History of Spain: 19 th–20 th Centuries
samPle courses
361834 International Economic Organization*
volunteering and community service
361645 Biological Anthropology
361563 Cell Biology of Microorganisms
Learn both in and beyond the classroom! Our Barcelona staff
has established partnerships to ensure professional volunteer
and practicum experiences that complement academic study:
361573 Immunology
» terral: instruct immigrant children on a one-to-one basis or
Spanish Language
361031 Spanish Language in America
203414 Translation Techniques
118089 Byzantium and Islam in the Medieval Period
360209 Contemporary History and Film
Political Science
362515 Political Science
362519 Social Structure
363707 European Integration*
in small groups
» Bank of time: exchange time and abilities with others ac­
cording to your own interests and talents; involves people
from different countries and social realities
» tot Raval: help coordinate events, such as the Fall and
Spring multicultural fairs
» Colegio Gornal: assist in the education and societal integra­
tion of women by helping to teach computer classes
Watching an FC Barcelona soccer match at the legendary Camp nou Stadium is one event you won’t want to miss.
Photo Credit: “F C B” by Börkur Sigurbjörnsson.
License: CC BY 2.0 (; Source:
ConneCt to
Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is set on the Mediterranean coast within
easy reach of the Costa Brava and the Pyrenees Mountains. One of the most
exciting and interesting cities in Europe, it offers a mix of ancient and modern
traditions. The city’s renowned architecture ranges from 13th-Century Gothic
cathedrals to the modernist neighborhood of l’Eixample, the work of Gaudi and
others. Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí and Joan Miró made their homes in Barce­
lona and local museums pay homage to each.
City Life
BCA Barcelona students benefit from countless cultural options, including opera, symphonies, dozens of museums and
festivals throughout the year. BCA provides information on exhibitions, concerts, theaters and other local activities available
to students. The University of Barcelona also hosts concerts,
conferences and student gatherings that BCA students are
encouraged to attend.
Housing, Meals and Transportation
Host Families: we place one student per family to optimize
language and cultural learning. Students often say living with
their family was a very meaningful part of the program. The
location of the housing varies, with some families located near
the campus and others a bit farther away.
Meals: all three daily meals are provided by your host family.
Alternatively, according to the your schedule, families will
provide you with a packed lunch to eat on campus.
Local Transportation: subway (TMB), bus system.
Sports Facilities
BCA students have discount access to the university’s sports
facilities, including gyms, athletic tracks, tennis courts, fitness
rooms, open-air arenas, a swimming pool and soccer and
rugby fields. Students may also join any of the numerous gyms
in the city that offer a wide range of facilities for reasonable fees.
Do not worry so much about
the language aspect. Everyone
is so patient while you are trying to learn. It is not as hard
as you may think and starts to
come naturally.
Carly Shelton, Elizabethtown College
Included in the program fee, educational
excursions offer an exciting way to examine im­
portant global issues affecting the local people
and environment. Destinations may change and
vary by semester, but can include:
» A multi-day history and art excursion at
the beginning of the semester
» Visits to relevant political or historical
sites of the city including the History Museum
of the City of Barcelona, and the Catalan
Administration Palace
» other excursions: the medieval town of Besalu,
Dalí’s museum and native town, Cistercian
monasteries in Tarragona, Picasso’s museum
in the land of his first cubist painting, the
monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes and the city
of Girona
What Mattered to Me
student experiences in Barcelona
don’t be afraid to go explore the city and culture on
your own because not only
does that help you adapt to
the new environment, but it
helps your language, social, and learning skills.
luis Velasquez, Southern Methodist university
it’s probably the only
time in your life when
you get to explore one
of the most beautiful,
magical cities in the
entire world.
Katy Fetters, Soka university of America
i recommend students forget everything they think that
they know about Barcelona and
immerse themselves within
the culture. Only by putting
yourself in the shoes of the
people living in Barcelona
will you truly understand the
beauty of the city.
Heath Watanabe, Soka university of America
i got better at conversational Spanish. i was
speaking all of the time
so it was awesome to observe it evolve and take
on a Spain-Spanish flair.
Colby Sherbafi, Elizabethtown College
go out of your way to get to know your host family.
introduce yourself to strangers in your classes. Walk
around a lot, and get to know the city you’re in.
i completed a practicum
teaching english at an
elementary school. it was
my first real experience
teaching and i learned quite
a bit, including teaching
techniques and how to keep
the students interested and
engaged. it was a great experience.
Mary Biggs, Bryn Mawr College
Katherine Marcoux, Bryn Mawr College
rooted in the values of peace and justice, BCA Study
Abroad promotes international understanding, awareness
of global citizenship and academic scholarship through
educational exchange.
our mission
BCA Study Abroad Programs 2014–2015
Austria: Vienna
india: Chennai
Quick facts
Belgium: Brussels
ireland: Maynooth
China: Dalian
Mexico: Xalapa
Ecuador: Quito
Morocco: Tetouan
England: Cheltenham
New Zealand: Dunedin
Application Deadlines
» Fall Semester: May 10
» Spring Semester: November 1
Germany: Marburg
Palestine: Ramallah
Greece: Athens
Spain: Barcelona, Valladolid
Language of Instruction: Spanish. Four semesters of
college-level Spanish (or equivalent) are required.
BCA’s Comprehensive Fee Covers
» Tuition
» Housing
» Meals or meal stipend
» Excursions
» On-site staff
» Seminars and guest lectures
Dates of Study
» Fall Semester: early September – mid-December
» Spring Semester: mid-January – mid-May/mid-June
Host University: University of Barcelona
Housing: host families
A. 50 Alpha Drive · Elizabethtown, PA · 17022
P. 717-361-6600 or Toll Free (U.S.): 1-866-222-6188
E. [email protected]
University services
Academic advising
Orientation program
Language Training (where applicable)
Academic transcript
On-Call International Travel Assistance