Microsoft Word add

Microsoft Word add-In guide
Comprehensive guide
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We offer a add-in for Microsoft Word to enable an evidence-based
capital market communication
 We extract
relevant words
from corporate
press releases
 We calculate each
word's tonality
reflecting abnormal
stock reactions on
investor updates
 We enable you to
alter the Tonality
and Readability of
your capital
with our easy-touse add-in for
Microsoft Word
Install the add-in
Prioritize improvements
Add license
Change coloring
Run an analysis
Create reports
Quick help
Hide analysis
Evaluate results
Dictionary updates
Optimize text
Uninstall / update Add-In
Install the plug-in
▪ Double click the .exe file provided by
us to start the installation
▪ Follow the installation guidelines
▪ Restart Microsoft Word after the
License details
▪ Enter the license details in the form
which opens automatically
▪ In the Microsoft Word ribbon a new
entry appears with title "TONALITY"
Tonality ribbon
Run an analysis
Analyze button
▪ Open the text you would like to work on in Microsoft
Word or simply write a new text
▪ Move to the Tonality Plug-In Ribbon on the top of the
window and click on the run analysis button
Quick help within the Add-In
Quick information
Quick help text in
the Tonality
▪ Help within the Add-In shows up, when hovering
over any button in the Tonality ribbon
▪ In the Tonality Dashboard, all statistics and figures
have a small "i" button
▪ Hoovering with the mouse over it, shows an
Quick information in
the Tonality dashboard
explanation of the respective measure
Evaluate results
Select Tonality or
▪ After running an
analysis, the Tonality
dashboard appears
on the right hand side
of the open document
▪ Switch between
Tonality and
Readability view by
clicking on the tab
▪ Higher values in
Tonality mean that your
message is perceived
more positively by
investors and are
hence good
Overall values for
Tonality and
Sentence level
Specific statistics
▪ Similarly, a high value
in Readability stands
for texts which are
better to read
Optimize text
Click on any word
in the text to
reach this view
▪ Click on any word in
the text, and on the
right you will see some
detailled statistics on
the current word and
▪ If available, choose a
suitable replacement
▪ Click on the
replacement button
or simply double click
the new word to
replace it in your
Sentence scores
Prioritize improvements
▪ Another strategy can be
sentence wise
▪ In the Tonality tab identify a
sentence with low
▪ This sentence will be
immediately highlighted
▪ Now you can work on
improving this sentence
▪ Again, you can do the
Active sentence
same for readability
Sentence with
worst Tonality
Change coloring
▪ You can choose different coloring
modes depending on your preference
▪ For example, use negative only to
focus on negative words exclusively
▪ In multi-colored mode, words with
stronger Tonality are highlighted with
a more intense coloring
Create reports
▪ PDF reports can be easily created using the "PDF report" button
▪ Use these to share your results with colleagues
▪ The "Email report" button creates a PDF which is attached to a new
email opening in your default email application
▪ Reports are always created with the currently active coloring mode
Email report
PDF Report
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Hide analysis
▪ To disable the analysis and the coloring, e.g., because working on a
different document, click on the "Hide" button
▪ The Tonality dashboard is shown again, after clicking on "Analyze"
Hide button
Click analyze to show the
dashboard again
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Update dictionary
▪ The Tonality dictionary is the database of our Add-In as it contains the
Tonality information
▪ Update the dictionary by clicking on the "Update dictionary" button
▪ Updating the dictionary is not changing the installation or the version
of the Add-In, it only replaces the current Tonality database with an
updated version
▪ To change the license details, please enter the new credentials in the
settings dialogue
Update dictionary
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Uninstall/update Add-In
Path in the control
▪ To update the Add-In, it
first needs to be
▪ Uninstallation takes
place in the Microsoft
Windows "Uninstall a
program" interface
deinstallieren" on
German systems)
▪ In the progam list,
Entry of Tonality
identify the Tonality AddIn and click on it
▪ Now, in the upper part
click on "Uninstall"
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