CELS Outre ach Center Le arning from na tur e – Le sson pla nning aid K-5 Class room A id #: LS1 (14) - 1 Rev is ed: 1 1/29/06 Tea chers Guide for: Bird bea ks and fee t - clues to how they live a nd what they ea t! Bi rds have d evel oped va riou s b eak and fee t ad aptations to hel p th em to l ive in thei r o wn un iqu e e nviro nmen ts. TY PE O F BIR D B EAK ADAPTATION FOOT ADAPT AT IO N Duck, Swan A w ide flat beak is us eful for fi lt eri ng food out of w ater , s uch as plant s, s eeds and smal l aquat ic l ife. Webbed feet aid i n s wi mmi ng. Eagle, haw k, owl A s harp hooked beak is us ed for t eari ng fles h. Pow erful, cur ved claw s aid i n catchi ng and h ol di ng prey. Woodpecker A l ong, s tr ong beak is us ed to dri ll hol es i n w ood t o fi nd i nsect s. Thi s s tr ong foot has tw o toes facing for war ds and tw o toes facing b ackw ards wi th s hort cur ved claw s th at ai d in grippi ng and cl imb ing t r ees . Cardi nal , Fi nch A s hort , t hick, conical beak i s used for cracking seeds Toes curv e inw ar d to aid perchi ng on t r ee l imbs Spar row A s hort , del icate beak i s used for catchi ng ins ect s and eat ing smal l seeds . St rai ght- toed foot i s used for w alking on t he gr ound Sandpiper A l ong, s lender b eak is us ed to probe for crus taceans in s and and mud. St rai ght- toed foot i s used for w alking along t he s hor e Hum mingbi rd A v ery long, sl ender beak is us ed t o get nect ar fr om fl ower s. Toes curv e inw ar d to aid perchi ng on t r ee l imbs Heron, Egr et A s tr aight , heavy bil l is used pri mar ily for fis hing. Long legs and long t oed feet hel p t hes e bi rd s w ade thr ough w ater and tall mars h gras ses . Par rot A v ery thi ck , cur ved, coni cal b eak is us ed for cr acking s eeds and nut s. Toes curv e inw ar d to aid perchi ng on t r ee l imbs Pel ican A pouch beak is us ed t o s coop up fi sh. T he pouch then contr acts t o s queeze out the w at er . Webbed feet aid i n s wi mmi ng. Robin, B lue Jay, Or iol e A s tr aight , sl ender bi ll often i nd icates an om niv or ous b ir d or an ins ect eater . Dependi ng on t he bir d, i t may hav e ei th er a s tr aight -t oed foot for w al ki ng on t he gr ound or a per chi ng foot Grow with learning CELS Outrea ch C enter Lea rning fr om na ture – Les son pla nning aid K-5 Clas sroom Aid #: LS1(14 ) - 2 Re vised: 11/28/0 6 TEACH ERS: All o rgan isms deve lop a daptati ons that he lp them to surviv e i n their en viron ment. Can yo u gue ss wh at fo ods th ese bi rds eat by l oo ki ng at th e size an d shap e of thei r b eaks? See the n ext p age for a stu den t versi on of thi s cl assroo m a id. Mallard duck Eagle Parrots Egret Penguins Swan C ardinal Pelican Woodpecker Ostrich Owl AN SWERS: Ma lla rd du ck: vege ta ti on, seed s, fi sh / Parrots: nu ts, seed s, fruit / Swan: veg eta ti on, fi sh / Ca rdin al: se eds, frui t, in se cts / Pe lic an: fish, aqu ati c v ege tatio n / Wood pecke r: in sects, see ds / Eag le: r oden ts an d other smal l game / E gret: aqu atic vege ta ti on, fi sh / Pe ngu ins: aqu atic v egeta ti on, fi sh / Ostrich: vege ta ti on, i nsects, frui t / Owl : ro dents and sma ll gam e, i nsects Grow with learning Name:___________________________ Mallard duck Parrots Swan C ardinal Pelican Woodpecker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eagle Egret Penguins Ostrich Owl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cl as sroom A id #: LS 1(14) - 2 Rev ised: 11/ 28/06 Grow with learning
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